PEG (Dirty Tricks Book 1)

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PEG (Dirty Tricks Book 1) Page 3

by Carrie Breeze

  “Hell, it looks kind a tight.”

  Impetuously, she grabs my belt and unbuckles it. Looking around, Lonni and the others are busy starting up the line. She’ll probably yell for me any minute now. I reflexively try to pull away but she pulls me back toward her, yanking down my fly. She has me turned around and pinned against the rack. No one is seeing this but if Lonni walks by I’m history. And I need this job.

  “Don’t worry about them, honey,” Darlene says, lowering my boxers and letting my schlong flop out into the muggy warehouse air. “This is just as much a part of your job as that production line is,”

  Big Bad Stepbrother

  As soon as we got home Jason kicked the door shut with his heel, grabbed my hand, and spun me around into his arms.

  “I’ve waited too long for this moment,” his husky breath hot on my already blushing cheeks.

  “What are you going to do?” I gasped, my hands finding the steel chords running up along his lower back. With one hand behind my neck and the other clenching my amble rear, he pulled me tighter into his embrace. The heat coming off his hulking chest was hot as a furnace. I felt his stiff cock press into my plump tummy.

  I’m going to bring out the woman in you, sis,” pressing his lips onto mine, slipping his wet hot whiskey flavored tongue into my mouth. My body melted into his strong arms. His mouth opened wide as did mine, our faces twisting crosswise for deeper oral penetration. I wanted to sink my tongue deep inside him and he wanted to do the same with me. We shared the same breath, inhaling and exhaling in and out of each other as our tongues explored and caressed each other’s mouths.

  His hands found my zipper and opened the back of my dress all the way down to my ass and then peeled it off, letting it fall to the floor. I unbuttoned his shirt and he tossed it into a corner.

  “Are you sure you want to do this, sis,” our lips momentarily breaking their seal of lust.

  Got Jacked

  “Have you been bad? I mean with this friend of yours”

  “I don’t know,” smiling demurely.

  “What do you mean by that? Your smile tells me something not good. Have you had sex with him?”

  “Are you crazy? Of course not. I’m saving that for the man I love,” resting her head upon my chest.

  “I hope you’re not lying,” petting her long straight hair. “You have a long life ahead of you and I’d hate for you to ruin it in one reckless night of passion.”

  “Believe me, daddy, I know what I’m doing. I’m saving myself for the right man. Right now, I’m just glad I’m with you tonight. You saved my life”

  “I want to talk about what just happed between us back up there by the car. We were in a life or death situation. I thought I had lost you, sweetheart, and I had to do anything I could to try to bring you back. In such extreme moments a man’s passions take over his body and force him to do things that he would not ordinarily do.”

  “You mean like when you dry humped me, daddy?”

  “Well, yes, to put it bluntly, yes, when I did that. And I apologize for that, it was wrong, I am your father ….”

  “Shhh, daddy,” she looked up into my eyes and put her index finger over my lips. “You did what was needed. And, I hope you don’t mind me saying that… that I liked it. I am your little girl and it will always be that way.”

  Stepbrother Lover

  “What did you do?”

  “Took all my savings and put it on a horse. I lost,” He leans his rifle against the wall, takes off his coat, hangs it in the closet, pulls out his handgun and sets it on the dresser along with his cell phone. I’m standing at the window, in front of the mattress. He comes over, takes me in his arms and starts kissing my neck. He’s gentle but a little out of practice.

  “How much money is downstairs?” Distract him. Don’t let him go too fast.

  “So far, seventeen thousand.” He opens my torn blouse and his left hand moves inside,finds my breast and caresses it.

  “What are you going to do with it?” My body starts to relax and warm to his tender touch. I hold his lower back. He is strong, his back muscles feeling like steel cables.

  “I’ll take my share and move out of this dump, out of state. Maybe to Puerto Rico. I here life is easy down there. You can live on practically nothing. Want to come with me?” He lowers me onto the mattress. It smells of beer stains. His mouth moves to mine and we kiss long and hard. His hand moves to my thigh and caresses it. He’s taking this too far. Talk to him.

  “You have a lot of unspent passion,” breaking the kiss. “How long since you’ve had a girlfriend?”

  “Too long. Enough questions. From the moment I saw you in the bank I’ve wanted you. Come with me.” He moves back to my lips and intertwines his legs with mine. His hand unfastens my belt and moves to open my fly.


  “Come here, Sunshine. Got to show you something.” She timidly steps over to where I stand - in front of the grill. “Look at that,” pointing at the distributor.” She leans in over the engine. I inhale her essence - fresh as the morning dew. “Your distributor cap is cracked. You’re going to need a new one.” Uncomfortable with my closeness, she leans back out and steps away.

  “Well, is it safe to drive?” Biting her lower lip. God, she’s sexy. My cock is throbbing.

  “No, not really. You’re lucky you made it this far.”

  “But, I’ve got things to do,” stamping her foot. I almost come in my pants. “I’m getting married this weekend.” I’ll see to it that doesn’t happen. “My wedding dress has to be fitted and altered. And I have a rehearsal tonight, not to mention a ton of other stuff to do. Is there anything you can do to fix it?” She bats her lashes at me melting my heart.

  “Well, yeah. I could give it a try. Could put some bondo on it, might get you to the next town. Ain’t guaranteeing nothing, though. But that’s a lot of work and I’m loaded with shit to do.”

  “Can that guy out there do it?” looking out the garage door at Kevin over at the granary. Son of a bitch been spying on her the whole time. He sees her look and flashes that shit-eating grin, waving.

  “Fuck no. He’s got his own work to do. Tell you what,” turning her towards the back of the shop. “Step back here and lets discuss this.” She doesn’t object, so I lead her to a place that’s out of view from Kevin’s prying eyes. I stop her in front of a workbench that lines the back wall. It’s cluttered with tools, tractor parts and greasy rags.

  “If I’m going to do this I’ll need a little payment in advance.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t have any cash on me. All I carry is plastic,” fidgeting with her hair, tucking it behind her ear. I drink in her slender figure. What I wouldn’t give to look under her hood. “But, I can come back with the money on another day.”

  “Well, that would be nice, Sunshine,” stepping closer, tracing the graceful outline of her skinny hip with my dirty forefinger. “But around here, at the hog ranch, we trade in flesh. Know what I mean?”

  Suddenly, a mighty uproar from a hundred screaming hungry sows blasts from the barn next door. The girl nearly jumps out of here panties.

  “Easy, easy, little girl. That’s just the sound of feeding time,” leaning toward her, placing my hands on the bench beside her hips, blocking her in. “If you scream, no one will hear you.”

  “What do you want?” Her large doe eyes well up with a hint of tears, softening my heart.

  “I just want to see what you got under that sweet dress.” She doesn’t say or do anything - just stares at me in disbelief.

  “How old are you?”


  Thank God.

  “Don’t want to hurt you. Like I said, just a look. I want you to lift your dress up for me.” She lowers her face, then looks up at me through her long wet eye lashes. So seductive.

  “I’ve never let a man see me naked before, not even my fiancee.”

  “Holy fuck, you’re a virgin?”

  She nods demurely.

  by Carrie Breeze

  Copyright © 2016 Carrie Breeze


  No part of this book may be copied,

  reproduced, or downloaded to the

  internet without prior written consent

  from the author.

  The characters and events portrayed

  in this book are fictitious and come

  Strictly from the mind of the author.

  All characters portrayed are 18+

  at the time of sexual activity




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