Voyage of the Moonstone

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Voyage of the Moonstone Page 11

by Joe Dever

  Adjust your Action Chart accordingly, and then turn to 347.

  [17] If you have no normal Weapons or fewer than two Backpack Items, you may choose to substitute Special Items at your discretion.


  Hurriedly you descend from the rear deck and rush forward to where Sergeant Dryan is directing his men. The leading pirate ship has now closed to within fifty yards and you can see the grim faces of its murderous crew. Dryan's marines are busily loading the three swivel cannon which are fixed to the port gunwale. Once loaded, each marine gunner raises his hand to signal that his piece is primed to fire. Dryan is waiting for the third gunner to signal that he is ready, when suddenly there is a thunderous roar and a puff of grey smoke erupts unexpectedly from the prow of the attacking ship.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–3, turn to 335.

  If it is 4–6, turn to 27.

  If it is 7–9, turn to 190.


  ‘So much for hospitality,’ you quip sarcastically as you walk to the door. A tense silence fills the tavern, and the innkeeper and the crowd watch you go with hatred and fear burning in their eyes. You are only too glad to leave, but when you step outside into the darkening street you discover to your dismay that your horse Jhani has disappeared. Two men appear in the doorway behind you with swords in their hands. You decide it would be futile to ask them if they have seen your horse and so you walk off along the street in search of somewhere a little more friendly to stay this night.

  Turn to 295.


  You ride all night along the empty coast road and make good progress. Shortly after dawn you pass a stone signpost pointing to the south. Carved into its surface is the following message written in ancient Vassagonian script: ‘Bir Rabalou — 160 miles’.

  Beyond this sign the coast road ascends into an expanse of arid hill country which is populated by herds of wild goats. To the east you occasionally glimpse the ocean beyond the barren hills, while to the west you can see a range of distant mountains, their snowy peaks glistening stark-white beneath the fierce desert sun. Shortly before noon you happen upon the town of Kilij which lies in a narrow pass between two steep hillsides. Oriah and the marines are tired and sore after the long night's ride and they urge you to stop here so that they might eat and rest awhile. Together you ride into the town's busy market square and dismount at a stone water trough where you allow your horses to drink their fill. Around you the mood of the townspeople is friendly as they barter and trade their wares. A young boy offers to look after your horses while you visit the market. Initially you are suspicious of his motives until your Sixth Sense confirms that he is an honest lad, and one worthy of your trust. Oriah gives him a Gold Crown and his face beams with joy — he'll be able to eat well this week!

  The marines want to explore the market's bazaar in the hope of finding some blankets and rope with which they can improvise saddles and reins for the horses. Oriah is intrigued by the sheer number of people who fill Kilij's market square and she wants to find out what has drawn such a large crowd to this remote town. You too are curious and you agree to accompany her. After arranging to meet the marines at the horse trough in one hour's time, you follow Oriah as she pushes her way through the teeming crowd. When finally you reach the centre of the marketplace you are confronted by an unexpected and shocking sight.

  Turn to 31.


  You use the elemental power of your Discipline to whip up the damp earth and bombard the creature with a shower of rock and soil. She shrieks as the sharp shards of granite cut her face and paws, and for a few moments she falters. But she does not abandon her attack. Quickly you raise your weapon in readiness to defend yourself as she presses home her assault.

  Turn to 300.


  You make a hurried departure from Khor and pitch camp for the night on a beach three miles south of the town. Before you settle down to sleep, you and your companions try to determine how far away you are from Bisutan. With the aid of your map and your knowledge of the stars, you proclaim confidently that the city is only two days' ride away.

  The next day you set off before dawn and you make good progress on the coast road. At sunset you set up camp in a grove of lemon trees, where you enjoy the fruits of this orchard with your evening meal of freshly caught sea bass. You sleep well this night, but early the following morning you wake up to an unwelcome surprise.

  Turn to 323.


  As you pull open the tent flap you see that Temujun's young assistant is standing immediately outside. He peers around you and sees his master lying unconscious among his pillows.

  ‘A thousand apologies, sire,’ he says, nervously wringing his hands. ‘My master is an old man and he gets tired. Please, do not be offended. He often falls asleep during a consultation. Here, you may have your money back … ’ And with this, he takes 2 Gold Crowns from his purse and presses them into your hand (restore these 2 Gold Crowns to your Action Chart).

  The waiting queue groan with disappointment when the young boy tells them there will be no further consultations with his master tonight. As he returns their money, you walk down to the edge of the oasis to bathe your face and drink the warm, fresh water. The yellow flames of the campfire are glimmering on its surface and you pause to consider joining the travellers who are seated nearby, enjoying the show.

  If you decide to go to the campfire, turn to 40.

  If you choose instead to retire to the empty carriage and get some sleep, turn instead to 290.


  Fernant's servant returns to the room with a beautiful young woman by his side. She is dressed in the simple brown robes of a peasant girl, yet her long black tresses and smooth olive complexion indicate that she is of high-born ancestry. For a moment she holds you with her deep brown eyes and you sense at once that she is as intelligent as she is beautiful.

  ‘This is Oriah,’ says Fernant, rising from his seat. ‘Welcome, my dear. You are among friends here.’ The young woman offers him her elegant hand and he kisses it lightly before turning to face you. ‘I have promised her safe passage to Bisutan aboard The Pride of Sommerlund. I trust you do not object?’ he says.

  Illustration IX—Oriah holds you with her deep brown eyes, and you sense at once that she is as intelligent as she is beautiful.

  At first you are wary of permitting a stranger to join the ship. She is a very attractive young woman, and her company would certainly be appreciated during the long voyage south, but the agents of Naar have been known to adopt many guises to further their evil aims. Fernant, sensing your reticence, attempts to persuade you by explaining the predicament in which Oriah has been placed through no fault of her own.

  You learn that Oriah is the daughter of Khazullo — the Funtal of Fio Fadali — a rich, powerful, and very ruthless man. He has pledged his daughter's hand in marriage to Sesketera, the ruler of the city-state of Ghol-Tabras in northern Shadaki. Sesketera is a cruel and brutal suitor, and Oriah will be sure to spend the rest of her life as little more than his slave if the marriage takes place as her father has planned. Her father is deaf to her wishes; his only concern is for the political union of the two cities. His daughter's happiness means nothing to him when compared to the riches and power he will gain from a marriage to the House of Sesketera.

  Oriah has run away from her father's palace in Fio Fadali and she has sought refuge in Barrakeesh. But agents in the employ of her father and Sesketera have traced her to the capital and now she must flee once more. Fernant, moved by the plight of this brave young woman, has pledged to help her reach Bisutan where trusted friends will smuggle her to safety in neighbouring Kakush.

  Having heard her story and satisfied yourself that she poses no threat to your mission, you agree to allow her to travel with you to Bisutan aboard The Pride of Sommerlund. Oriah and Fernant thank you for your compassion, and the Lord-lieutenant suggests that perhaps it is
time to retire for the night. He has his servant take Oriah to an adjoining chamber, and he offers you the use of a room upstairs. It is a very warm and humid night and you decide that perhaps it would be more comfortable if you were to sleep outside on the roof. Fernant has his servant bring you a mattress upon which you settle down to sleep under the desert stars.

  If you possess the Discipline of Astrology, turn to 133.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 327.


  As you step into this shop you are hit by a heady cocktail of powerful smells: metal polish, corrosive acid, and rust. You cough to clear your throat of the sickly taste left by these evil-smelling aromas, and suddenly the owner appears in a doorway at the back of the shop. He thinks that you are trying to attract his attention.

  He notes that you are a warrior and he lifts the lid on a large display counter so that you may inspect his weaponry. Each one is inlaid with finest silver and bears a neatly written price tag:

  Broadsword — 8 Gold Crowns

  Warhammer — 7 Gold Crowns

  Dagger — 3 Gold Crowns

  Axe — 8 Gold Crowns

  Short Sword — 4 Gold Crowns

  Arrows — 1 Gold Crown (each)

  If you wish to purchase one or more of the above Weapons, adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

  To leave the shop, turn to 17.


  As you climb through the foothills and leave behind the coastal plain, so the oppressive heat of the desert sun gradually cools as you go higher. Thankfully the hill road is in a good state of repair and you are able to relax and enjoy the magnificent scenery as you travel towards the Koneshi Mountains. It is early in the evening when you come to a stone bridge which passes over a steep-sided gorge. On the far side of the bridge you can see a tollbooth, an inn, and a few stone hovels which comprise a tiny mountain village. With daylight fading fast you decide to cross the gorge and spend the night at the inn. You are halfway across the bridge when a muscular young man, dressed in a scarlet mhaktis and clutching a ceremonial sword, emerges from the tollbooth and signals for you to halt. He tells you that if you wish to cross the bridge and spend the night at the mountain inn, the price will be 20 Gold Crowns.

  If you wish to pay this price, amend your Action Chart accordingly, and turn to 37.

  If you do not have sufficient Gold Crowns, or if you simply refuse to pay this sum, turn instead to 338.


  You use your Discipline to will the spider to return to its nest. The arachnid obeys your mental command and scurries away to disappear through a crack in the uneven bamboo floor. Your close encounter with this potentially deadly spider plays on your mind and you find it impossible to go back to sleep (lose 2 ENDURANCE points due to fatigue).

  At first light you gather together your equipment and go down to the paddock to collect your horse. The hostel-keeper calls you from the kitchen window and holds up a large plate of food that is your breakfast. The memory of the zuath crawling up your leg invades your mind and the thought robs you of your appetite. You wave the man farewell and then mount your horse and ride away across the courtyard.

  Turn to 314.


  Your Arrow misses its intended mark. The steel tip grazes the creature's belly as it leaps into the air, yet the wound is superficial and it does not stop the beast from hurling itself successfully towards your ship.

  You are about to reload your Bow and fire again when suddenly there is a tremendous crash. The Pride of Sommerlund lurches violently and you are thrown backwards across the deck.

  Turn to 274.


  As you turn to leave the lodging house, you are approached by a rakish young man. He has been listening to your brief conversation with the owner and he says he is concerned for your welfare. He warns you that the city is a dangerous place at night and he offers to buy any items that you may want to sell in order to raise some money.

  This man will pay you 10 Gold Crowns for any Special Item (excluding the Moonstone which is not for sale), 3 Gold Crowns for any Weapon, and 1 Gold Crown for any Backpack Item. If you wish to raise money by selling any items of equipment to this man, adjust your Action Chart accordingly.

  If you now possess 3 Gold Crowns or more, turn to 291.

  If you now possess 2 Gold Crowns or less, turn to 214.


  The road becomes increasingly tortuous as it traverses the central reaches of the Koneshi Mountains. Long winding climbs around precipitous cliffs are followed by steep descents into wooded ravines which test your nerve and your horsemanship to the full. Among the trunks of the blond Vassagonian mountain pines which border this route you glimpse the feral eyes of hungry timber wolves. Their howling disturbs the horses and you are forced to use your Kai skills throughout this difficult crossing to keep all four of the steeds calm and controllable.

  It is a little after midday when you hear the rumble of thunder echoing through the surrounding peaks. You suspect a storm must be approaching, yet the sky above is clear and your keen senses detect no winds nor any change in atmospheric pressures. Later, as the trail passes around a steep cliff-face, you see the cause of the rumbling: ahead the narrow trail is blocked by a landslide. The dust has settled and, when you magnify your vision, you think you can see a way to cross the mound of broken rocks. You tell the marines to wait for you while you go ahead to check if it is safe for you all to proceed. You are picking your way cautiously across the rockfall when suddenly a loud roar fills your ears and you look up to see a thousand tons of loose shale come tumbling down the mountainside. It is too narrow to turn your horse about and so you dig your heels into his flanks and urge him forwards. To your horror, he panics and rears up on his hind legs in an attempt to throw you off his back.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess the Grand Master Discipline of Animal Mastery, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 0–1, turn to 276.

  If it is 2–6, turn to 29.

  If it is 7 or higher, turn to 86.


  You muster the elemental powers of your Kai Mastery to create a counter-current from out of the thermal updraughts, and you pray that it will be strong enough to blow the balloon away from the jagged outcrop.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If your present ENDURANCE points score is 20 or higher, add 2 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 4 or less, turn to 218.

  If it is 5 or higher, turn to 307.


  Carefully you intone the words of the Brotherhood Spell Sense Evil. The moment you utter the final spell-word you suddenly realize that the shadowy creatures, whom you glimpsed lurking among the ruins of Kita Cove, are wholly evil. They possess a malicious power which could be directed against the ship. Immediately you inform Captain Raker of your discovery and urge him to steer the ship away from Kita Cove as swiftly as he can. The captain heeds your warning and commands his crew to unfurl every square inch of canvas to catch the prevailing winds which will carry you away from this sinister place.

  Turn to 287.


  Over a delicious supper of fish roe and steamed vegetables (restore 2 ENDURANCE points), you learn that the old man's name is Yranai and that he is a native of Hikas. He was on his way home from Bisutan aboard his flying craft when it developed a mechanical problem, and he was forced to make an unscheduled landing in the hills just a few miles to the south of this town. He is staying overnight at the tavern while the blacksmith repairs the convexor, the device that accidentally snagged your cloak. When you tell Yranai that you are bound for Elzian, he offers to transport you there aboard Simoom — his flying craft. To travel the last leg of your journey to Elzian by air would save you many days, especially as you have yet to cross the Great Masourn Mountain Range. Gladly you accept Yranai's offer, and you agree to meet him in the taproom at dawn so that he can take you to the place in the
hills where his craft Simoom is grounded.

  Turn to 179.


  Beyond its encircling wall the deserted streets of Khor lend it the aspect of a ghost town. You magnify your vision and you are able to count more than a hundred freshly-dug graves within fifty paces of the town gates. The gates themselves hang open and unguarded, and when you pass through them, the hooves of your horses make a hollow echo along the empty streets beyond. You hear a distant bell tolling and you follow the sound to a mount which overlooks the town harbour. Here you see some of the inhabitants for the first time and you are shocked by how pale and gaunt they all appear.

  A funeral is in progress and the bereaved are walking in line behind a hearse which bears a casket draped with black silk. The procession halts when it reaches the top of the mount and then the casket is quickly interred and sealed inside a marble tomb. A dignified-looking man addresses the mourners. He praises the qualities of the man they have laid to rest and then, in his official capacity as the Mayor of Khor, he declares that a state of quarantine will exist in the town from midnight onwards.

  ‘This quarantine will be strictly enforced,’ he says with a stern voice, ‘until the scourge of Bita Fever has been eradicated from our midst!’


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