Worlds Collide

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Worlds Collide Page 11

by Tracy St. John

  The playfulness vanished. “If we band together against the Monsuda, we could benefit each other. Can’t you give Earthlings that chance?”

  Jape was disappointed to have lost the moment. Hating the idea of her turning against him, he tried shoving the responsibility elsewhere. “It’s not up to me. The village elders have decided, as has the Assembly. I am sworn to do the job they set.”

  Maybe the lie fooled her, but Velia wasn’t about to let him cast off accountability. “Now who’s guilty of blind loyalty?”

  Their squabble had returned in full force, punctuated by Velia grabbing her dinner dishes and storming to the kitchen.

  Jape glowered, but not at Velia, who kept her back to him as she stacked dishes in the cleaner unit. He was impatient with her, but he was equally so with himself for squandering an opportunity.

  He stood. She had to understand he was a warrior, determined to do whatever it took to keep his people safe. To assure the dead had not given their lives in vain. He would make her see.

  He marched to the kitchen, not realizing in his sudden determination that he had not the slightest idea how he would convince her. He gripped her by the arm and twirled her around to face him.

  Her dark eyes blazed at him with a passion as intent as his own. Jape froze.

  He had no chance to figure out what to do next. With a curse the translator couldn’t define, Velia grabbed his head, just below his ears. She pulled him down and surged up on her toes.

  She kissed him.

  Chapter Twelve

  Velia Loretta Farrah, what the hell are you doing?

  I’m kissing this stubborn son of a bitch. What the hell does it feel like I’m doing?

  Good God, she was kissing Jape. Her emotions had welled up, frustration overflowing until she had to expend it somehow.

  A punch to the nose wouldn’t have worked? Seems that would have been more appropriate.

  The argumentative voice in her mind might have had more to say if Jape’s lips hadn’t parted at that moment. The furor in charge of Velia’s actions leapt at the prospect, and she plunged her tongue in his mouth, tasting the man who had driven her crazy.

  He was wild and stormy, with a hint of her alien lasagna. She savored him, pressing against the monumental body that bent closer. Steel arms circled her, tightening. Her softer frame yielded to the hard planes. He kissed her in return, his tongue twining about hers.

  Something else prodded at her, something that pulsed against the bared flesh of her stomach where her blouse had ridden up.

  Why not? Why am I holding out when I’ll never get a chance like this again? The man can grow body parts at will...and I’m waiting for us to be friends?

  Giddy with an impulse she couldn’t name, Velia wrenched free of the kiss and stared into thundercloud eyes. “What do you say, Stripes? Do you still want to try it my way?”

  He blinked. A tremor ran from his body into hers. “What about trust? Feelings?”

  She gave him an I-dare-you look. “It’s clear we can forget about trust happening. As for feelings, I’ve got plenty of those for you. Not the ones I was aiming for, but you’ll be amazed, nonetheless.”

  It was true. She had a ton of irritation to unleash, exasperation Jape had caused.

  Triumph surged as he returned her challenge. “Surprise me.”

  “Hold on to your stripes, big boy.” She pushed at him, and he let her, taking a couple of steps back. It was her turn to swing him around, to shove him up against the counter and cabinet.

  Now what? Good night, I’ve never taken control before. What do I do with him?

  How about what feels good? I think this is what they refer to as anger-sex. Let him have it. All of it.

  In this new realm of taking what she wanted and putting a jerk in his place, it was as good an idea as any. There was no pretense at seduction. No finesse. She kissed him again, starting with his lips and working down to his chest, mouthing along the stripes that accentuated swells of muscle.

  She didn’t use just lips and tongue, but teeth too, delivering little nips that might have been playful if she wasn’t so exasperated with the son of a bitch. Her handling wasn’t gentle either, as she clawed at him. Velia was so rough, she half expected Jape to armor his skin. He did not. His breath grew loud with hers, and his hands fisted in her hair, making her scalp sting where he pulled.

  The smarting didn’t put her off. The effect was opposite, warming her. And she was wet.

  Don’t you deny me, you overgrown bully. You took me from my planet, you act like a chauvinistic pig, and you walk around naked with that body? You’ve got nerve.

  His face was caught between expressions: startled and feral. The dangerous aspect should have warned her off. It made her more determined instead. And hotter. She was ready to climb on and ride him until he cried uncle. She groped between his legs.

  A steady pulse throbbed against her palm, but Jape wasn’t the man she expected. Damn it, he wasn’t the man she needed. She shoved against him, rubbing with demand. “Come on. Where are you? What’s with the shyness?”

  “You—you’re touching—not waiting for me to—to—?”

  “Waiting for you to what? Bring me flowers and a ring? I said let’s fuck, so let’s fuck!”

  With an animal growl that sent a thrill of delightful terror through her, Jape grabbed Velia. He cupped her ass and squeezed before lifting her off her feet. He consumed her with a kiss that devoured. She wrapped her legs around him and moved against him in response, her fingers twining in his mane, twisting to hurt him as he’d hurt her.

  Something erupted from his groin, pushing at her mound.

  Holy heck. I guess I’m doing this right.

  Velia squealed and rode even harder, trying to give her clit some of the contact she was crazed for. Jape gasped and broke the kiss.

  His silver eyes damned near glowed, but there was an unsureness in his expression. As if he couldn’t believe she wanted him, though Velia was practically begging him for a screw.

  What the hell was with this guy?

  Velia gyrated her hips, stroking against his incredible erection in a manner that couldn’t be mistaken for anything but lust. As if everything else she’d done hadn’t screamed what she was after. “You feel as if you want this.”

  “Is it what you want?” His rumbling voice trembled her insides, making desire spike.

  “Isn’t it obvious?” She nipped his lower lip, thinking, come on, come on, come on. “Come on, Stripes. What’s wrong with me that you’re not throwing me down and giving us both a slice of heaven?”

  “These clothes.” The swells of her breasts pushed up against him, and he stared down at the cleavage. “They need to go.”

  “Then why don’t you unwrap me like I’m a present? But don’t rip the packaging. I didn’t bring anything else to wear, remember?”

  Jape set her on her feet. Velia half feared he’d be gentle after her warning about not tearing her clothes, but it was a valid concern. She wasn’t dashing about Risnar nude, and she sure as hell wasn’t returning to Earth that way.

  Jape stripped her blouse off with a speed that left her gasping. She was glad she was a woman who went for comfort over sexiness, her bra being the kind that pulled over her head. Jape made quick work of it, flinging it into the center of the dome with a flick of his wrist.

  He stopped short at that point. His eyes widened as he looked at Velia’s breasts. Having seen how flat Salno’s chest was, Velia surmised it was a major difference between the species.

  She rubbed them with a naughty leer, showing Jape how it was done. Maybe he would be put off, but the men on Earth had loved her curves. She wasn’t about to let an alien tell her they weren’t wondrous. She sighed at her own touch.

  Jape wet his lips, his gaze locked on her chest. “It gives you pleasure to have them handled?�

  “Quite a bit. Why don’t you try?”

  He started to reach then checked himself. “Our women form breasts when they nurse the babes. They do not have sex during that period.”

  “How sad for them.” Velia smirked a challenge, wanting to resume the tempestuous groping. “I wear these gals all the time, and not for babies. Men on my planet love them. Go ahead, Stripes. Touch them. Taste them.”

  Jape’s cock—a glorious length of white-striped gold—jerked in response. He croaked, “You want me to?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Velia tweaked her nipples to make her pussy clench. Her head fell back dramatically. “I enjoy men enjoying me.”

  Jape jerked her to him, his hand sprouting numerous fingers, all of which he used to grasp a breast. His voracious mouth fell on the other one, sucking as if he’d consume her.

  Velia cried out, bliss stabbing deep into her core. She clutched his mane to hold him close, as if she’d smother him in the voluptuous flesh. She gasped enough air for both of them as he kissed, groped, licked, pinched, and mauled her to full arousal. Even his blunt front teeth scraping her skin transmitted straight to her clit, making her throb.

  “Take me to your bed. Now,” she groaned, desperate for all he could give her. Passion made her fierce, made her fight for traction as she tried to drag the clinging man to the bedroom.

  Jape came off her tit with an audible pop. He lifted her in his arms as if she weighed no more than a feather and rushed to the partition.

  He tossed her on the bed, and Velia landed on its airy surface. She worked to assist Jape in shedding her boots, her socks, her pants, her underwear.

  He stared at her, fixated on the triangle of soft curls, on the wet cleft revealed by her parted thighs. God, he was going to feel so good there, with that thick cock.

  Velia decided to take advantage of his momentary pause. She was careful but determined as she tugged on his shaft, entreating him to join her on the bed. “Lie down. I’m not finished with you yet.”

  “All-Spirit, this is madness,” he moaned, but he obeyed, crashing onto the bed, as if his knees had given out. He attempted a wavering grab in her direction, as if he was too confused to know what he would do with her.

  Nope. Velia had him off balance, unsure of what to do next. Jape usually moved decisively, even if he wasn’t confident in his actions. His uncertainty was a chance she couldn’t pass up. She was in charge of this situation, and she would make the most of that.

  She slipped through his hands, eluding him even when his fingers elongated in the attempt to snare her. Velia executed a little hop over his thick log of a leg, ending up crouching between his thighs. Holding on to his erection, she grinned up at him. “This thing isn’t poisonous, is it?”

  “Oh. You want to—but I should—” He shook his head at her, rendered speechless again. He looked confounded.

  “Jeez, Stripes, you act as if a woman has never wanted sex with you before.”

  Then again, he had a lot of moments when he behaved like a jerk. He’d probably scared all the ladies off. Maybe Velia could screw him into having more respect for her gender.

  Speaking of which...

  She licked up the length of his golden cock. Smooth. Hot against her tongue. Salty and sweet.

  “Damn, Stripes. You taste good,” she said.

  His head fell back on the bed. He groaned at the ceiling and said something her translator had no equivalent for.

  Nice. She was a hit at this on two worlds.

  Velia wrapped her mouth around the wide crown of his cock, swirling her tongue over it. Jape’s hips cleared the bed, and he yelled more undecipherable words, twisting bed linens in his fists.

  Somebody appreciates me now. She glowed with her accomplishment.

  Velia pressed her advantage. She licked and kissed him, moving her hand up and down, enjoying his enthusiastic appreciation for her efforts. When she took him deep, his fingers dove into her hair, giving her that enjoyable pull. She rewarded him by consuming him more greedily than before.

  “Velia,” he gasped. The single word sounded like a prayer, and she erupted in gooseflesh. Her name on his lips shocked her system, somehow.

  She bobbed over him, rubbing her tongue against the throbbing vein that pulsed on the underside of his cock, making him writhe. Dance for me, Stripes.

  Something circled her leg, tugging her to the side. Velia paused to glance at the tail pulling her over Jape’s leg, shifting her toward his straining hand.

  His gaze met hers. “Your scent is driving me almost as crazy as your mouth. I need to taste you too.”

  He didn’t have to ask twice. Velia repositioned, lying on top of Jape. It was her turn to shudder and moan as he rubbed dexterous fingers over her folds.

  “You’re already wet. Without direct stimulation.” His awestruck voice told Velia Risnarish women required more personal handling. “You really are different.”

  “I guess you’d better investigate to find if there are any more surprises,” she said breathily as he dipped a digit within her. “Intrepid exploration is called for if you’re to—oh, oh, right there!”

  His chuckle rumbled through her bones. “That part is the same. Inside too?” Jape moved the finger within her, searching out and finding the sensitive cluster of nerves that felt as enthralling as him teasing her clit. Velia yelled as a rush of molten excitement flooded her sex.

  She panted as he continued to apply friction. “Well...if some of it is...familiar ground...then you know...what to do with it.”

  “I might have an idea.”

  Indeed, he did. Lips and tongue joined in on the assault. Her insides twisted with elation, filling with eagerness. She creamed hard. Apparently Jape enjoyed how she tasted, because he went at her with even more enthusiasm.

  Oh yeah. She was supposed to be reciprocating, wasn’t she?

  Jape made it damned difficult to concentrate on pleasuring him. The man was astounding. Well, duh. He’s got to be using twenty fingers on me. And his tail. Or tails? Damn it, he’s got two of them. Oh my God, that tongue though, that tongue beats them all. Can he elongate that thing? Fuck, that’s incredible!

  She tried her best to focus on his pleasure, on sucking his cock to drive him as crazy as he made her. It jerked in response just as her pussy convulsed. Little by little, Velia was overwhelmed by Jape. He had extra appendages, and he knew how to use them.

  If sex was an Olympic sport, he’d win gold. Velia had no doubt about that.

  He could have carried her to orgasm that way. The sensations were coalescing into a single bright point, drawing in tight, readying to combust. But Velia wanted the main show. She struggled to pull free, held down by tails and hands and a pussy that demanded an appetizer climax before moving on.

  Damn, he had an amazing tongue!

  “Time out,” she gasped. “Next position.”

  Jape sucked her clit into his mouth and flicked his tongue over it. The hair rose on Velia’s body. For a moment, she thought she’d get that orgasm, trembling on the cusp as Jape hesitated. Then he released her. The impending climax hovered just shy of the breaking point then reluctantly retreated.

  Myriad alien body parts relinquished their hold on her. Velia heaved herself up with effort and turned to face Jape. He was licking his lips and more, claiming all the wetness she’d left on him. And yes, his tongue did elongate. The astounding bastard licked his chin clean as he stared at her breasts.

  I forgive you for everything. For that tongue alone, you have been granted absolution for all your sins.

  Sure she’d come up short in the oral competition, Velia asked in a shaking voice, “What do you think so far?”

  “If sex with trust is better than this, it will kill me.” Jape’s impressed look eased her concerns that maybe she hadn’t given as good as he had. “We must make a pact to not become fri

  Velia laughed. “You crazy alien. Stripes, I don’t know what I’m going to do with you.”

  “You don’t? Is this as far as we go with exploration tonight?”

  She gaped at him. Jape acted serious. He also seemed to be perfectly okay with them stopping, though his gaze continued to stray to her breasts. His hunger was clear.

  “Dude. That was a figure of speech. I am nowhere near done with you.” Velia kissed him, enjoying how she tasted on his tongue.

  She straightened and scooted back, reaching for and finding his shaft, lining him up for the main event. His cock is so hot, feverish. “This is going to feel wonderful inside me.”

  Jape wore his stunned expression again, and he lost the ability to make rational conversation. “You—we’re—now?”

  “No, next Christmas. Jeez, Stripes.” She set him against her opening, her senses going to full alert. “Slow to start. It’s been a while. I promised to ride you the way we both deserve once I have a handle on this.”

  He blinked rapidly, staring at their sexes, poised to slide together. “I—I can shrink it, if you wish.”

  “Don’t you dare.” She pushed down on him, increasing the pressure to take that broad crown past her threshold. “I want this just as it is.”

  He slipped in the first half inch. Heady ache bloomed, sending a shock through her. Oh yeah, I feel you there, Stripes.

  She was so wet, it was impossible to take him as slowly as she’d planned. The twinge of hurt added to the thrill. Velia braced herself against Jape’s chest and stared into eyes gone white-hot with excitement.

  “I might consider liking you after all,” Jape said with a sexy growl.

  “Yeah? Don’t pick out a ring yet, fella.” She laughed, breathless. His thickness rubbed that sensitive bit within her. The friction melted her.

  Sex without mutual affection might have been emotionally bankrupt, but it felt damned fine in the physical realm. Velia decided she’d been too aloof when it came to such. At least where aliens were concerned.

  Especially with Jape’s hands seeking out her breasts and his golden tails curling about her waist. The white tip of one reached to trace her lips. The other stroked her clit as she took him in. Wherever he touched sparked with electricity, fueling the flames licking inside her belly. When she settled on him, his entire cock enclosed within her, she moaned with pleasure.


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