Her Man with Iceberg Eyes

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Her Man with Iceberg Eyes Page 11

by Kris Pearson

  Sis? The name scorched and sizzled in her brain.

  “And then she sensibly...went to bed for a rest...”

  Hamish laughed. “Minor miracle,” he agreed, apparently noticing nothing strange in Kate’s hesitant speech.

  “Nice to see you again,” Diana said, as if Kate’s world hadn’t just been tossed upside down.

  “Yes. And you,” she murmured, fighting tremors of dread and delight.

  Matthew led the way through the building. He opened the door to the street. It was only a short walk in the chilly air before they were inside the cinema, but Kate shook for the whole distance as shivers danced up and down her spine.

  She feverishly reviewed the family’s composition. Hamish and Matthew were brothers. Diana was Hamish’s wife. Surely Lottie was Matthew’s wife? No-one had said she wasn’t. But when she thought about it carefully, no-one had actually said she was, either. Her mind whirled with possibilities, probabilities, complications.

  Matthew had mentioned a stepmother. His father had married twice. Could Lottie be the child of the second marriage? A half-sister to the two boys?

  Or maybe a stepsister? No blood relation at all? In which case Matthew could perfectly well have married her. Kate had a friend who’d done just that, so she was no further ahead with her speculations.

  They handed in their tickets. Diana greeted friends and introduced Kate. Beside them, Matthew and Hamish discussing pruning the vines. Everything was normal. And everything had just been blown apart. How could she find out for sure?

  Matthew took her arm as the queue moved slowly forward, and Hamish positioned himself beside Diana. Kate was dismayed to find they’d not all be sitting together; Hamish and Diana had seats three rows in front of Matthew. His were at the far end of the back row, in the darkest, most private corner.


  She stared at him in disbelief. Her face must have spoken volumes because he laughed softly and bent to whisper close to her ear. “Top-secret seat next to the wall, Katie. Heaps of leg-room. I’m too tall to be really comfortable anywhere else.”

  And she had to admit there was indeed room for his long legs because of the way the seats were arranged.

  They sat. Kate was now wedged right beside him for the rest of the evening. She held her arms close against her sides so they wouldn’t rub against his, but the scent of his cologne floated in her direction. The heat of his big lean body came with it, wrapping around her. She became ever more conscious of his impressive physicality, his broad shoulders, his unyielding strength. No-one had yet arrived to claim the next seat, so she leaned a little in that direction while she could.

  It was exquisite torture to be so close, and to still have no answer to her ‘Sis’ dilemma. How could she ask him without giving herself away? The last thing she wanted was for him to think she was curious about his marital status and open to starting anything that could have no satisfactory end.

  After two or three excruciating minutes, the lights dimmed. The service club president appeared with a microphone. “Ladies and gentlemen, it’s wonderful to see so many of you here this evening. I thank you for your generosity in supporting these two most worthy causes.” A scattering of applause broke out and she waited for silence. “Yes, our community will be making a substantial donation towards child cancer research. New Zealand has leading scientists in this field, and your money will be put to excellent use.” Again, the audience applauded. “And,” the president continued, “of huge importance in this area of the country is the work of the mountain rescue teams. The police and experienced volunteers pluck locals and tourists alike from life-threatening situations in our mountains and rivers. They need specialised equipment to carry out this dangerous work, and that’s where the other half of this evening’s contributions are headed.”

  This time louder applause erupted from the audience.

  And as the lights slowly dimmed further, Matthew slid an arm around Kate’s shoulders.

  She drew a sharp breath as the warm weight settled about her.

  “This is pleasant, isn’t it?” he said.

  She shot him a venomous glare. His lips twitched, laughing at her, teasing her.

  “As long as it stays pleasant,” she said in a tight voice.

  “I’m sure I can promise you that,” he murmured as the lights faded to full darkness.

  “Take your arm away please.”

  The opening music was strident...the volume high. He either hadn’t heard or pretended he hadn’t.

  She leaned closer and put her lips against his ear. “Take your arm away please.”

  It lifted from her shoulders, but instantly his big hand cradled the back of her head, holding her captive unnervingly near to his face. He nudged the tip of her nose with his own, and slowly, softly, began to explore her mouth. Gentle kisses. Hardly making contact. But Kate sensed every nerve ending leaping to panic level as he moved his lips over hers with delicate butterfly brushes. His tongue traced the outline of her mouth, and he leisurely kissed the bow of her top lip, each corner, and then nipped softly as he slid lower.

  She’d instantly tried to pull away, but his grip was sure. His mouth swallowed her exclamation of annoyance, and then her resistance fled on swift feet. She’d wanted this. Wanted him. Wanted to know the taste of him. Wanted to touch and take. Her fingers slid though his short thick hair, caressed his neck, cupped his jaw.

  His scent swirled around her—earthy, musky, male.

  He tasted sweet. Dark. Dangerous.

  Kate parted her lips, and he responded by deepening his kiss, plunging his tongue inside her mouth to duel with hers. She heard herself moan. Thank God for the noisy movie soundtrack!

  She’d not been expecting to have to fend him off so soon.

  Fend him off? What a joke. She was pulling him closer with each passing second.

  She dismissed a twinge of guilt about Lottie. Lottie would never know. Must never know. It was just a kiss. Only a kiss. No way would it lead to anything more.

  And she mightn’t be his wife, anyway.

  Delicious warmth ricocheted everywhere as his assured tongue explored. Deep in her belly, she quivered, hot and liquid. Tiny muscles clenched and relaxed in a foretaste of ecstasy.

  You should pull away from him right now, her brain commanded.

  But not for a few more seconds, her body argued.

  And to her utter devastation, it was Matthew who broke the contact, leaving her confused and abandoned, awakened and shaking, and on fire.

  He settled back into his seat with a sigh, linked his fingers through hers, and laid her hand high on his thigh, confining it there with the pressure of his own. The back of her wrist registered his cock was rock-hard. She sat there, stunned.

  Her mind had embroidered that kiss into something truly sinful. It had obviously affected Matthew, too, but it seemed he’d remembered he was married. Or decided she wasn’t really worth the bother. Or, worse still, proved he could get her to respond to him and felt no need to take the game further.

  She’d wanted him so much. Today was Thursday. She had three days to enjoy being close to him without actually falling into his bed. Now he seemed engrossed in the movie! She felt his long thigh muscles responding to the action...tensing with the car-chase excitement...shaking with laughter during the lighter moments...jerking with the gunshots. He made no other move in her direction, but he was sure as hell still violently aroused.

  She seethed—furious with him, even more furious with herself. He thought she was so easy, did he? And she’d damned well proved him right.

  She had no idea what was happening on the screen—Matthew had taken over her brain. Sweet surrenders and sharp rejoinders whirled around in a vivid and sickening mess. She felt cheap and foolish. And alive and desirous. And angry beyond belief.

  As the movie ended, he turned to her. “Fair enough way to spend an hour or two,” he said, seeming to think she’d feel the same.

  Kate tried very hard to keep
her cool. No way would she let him know she’d been demolished with lust for him, and shaking with disappointment at his desertion.

  She summoned up a small nod, not trusting herself to speak. Not trusting herself to even look him in the eye after what he’d done. And after the way she’d reacted.

  He finally released her hand. What would Hamish and Diana have thought if he hadn’t? God, it didn’t bear thinking about!

  The four of them met in the foyer, and strolled together back to the cars. “Who’s for the spa?” Matthew enquired.

  Diana shook her head. “Early start tomorrow,” she said.

  “Not if you’re opening those damn doors again,” Hamish added.

  “Looks like it’s just you and me then, Katie.”

  “I’ll think about it,” she said tartly.

  The temperature had plummeted. Freezing mist haloed the street-lights. Already tiny spikes of ice stood glistening on every level surface. A soak in the spa would have been heaven, but not after what had happened at the cinema, and certainly not if they’d be alone this time.

  Matthew laughed—his warm breath a steaming wreath in the sub-zero air. He seemed not to mind either way.

  “Love to Sis,” Hamish called. “Tell her we missed her.”

  And there it was again. Kate prickled hot and cold, desperate to know the truth.

  Hamish beeped his car unlocked, and in seconds, he and Diana were seated and reversing out of the warehouse.

  Matthew opened the Alpha Romeo, and watched as Kate arranged her long legs. “Silly car for tall people, but it was a promise I made myself.”

  “It’s yours then, not your... Lottie’s?”

  How could she find out if they were married or not? She didn’t want to ask him outright, and possibly broadcast her interest in him.

  He appeared not to notice her hesitation. “She hardly ever drives. This would be your toy if you stayed...?”

  She drew a sharp breath and shook her head. “Not really my style.”

  “Too flashy for you? I’ll buy you something else then. A nice, sedate little Beamer?”

  “I’m not coming back, Matthew. I can’t.” She reached for her seatbelt and snapped it into place.

  “Why not?”

  Because my body is screaming for yours. Because you turn me on by just looking at me. Because your mouth tastes like honey, and your hair feels like feathers, and your skin is as hot and smooth as polished timber in sunshine. Because, after all, you might actually be available. And that’s too much to contemplate right now.

  She shook her head again, willing her voice not to tremble. “It’s not quite the situation I had in mind, and you haven’t offered it to me anyway, so no harm done.”

  He stayed silent, watching her with total attention before closing her door and walking around to his own. He’d scanned her CV and sent it to Sy Karlsen while she changed for the movie. Had she decided to make a graceful exit because her attempt at industrial espionage had proved difficult? Or because he and she were so hot together she was running scared?

  Their one kiss had pressed every panic button in his big body. Another embrace like that and he’d have slung her across his shoulder, and marched out of the cinema intent on fucking her until they both expired from lust.


  The car ceased its throaty growl. Kate released her seatbelt and slid out with all possible speed, hoping to make a dash for her room. Matthew’s door was closer to the hallway though, and he intercepted her with ease. “Will you join me?”

  Hoping he meant in the spa, she shook her head. “No thank you. I’m tired. I’ll sleep easily tonight. You need to go and check on Lottie.”

  And I’m certainly not giving you the chance to start anything again.

  “You’re running away from me?” One dark eyebrow rose in challenge, and a corner of his mouth kicked up in a slow burn of a grin.

  “Of course I’m not,” she insisted. Warmth spread everywhere as her body reacted to the invitation implicit in his expression. She’d known from the moment she met him he’d have a devastating smile, but hadn’t calculated on its effect on her. All of her. Places that had no right to be wet and willing suddenly felt very wet and willing indeed.

  He shook his head slowly. “Lottie can wait. She’s probably asleep by now anyway.”

  Kate pictured her. On the other floor of the house. Well away from here. Unable to walk easily. She’d never discover us...

  Her face flamed at her unsettling thoughts, and something in her expression made Matthew pause and look at her with extra intensity. “Not my night then?”

  “Absolutely not. Whatever made you think it would be?” She held her breath at the outrageous challenge she’d thrown him.

  “The small matter of that kiss,” he said, raising a hand and running a finger along her cheekbone and delicately around the curl of her ear.

  “I should have slapped your face. Or moved to that empty seat.”

  “But you didn’t, Katie. You left me with a little bit of hope. Just like you’re doing now.”

  “Hope for what?” she demanded, pushing at his hand too late. Oh, she was making a real mess of this. She should have flounced off in a temper; shown him she wanted nothing to do with him. Something held her there though. Attracted as a moth to a flame.

  “Hope that you might finally be relaxing and starting to enjoy your time with us.” He caught her hand in his much larger one and turned her so she was obliged to step through into the hallway. “With me.”

  “Of course I’m enjoying it,” she protested. “The house is beautiful. Lottie is a real pleasure to know—even if she caught me unawares by expecting I’d pose for her.”

  “But I don’t get a mention?” His mercurial eyes pinned her in place.

  “Why would you expect a mention? All you’ve done so far is tease me and make fun of me. Draw me while I was practically naked and couldn’t move...” She glared at him. “I’d like those drawings of me returned please. Where have you put them?”

  “We’ll worry about those tomorrow. Right now, I need to check on Lottie, as you’ve so dutifully reminded me. If I really can’t tempt you to the spa?”

  “No, you can’t. I’ve already said that. And don’t think I’ve forgotten about those sketches.” She pulled away, and Matthew let go of her hand with apparent reluctance. “Good night,” she added, somewhat more graciously. “Thank you for the movie.”

  “Sleep well then.”

  Not a chance.

  But eventually, of course, after what felt like a whole night of frustrated wide-awake tossing, she did fall gently asleep. And between the fine cotton sheets, under the lightest goose-down quilt, in the deeply luxurious bed, he was there. Everywhere in her dreams, he was there.

  In the spa-pool again, taking outrageous liberties with her body.

  At the movies, where her panties seemed to have disappeared, and he knew.

  In the car, which had suddenly grown plenty big enough for him to lower his tall body over hers, entering her, sliding provocatively until her body clenched around his and she shrieked with the jolting, searing sensations that he summoned.


  She lurched bolt upright in bed.

  “What were you muttering about? I couldn’t quite hear.”

  Oh God, oh God, oh God. Thank heavens he couldn’t!

  “It’s a great morning. Tea or coffee?” He crossed to the window and drew the thick curtains aside. A shaft of sunlight spilled across the floor.

  Kate had been deep asleep, dreaming vividly, hot with wanting. She turned her flushed and confused face up as he approached the bed again, and jerked the covers to her chin. “Don’t you ever knock?”

  “Twice. You must have been dead to the world.”

  She gazed at him sleepily, narrowing her eyes against the light, and willing her heart to stop its frantic thumping.

  Matthew grinned. “Sorry if I woke you. But it’s a fantastic day, and it’s almost nine o�
�clock. We need to buy that dress, and then I thought I’d fly you down to Milford for lunch.”

  “Milford Sound?”

  “Where else? There’ll be marvellous views of the mountains today.”

  Kate swallowed. “Coffee, thanks.”

  Oh, this was ridiculous! This was way out of her league. He’d suggested a flight in a private plane as though it was a bus ride around town. Preceded by a nerve-jangling shopping trip where he’d play sugar daddy again.

  “I’m supposed to be helping Lottie,” she tried.

  “She’s gone out with some painting friends—miles off toward Glen Orchy. There’s no stopping her,” he added when Kate exclaimed with distress. “They’ll look after her,” he threw over his shoulder as he turned to retrieve a laden tray from the hallway. Tea and coffee pots. Sleek white crockery. A warm Danish pastry. Three huge strawberries. He set it on the nearby chest.

  Kate blinked at the selection. “Is this breakfast?”

  He shook his head. “I didn’t know what you’d want. Lottie always likes a couple of biscuits with her first drink of the day.”

  “Crumbs in the bed,” Kate said.

  “Fate worse than death,” he added, and they dissolved into unexpected laughter together.

  He poured the coffee she requested, then filled the second cup for himself, ignoring the comfortable armchair by the window and sitting companionably on the end of the bed. “Di’s suggested a suitably expensive shop for the party dress,” he said. “And some of the hotels have very good boutiques. We can try anywhere you like.”

  Kate sat up and tucked the sheet firmly around her breasts to shield them from his very interested eyes. “I wouldn’t have a clue,” she said eying him over the rim of her cup as she sipped the strong smoky coffee. He wore blue jeans and a navy sweatshirt with no visible layer beneath. A small expanse of tanned skin teased her where the sweatshirt dipped in front. It was the most casually dressed she’d seen him, but he still looked a force to be reckoned with.

  Some men just had it. Matthew had it—whatever it was. Even in the most basic clothes, slouched on a bed, he looked like he could take on the world and win. Add the private plane, the incredible house, the classy car, and it was still the man who intrigued her the most, though.


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