Kill Devil Hills

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Kill Devil Hills Page 19

by Sarah Darlington

  “How was your first class?” he asked, impervious to the world around him and the many female stares constantly thrown his way. I’d gotten used to it, and it didn’t hurt that his eyes always stayed faithfully on mine.

  “It was okay. The professor seemed nice. How about your first class?”

  The handsome man before me already had his associate’s degree. He’d had to get it a few years back—when he and Ellie first started their own business. Someone had to have to business sense in order to run their business. So that meant he was already in higher level classes than I was. It also meant he’d finish college about two years before I would. But he was here with me now, as I knew he would be in the future, and that was all that mattered.

  “It was fine,” he said, shrugging, as he picked me up. “Alright. I’ve played polite long enough. Bye, ladies,” he shouted to my friends. “It’s my turn with my girl now.”

  And, like the knight in shining armor that he was, Noah carried me out of the building, toward where he’d parked his motorcycle, and off into our own metaphorical sunset. It was going to be a good life with him, and I was beyond happy that I was going to get to live it.


  (For now…)

  Dear Readers,

  This story was a product of my imagination. But suicide is a real problem many teens and adults face today. Suicide takes the lives of nearly 30,000 Americans every year. ( And many who attempt suicide never seek professional care.

  No matter what problems you are dealing with, I strongly believe that suicide is never the answer. Get help! TALK to someone—a friend, a family member, a teacher, a church leader, or some other member of your community. And check out this website:

  If you feel you are in a crisis, whether or not you are thinking about killing yourself, please call their lifeline number: 1-800-273-TALK (8255). And if you are worried about a friend, still call this number. They know how to help. And I can’t stress actually ‘seeking’ help enough. No one can help you if you stay silent.

  I hope you enjoyed Georgina and Noah’s story.

  Sincerest Regards,



  Sarah Darlington lives in Virginia with her husband and very active son. She’s a former flight attendant, day-dreamer, traveler, hopeless romantic, the worst cook on the planet, and a wannabe photographer. Find her on Facebook:


  He Belongs With Me




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