You'll Answer To Me

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You'll Answer To Me Page 12

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Never had Alexa seen Luke so commanding, and his powerful aura infected the entire room.

  “Afraid of you, Luke?” Miranda queried. “She should learn, you may be grumpy but you’re still a sweetheart where it counts.” Turning her attention to Luke, she nuzzled in next to him, sexy and seductive, her eyes molten with lust. She kissed his earlobe and blew her breath against his neck, then giggled again, feeling the young man’s body answer with a jolt. “Why would she be afraid of you? You’re such a pussycat,” the luscious Miranda practically purred.

  Luke reached around, grabbed the girl’s ass and squeezed.


  He squeezed again, harder this time, and not letting go – which produced a pained grimace from the lovely Ashley across the room, who at that moment was paying more attention to Luke and Miranda than Alexa. “If you’re not careful, you’ll be joining her,” Luke warned Miranda.

  “Joining her for what?” Miranda spit, as if she were completely clueless. “C’mon, Luke. You’ve been so secretive about her.” She laughed. “You’ve made a curiosity of her as if she really were a doll to play with. And the way you speak of her…it’s so terribly demeaning.”

  “I doubt that bothers her.” He looked toward his housekeeper. “Does it bother you?”

  Alexa thought a moment and answered honestly, “Yes, I suppose it does.” Though she trembled from within, she was still brave enough to speak the truth even if it might have sounded defiant.

  “Well then, let me take care of your fear right now,” Luke shot out. Swaggering her way, he grabbed her hand and half-dragged Alexa front and center, while the five others in the room converged, looking on in curious fascination. Adopting his Eastern-bred, bad boy haughtiness, the boy milked the moment for the drama, then announced with deliberate flourish: “My father owned this female.” Fascination turned to shock as Luke gazed at the blank expressions of his guests. He went on, being deliberately cold, “That is, owned in the same sense that he owned his horses, his cow, his grapes and his wine.”

  The room fell silent as every eye fixed on the trembling woman.

  “You really mean that… don’t you?” The soft voice breaking the quiet posed the question with a hint of awe.

  Luke turned to the pale redhead, and said, “Yes, Ashley, I do. She’s owned. Like a slave. My father owned her and she’s been bequeathed to me.”

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, that’s ridiculous,” the brunette on the couch announced in a lazy Southern drawl.

  “Don’t be sure so sure, Brett,” Luke came back.

  Brett dismissed the scene with a wave of the hand, and went back to texting on her phone. Meanwhile, Ashley, still reeling from Luke’s blunt introduction of his slave, took his claim seriously and was seriously shaken.

  “Bother’s you, doesn’t it, Ash?” Luke asked.

  “I can’t imagine…” she stopped, “I mean how…? Why would she?”

  “She has her reasons…in fact, very compelling reasons to hide away as a man’s bound slave.” There was something mean-spirited and ominous about his boastful comments. All affection was gone and he seemed to despise her now. “Isn’t that so, nanny. Shall we tell them?”

  Shock suddenly registered on Alexa’s face. What the hell was he doing? “Luke, please! You can’t—”

  “Oh, but I can!” he snapped. “Now calm yourself!” Striding forward angrily, he grabbed her rudely by the arm and shook her hard, delivering his blistering putdown with a cruelty that made the whole room take note—even Brett. “Listen to me carefully… what I choose to tell these people about you is my business – over which you have zero control.” His grip tightened on her arm.

  Her body spasmed deeply, but she was scared to death and she wanted to run…out the door and down the path to the hills. She’d thought of it often, but never as seriously as she did now. Yet she couldn’t run, she couldn’t even budge an inch from where she stood. The authoritative way he’d taken charge of her, the crisp voice and his firm grasp of her body sent her mind reeling back to other times like this. If she didn’t know better, she’d have sworn that it was Warren’s hand and Warren’s voice. The disorienting moment was followed by an arrogant Luke parking himself in front of her, demanding her complete focus as he continued the callous rebuke for the benefit of his baffled audience.

  “I have you scared now, don’t I?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Then let me assure you, Alexa, you have nothing to fear from me or my friends. Worry about yourself and what’s inside you, all those damming secrets. Before they’ve had their fill of you, they’ll know them all.”

  She was breathless, almost panicked hearing the threat behind his words. For effect, right? Certainly, he wouldn’t mention blackmail and murder, but would he?

  She was just inches from his cool blue eyes, which remained unwaveringly fixed on her. His body heat clashed with hers and all she could think of was fucking him. Turned crimson from embarrassment, she kept quiet as Luke went on to explain her presence to his friends using the most humiliating terms possible. “To me she was my summer nanny. In truth, she was my father’s whore – or perhaps more aptly put his love slave.”

  Malice oozed from his wounded heart. The indictment was intended to sting, and so it did. Any affection they might have shared was gone, just a meager memory now, but her sexual body burst with life, perversely thrilled by every damming word.

  Murmurs swept the room as Luke’s message sunk in. Even Brett couldn’t remain remote and passive after such a denunciation. Putting down her phone, she stopped to listen.

  “Perhaps she was a slave to love…” Ashley mused, still looking quite apprehensive.

  “I think it would be better put to call her a slave to sex and her own salacious appetites,” Luke came back aggressively. The very force of his words caused him to step back, and for a moment the entire room seemed to freeze in the uncomfortable silence.

  Miranda suddenly broke the impasse, “Geez, Luke, you toss around that ‘slave’ word as if you mean it.”

  “Maybe you should pay attention, Miranda,” Luke shot back, annoyed. Instantly he was in her face; he’d come too far with his scheme to have Miranda questioning his plan. “This is no joke. You’ve hit the big time, girl. If it’s too much for you, for any of you for that matter,” he addressed them all, “you can walk right out the door. Please, be my guest.”

  “Oh, fuck you!” Miranda tried to brush him off, but any attempt to lighten the mood fell flat. “C’mon, Luke, we’re on board with whatever you have going on here, it’s just…well…”

  “Just what?”

  “Just that you’re so filled with stories, it’s hard to know what’s real and what’s just your imagination. Am I the only one who wonders if this is all just a clever set-up?”

  He pointed to Alexa. “Is she just my imagination?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Then do what you do best, quit thinking and enjoy yourself.”

  She shook her head disgusted. “You are so mean sometimes.”

  “But you’ll forgive me for it.”

  And she would. Luke was the young man women flocked to, women including Miranda, Ashley, and even Brett, though Brett never threw herself at him the way so many women did.

  “Forgive you, maybe…but c’mon,” Miranda looked to the others. “You believe this?”

  “Why would I not?” Ashley said.

  “Doesn’t bother me what she is,” Brendon chimed in.

  “Right,” Miranda droned. “You’re just talking with your cock.”

  “You think this is all a scam, too?” Luke turned to James, the only one yet to weigh on Luke’s revelation. Like Ashley he was the quiet sort, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t as thoughtfully pensive as the pretty redhead. James was a good-looking guy. Medium build, nothing very remarkable about that. But his eyes were as clear blue as a summer sky, and his broad smile left young women panting in its wake. He liked women, and he liked sex. He wa
s there because Luke had promised both.

  “Heck, I came to fuck, Luke,” he said, sporting a bashful ‘ah shucks’ kind of grin. “I don’t know a thing about the rest of this shit…but it sure is making me hot.”

  Luke smiled, then called across the room “Brett. How about you? You’ve hardly said a thing. You might as well spit out your objections now.”

  Brett looked up from her texting, seemingly annoyed at first, but she hadn’t missed one word of the conversation. “Miranda, honey,” she began as she pocketed the phone, “does it really matter if it’s a game or if it’s real?” Brett was a larger, more voluptuous version of Miranda. Her body oozed sex when she walked; and when she spoke in her honeyed drawl everyone paid attention. “As for me, I don’t think Luke’s putting us on at all.”

  “And why would you think that?” Miranda asked.

  “Because she’s here, silly.”

  “So?” Miranda said.

  “No woman is going to be standing in front of us in clothes like that, letting Luke call her a slave, if she didn’t want to be exactly that. She hardly looks as if she’s under duress. Besides, sweetie,” and here her voice turned almost smoky with lust, “isn’t the mystery of it just a little bit titillating?” She stared at Miranda’s consternated face. “Well?”

  Miranda bit her lip bashfully. “Of course it is.”

  “Then be a dear and don’t meddle in Luke’s plans. He obviously has something special in mind for our stay. I say we get in the spirit of things and see where it leads. An opportunity like this doesn’t come ‘round every day.”

  Brett didn’t often make her feelings so plainly known, however despite her earlier indifference to the subject she seemed unusually interested now – in her own unassuming way.

  Luke laughed. “Never thought I could count on you to support my sinful ways.”

  “Just keeping us all honest, Luke.”

  Miranda still fumed quietly, then finally spoke again. “All right then, Luke. Exactly what does it mean that she’s your slave?”

  “It means that unlike you, she does what she’s told. As far as the weekend it means that we use her as our sex toy; act out any off-the-wall, fuckin’ nasty fantasy we dream up, and she’ll go along without objection. That’s what slave means.”

  “And if she doesn’t?” Ashley queried.

  “She gets punished – whipped, caned, bound, whatever suits my fancy.”

  Hearing this Ashley’s eyes went wide, while for perhaps the first time that day Miranda took a real interest in what he said.

  While Luke and his friends bantered back and forth about her, Alexa grew more restless and more aroused. She listened to their conversation for a time, embarrassed by the frequent demeaning references to her, so she zoned out and let the conversation go on without paying much notice until she felt Luke’s hand again. This time he cradled her cheek with his palm and gazed on her with undisguised affection. This made his next remarks seem strange to those looking on, although to Alexa they weren’t strange at all.

  “Punishment. I hear their objections, but do I hear yours? Is punishment not an important part of being a slave?”

  A thousand possible answers came rushing to her brain all at once, but all she could manage to say was a simple, truthful, “Yes, sir, it is.”

  Luke nodded. “Very good.” Then he patted her cheek as if he were praising a dog.

  Though the condescending gesture produced both a cringe of disgust and a jolt of reality, the mood in the room, Luke’s speech, his leering friends and the patronizing tone sent a shot of adrenalin through her body. She feared that her body would spontaneously erupt in the face of such stimulating dialogue. He came too close, and mimicked too well his father in his most dogmatic of moods. The effect was startling. She wanted him, but she wanted the others gone. She would have dropped to her knees for him and attacked him with an erotic vengeance if no one had been there to watch.

  Luke was more of a man to her now than he’d been at any other time since her return. At times in the last months he seemed hopelessly lost in her sadomasochistic reality, but today he’d assembled all the disparate pieces of his personal fantasy into one coherent scheme of debauchery. She’d already witnessed the change in his demeanor, and how he’d donned his dominant self with greater confidence than before. She was at once intrigued, aroused and awed. She understood that he’d be tough on her, and that toughness she craved. They were, after all, at war – a fact that no one else in the room would understand quite the way she and Luke did. The tougher his act, the easier it would be for her to obey him; the easier it would be for him to win.

  The humiliation had just begun. He’d break her down before his friends, and she, like the good slave she was, would stand her ground, a quivering mass of arousal, until she could stand no more. Spurred on by the crazy energy that careened through them both, she’d gratefully submit to his commands, to his strap, his cane, his flogger and whip. The more she physically suffered as his slave, the more satisfied they both would be.

  “You’re here of your own free will? Is that not so?” Luke probed.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “You can leave anytime?”

  “Yes sir.”

  He boastfully looked to his friends. “There you have it, ladies. Unlike real slaves, who are locked up and the keys tossed, she can leave anytime. Isn’t that right?”

  She gulped back the first thing that popped in her mind to say – some glib remark she would entirely regret – and repeated her simple, “Yes, sir,” as if it were the only reply she’d ever need.

  “She’s free to leave, Miranda, and yet, the pretty Alexa is more than willing to suffer my abuse, because why?” It was Luke’s question to answer, not theirs. “Because she craves her slavery, she craves the thrill, and she’ll happily suffer a heap load of abuse just to have it. Without her kink, she’s like dry bones in the desert, brittle and easily broken. Isn’t that so, my love slave?”

  Her eyes were shining, her mouth parched and dry, and her feeble “Yes, sir,” sounded sad and stressed. But he hadn’t lied and neither could she.

  “See? See how compliant she is? Lucky for me to find a readymade slave in my own home! There are drawbacks, her age for one. If you’d seen her body when I saw it first, you’d know how hot she once was. Now she’s well on her way to forty (which was stretching the facts), and the body is starting to show it, but she uses it well, especially when she’s all fired up.”

  “So, what’s it take to fire her up,” Brendon asked.

  “She’s already there. It may look subtle now, but trust me, she’s starting to burn inside. Once she’s naked…”

  “I’d like to see her naked,” Brendon said. Suggestive, lewd, almost mocking. The tone of voice, the glint in his eye, the surly way his lips curled as he viewed the startling female.

  “You will,” Luke replied, “you will,” he said as if she’d just run naked through his memories. Although no memory could be more provocative than Alexa in stilettos, corset and slutty clothes.

  “I hope you’re not too squeamish,” Luke continued. “She likes it rough. She’s been in training for the last few weeks just getting ready for this day. But that was practice. This, this is the main event. A coming out party for my reborn slut.” His eyes flashed hot, and the room seemed to galvanize around this notion. He’d touted his plan and by the looks on their faces, they all wanted in; even Ashley’s stricken expression was fueled by desire. Right before the shivering Alexa, with eyes boring into her frightened ones, he added, gesturing widely with his arm for effect, “This weekend we pull out all the stops.”

  A solemn hush circled the room following Luke’s theatrics, until Miranda once again broke the unbearable tension. “You’re quite the devil with all your evil plans,” she said, looking both excited and a tad afraid.

  Miranda couldn’t help but giggle again, though it was her friend, the buxom brunette Brett, who finally had something to say. She may have looked like the cit
y girls she hung with, but she was all Southern belle when she opened her mouth. And when she released the tortoise shell clip that held back her hair, her massive curls sprung free, creating a beautiful halo of color around her shining face. The transformation was miraculous—from sedate college coed to voluptuous female. She stood up straight, letting all eyes see the results then she swung her hips as she walked toward her host.

  “So are we ready to enjoy this slavish plaything?” she purred. She sidled up to Luke while observing Alexa with a chilly cool. “It’s a BDSM sort of thing, isn’t it? Very popular I hear, especially amongst the Goth and vampire set. We have these nasty clubs sprouting up all over the place in the South. Then again, I suppose that kink doesn’t have to confine itself to fringe elements of society. I’m as normal as they come and I find it fascinating.”

  “Personal reasons?” Luke asked.

  “Humm, maybe,” she said, remaining demurely evasive. “But I confess, since you brought this up earlier today, I’ve been about as turned on as I’ve been in some time. I’d say get on with what you had in mind. Let the squeamish go to their rooms and read a book.” As she figured, no one left the room.

  “Maybe you’d like the whip on your ass?” Brendon shot off.

  James uttered something snide under this breath, while Brett’s red lips formed a smile. “You just try that, Brendon Briggs. See how far you get.”

  “Further than you think,” he alleged.

  Her eyes narrowed on him tersely, then she turned to Alexa, giving her a brief onceover. “On the other hand, she’s crying out for it. I’ll bet she likes the pain.”

  The sweet-talking Brett surprised them all with her sudden interest in the subject – she rarely weighed in on sexual matters, leaving her own preferences a mystery. “As for me, Brendon, I could go either way with the whipping, but that’s not something I intend to share with you.” Was she teasing or serious? No one would know. Her eyes flashed, then she made a sudden about face and looked on Alexa with a mocking smile. “I’m testing my theory on pain. Let’s see what this does.” Reaching out, she grabbed at Alexa’s breasts, finding her pebble-like nipples and pinching them hard, pulling them as far as Alexa’s flesh would stretch, and even then, tugging harder until her cringing victim finally moaned aloud and Brett let go. “You know, I think I could grow to like this. She kinda reminds me of my older sister – the bitch who’s made my life hell for five years. You suppose I could work out my frustrations on your slave?” she asked Luke.


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