
Home > Mystery > Even > Page 30
Even Page 30

by Andrew Grant

  “Not so far. They’ve used polymers, up to now. For gradual diffusion.”

  “Any proof they’ve made the leap?”

  “It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

  “I don’t know. It doesn’t tally with the video.”

  “It does. They said people would drown in their own blood. And you saw Taylor.”

  “Taylor didn’t drown.”

  “Not literally. But you get the picture.”

  “I still don’t buy it. Think of the resources you’d need.”

  “You’ve seen the drug they developed. That shows a high degree of competence in itself. And the guys they brought over were transplant surgeons. Implanting things in people is their day job.”

  “It still seems like—”

  “Lavine, stop talking. You believe me, or you don’t. You save these people, or you don’t. Either way, I don’t care. I don’t know them. I’m not interested in them. Stay in D.C. Look for your nonexistent bombs. Knock yourself out. Just call me when you have news about Tanya.”


  There was a moment when I thought my career in the navy was over before it even began. It was at the end of the first exercise I’d been sent on, away from barracks. I was sitting in the course supervisor’s office with two other people. My training officer, who’d been summoned especially for the meeting, and the psychologist who’d been observing me for the previous two days. I remember looking at their faces and thinking that absolutely nothing good was about to happen.

  The course had been all about teamwork. There were thirty-two other people in the group. They were all up for jobs in the civil service. The Home Office, Inland Revenue, Employment Service, that kind of thing. All their written exams were out of the way. Now they just had to show how well they could work together. It was the final hurdle for them. It felt like the final straw for me.

  We had to sit through two full days of role plays and discussions and debates. Your plane has crashed in the jungle. What should you do? Your ship is sinking. Which two people should you save? You have to market a new soft toy. What kind should it be? And if that wasn’t painful enough, they forced a group feedback session on us between each exercise. How fully did you involve the quieter members of the group? How do you feel about the inclusiveness of your performance? How could you encourage everyone to contribute more actively?

  At least there was no hugging.

  The psychologist’s verdict wasn’t complimentary. He left no room for misunderstanding about that. Every word he uttered for half an hour was carefully chosen to show exactly how badly he thought of me. By the time he left the room I was half expecting to be arrested as a menace to society. But when the door closed behind him my training officer’s stern face broke into a huge smile. He roared with laughter. And then he took me for a drink.

  The navy works in strange ways. I know that now. But at the time I had no idea what the assessors had been told. They thought they had to rubber-stamp me for a staff role. Not out of mischief. But because people are naturally inclined to give you the answer they think you want. They have to be really certain of themselves to dig in and contradict you. Especially when you’re paying their wages. So with a lot of external tests, the navy runs things backward. You have to fail to pass. And that one I failed with flying colors.

  So in the end, whether he meant to or not, the psychologist did me a favor. A huge one. He opened the door for me to work on my own. That freed me from depending on other people to make progress. And from feeling responsible for what happened to anyone else.

  Until Tanya went missing, anyway.

  Then I was back to doing both.

  The night doorman at Tanya’s building rolled over the minute he saw my consulate ID. He gave up her spare keys immediately. He didn’t even ask me to move my fingers away from the expiration date at the bottom of the pass. Which was lucky, since it had run out at midnight on Sunday.

  I saw no one in the corridors or elevators on my way up to Tanya’s floor. And no sign of the police doing any canvassing. Maybe they’d already finished, and found nothing. Or maybe they hadn’t started yet. Either way, I wasn’t encouraged.

  There was a fresh scratch in the gray paint around the lock on Tanya’s door. It was half an inch long and roughly curved, as if someone had been careless with their key. I couldn’t say it was significant. But equally, I couldn’t rule it out. Tanya could have done it herself. Or the previous resident. Or the kidnappers. Or even the police. Without equipment and people and time to run tests, there was just no way of knowing.

  I’ve lost count of the number of offices and houses and flats I’ve rifled through in my career. I’d lost count before the end of my first year. It’s the kind of thing that feels alien the first few times but quickly becomes tediously routine. The fear of being disturbed or leaving some telltale sign of your presence soon passes, and instinct and training take over. You learn to anticipate the likely places where people try to conceal things, thinking they’re clever. Mundane, scattered items form patterns before your eyes, revealing your suspect’s true character and habits. Normally I wouldn’t turn a hair, walking in uninvited through someone’s front door while they were out. But stepping into Tanya’s apartment felt very different. Partly because what I was searching for was so intangible—signs of who had ambushed her and where they might have gone after the clinic—but mostly because this time the job wasn’t professional.

  It was personal.

  Tanya had only been at that address for five days and she’d hardly had time to scratch the surface of making it her home. The kitchen drawers and cupboards were empty except for one box of imported tea bags. A carton of milk stood on its own in the cavernous fridge. Two takeaway Thai food containers lay in the trash, accompanied by plastic cutlery and a couple of diet Coke cans. Five heavy cardboard boxes were lined up against a pair of bookshelves in the main room. They were still sealed up with wide strips of packing tape. There was no sofa. No chairs. No TV or stereo. No pictures on the walls or blinds at the windows. But more unhelpfully, no signs of a struggle. No cryptic messages. And nothing left for me to interpret or decode.

  I’d imagined walking into Tanya’s bedroom a thousand times, but never under these circumstances. Pulling back her duvet felt intrusive, not intimate. I moved on to her wardrobe, then her bathroom. I felt like a pervert, rooting through her personal things, but I carried on anyway. And turned up absolutely nothing. I kept on looking until I was absolutely certain there was nothing there to work with. Nothing I could uncover on my own, anyway. Maybe a forensics team could take things further, but with the facilities at my disposal I’d hit a dead end. Again. And now, I was out of ideas.

  I could only hope Tanya wasn’t out of time.

  I moved back into the main room, perched on the windowsill, and called Lavine.

  “I’ve scoured her place,” I said. “No luck at all. How about the NYPD. Anything?”

  “Kyle’s talking to them now,” he said. “I should know in a minute. Hold on.”

  I swiveled around and looked out of the window, just for something to do. There wasn’t much of a view. The apartment was in the wrong part of the building for that. All I could see was other people’s light spilling out and throwing shadows down to the courtyard, seven floors below.

  “Have you thought about my idea?” I said. “About the drug implants?”

  “We’ve been kicking it around,” he said.


  “Varley’s not convinced. He thinks it’s not spectacular enough.”

  “But that’s the whole point. Spectacular’s out of fashion. No one can top 9/11, so attacks are becoming more personal, now.”

  “I don’t know. Varley thinks it lacks impact.”

  “He didn’t see Taylor’s body, though, did he? Neither did you.”


  “Well, picture this. You go to bed with your wife, everything perfectly normal. You wake up in the morning and she’s dead. But t
hat’s not all. The bed is soaked with her blood. Saturated with it. So are you. Like you’ve bathed in it. The room stinks. It’s all over the floor. It’s flooded out of the door and down the stairs and filled half the hallway. It’s dripping through the ceiling of the room below—”

  “Stop it, now. You’re exaggerating.”

  “Or it could be your parents. Your kids. Neighbors. Friends . . .”

  “OK. I’m getting the picture.”

  “It’s about taking terror out of the public space and bringing it into people’s homes. Taking their sanctuary away. No one would feel safe. Anywhere. At any time. Tell me that doesn’t have impact.”

  “Maybe you’re right. Let me talk to him again.”

  “You don’t need to talk about it. You need to find a way to stop it happening. What about patient lists? Client records from the clinics?”

  “That’s a nonstarter. Maher told me there was no paperwork recovered at all. From any of the sites. And all their computers were wiped, as well.”

  “Computers? Wait a minute. Didn’t Maher say the devices were rigged for Wi-Fi, not cell phones?”

  “Yes. That’s his theory.”

  “Then that’s the answer. Talk to the phone companies. And whoever pipes in the cable TV. Shut down the broadband at source. That way, you’d stop the signal getting through. Whether they’re bombs or drug implants or anything else we haven’t thought of.”

  “Shut down the Internet? We could do that, I suppose. We’ve done it before. But here’s the problem. What if the devices work the other way around, like burglar alarms? It might be stopping the signal that sets them off. Whatever they are.”

  “So. We’re no further forward.”

  “No. Oh, hang on. Kyle’s off the phone. Let me talk to him. Give me a second.”

  I could see that quite a few rooms were still lit up, all around the courtyard. Maybe seven out of every ten. Quite a few people must still have been awake. They must have been awake earlier, when Tanya was taken. I thought about going around and knocking on their doors. The police might have drawn a blank before, if they’d even tried, but jogging memories is a gift of mine.

  “OK, I’m back,” Lavine said. “This is how we stand. The NYPD is throwing everything they have into finding Lesley. They’ve brought in all their specialist squads. Organized Crime. Vice. Narcotics. Major Case. Computer Crime. Everyone. A bunch of our own guys are backing them up. Varley’s even reached out to the DEA, to see if they know anything.”

  “When will we hear?”

  “I don’t know. Lesley’s a slippery customer.”

  “So basically no one has made any progress.”


  The light went out in one of the apartments, opposite. Then another, almost immediately. I would have to get moving if I wanted to talk to people, tonight.

  “Look, thanks anyway,” I said. “But I’ve had an idea at this end. A long shot, but I’m going to give it a try. Call me if anything breaks.”

  “Will do,” he said.

  Two more lights went out, away to my left. The useless, lazy bastards. People who’d just been sitting around in their snug little apartments, paying no attention to anyone else’s problems, when all Tanya needed was for one person to have opened their eyes. Now they were heading off for a cozy night’s sleep without a care in the world. Maybe there was a case for jogging memories a little more vigorously than usual. I pushed back from the windowsill and started toward the kitchen. I’d only taken four steps when my phone rang again. Lavine’s number flashed up on the screen. But when I answered, it was Varley’s voice I heard.

  “Listen to this,” he said. “Hot off the press. The body you found at the clinic? It wasn’t Taylor. Maher’s come up with a new ID.”

  “Who was it?” I said.

  “No one we’ve heard of before. A guy called Darius Metcalf.”

  “What’s his connection with Tungsten?”

  “There isn’t one. He does have a sheet, though. Small-time stuff. He’s just some junkie asshole. They probably picked him because he was scrawny enough to pass for Taylor. The weedy little runt.”

  “So Taylor is still alive?”

  “As far as we can tell.”

  “Where is he?”

  “We don’t know.”

  “Why the elaborate cover? Why not just slip away with the others on Monday, before anyone was even looking for him?”

  “We’re thinking he wasn’t looking to run. He was looking to stay, under the radar.”

  “What for?”

  “We’re thinking he’s the trigger man. Or he knows who is. Which means he’s the way we’re going to stop these explosions.”

  Forget that, I thought. He’s the way I’m going to find Tanya.

  We already knew someone at Tungsten had made Tanya call me. To lure us to the clinic. To find their video. And now, it appeared, to set up Taylor’s cover at the same time. That was a neat move. We hadn’t seen it coming. But the key is what happened next. They didn’t just kill Tanya, or even let her go. They gave her to Lesley. And that didn’t happen on its own. Taylor and Lesley must have been in contact, to arrange the handover. They must have spoken today. This evening. In the last few hours. Taylor could get in touch with Lesley when it suited his own ends. So he could get in touch with her for me.

  If I could put my hands on him.

  “Let me help you find him,” I said. “You’ve tried his apartment? His office?”

  “They’re the first places we looked,” Varley said. “We’re still sitting on them.”

  “No fruit?”

  “Nothing from his work, but a neighbor saw him leave his building. Yesterday afternoon. Less than an hour after he was released. Two big guys were with him, in some kind of desert uniform. He was carrying a satchel. Like a laptop bag. But no other luggage.”

  “Any idea where he was going?”

  “No. That’s why I’m calling you. You spent the most time with him. Any thoughts about where he might run?”

  “Nothing comes to mind.”

  “You were at his apartment. Anything there that could help? Pictures of holiday cabins? Ski equipment? Scuba stuff? Anything at all?”

  “No. The place was sterile. Immaculate.”

  “You spoke to him. Any idea how we could contact him?”

  I checked my pocket before giving him an answer. I did have one idea. But I wasn’t sure if it was the kind of thing I could share. The FBI is too conventional. Taylor was the last strand in Tanya’s lifeline. It was frayed enough, already.

  Smoking him out was going to need a different approach.


  In training, the emphasis is all on preparation.

  The instructors are constantly asking, What’s your situation? What’s your objective? What’s your exposure? What’s your time frame? It’s a relentless process. You’re always being pushed to plan, check, adapt, implement, and review. Then go again, if necessary.

  In the field, the emphasis is all on speed. The ability to think on your feet. To react. Improvise. Make it up as you go along. For some jobs, you’re on the road or in the air before the background reports have even been opened, to make sure you’re in the right place when you’re needed.

  That’s the kind of reality that drives the instructors crazy.

  But for the agents, it’s what gives you your edge.

  I perched back on Tanya’s windowsill and switched the SIM card in my phone with the one I’d taken from Mansell’s. Then I started to type a message.

  hi I sent to Taylor.

  No reply.

  guess who’s back?

  No reply.

  got a game 4 u. want 2 play?

  No reply.

  3 questions. guess how i got my phone back? guess where i am? guess how much $ i want

  This time Taylor did respond. He sent a single character.


  am working with fbi. fun! but not 4 u if u don’t answer my qs

where r u?

  66th st. inside clinic. taken more photos. haven’t shown fbi. yet


  50k. tonight

  2 hrs

  I checked my watch. I couldn’t wait two hours. It would be too agonizing. And more to the point, neither could Tanya.

  no I sent. 30 mins

  need 2 hrs 2 get $

  cant stall for 2 hrs. calling fbi now

  wait. 1 hr?

  I thought about it. One hour would be hell, but I couldn’t afford to overplay my hand. Taylor was Tanya’s last chance. If I scared him off, that would be the end of the game. And I did have some arrangements to make.

  ok 1 hr I sent.

  where will u be? will send cash

  who with? mechanic, like last time? no thx. i’ll collect. where?

  swan hotel. e 12th. rm 1012. come alone

  no. will send 2 guys. 1 stays with u, 1 brings back the $. then he brings u the photos & u let both go

  ok. but want phone as well, not just photos


  Varley said he knew the Swan Hotel. He remembered it from a surveillance assignment, early in his career. And he agreed with me when I said we should send more than two agents. Taylor had caved in far too easily. I’d barely made a single threat. He was clearly in no mind to roll over and pay Mansell off. More likely he had something up his sleeve. Something nasty. Which made this one occasion when it would pay to go in mob-handed.

  My approach to his sole remaining witness hadn’t boosted my popularity any, in Varley’s eyes. He had cut me some slack, given the outcome, but there were still severe limits to his spirit of cooperation.

  “One last point, Commander,” he said, once the logistics were squared away. “Where are you planning to be when my guys take Taylor down, tonight?”

  “I hadn’t really thought that far ahead, to be honest,” I said. “Where would you like me to be?”

  “I don’t care. Be wherever you like. Just make sure it’s not within half a mile of the Swan.”

  “You don’t want my help? In a purely supportive, backup-type capacity?”


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