In My Arms (Philadelphia Series)

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In My Arms (Philadelphia Series) Page 7

by Plendl, Taryn

  I pulled my hair back into a low ponytail and walked out to the kitchen. Trevor stood there with two travel mugs and a gorgeous smile! “Wow, I must say you clean up nicely.”

  “Thank you.” I reached out and accepted the coffee Trevor made. I watched him move his eyes over my body as I took a sip of my coffee. He had a way of making me feel so hot without even saying a word. It also didn’t hurt that he could make a mean cup of coffee!

  “Ready?” I asked.

  He reached over and cupped my cheek with his hand. Without breaking eye contact, he leaned down and kissed me. As soon as his warm, moist lips touched mine, I closed my eyes and moaned. His tongue darted out, licking my bottom lip before gently sucking it into his mouth. I put my arms around his neck, pulling him deeper, smiling when he let out his own moan this time.

  “We need to stop this if we plan on ever getting to work.” He placed a small kiss on my nose and took my hand in his as we walked out into the hallway. He waited for me to lock my door and brushed his hand across the back of my neck, sending chills through my body. He smiled at me before taking my hand in his and walking me down to his car. God he was unreal!

  I was in so much trouble!

  Chapter 11


  “Did you take penis enlargement pills Nick?” Talia asked with a straight face.

  “Why do you ask?” Nick replied, looking cautious but confused.

  “’Cause you’re an even bigger dick tonight than before.” She shrugged as Ava, Tom and I busted out in laughter.

  We had all decided to hit the clubs on Saturday night. It didn’t take long for Nick to make some sexist comment about someone before Talia called him out. As much as they were constantly at each other, we could tell they were becoming friends. There seemed to be a mutual respect hiding under the insults. With that said, I could almost guarantee there wouldn’t be a love connection between the two of them, not unless we wanted a murder on our hands.

  Talia looked over to me. “So Trevor, I see you finally dug yourself out of that hole huh?” She smiled looking between Ava and me.

  “Yeah, I might have to just stop talking and just keep kissing. I seem to get a lot further that way.” I chuckled when Ava pushed me.

  “I’m not a dick!” Nick finally exclaimed after processing what Talia had said earlier. We all broke out in laughter again. “You’re something else girl!” He scoffed, shaking his head.

  “Yeah, I'm a pain in the ass, I have a big mouth and stubborn as hell. Thanks for taking the time to notice, now who’s going to dance with me?” She stood up and walked to the dance floor as Tom stood up smiling. He winked at us. “I got this.”

  I shook my head. It was nice to know that my friends weren’t the only crazy people. Talia could take on a whole room on her own.

  “Do you want another drink?” I pointed to Ava’s empty glass.

  She leaned in closer, brushing her lips against my ear. “I don’t know. Are there still no rules against me drinking?”

  I laughed knowing what she was referring to. “I promise to take you to bed whether you’ve had one drink or ten.” I kissed her in that sensitive spot right below her ear.

  “In that case, please.” She licked her lips and I almost groaned out loud.

  “Ava, can Trevor have his balls back long enough for us to go to the bar and get more drinks?” Nick rolled his eyes as he stood. “Ouch!” He whined when I punched him in the shoulder.

  We ordered our drinks and waited against the bar. “So, what’s the deal with you two?” Nick asked in all seriousness.

  “I like her man….a lot. I guess we’re just trying to figure it out as we go right now, but things are real nice so far.” I smiled.

  “So, she seems to feel the same way, right?” Nick questioned.

  “I think so, why?”

  “I was just wondering who that guy is in your seat.” Nick pointed to our table where Ava was sitting.

  I moved toward the table quickly to make sure this guy realized she was with me, but as I got closer I recognized him and I saw red.

  “I suggest you walk away Kyle.” I demanded with more control than I felt as I came up behind him.

  The asshole turned and smiled at me. “I’m just having a word with my girl here.” He sneered.

  I pulled him up by the back of his neck until he was fully standing. “I’m only going to say it one more time Kyle. Walk. Away. Now.”

  “Trevor, he’s not worth it.” Ava pleaded.

  “No baby, he’s not, but you are.” I assured her.

  “You better let go of me now.” This dumbass had no common sense.

  “Or what Kyle? You put bruises on my girl there. Do you think that makes you tough? To put your hands on a woman? To belittle her?” I was shaking with anger, still holding on to his neck.

  Nick and Tom came and stood behind me as Talia pushed Kyle as she passed and slid in next to Ava.

  “Kyle, you’re such a douche! Cheating is played out, grow the fuck up. If you wanted to fuck around, you should have just been single. I waited for years for her to drop your sorry ass!” Talia yelled at him.

  “Shut up Talia, you’re such a bitch!” He spat back at her.

  Before I could flinch, Tom punched Kyle straight in the jaw, and if I hadn’t been holding him up, I’m sure he would’ve hit the ground. I spun around and looked at him, shocked. I had never seen Tom hit anyone or anything before. I still held Kyle as Tom leaned in. “Watch your mouth asshole.”

  If I wasn’t so shocked, I might have laughed. Nick did just that. “Holy shit man!”

  Kyle stood there, not quite sure what even happened. I turned back to him. “Kyle, you’re lucky it was my friend here that hit you first. I suggest you walk away now, and if I catch you around Ava or Talia for that matter, I won’t be so generous next time.” I gave him a push and he walked away rubbing his jaw.

  I turned back to Tom, “What the hell was that? Do you need some ice for your hand princess?” I chuckled. He shook his head, looking back at Talia who was quiet for once in her life. He just smiled and walked away.

  I turned back to Ava. “Are you okay? What did he say to you?” I sat down on the other side of her.

  “She was just being his normal condescending self. I don’t know why he can’t just leave me alone.” She shook her head. “So what was the deal with Tom?” She asked looking from me to Nick who was still amused.

  I felt a laugh escape. “I have no idea. Tom is the least violent person I’ve ever met. I can honestly say that I have never seen him hit anyone.” I looked over at Talia. “I guess he didn’t like Kyle calling you a bitch.” I laughed again. She shrugged, looking away.

  “Yeah, I mean we expect that shit from Trevor here, being a trained fighter and all, but not Tom.” Nick took a long draw from his beer, still shaking his head.

  “What do you mean by a trained fighter?” Ava raised her eyebrows. I swear Nick had the biggest mouth.

  “Trevor here is a mixed martial arts expert. He taught while we were in college.” Nick told her.

  “Do you still fight?” She asked curiously.

  “Not competitive. I just do it to stay in shape now.” I smiled.

  “Well, you certainly are doing a nice job with that.” She wiggled her eyebrows at me as she ran her finger over my arm. I was about ready to take her home and so her just how in shape I was. I grabbed her finger and brought it up to my mouth, kissing it before tucking it back in my grasp.

  “Want to dance?” She nodded.

  Just as we stood I saw Tom walking back. “Give me a minute. I want to make sure he’s okay.” I whispered to her so I wouldn’t let Nick and Talia hear. I had a feeling there was more to that punch than Tom led on.

  “Hey, you okay?” I asked as I approached him. He looked down for a minute and I could tell he was upset.

  “Yeah. I can’t believe I hit him.” He shook his head.

  I put my hand on his shoulder. “He deserved it Tom.” I tried to r
eassure him.

  “I know. When he called Talia a bitch I just reacted, you know?”

  There was obviously more to it, but I could tell now wasn’t the time to press him. “It’s cool Tom, come back. I was just about to go dance with Ava. Grab Talia and let’s have some fun.” I clapped him on the back.

  “Come on girls, let’s dance.” I grabbed Ava’s hand as Tom took Talia’s. We spent the rest of the night dancing and forgetting about Tom’s infamous punch from earlier.

  Chapter 12


  “Are you coming out with us on Friday?” I asked Talia.

  We were having a late lunch at one of the local restaurants close to my work. Talia was off today after a long night of call.

  “No. I’m on call again. We have a nurse out on maternity leave, so I’m picking up a lot more call than usual.” She shrugged. I could tell she was tired, not only because of the way she looked, but also because of the complete lack of sarcasm.

  “Hey, did Tom ever say anything else about punching Kyle last weekend?”

  Talia shook her head. “No, but I know he was upset about it.”

  “Yeah, Trevor told me Tom had never hit anyone before. He said when Kyle called you a bitch he just reacted.” I raised my eyebrows, watching Talia’s reaction.

  “Humph.” Really? That was all I was getting?

  We finished lunch and took a walk outside, sitting on the fountain in a small courtyard. The day was beautiful! The sky was clear and the early fall sun felt warm against my skin. I leaned back on my hands and tilted my head up, closing my eyes for a moment, just letting myself go.

  “You look happy Ava.” Talia said in a very serious tone. I glanced up to see her watching me. I smiled, “I am Talia. It’s been a long time since I could truly say that, huh?”

  “Well, you have me to thank for that.” She said matter of fact.

  I laughed. “How do you figure?”

  “Well, if I hadn’t dragged your sorry, pathetic little butt away from your pity party of one out that night to the club, you would have never hooked up with Trevor.” She winked at me. I shook my head at her. She was too much. I didn’t remind her that I would’ve met him at work anyway.

  “What about you Talia? I haven’t heard of any recent dating disasters lately. Are you losing your touch?”

  “Absolutely not! I’m just being more selective. I’m appalled you would even think I was losing my touch, please!” She looked offended and I couldn’t help but laugh at her.

  “Go home and get some rest.” I stood up. “Thank you for having lunch with me.” I gave her a hug and headed back to work.


  “Where are we going?” I asked Trevor as he continued to drive out of the city. This morning when I showed up to work, I thought we were going to the clubs tonight. Trevor had made other plans for us. He had asked me to pack an overnight bag and a nice outfit and was taking me away for the weekend.

  The work week had flown by. We had been given two more accounts to work on and were working like crazy to put them together. Trevor and I had spent several late nights at the office and it felt like we hadn’t had much time with each other outside of work.

  With our relationship being so new, I felt like I couldn’t get enough of him. Every time he walked by me I wanted to reach out and grab him, but somehow I think that wouldn’t have been received well at work. I was acting like a sex-crazed teenager. It was all so new for me.

  “It’s a surprise Ava. Sit back and relax we have a while longer on the road.” He smiled that gorgeous smile at me. God he was beautiful!

  Somewhere along the drive I must have dozed off, because I awoke to light kisses along my face and neck. “Mmmm. Hello handsome.” I smiled as I opened my eyes. It took me only a couple of seconds to realize we were no longer moving. I sat up and looked around.

  “Where are we?” There was a huge building in front of us, lights and lush gardens surrounding it. It was breathtaking!

  “We are in Hershey, Pennsylvania. We are staying here to be spoiled and pampered all weekend. Come on, let’s get checked in, we have dinner reservations in an hour.” He kissed me on the nose and opened his door. I still couldn’t get over how beautiful everything looked in the setting sun.

  Our room was amazing! Crème and dark chocolate browns with gold decorated the room. The large king sized bed had a huge padded headboard and the linens were exquisite. The bathroom was huge with a two person soaking tub and double vanity.

  I turned around to find Trevor leaning against the door frame watching me. “Do you like it?” He asked.

  “Oh Trevor! It is amazing!” I gasped. “I mean, it’ll do.” I shrugged, and then giggled as his eyebrow shot up.

  “Well, this is just the beginning. I’m going to spoil you rotten this weekend.” He walked over and wrapped me in his arms, kissing me on top of the head. “You deserve this, you know.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Come on, we need to get ready for dinner.”

  I showered and shaved, slipped on a black cocktail dress and silver heels. I pulled my hair up and applied a little mascara and lip gloss and then stepped out of the bathroom.

  Trevor was standing by the window looking out. He was in a grey suit. His shoulders were broad and strong. When he turned I stopped and just stared. I was beginning to think we should just stay in.

  He had on a black silk shirt with a couple buttons open. It hugged his chest perfectly. His suit pants sat low on his waist and gripped his hips slightly. His arousal was showing in the form of a nice bulge in the front of his pants. At this rate I may not make it out of the room.

  He smiled his half smile, looking me over. “Ava, you look stunning.” He breathed.

  “You don’t look half bad yourself Mr. Dawson. I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up into his beautiful green eyes. We just stared at each other, taking it all in, enjoying this moment.

  “Hungry?” He asked.

  “You have no idea.” I whispered and he chuckled as he took my hand and led me down to the restaurant.

  The restaurant was in the shape of a circle and the view of the gardens, covered in lights, was able to be seen out of every window. The food was exquisite as well as the selection of wine. We nibbled and tasted from each other’s plates and then finished with a decadent chocolate dessert. It was perfect.

  “Do you want to go for a walk?” Trevor asked as we walked out of the restaurant.

  “No.” I stated simply.

  “No?” He smiled down at me. I shake my head slowly from side to side, watching the exact moment when he understands what I want.

  “Let’s go.” He pulled me to the elevator. As soon as the doors closed, he had me pressed up against the wall. Pulling my hair down softly from the pins, he lifted my face to him so he could cover my mouth with his. I couldn’t contain the moan as his tongue plunged into my mouth, searching and claiming my own. He pulled my knee up to his waist, pressing his hip against me. It still wasn’t nearly close enough.

  The elevator door opened and we spilled out into the—thankfully—empty hallway as Trevor searched for the room key, never breaking our kiss. After sliding it in the slot and turning the knob, the weight of our bodies pushed the door open with such force that it banged against the wall, causing us to stumble in and laugh as we righted ourselves and closed the door.

  “God woman, you drive me crazy!” He groaned as he pulled the zipper of my dress down my back as I fumbled with his belt and pants. He slid my dress off my shoulders where it dropped to a pool around my feet, leaving me standing there is a black lace bra and matching thong.

  He growled! Oh yes! Growled!

  I lost all control, pushing him back onto the bed. I pulled his pants down his legs as he shuffled out of his shirt. I stood over him, admiring the fine specimen he was before I yanked his boxers down, freeing him completely. Before I even thought about it, I dropped to my knees, taking him fully into my mouth. He threw his head back. “Oh go
d Ava!” After barely a minute he pulled me up reclaiming my mouth.

  “You are going to completely unman me if you keep doing that.” He chuckled. Reaching behind me he unfastened my bra, shoving it off my shoulders and releasing my sweetly curved mounds. He cupped both of them, bringing them to his mouth one at a time, kissing and teasing until they were hard and sensitized.

  Without warning he rolled me onto my back, trailing kisses down my exposed stomach. He ran his tongue under the waist of my panties and I felt like I was going to explode. “Please.”

  He chuckled against me and the vibrations alone almost sent me over the edge. Trailing his finger over my mound, he brushed my hard jewel and I bucked my hips off the bed. “You like that?” He cocked his eyebrow at me, smiling. All I could do was nod as I continued to pant.

  Finally he slid my panties down my legs, placing kisses along my thighs and then my calves before moving back up. He paused right over my sex, and blew cool air on me before putting his warm mouth on my most sensitive place and sucking. I called out his name, overwhelmed by the sensations shooting from my toes to my head. Just when I think I can’t possibly take any more, he sliped two fingers inside me and I exploded with soul-shattering intensity.

  I could barely catch my breath as Trevor moved slowly up over my body. I heard a rustling of a wrapper and then felt the warmth of his body pressing against me right before he plunged into me sending me into another convulsive release.

  “Oh God Ava! I can’t stand it! You. Feel. So. Good!” He grunted as he pressed deep into me over and over again. I could feel his pace quicken and I could tell he was close, so I dragged my nails down his back and cupped his firm ass, pulling him even deeper as his magnificent body shuddered, pulsating deep within me.

  I’m not sure how long we lay there, but eventually I felt Trevor roll off of me and immediately I missed the warmth of his body. I heard the water running in the bathroom and got up to see what he was doing. As I rounded the corner, I saw that he was running us a bath. I walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around him and placed a kiss between his shoulders. With so many emotions coursing through me I feared I may blurt out those three little words I was starting to feel for this man and ruin everything. To prevent that I just simply said, “Thank you.”


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