A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets (Wylde Bears)

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A Fox Between the Bear's Sheets (Wylde Bears) Page 11

by Jenika Snow

  “I should probably take Luke back to my motel since the wedding is off.” That had Ford’s eyebrows lifting and him glancing back at her brother.

  “Man, she did a number on him, too.” It wasn’t a question. She went to grab Luke’s arm, but Ford shook his head and took a step closer. “Let me get him, baby. Here, pay the tab.” He handed her a wad of cash and leaned down to give her a long, drugging kiss.

  “I’m good. I’m good.” Her brother stood, but weaved slightly. His words were slurred, and she had a moment of regret for letting him get the way he was, but then she heard the voice that sounded like nails on a chalkboard, and her anger went to nuclear levels. Turning around she came face-to-face with Mina. For a moment all she saw was a red haze, but she reined in her temper and took a deep breath.

  Mina looked behind Talia’s shoulder, and her eyes widened. There was a shot of lust that came from her, and Talia knew it was because she was looking right at Ford. That had her inner fox rising to the surface. “I figured you’d be slumming it at one of the only two bars in town. I thought we could work out whatever it is that you think is wrong, Luke, but apparently you’d rather get drunk.” The way Mina looked at Talia and curled her lip in disgust led Talia to believe she would have liked to say more on the subject. For whatever reason she kept her mouth shut.

  “Listen, I don’t think now is a good time to talk about anything, especially since Luke explained pretty clearly that things between the two of you are over.” Talia said it as nicely as possible.

  “You’ve never wanted your brother and me to be together.” Mina gave Talia a once-over, the distaste on her face evident. “I don’t need to be an animal to smell the jealousy all over you, Talia. It isn’t my fault you got stuck with the less than favorable genes.” Mina crossed her arms under her chest, successfully popping the huge mounds up and in everyone’s face. Mina looked at Ford who was now standing behind Talia, and then back at Talia. Realization dawned on the human, and her eyes narrowed. “Are you kidding me, Ford? This is what you’ve moved on to?”

  That fucking bitch. Talia stiffened at the condescending tone. A glance over her shoulder showed Luke had taken a step forward. He wobbled slightly and braced his hand on the table to hold himself up.

  “So you can’t stand that I’m going to marry your brother, and instead you think you’ll start seeing my ex?” Before Talia could answer Mina leaned forward and said, “Just an FYI, you can’t replace me. I’ll always hold a special place in Ford’s heart.” Mina grinned over at Ford.

  “You are way out of line, Mina, and showing exactly how tacky and tasteless you really are.” Ford’s voice was loud and deep enough that the whole bar could hear, and this was verified when everything and everyone became utterly quiet.

  “I told you it was over, Mina. I don’t care who gets pissed at it.” Luke stood to his full six foot-two height, and surprisingly was steady despite his glossed over eyes and less than clear speech. “I shouldn’t have let it get as far as it did, and I’m sorry about that, but you said things that can’t be taken back, did things that I will never forget, and have disrespected far too many people I care about. I’m not going to get into this with you again, especially with a crowd, but just know I can’t do this anymore.”

  “Luke, we can discuss this later tonight back at my family’s estate.”

  “No, Mina.” He waved her off and muttered in passing, “Talia, I’ll meet you back in the car.” Mina tried to stop him, but whatever look he gave her had her snapping her mouth closed and grinding her teeth.

  “This is all your fault.” Mina rounded back at Talia and bared her teeth like she had an animal inside of her. “For the past two years you never liked me, and, honey, the feeling is mutual.” Mina curled her lip. “It’s not my fault you are fat and have freaky eyes. It also isn’t my fault that your social status is less than dog shit.”

  Ford took a step forward and growled low in his throat, but Talia had had enough of this bitch. “No, Ford.” Talia curled her hands into fists, and right when Mina smiled in the way that always made Talia feel like she was the gum on the bottom of Mina’s heel, she reared her arm back and clocked the bitch right in the side of the face. Mina stumbled back, and gripped her face. Her mouth opened and closed, but before she could mouth off once again Talia said, “Say something else, bitch, because I have wanted to hit you way more than just once.”

  Mina tightened her lips together, and before Talia lost control again and the police were called she was being ushered out of there by Ford. He muttered a few choice swear words to Mina, and the next thing that Talia was aware of was the cool night air washing over her face. She spotted Luke in the front seat of her car, his eyes closed and his throat working. It was going to take time for him to heal, but she would be there for him, because there was no way in hell she’d let him be consumed by the pain a woman like Mina could inflict.

  “About what Mina said.” She turned and looked at Ford. “None of that is true, in fact,” He leaned in close, and she braced herself against the side of the building. This position brought back a lot of very good memories, and Talia let the negative and toxic emotions that came from Mina fade in the distance. “I could smell her jealousy. It was as thick as a winter coat.” Talia’s eyes fluttered, but she forced them to stay open. “There isn’t a female that can compare to you. Your curves drive me crazy with lust.” He ran his hand down the side of her body, and her breathing hitched from the intimate contact. “Your gorgeous red hair reminds me of liquid fire.” He leaned in until his nose brushed the underside of her jaw and inhaled deeply. “And every time I look at you all I want to do is drop to my knees and worship you.” He leaned back and stared into her eyes. “And the color of your eyes reminds me of cut aquamarine, and I can’t help but get lost in them.” Talia’s knees threatened to give out. Never had anyone said such things to her, but it wasn’t just the things he said, but how he said them. Talia didn’t give a shit what Mina had said, didn’t even bat a lash at them. She had wanted to hit her for far too long, and the throbbing in her fist made it all real.

  Ford wrapped his arms around her, brought her flush with his body, and kissed her until she swore her heart was going to beat right out of her chest. “If you’ll have me, I plan on showing you every single day that what you have is exactly what I want.” And just like that Mina was no longer an issue, her self-image problems were the last thing on her mind, and all she could think about was always having this big, bad bear next to her. Whatever it was about Ford Wylde that made her feel so at ease, Talia never wanted to let it go.


  One year later

  “Luke, stop it.” Talia smacked her brother’s hand away but grinned in the process.

  Talia rubbed her palm over her swollen belly, and little Amelia kicked wildly. Luke immediately had his hand on her belly again. He looked in awe, and she couldn’t help but feel her chest warm at the sight. The past year had been hard for him, but he was coming around and not immersing himself in his work so much. Even though things had gone badly with Mina, Luke had honestly loved her despite the fact he had known deep down what kind of person she really was. Even after Luke called off the wedding and spoken out to everyone on the reason why he couldn’t marry a woman who would betray him, their whole family had been shunned by the Sheldons since they blamed their daughter’s failed relationship and wedding on Luke. In the end none of that mattered because Luke was strong and determined not to let her ruin his life like she did Ford’s. Now here they were, twelve months later, and Talia was married to Ford. The little girl kicking inside of her had been a pleasant surprise shortly after they were married.

  “Have you talked to Mom and Dad yet?” His smile widened when the baby kicked again right under his hand. With only a few more weeks to go before she delivered Talia couldn’t wait to have the baby. Her aching back and swollen ankles would be grateful as well.

  “Yeah. They will come out the week after next, unless I have the bab
y before then.” She turned so she faced Luke. Since the disaster with Mina she hadn’t really sat down and talked with him about her. The time never seemed right, and he had immersed himself in work so that he was cut off from everyone that loved him. Although there had been plenty of opportunities, Talia hadn’t wanted to talk about something that was obviously still raw inside of him. “Do you—”

  “No, I don’t want to talk about Mina, or the almost wedding, or anything else that will take away from this moment I’m having with my soon-to-be niece.” He glanced up at her, and she saw his genuine smile. “Okay?”

  Talia nodded. “Okay, Luke.” If he didn’t want to talk about it, or how he felt, then that was okay.

  “You guys ready to eat?” Ford came out of the kitchen. He was wiping his hands on the apron he wore, the one that had a bikini clad woman on the front of it. Talia grinned and eyed her husband. How could a male as big and strong as Ford look so cute and domestic?

  “Absolutely.” Talia’s stomach decided to give a mighty growl, and she felt her cheeks heat. She went to stand, but Ford was right there, taking her hands in his and helping her to stand. As he did every time he was near, he drew her into the safety and warmth of his arms, and she felt her strength grow tenfold. The doorbell rang, and she pulled away. “Looks like the rest of the clan have arrived.” She made her way to the front door and pulled it open. Bram walked in first, and after he gave her a brotherly hug and a belly rub, he moved further into the cabin. Charlie and Ary were next to enter, and they also gave her a hug before entering. Little Cole hung onto his mother, and Talia couldn’t help but smile and place her hand on her stomach. Who would have ever thought a red fox who thought she was overweight and had self-esteem issues would have mated with an alpha bear that had been damaged for ten years of his life? It just went to show that everyone made their own path in life, and Talia’s just happened to be a cobblestoned one in the little town of Sweet Water.

  The End


  Other Books by Jenika Snow:


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