Tempted By You

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Tempted By You Page 4

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  They had no idea that Jasmine, Phoebe, and Eden had been secretly listening from the other side of the door. That was what little sisters were supposed to do anyway, sneak and be nosy when it came to their siblings. There were a few times when they’d been caught, and during those times Luke or Jacob had threatened to tie them up with duct tape or throw them over the stone veranda at Luke’s parents’ home. Although it never happened, it wasn’t something Jasmine was prepared to experience, so she would take flight and run so fast one would swear she was running a marathon. Looking at Luke’s gorgeous face and intense hazel eyes now remixed what Jasmine thought she knew about that term of endearment coming from Luke. Had he been attracted to her all along?

  It was typical for the little sister and friend of her brother to “like” each other, but it wasn’t something that normally lasted a lifetime. Jasmine’s reverie shifted to Phoebe and Quentin. Could it be possible that she and Luke…

  “I probably should have told you this ahead of time,” Luke said, “but when I said we were going to dinner, I meant alone.”

  Jasmine’s thoughts were pulled back on the moment before her.

  “Alone?” she questioned.

  Luke’s eyes drove down her skin again, and his jaw locked as he coached his screaming libido to calm. Finding his strength, Luke nodded.

  “Alone,” his dark voice echoed. “There will be no other attendees, so no formal attire was required. I apologize for leaving that out.”

  Jasmine’s lips curved, and her smile complemented the highlight of her eyes. A double beat in Luke’s chest made him reach out to her, his hands slipping around her neck. Instead of pulling her to him, he took the only step toward her that closed the brisk opening between them.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful, Jas,” he said, leaning down and slipping his mouth over her soft lips.

  Jasmine felt blood surge from her fingertips to her toes as his mouth covered her with a passionate massage. The saccharine intoxicating musk of his body overwhelmed her, and a riveting heat shot to her stomach in a wild swirl. Her lips popped off of his as she lifted her head, and a moan escaped simultaneously.


  “I’m …” Luke couldn’t find his apology. It would be a lie if he were to speak it. “I can’t …” he held her mouth close to his.

  Their eyes met and stayed there as Luke continued to grasp on to her neck with both of his hands. He caressed her flesh with the pad of his thumb, shooting another stimulating blaze down Jasmine’s body. Her nipples were hard as ice, and her body vibrated softly.

  Jasmine needed them to slow down, but the disturbance in her soul was too far gone now. “Shit,” she cursed, reaching for his face in turn. Jasmine’s lips reconnected with his as she brought his hovering face back to her mouth. What composure she had left was shattered with the craving of his aperture, and his tongue sketched the full softness of her lips. A growl trekked from the depths of his being, and his hands left her neck to trail down her back, concealing them so tightly that their breaths matched.


  Jasmine snapped her head back, and her lips popped off of Luke’s. She turned her head toward the invading voice to find Eden standing there with her mouth open and a sly smile etched at the corners of her lips. Luke could hardly care. Their disconnection left him feeling bereft, and all he wanted was to find that link again.

  Jasmine cleared her throat. “I thought you would be out for the night?” she said to her sister.

  Luke straightened his posture but had a hard time releasing Jasmine. The need to feel her in some way was overbearing, but he wrestled the urge to ignore Eden and kiss Jasmine shamelessly one more time.

  “I was, but I left my cell phone at home, so I came back to get it.” Eden shrugged. “You know, in case of an emergency.”

  This is usually the part where Jasmine would tease her doppelganger with “You mean in case Derek calls.” However, Jasmine was in no position to be a mocker.

  “Excuse me if I’m interrupting.” Eden glanced from Jasmine to Luke, her eyes shimmering with a knowing gaze. “If I need to get a hotel for the night, let me know now so I can make the arrangements.”

  Her insinuation made Jasmine’s cheeks heat. Jasmine was not a shy person, in no shape, form, or fashion. But when in the company of Luke, Jasmine noticed she became a full-fledged pile of nervous energy. Blushing, feeling coy like a complete girl as if she wasn’t a headstrong boss in her own right. Sometimes she felt foolish, but there was nothing she could seem to do about it. Luke had that effect on her.

  She lifted her shoulders and held her chin up and responded like she thought a boss would.

  “Do you think I need to send my little sister off to a hotel if the need arises for me and Luke to spend time alone?” Her laugh was deep and throaty. “Of course not, or did you forget I own a full condominium downtown?”

  Eden’s smile widened. “Little sister?” she said as if that was the most important thing Jasmine had said. “You’re a full two minutes older than me,” she scoffed.

  “It still makes you the little sister.”

  Eden rolled her eyes. “Okay, big sis.” Eden glanced at Luke, but his hungry gaze was still leveled on Jasmine.

  “Looks like you may need those keys after all,” Eden said.

  Luke glanced at Eden. “Good evening, Eden.”

  “Oh, he speaks,” she joked.

  Luke chuckled. “That I do.”

  Well, you’re looking mighty suave.”

  Eden nodded as she eyed Luke over in his semi-formal suit jacket, open neck button down shirt, and the absence of his usual tie. A Rolex wrapped around his wrist to bling just from underneath the cuff of his jacket, and his beige straight leg pants were a gift to the eye the way they sat against his toned thighs. Eden wasn’t blind for sure; Luke was hot, but her “big sister” had pulled out all the stops in that red fuck me dress. Clearly.

  “I’ll get out of your way.” Eden strolled to the door, and Jasmine stepped out of the entryway.

  “You’ll lock the door behind you?” Jasmine asked.

  “Yes, big sister.”

  Jasmine twisted her lips. “Have a good night,” she said.

  “You have a better one.”

  Luke slipped his hand around Jasmine’s waist to rest against the small of her back. Together, they strolled forward, loading the elevator and riding to the first floor.

  Jasmine glanced over at him. “You said we would be alone for dinner. What did you have in mind?”

  Luke’s succulent lips spread into a devilish smile.

  “I think it’s better if I show you.”

  “Mmmm, keeping secrets, huh?”

  “I wouldn’t call it a secret. More like a surprise.”

  Jasmine’s arched brow lifted. “I like surprises,” she said.

  “I was hoping you would.”

  The doors dinged and opened.

  “After you.”

  Jasmine stepped off the crane, and her legs carried her in a sultry sashay across the lobby of her building. Luke congratulated himself on not swallowing her whole moments ago. When Jasmine had opened the door in that dress, Luke was sure he was a goner. It didn’t take much for Jasmine to rev his engine, but this little red number she wore must have been meant to bring him to his knees. That’s exactly where he saw himself going once he’d grabbed her neck and captured her mouth. Jasmine’s first plea to him halted his advance, but when she’d reneged, Luke felt danger filling his veins. He’d waited so long for her it was impossible in that moment to stop himself.

  It was only by the grace of Eden’s interruption that Luke was forced to stand down. Truthfully, Luke should’ve asked Jasmine to change. Being with her alone tonight would already be a challenge, but in this dress, he was likely to get them both in trouble. Not that he would mind. The thing was, it was understandably evident that Jasmine was trying to warm up to the idea of she and Luke breaking the ice. And that was not the problem. He was the probl
em. Luke prided himself on being a man of patience and diligence, so though he didn’t want to rush Jasmine, every inch of him craved her, and Luke wondered where his strength truly relied. It was as if an anomaly transformed Luke from his calm, perseverant demeanor to the dominate, unruly primitive male that lay beneath the surface.

  They exited the building and climbed into the back of a limousine that waited by the curb. Once comfortably inside, Jasmine crossed her legs, and the hem of her red dress rose up her thighs midway.

  The chauffeur pulled away from the curb, and Luke transferred his gaze from the parting scenery to Jasmine’s glorious silhouette.

  “For our next date, I propose that you wear corduroys, woman.”

  Jasmine’s brow arched, and she tossed her head back and laughed. The long arch of her neck mixing with the binding skin between her exposed breasts sent heat shooting to Luke’s dick, making him hard as a steel frame. Her laughter tingled his ears, wreaking crazy havoc on his loins, and he watched her beauty light up in the dark cab of the limo like fireworks in the midnight sky. Luke exhaled and inwardly worked to dial down the drum of his unsteady heart.

  “You should know I’m not kidding,” he said.

  Jasmine’s laughter resided, and her eyes leveled on the seriousness of his gaze.

  “I know,” her throaty voice wielded. “I apologize.”

  Luke peered at her.

  “I wanted to make a good impression.”

  She almost couldn’t believe she admitted that.

  Luke’s stare blazed through her, then he glanced at the space between them.

  “Come here,” he said.

  Slowly, Jasmine scooted down the limo’s seat until her hips grazed his hard thighs. She glanced up at him, drowned in the sweet and spiciness of his fragrance and stinging gaze.

  “You smell great,” she uttered, her voice deeper than it had been when laughter was on her tongue. “You look good, too.” Her hands slipped up to take hold of the low collar on his jacket. Very debonair,” she finished.

  “Thank you, Princess. What if I told you I changed three times trying to figure out what to wear?”

  Jasmine’s mouth parted on a low throaty chuckle. “I’d ask why,” she said.

  “That’s easy. I wanted to make an impression,” he confessed.

  They detained each other in an inebriating stare that had an electric current popping between them. Their bodies hummed with a blistering awareness, and they both worked to keep their wits about one another for different reasons. Luke’s hands covered Jasmine’s wrists as her fingers continued to cling to his jacket collar. He lifted one hand to his mouth, offering a sizzling kiss on the back of her fingers.

  “Thank you for canceling your plans today,” Luke said. “I know it wasn’t easy taking this step.”

  Jasmine swallowed. “What step is that?”

  Luke smirked. He had gotten used to Jasmine pretending as if she wasn’t aware of their chemistry, or as if she needed to be reminded what was going on between them with words when the sheer atmosphere around them remained utterly charged when they were together. However, he didn’t mind obliging her if that’s what she needed to know was happening.

  “You’ve been dodging me, and I can’t figure out why. I’ve tried, often, but I’m left aloof.”

  “I haven’t—”

  Luke gave her a look. One that halted the lie that was sitting on the edge of her tongue. Jasmine swallowed.

  “Why have you made me wait so long?” he asked, his voice dark and pleading. “I really need to know.”

  Jasmine’s oxygen was stuck in her throat on a loop. She couldn’t speak for a long spell trying to shuffle it through to her lungs and back out again. On a long exhale, Jasmine removed her wrists from his palms and covered her belly with one hand while the other rested against her thigh. Her head dropped to her lap as she exhaled again in an attempt to calm the spirited beat thumping wildly from her chest.

  “What are we doing, Luke?” She glanced up at him in search of the answer in his eyes before the words left his mouth.

  He reached for the hand on her lap, covering it with his masculine fingers.

  “What do you want to do, Princess?”

  The limo crept into Luke’s neighborhood then pulled into an underground garage at what appeared to be an empty industrial building.

  Jasmine had gone mute. She was afraid to say what she wanted. Never had she uttered the words out loud but only played with them in her head. The limo stopped, and soon after the door flung open. Luke glanced over at the chauffeur then slipped out of the back while holding on to Jasmine’s hand. Behind him, she also slipped out, and together, they walked toward a set of doors.

  “What is this?” Jasmine asked.

  The door opened to reveal an old-school elevator crane.

  Luke glanced at her. “Soon,” was all he said.

  They stepped onto the pulley, and Luke closed the doors then turned the switch that would take them to the top.

  Chapter Five

  When the doors opened, a small breeze drifted inside the crane. Luke reached for Jasmine’s hand, and she welcomed the warmth of his fingers as they slid around hers and locked together. They exited, and Jasmine’s brows knocked then brightened when she realized they were on the rooftop.

  “Oh my God…” she whispered, taken by the opulence of their surroundings.

  Luke watched her intently, knowing she would understand the meaning of this display. Jasmine released his hand and set off on a journey around the sixteen-story ridge. Candle lights were stationary around the roof’s edge, and roses of all kind were arranged around a single table like a field of love. The table was dressed in the finest linen, adorned with premium imported china.

  “When did you have time to put this all together?” Jasmine asked dreamily.

  “Let’s just say I’ve had it on standby for a while.”

  Jasmine took her eyes from the fresh flowers to Luke.

  “What does that mean?”

  Luke smirked as Jasmine sank down to a closed legged squat, pulling a rose to the tip of her nose. She inhaled with her eyes closed then rolled the soft petals across her lips.

  “It means I’ve been waiting for this day to come. Am I the only one?”

  The rose stopped moving midway across her mouth.

  “No,” she said, breathing in the fruity musk of the flower. “I have, too.”

  Luke didn’t realize he was holding his breath until he released the built-up oxygen from his lungs.

  Jasmine glanced over at him. “How did you know we would ever—”

  “I didn’t, but a man can hope, can’t he?”

  Jasmine’s pulse thumped in her throat. This conversation was inevitable, but still Jasmine found herself turning back to a safe repartee.

  “These roses are in full bloom,” she said. “They been thumb pruned. They’re all singles, upright, no sprays in sight.”

  She was talking the language of a rose enthusiast because what she held near to her heart was the love of gardening. A love that her mother also had, or so she was told. Unfortunately, Jasmine never had the chance to play in the garden with her mother since her life was prematurely taken in a home invasion while Jasmine was still a newborn. Though that was the case, gardening always seemed to bring her peace when her life felt swayed, but it especially made her feel close to her mother. Luke knew that, and she glanced at him, knowing he was intentionally feeding her spirit with the exhibition of flowers around her. It made Jasmine feel bad about her hesitance to move forward with Luke. From the first moment she’d known him, he’d only showed her the utmost respect and … her mind halted. She wanted to believe he loved her the way that she irrevocably loved him, but she would never ask, and even though this gesture was quite telling, the pressure of the inquiry was something she didn’t want to hold over him. Besides, if they were meant to be, then they would be. It’s what she reminded herself daily. It was the reason why she was even here with him to begin

  “What do you want to do, Princess?”

  Jasmine recognized the question as the same one he’d asked in the limo. The one she never answered. Jasmine rose to her feet as Luke strolled closer to her.

  “I want what you want,” she said.

  Luke’s prominent brow arched. “And what do I want?” he asked.

  Jasmine swallowed. “Me.” She smiled, and Luke found a comedic opening.

  “Oh, so you want you, too?”

  The smirk on his face grew as Jasmine’s mouth opened, and her eyes rose.

  “No, silly!”

  Luke chuckled, and Jasmine swatted him. He grabbed her hand mid-swing and pulled it back to his lips for a kiss. Jasmine’s voice trembled from the heated layer of energy that poured over her from his hot mouth.

  “I meant, I want you,” she professed.

  Luke’s gaze seared her where she stood. Her words showering him with a gently growing fire.


  “No,” Luke said. He tugged her hand, pulling Jasmine into the cover of his mammoth chest. “Let this happen.”

  Jasmine’s heart was in a race to damage her breastbone the way it thumped uncontrollably. They shared a penetrating stare.

  “Let’s have dinner,” Luke said.

  Jasmine nodded once without even trying to find her tongue.

  “Are you hungry at all?”

  He has no idea, Jasmine thought. She nodded again.


  They held on to another piercing look then Luke guided her with a hand at her back to the dining table. The soft breeze was barely there, but it was enough to sway the candle lights, dimming the ambience around them. Jasmine sat, and Luke adjusted her chair underneath her. He claimed his seat just as the elevator doors opened and a server pushed a metal cart out with dishes covered with tin tops.


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