The beat dropped, and Jasmine’s hips rotated. Her body stirred slow and seductive, and as she swayed, Jasmine’s hands treaded up her bare belly to unclasp her bra. The material fell on a sail of wind, leaving perky full mocha chocolate breasts and dark nipples that were rock hard sprouting into the midnight air.
A wildlife sound trekked from Luke that sent more shivers racing through Jasmine. She crouched down to her knees and crawled to Luke across the bow. In one even turn, Jasmine slid around on her butt and leaned back on her elbows giving him a full view of her hidden valley below. The sheer material against the apex of her center opened up in the middle, crotchless and showing a freshly waxed set of lips that were juicy and delectable. As Ciara continued to sing, Jasmine stuck her middle finger in her mouth and caressed between her thighs. Her cat-like bedroom eyes never left his as he watched her every move, his chest rising and falling with each breath he took.
Jasmine slipped a finger inside of her mound, and her head fell back as a shuddering gasp escaped her lips. She was momentarily dazed, but still she lifted her head to watch him as she pulled the honey-coated finger from her folds to her mouth. Unbeknownst to him, Luke had stopped breathing. Jasmine repeated the pattern then applied pressure to her clitoris as Luke drank her in with the claim of his dark eyes. Jasmine wanted him to watch her, and Luke’s restraint was crippling like a kettle on a hot stove. She put more fingers inside, and this time traced her areola with the sweet nectar. Luke’s resolve snapped, and he moved swiftly, getting to her in record time. He climbed on top of Jasmine, going straight for her honey-coated center where he covered her peach with his mouth and sank his tongue into her pussy.
“Sssss, ooooh my God,” Jasmine moaned, her head officially feeling like a boulder she could no longer hold up. It responded in collapse as her body weakened from the pleasurable sweeping of Luke’s tongue against her sensitive flesh. Her leg trembled while Luke sucked her labia and drove his tongue from her clitoris to her bottom, entering her womb in an attempt to taste her ovaries.
“Aaaah! Luke!” Her pants were soft but pleading, and the rumble that cruised from Luke felt like an earthquake against her vagina. It only caused Jasmine to quake more and her heart to beat out of control. The suction Luke held on her was nefarious, and the exploration of his tongue continued to submerge as if it had a specific destination in mind. It was something she’d never encountered before. Though his tongue was occupied, the grabbling wind from his heated mouth as he sucked stirred around her clitoris in a tornado, making Jasmine’s hips buck and coating her body in a sheen of chills.
“Oh my God, Luuuuuuuuuu-ke!” she screamed.
Luke reached for Jasmine’s hand that had fallen by the wayside and planted her palm on top of his head. He wanted her to rule him. It was in her best interest to show him what she wanted and more. He had an idea of how to handle her, but he wanted to know her body and the thing that made her tick in more ways than one. Taking his lead while losing her mind, Jasmine rotated her hips against his mouth. Easily, Luke followed her rotation, and with it, his tongue pulled back to latch on the top of her clit.
“Aaaaaah!” Jasmine screamed at his sudden attack.
In that same variation, Luke cruised around the delicate nub and bulldozed her there, leaving Jasmine’s hand falling by the wayside again. She went limp, and her body blazed as a pulsation overcame her soul. Luke’s hand crept up to her breasts where he fondled her nipple, sucked her clit, and used his other hand to slip a few fingers inside her slippery sanctuary. Jasmine’s body writhed and jerked with heated drums of chills running throughout. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t cry out, couldn’t warn him of the coming wave that would spill from her at any moment. It was as if she was in shock, with her mouth wide, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head.
Her trembling increased, and then a wounded wail found its way from her lips. Luke closed his mouth around her mound and sent his tongue in another dive to her center to catch the sweet juices that followed. And he did, lapping at her crème as if it was the only thing that would sustain his life.
Jasmine was mumbling incoherently, her head rolling from side to side as if trying to figure out where she was and what was happening to her. When Luke had savored the last drop, his titanic form rose up inch by inch, placing warm kisses on her curvaceous thighs, the bottom of her belly, the center of her breast then as if he’d never left, he reclaimed her mouth. Her arms sailed around his thick neck, and the heat that encompassed them sealed them in the moment. It went on for another long minute until Luke couldn’t hold off another second. He rode back down to her breasts, taking one of her areolas into his mouth. With his hand, he rubbed the inside of her thighs, massaging her with grabbling force. Jasmine’s hand clutched the back of Luke’s neck while the other gripped his muscular shoulder. He moved his tongue from one breast to the other then sucked them both in simultaneously. Luke couldn’t get enough of her, and while he was satisfied with pleasing her only, Jasmine wanted the same for him. She unbuttoned his shirt, tugging each button until his massive sculpted chest was revealed. She fought to get the material over his shoulders just as Luke swept her up in his arms and took her below deck where he laid her down on a bed that was so big it complemented the mastery of his colossal frame.
“Don’t move,” he said, leaving her side in a sprint.
Chapter Eleven
Luke took the hardwood steps two at a time back to the bridge and set the yacht to coast to his lakeshore home. When he returned below deck, Jasmine was perched on her elbows, and the open crotch thong had been discarded in a fling across the room.
“I want it hard,” she said. Her face now masked like a dominatrix in full control of her situation. “Don’t take it easy on me. I’ve been waiting for you for years, and I won’t have you treat me like I’m some fragile child in need of coaching.” She paused, knowing she had his attention. “The only thing I’m in need of now is you, Luke. Every bit of every ounce you have to give.” Jasmine knew what she was asking for, and she was sure she’d pay for it in the morning. Well her body would anyway. This session would probably kill her. “Is that going to be a problem?”
Luke gritted his teeth as he stared at her sexy body spread for him to partake. His heart rocked, and his blood simmered because while he understood what she wanted, he’d promised himself not to overdo it. That had just been retracted since she wanted it, and he was inclined to give her exactly what she’d asked for. Without a response, Luke kept his gaze on her as he flipped off his shoes and removed the button down that still clung to his mammoth shoulders. Jasmine bit the bottom of her lip as she watched in awe as Luke removed his jeans and boxer briefs concurrently.
The creation of him made her heart flip in her chest as every ridge of his glory was sewed into corded muscled flesh. His perfection fascinated Jasmine with every ripple running into another corpus of toned masculine skin. The lower her gaze went, the more her mouth watered, and her tongue slipped across her lips. His abdomen was carved into the perfect V that made up his Adonis belt. His hips were hard and cut like he slept in the gym with no remittance in sight. But it was his burgeoning erection that sucked her breath from her lungs and caused her to stiffen. It was aggressively hard with veins that coiled around his shaft like a perfectly manufactured pulsating cock. The evidence of his desire swung like an unyielding sword, one that only went into battle to ultimately claim victory in the end. Jasmine’s eyes widened, and a sudden fear gripped her. Had she just asked for hard sex? With … him?
As if sensing her distress and the backpedaling in her thoughts, Luke’s handsome face transformed into a sexy villainous mask.
“Your wish is my command,” his dark voice drummed.
Jasmine’s lips parted as she took in her first bout of air since noticing his virile masculinity. She was sticking to her guns, no matter how nonsensical it might be to do so. Jasmine flipped on all fours and crawled to the edge of the bed where they met, Luke’s abdomen to Jasmine’s face.
Luke lifted a hand to her jaw, pressing his fingers into her upturned chin, carefully instructing her to rise and meet him on her knees. Her heart raced in anticipation, and his hand skidded down to her shoulders to pull her with primal force against his washboard abs.
He pressed hot lips against her forehead and spoke. “Mercy.”
Jasmine’s forehead crinkled as she glanced up at him, requiring explanation.
“If you need me to stop just shout, mercy.”
Jasmine smirked.
“I’m not kidding, Princess.”
His matter-of-fact tone caused the sudden upsurge of fear to return. Jasmine didn’t get a chance to respond before Luke’s hand covered her jaw and the other gripped her ass. A gasp seeped from her lips but was inhaled by his opened mouth takeover of her own. Releasing her face, Luke swept Jasmine weightless into his arms, and Jasmine’s legs rounded his chiseled hipline as their bodies hurtled into one another. A hot tingling spark splintered between them as Luke’s dick struck her pussy with urging intensity. Another cacophony of sparks showered down Jasmine’s legs, and her body torched with an utter incineration of heat.
Luke spread her ass and dipped his hips, then stood tall as he entered her sanctuary in a splitting thrust that caused Jasmine’s eyes to stretch, and her mouth to fall open.
“Mercy,” Luke whispered as a reminder that at any moment she needed him to stop he would, instantly. But Jasmine had no plans to intercept him; she’d meant every word she’d spoken before. The problem was Jasmine never expected the disruption her body would undergo once he filled her fully, and as Luke’s length continued to expand, reaching for new heights within her, Jasmine had to question her very own rationality. Her head dropped back, and a hiss snaked from her lips. The intensity of his long, penetrating stroke plunged to the wall of her womb and pinged off her G-spot in a gripping double pounce that curled her toes and promptly constricted her pussy around his shaft.
A wretched gasp flew from Jasmine’s lips, and a growl, deep and peril strummed from Luke as the power in his hands intensified around her ass. She was wet, sizzling, and taut, and everything Luke had imagined she would be. He removed a rough hand and sent it flying into her backside with a loud spank. The sting from his whip made Jasmine’s body jump, and with that movement Luke cruised out then sailed into her, stroking as if playing an instrument that required attention to detail. Her breasts pressed stringently against his chest, and a fire burned from the spot of his thrashing collision.
He wasted no time refilling her with his engorged length, spreading her inner walls to meet his driving force.
“Ooooh my God,” she moaned just as a sharp gasp escaped her lips at his unrelenting intrusion.
His hard body pushed against hers as Luke rocked into her core with desire reflecting in his gaze.
His macho physique held firm and upright with gargantuan thrusts slamming inside her fountain with such zeal her head dropped back on a supersonic scream. A spiraling shudder ripped through them both, and her arched angle gave Luke new inspiration.
He dipped down, placing a barrage of kisses on her chest, neck, and face. Luke’s lovemaking was raunchy and tenacious, causing the bed to rock even though the only thing that touched it was Luke’s hard thighs and knees as he stood before it. Still, their rhythm held the beat of a musical drum, and he didn’t mean to, but Luke was on the verge of taking all the years he’d held out waiting, on Jasmine’s wreathing body.
“Do you trust me?” His gruff voice spoke.
Jasmine’s head was already spinning, but she heard his question and coached her lips to form an answer.
“Yes, yes, yes.”
“Are you sure?”
He rocked into her, and a squeal pitched from her throat followed by a throaty gurgle.
“Yes, yes, I said yes!”
Luke’s hips slowed, and he spoke with a commandment on his tongue, “Release my neck.”
Jasmine shuddered and lifted her head to look at him. His gaze bore into her as if determined not to repeat his request. Jasmine’s arms untied from him, and Luke continued to massage her pussy with the extensive thick grind of his dick, keeping her tingling all over.
“I want you to stretch out. Lean your body backwards and let your hands rest on the bed.”
Jasmine thought about the position, and another wave of fear gripped her. She reached out to plant her hands against his grinding hips. “If you want me to focus, you have to … oh …” she moaned when Luke’s speed increased. “Ooh, baby, don’t stop, please.” Her head fell again, and she became lost in his progression.
“I thought you wanted me to stop, Princess?” His lips captured her nipples, and his heated mouth sucked the distended areola. A riveting wave of heat saturated her skin.
“No,” she whispered faintly, “don’t stop.”
Luke bit down on her nipple, sending a stinging ravel of chills waving while grinding and stroking her with impassioned thrusts.
“Ssssss, baaaaby!” Jasmine squealed.
Luke pulled his mouth from her breasts. “Do what I asked of you.”
Jasmine tossed her arms back, planting her palms firmly on the duvet covered mattress. “You want me to bend my body like a bow, like this?”
“Is that going to be a problem?”
Jasmine shuddered from the stroking he continued on her, and a premature wave of crème slid from her vagina down his shaft.
“I’m upside down. You’ll … kill me.”
Luke bent over her, laying soft kisses on her arching belly. “Didn’t you say, and I quote, ‘I want it hard’?” Luke’s stroke picked up momentum, and a whimper fell from Jasmine as she could feel his prodding masculinity seizing her with splintering rains of chills. “You said, ‘Don’t take it easy on me’,” Luke continued. “‘I’ve been waiting for you for years, and I won’t have you treat me like I’m some fragile child in need of coaching’.” He repeated her word for word, and with each sentence, Luke sent another driving force knocking through her.
“Oh my God, oh my God!” she screeched, rattled by his mind-bending thrusts. “‘The only thing I’m in need of now is you. Every bit of every ounce you have to give’,” he continued.
Jasmine whimpered again; she knew her words would come back to haunt her but not like this.
“Then I responded.” He moved in and out, his shaft glazed with her wetness, grazing against her walls that bent with her arched womb. “What did I say?” he questioned.
Jasmine’s lips trembled. “Your wish is my comm— aaaaaaah!”
He gave no mercy and no compassion with his raw, deep-rooted strokes. With his strong hands laying fingerprints in her spread ass, Luke pumped into her with reckless abandon, and Jasmine’s screams reverberated against the walls in an attempt to break through. A sheen of perspiration coated their skin, and the juice they created slapped between them as they met each other firmly, thrust after titanic thrust.
“Oooooh my God! Luke, please!”
Luke’s treacherous strokes increased as he dipped with deep milling plunges.
“That’s not the word,” he growled.
“Tell me what you want,” his thick voice strummed.
His next move was so unreal Jasmine couldn’t believe it happened. He removed himself from her womb, then flipped her over, lifting her body midair with a quick spin as if she was as light as a feather. Quickly, he slipped between her thighs, his plunging dick sliding back inside her with compelling urgency. Her eyes bucked as her hands were replanted on the bed, stopping her face from diving into the sheets.
“Oh my God!”
Her heart hammered as she was now in doggy-style position except her legs were suspended around Luke’s waist.
“Oh no, no, no…”
“Tell me what you want!” Luke barked.
Jasmine clenched her teeth, determined to withhold the one word that would free her of his blissful beating. Her silence fueled him, a
nd Luke rocked into her backside so hard it drove her ass up against his pelvis and was left perched at an angle that gave him more of an opening of penetration. Luke branded his hands in the back of her thighs, and his thumbs spread her ass, as he rocked, sending blunt forces of pummels digging into her core.
“Aaaaaaah shiiiiiiit – fuuuu-ck!” Jasmine screamed as Luke shouted. He reHeeled back to smack one ass cheek then the other before continuing his assault.
Jasmine kept up with his menacing pace like she was made for the challenge Luke presented. Her head rolled from side to side as she became more delirious.
“Luke! Baby, baby, baby!” She was on the edge of going mad in elated euphoria.
One hand slid up her body to her neck, laying a firm chokehold on her throat. He dug into her back and bent her from his vice grip of her neck practically lifted her body. One dominant leg lifted and planted into the bed, giving Luke a penetration so deep Jasmine didn’t understand the physical science of the position. Leaning over her while continuing his assault, Luke put his lips to her ear and whispered, “All I want is you. I need you and crave you every day.”
He beat into her with more ferocity. “I can’t seem to get you off my mind, Jasmine.” Harder and harder his thrusts came. “You’ve put a spell on me.” With more ruthless power he moved. “Tell me how you did it.” When all she could do was whimper, his thrusts became explosively hazardous. “Tell me, Jasmine, how I’ve tried to wash you from my system but instead my craving for you is even stronger than before?”
Jasmine was about to tap out. Her legs quaked, and her orgasm threatened to spill over. Her moans breached the thick walls with such intensity that if there were neighbors, they’d be inclined to call the police. Jasmine’s words were rendered useless, so she didn’t even try to speak. The force of his sex had completely taken over anything she could possibly say. That didn’t mean she had no words. She had the same feelings, cravings, and wants he did, and when they rode their orgasms together, tears ran down her face as his thrashing splintered down her spine and caused a spasm to rip a hard attack down her legs.
Tempted By You Page 10