Tempted By You

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Tempted By You Page 14

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “You had spasms?”

  Jasmine nodded and folded her lips.

  “Show me,” he said.

  She turned her back to him and coasted her hands to her back, ass, thighs, and hip bone.

  “All those places, huh?”

  She nodded, a little embarrassed to speak. Luke’s warm hands sank into her side, and his fingers danced against her flesh in a soothing massage. Jasmine’s eyes faltered, and she propped her arms on the counter for support as her body went instantly lax.

  “Why do you think you had spasms?”

  “Why do you think?” she said, her retort a little spicy.

  Luke’s hands sank into her ass, causing an instant throbbing to thump from her pussy. Jasmine shivered, and a moan almost fell from her lips.

  “I don’t know,” Luke answered. “That’s why I asked you.”

  “It was all of your poking and prodding,” she said, no longer caring about feeling embarrassed. The needling his fingers had on her flesh had aroused her and just like that Jasmine could care less about the spasms. Luke’s hands rode around to her thighs, and the tips of his fingers pressed a deep caress underneath her pelvic bone. A dizzying current waved through her, one that she couldn’t seem to throttle or shake.

  “I’m so sorry, baby,” his thick voice stroked her. “I never meant to hurt you.”

  Jasmine’s sultry laugh was an attempt to wave off his worries. “It was a blissful pain, trust me.”

  Luke chuckled, and his hands moved down to her thighs as his fingers played her inner thigh like a musician thumbing the chords of a violin.

  A tumultuous shudder trembled throughout her, and this time Jasmine did moan.

  “How’s that feel?” he asked, his voice dark as if he too weren’t immune to the frenzied energy that wrapped around them.

  “Good,” she half-panted. “So good.”

  A buzzer went off, and Jasmine’s eyes shot up. She wiggled from his embrace but still had to deal with Luke’s elongated frame blocking her escape.

  “That’s my apple pie!”

  He smirked. “You made apple pie?”

  “Yeah, it was the only thing I could stir up with the ingredients you have.”

  Jasmine placed her hands on his chest and pushed, but it didn’t do much of anything since Luke’s stance was solid.

  “Hey!” she said, desperate to get to her dessert before it overcooked.

  He chuckled and moved to the side, and Jasmine shot over to the oven and opened it. She stuck her hands inside of mittens that hung against a panel on the counter and removed the pan with the hot treat.

  “Oooh look, it’s perrrrfect,” she purred.

  “I’ve always thought so,” Luke returned.

  Jasmine turned to him with a question on her face.

  “The pie?”

  “Nah… you.”

  A blush fell over her face, and she sat the pie on the stove.

  “I’ve never thought my clothes looked so sexy before,” he said, trailing an eye over his jersey down her bare legs to his socks on her feet.

  “It was the only thing I could find. Sorry for going through your wardrobe.

  “It’s fine. I got you a few things.”

  “Oh yeah, let me see.” She beamed.

  Although Jasmine could afford practically anything she wanted, receiving a gift from Luke made her feel bubbly inside.

  He lifted the bag and pulled out a pair of skinny jeans and an elbow-length short sleeve ruffled blouse. Jasmine received the gift with pleasure.

  “Jeans for me and shorts for you?”

  “I’m hot natured.”

  “Hmm, of course.”

  “And it’s a bit chilly outside.”

  “I noticed.”

  “You’ve been out?”

  “Looking for a smoke signal.”

  Luke laughed, and Jasmine joined in his chuckle.

  “You never answered my question before, where are we?”

  “Sheridan Cove.”

  “What? I didn’t know we ventured that far down Lake Michigan.”

  “That’s because you slept most of our journey.”

  “Damn. You really did kidnap me.”

  Luke laughed again, and he wrapped Jasmine in his arms and placed kisses all over her face.

  “How about after dessert we go sightseeing?”

  She puckered her lips. “Sounds good to me, but I must use the phone at some point. I’ve never gone a weekend MIA, and if I do now, who knows if my family will call missing persons.”

  He kissed her behind her ear, down her neck, and across her shoulder.

  “If you keep that up, we might not make it anywhere.”

  A growl trekked from Luke’s throat. “I wouldn’t mind that either.

  Chapter Fifteen

  After enjoying two hefty slices of apple pie, Jasmine changed into her clothes then floated back to the kitchen with arms held out.

  “Tada!” she said. “This fits as if I’d picked it out myself.”

  “That’s because I was familiar with your body even before we made love.”

  Heat filled Jasmine’s cheeks. “Is that what you call rocking my entire world throughout the night?”

  Luke wiggled his brows. “Yep,” he said, taking the last bite of the pie.

  “Hold up.” Jasmine sashayed closer to gain a look at the dish. The tin pan the pie had been baked in was empty. Her eyes grew as big as saucers. “You ate the rest of it?”

  “It was delicious. I haven’t had pie like that since leaving my parents’ house nearly ten years ago.”

  “Wow. Well, I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Can you teach me the magic of your baking ways?” He pleaded with his eyes.

  She smiled warmly. “If you’re willing to learn a thing or two,” she said, repeating what he’d told her about the wooden bench they’d crafted the night before. “I mean, you’ll have to follow my instructions to the T.”

  Luke nodded and chuckled. “I walked right into that, didn’t I?”

  Jasmine laughed in return. “Sure did.”

  Luke wrapped his arms around her waist, his hands sailing down to her buttocks as he stood over her. “Well, for the record,” he leaned his face to hers, swiping the tip of his nose across her forehead. “I am willing to do whatever you want. Whenever.”

  Jasmine arched a brow. “Is that so?”


  “I’ve always wanted to ride shotgun on your bike. Can we do it tonight?”

  A slow-growing smile spread across his lips.

  “Let’s go.”

  They left the cottage and boarded The Alexandria, sailing further down Lake Michigan. Jasmine stood on deck with her hands planted on the railings, gazing over the sapphire blue waters and ultramarine firmament. She’d styled her hair into a French braid, and it fell down her back to rest evenly in the middle. As Luke steered the yacht, she felt a calm serenity wash over her. It was an awakening occurrence that left her spinning in a delighted ecstasy.

  “Enjoying the view?”

  Strong arms enveloped her, circling Jasmine’s waist, cuddling her in a blanketed warmth.

  “It’s beautiful,” she said, lifting her chin as Luke nuzzled her neck with his nose. There he laid a gentle kiss aside her face, and a simmering heat crawled down her skin.

  “I can’t seem to get enough of you,” he said.

  Jasmine blushed. “I feel the same way.” She turned her face completely to look at him as he held her from behind.

  “Why don’t you come up here and help me steer this thing, then we can focus on getting to our destination.”

  “Possibly,” she said with a throaty laugh. Her hands caressed his arms and slipped into his fingers that held her at the waist. Together, they strolled back to the bridge to navigate the powerboat. When they arrived at their destination, Jasmine glanced at Luke and asked, “Are we still in Sheridan Cove?”

  “Yes, we’re not too far from the lakeshore house.”
  She nodded then snapped her fingers. “We forgot the motorcycle!”

  The alarmed despair on her face made Luke chuckle.

  “Not to worry, Princess. How do you think I got around this morning?”

  Her mouth closed, and she blushed. “I don’t know maybe I thought you had a chauffeur or something.”

  “That’s you, with the men in black,” he responded with another light chuckle.

  “You know I love to ride solo. Unless of course you’re riding with me.” He wrapped her in his arms and tickled her to death. A conglomerate of bubbly snickers fell from her as she reeled and tried desperately to get away from him.

  Managing to slip out of his hands, Jasmine struck out running to the dock where she was caught trying to escape. Luke lifted her in his arms and tossed her over his shoulder as Jasmine’s laughter continued to screech.

  “There’s no getting away from me now, woman,” he said.

  “Okay, okay! I give up.”

  “You have no choice.”

  Luke sat her on her feet but pulled her in for a warm, subtle kiss before releasing her completely. He spun Jasmine in a twirl, and sitting before her perfectly still on its brake was a vivid black Harley Davidson Road King Special. It glistened off the sunlight and was custom built with an extended seat.

  “That is beautiful,” Jasmine purred, strolling up to the bike next to Luke.

  He turned a peering eye on her and winked.

  “Let’s give this baby a ride, shall we?”

  Jasmine smiled and nodded with wide eyes as if she’d be able to mark this off her bucket list.

  Twenty minutes from the dock, Jasmine held tightly to Luke’s abdomen, her eyes wide with a smile that seemed stuck on her face. Her French braid lifted and fell against her back as tides of wind flew past her while they rode the small quaint streets of Sheridan Cove’s community district. Passing bistros that had outside seating where patrons ate and enjoyed the day sat on just about every corner. The exhilaration of zig-zagging around other motorists and shooting past an intersection before the yellow light turned red made Jasmine squeal and press her face into his broad back. Driving the seven hundred pound titanium steel bike, Luke smirked and hit corner after corner, giving Jasmine a ride she’d never forget. Her heart hummed with delight, and she was supremely content and abundantly alive. Jasmine gloried briefly in their shared moment and wished upon a star that their time together would never end. After another hour barreling down the streets, the sun began to set just as Luke navigated the Harley off the road through the sidewalks of a public park onto a grassy hill that overlooked the small town. He parked, and they pulled their helmets off to take in the beautiful expanse of the orange and red multicolor that stretched against the clouds and showered the town.

  “This is beyond beautiful,” Jasmine said, sighing.

  “Indeed.” Luke stood and tossed a leg over the back, switching positions with Jasmine.

  “Wha—what are we doing?” she asked in a stutter, almost afraid to know the answer.

  “I want you to get a good look.”


  “And,” he continued.

  Jasmine was instantly frightened. “And what?”

  “And I’ll teach you a thing or two about driving.”

  “Oh no.”

  She shook her head vehemently.

  “Don’t worry, I’ve got you.”

  “No Luke really, I don’t want to do this, don’t make me, okay?”

  He glanced down into her boastful frightened eyes, and his heart melted. Placing a kiss on her cheek, he whispered into her ear, “Okay, some other time, yeah?”


  She breathed a sigh of relief. The slamming of her heart turned into a comfortable rhythm as she relaxed against him. Luke enfolded her with his arms and pressed his face aside hers while they continued to watch the sunset.

  “You know on the way here I thought I saw a bakery,” Jasmine said.

  “And let me guess you want to stop by on the way to The Alexandria.”

  Jasmine smirked with a purse of her lips. “It crossed my mind.”

  “Mmhmm.” He placed a kiss on her temple. “I’ll tell you what. We’ll stop at the bakery, but this doesn’t exempt you from teaching me the magic of your baking ways.”

  Jasmine teetered over in laughter. “Now why would I want to do that?”

  “I don’t know, but I felt like you had something up your sleeve.”

  “Well, I don’t. I actually look forward to teaching you a thing or two, Professor,” she said.

  Luke’s gaze darkened, and his rumbling voice grooved across her skin. “The next time I’m deep inside you, I want you to call me Professor.”

  Jasmine’s eyes widened, and she laughed as her belly tickled with wicked satisfaction.

  “Are we roleplaying now?”

  “Sure are.”

  She peered at him. “Let me find out you’ve got a thing for your students.”

  Luke’s gaze lowered heavily as a frown cruised across his face.

  “Hell no. You know better than that.”

  Jasmine giggled. “I’m just kidding, Professor.”

  Luke shivered. “That only turns me on when you say it.”

  “Hmmm,” she hummed. “Better.”

  At that moment, Jasmine couldn’t help but think of Sarah Middleton, but she forced herself to get rid of the disturbing picture of the student bent over Luke’s desk as he had his way with her. She shivered, repulsed.


  “Oh, no, just felt a little brisk of wind,” she lied.

  Luke tightened his arms around her, smothering Jasmine with heat; she lounged comfortably against him while silently reprimanding herself for that tall tale.

  When the sun disappeared, the town lit up as street lamps on every block illuminated the nightlife.

  “We’d better head to that bakery before they close up shop,” Jasmine added.

  Changing positions again, they left the park and drove the way they came, pulling into the paved parking lot storefront of The Sugar Shoppe bakery. The doorbell chimed as they walked through and met the eyes of a few patrons that were scattered about.

  “Mmmm,” Jasmine cooed. “It smells delightful in here.”

  “I swear in another life you were a MasterChef baker,” Luke said.

  Jasmine nodded with an enthusiastic smile. “You bet I was.”

  “Thank you for visiting The Sugar Shoppe. I’m Destiny, the owner.” Her milk chocolate brown skin appeared just as creamy as melted butter, and though she was clearly older with gray hair, there was not a wrinkle or crack in her flesh.

  “We close in twenty minutes, but a batch of chocolate chips cookies just came out of the oven. What can I get you?”

  “Hi, Destiny. I’m Jasmine, and this is—”

  “Mayoral candidate Luke Steele,” Destiny pronounced. “I’m well aware of who the both of you are. You’re kind of famous.” The owner chuckled. “Never thought I’d see either of you in our little town though. What brings you over, campaigning? If so, save your breath, you’ve already got my vote. Chicago needs a change with someone young with fresh ideas. I believe the current mayor is too set in his ways and doesn’t hear us little people anymore. I’m looking forward to your first term.”

  Luke and Jasmine smiled warmly at the older woman. Her hair was the shiniest silver afro either of them had ever seen before, and the bifocals that rode her nose slid just a bit as perspiration clouded at the center.

  “Thank you very much,” they both said. Jasmine blushed up at Luke, and he winked down at her then held his hand out to shake Destiny’s hand.

  “We didn’t come to campaign, merely to enjoy the scenic city and get a sweet treat, but I’m thankful for your vote anyway.”

  That seemed to delight Destiny even more.

  “Thank you very much!”

  “We’ll take a few chocolate chips cookies,” he added.

  “Oh great
, and they’re on the house.”

  “Oh no,” Luke said, “It would be my pleasure to pay for them.”

  Destiny blushed, and Jasmine had to wonder if any woman was immune to his charms.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Destiny disappeared through the back, and Jasmine turned to Luke.

  “We didn’t tell her how many we wanted,” she whispered.

  The easy smile on Luke’s face grew. “I’ve got a feeling we may walk away with our fair share.”

  He was right. When Destiny returned, she had a bag full of chocolate chip cookies. They were bagged in small separate thin sheets and gathered in a medium sized custom bag with the shop’s logo on the front. Because of their warmth, some of them fell apart in their individual pockets, but that didn’t stop Luke and Jasmine from indulging in a few. They thanked the owner again, and she waved them off, locking the door and closing the blinds that hung against the windowpane behind them as they exited.

  Music from a neighboring building pulled their attention.

  “Oooh, that’s my song,” Jasmine said, bumping her hips against his in a silly dance.

  “Is that—”

  “The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill,” Jasmine finished. She peered at him. “What do you know about Lauryn Hill anyway?”

  “I know enough.”

  She pierced her lips and folded her arms with a raise of her brow.

  “Prove it.”

  Luke sat the bag of cookies on the seat and pulled Jasmine into his chest and hummed the first line of “Nothing Even Matters.”

  They swayed slowly, and her smile became infectious as heat rose to her cheeks. Her arms sauntered up his chest and around his neck as they grooved there next to the bike.

  “You do know the song,” she crooned.

  “I told you I did. Next time don’t doubt me, woman.”

  Jasmine giggled.

  “If you want to hang for a bit, we can go inside.”

  Her eyes twinkled with mischief. “I’d be delighted.”

  Luke tightened his hold on her, and they started toward the door.

  “What about our cookies?”

  Luke released her and grabbed the bag then added it into a hidden compartment beneath the seat.


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