Fae MisFortunes

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Fae MisFortunes Page 6

by T K Eldridge

  “I see the glow of research fever in your eyes. I’ll be out in a few.”

  Did I have a research fever look? I peered into the visor mirror and frowned. I looked pissed. My perusal was interrupted by the aroma of Chinese food when Sin climbed back in.

  “I’ll take that,” I said and took the bag to rest on my lap.

  “No snitching until we get to the office,” Sin warned and I laughed – and dropped the fried baby shrimp I’d just pulled out of the carton.

  “This is my idea of hell,” I said. “Being hungry with the aroma of Chinese food filling the space – and I can’t touch it.”

  Sin snorted laughter at me. “You’ll survive.”

  Chapter Seven


  I got Sid settled with her lunch then took mine to my desk next to hers. There wasn’t much conversation during lunch beyond ‘pass the sauce’. Something with Sid was off, but I didn’t want to get into it right now. I had my own stuff to deal with. Yeah, I know, that sounded harsh, but being a twin meant you often had your crap and theirs to sort because you were so close, it all got tangled up. I didn’t need my sister in the middle of my crap right now, so she’d have to deal with her own for a bit.

  What crap did I have to deal with? Well, I was in deep, over my head, with Mira. I really wished Dad wasn’t on that trip of a lifetime with Mom so I could sit down and talk to him about this. While Grampa Walsh would be a good choice, he was also my boss. I still felt like I had to prove myself to him and whining about my love life didn’t seem the best way to do that.

  We’d had a few moments of pretty intense making out but had not gone further. I wasn’t comfortable going further with a kid in the house. Yeah, I know. I needed to get over that or give up the idea of ever having sex with Mira. Ethan was a great kid and he loved having me around to play. In my mind, the precocious three-year-old was my future son, but that didn’t give me any rights. Not until his mother gave them to me.

  This case had me losing sleep. At first, I thought it had something to do with the elusive Finn that kept making fae babies all over the area. Now I fell into Grampa Walsh and Sid’s camp, and believed it had something to do with whoever had been stealing kids every fifty years or so.

  After I finished eating, I called Sett but it went to voicemail. I wanted to follow up on the angle that Sid had discussed, so I went to find the Commander.

  A tap on his door and he called out, “Come in.”

  “Grampa. Commander, I wanted to ask you if it would be okay to check on an angle Sid came up with,” I said as I stepped up to a spot in front of his desk.

  He sat back and gave me a smile. “Run it by me, son.”

  “Sid had an incident with Officer Corby and after that incident, she wanted to run by Collegiate and see if we could get some information.”

  “Wait,” he said. “What kind of incident with Corby?” The Commander leaned forward, grabbed a pen and a pad, then looked up at me. “Well?”

  “Sid should really be the one that reports this, Sir. I don’t want to go behind her back on this.”

  “Spill it, Sin.”

  “Corby took her to supposedly sit outside the school and watch the kids to see which ones were most vulnerable to kidnapping. Sid told her that it made more sense to go to the counselors and teachers, to ask which kids were vulnerable. Then get the files from the school and narrow down the list to witch and fae kids. Corby got offensive and Sid jumped from the car as Corby took off. I picked Sid up a few minutes later.”

  “Have you seen Corby since?”

  “No. Sid’s at her desk and I ate lunch with her then came here, to talk to you.”

  The Commander rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. “Corby is a decent cop with a lot of experience, but she’s always walked the edge of acceptable behavior. At first I thought it was because she was a woman in a field that not many women got into at the time. Now, I’m not so sure. You said you recorded the conversation?”

  “Yes, sir.” I pulled out my phone, queued up the call recording and hit play. Once the call was over, I shut it off and pocketed my phone. “About the school, sir. Do Sid and I have your permission to speak to the counselors and staff?”

  He looked at me in surprise. “You don’t want me to do something about Corby?”

  “Not unless you wish to, sir. This is not new behavior for Sid and I to have to deal with. If we just let it go and keep doing our jobs to the best of our ability, we’ll be fine.”

  He gave me a faint smile and sighed. “Just because you’ve had to deal with it before, doesn’t mean it’s okay, Sin. It is especially not okay to do to a fellow officer. Yet, if I chastise Corby, it will look like more of what she’s making a stink about in the first place. I’ll pass it down to her direct command and let them take care of it.”

  “Yes, sir,” I said. I wasn’t surprised that he wanted to deal with it, but I found myself relieved that the manner in which he would go about addressing it wouldn’t come back to bite me or Sid in the ass later.

  “As for going to Collegiate, let me call first. Alec McGinty, the headmaster, is an old friend. I’ll get him to send the files over. Once you’ve assessed which students are in the target group, then you can go do select interviews.”

  “Sounds like a plan, Commander. Thank you.”

  “Tell Sid it was a great idea, then get her to help you go through the files. They’ll be electronic, so it won’t be too hard. But I’m going to ask for the current files and the past five years. Some kids move or go into homeschooling or graduate, but we don’t know if seventeen or eighteen is too old for this predator.”

  “Good point, sir. We’ll be thorough.”

  “I know you will, Sin.”

  * * *

  Sid and I spent the rest of the day going over the files. We sorted by species first, then decided to pick out those with single working parents or in foster care. That still left us with a hefty stack of kids to check out. Something we’d deal with tomorrow.

  I pulled up to Mira’s and picked up the sack of take-out before I headed to the door.

  Mira met me at the door with her finger pressed to her lips and two bottles of beer in her other hand. She led me out to the porch, then gave me a kiss. “Ethan’s packing his overnight bag to go on a sleepover at my best friend’s place. Her son Timmy is a few months older than Ethan and they love hanging out.”

  My heart started to race. “You mean, we’ll have the house to ourselves, all night?”

  “Oh, yeah, baby. The whole night.”

  Her smile made promises I really hoped she could keep. “I got fried chicken and sides. When’s your friend coming to get Ethan?”

  “About ten minutes, but here,” Mira handed me a beer. “You sit, drink this and eat a piece of chicken. I’ll go check on what Ethan has packed and make sure he’s ready for Leah to pick him up.”

  I took a seat and pulled out a chicken leg. I figured I’d need the fuel for my later plans, and it was what the lady said to do, so I did. I draped a clean napkin over Mira’s beer so it would remain bug-free and settled back. The chicken was excellent, so I had another piece, then wrapped the bones in a napkin and tucked down the side of the bag. Fingers clean, I sipped the beer and watched a young woman walk up the path to the porch. I put it down and rose to offer a polite nod of my head. “You must be Leah, I’m Sinclair. Mira’s getting Ethan inside.”

  A shy smile greeted me and Leah held out her hand. Pale blond hair hung to her waist in a thick braid. Eyes the shade of woodland violets and perfect skin the color of ivory spoke of her Fae heritage. “Nice to meet you, Sin. I’ve heard good things about you.”

  I shook her hand then took a step back. “I just heard about you today, but I’m pleased to meet one of Mira’s friends,” I said. I felt awkward, so I moved to open the door for her. “Let me get the door for you,” then called inside. “Mira, Leah’s here.”

  “In Ethan’s room,” Mira called out.

  Leah gave me a smile an
d stepped inside, so I shut the door behind her and sat back down. “Well, that was weird,” I said to myself. Normally, I felt comfortable around women of all types. Seated on the porch of the woman I loved, I felt awkward and uncertain around her friends. My guess was that I just really wanted them to like me, and Leah had been the first one I’d met. Satisfied with my brief self-analysis, I took another swallow of beer and relaxed.

  The ladies came out of the house, Leah with Ethan’s bag and Mira holding Ethan. He saw me and reached out his hands. “Sinnie!”

  I reached for him and Mira let him come to me.

  “Hey little man, how are you doing?” I said.

  “I’m gonna go sleep at Timmy’s. We’re gonna have pizza and chips,” Ethan bounced in my arms, almost too excited to speak. Then he wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. “I gotta go, Sinnie. Timmy’s waitin’. Love youse,” and wriggled until I set him down so he could race across the yard to Leah’s car.

  “Be good, Ethan,” Mira called out.

  Leah laughed. “They’ll wear each other out by ten. It’s all good. I’ll call tomorrow before bringing him home.”

  Mira blushed and laughed herself before squeezing Leah’s hand. “Go before he decides to drive himself to your place. Thanks again, girlfriend.”

  Leah started toward her car and turned to call back. “It’s my job as your best friend to make sure you get a little somethin’ somethin’ once in a while,” then she laughed and dashed to the driver’s seat.

  Mira slapped both hands over her face and groaned. “I’m gonna kill her later. I swear.”

  I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. “I’m gonna buy her flowers later. As a thank you.”

  I felt her laughter against my chest and we both turned to wave as Leah pulled away. Ethan waved both hands at us from his spot in the child seat in the back.

  We gathered up the food and beer, then headed inside. “Do you want to eat first?” I asked.

  Mira’s answer was to lock the door behind us, take the bag of food from my hands and shove it into the fridge.

  “I guess not.”

  “There’s only one thing I’m hungry for, Sinclair Boudreau and it isn’t food,” Mira said as she turned down the short hallway towards her bedroom.

  My shoes were left in the middle of the hall, my jacket dropped near them. I heard a giggle and saw Mira’s t-shirt fly out of the bedroom and land in front of me.

  “Follow the laundry,” Mira laughed.

  I never thought of laundry as sexy. Until now. When I rounded the corner into her bedroom, Mira was standing beside her bed in a lacy bra and panties that matched the turquoise color of her eyes. Creamy tan skin, long locks the color of milk chocolate that brushed her hips, and ruby lips made me stop in my tracks. I swear I forgot to breathe for a moment, then my remaining clothes were flung across the room as I moved towards her. When we pressed together, skin to skin, the electric charge could’ve powered a small city.

  “Mira,” I whispered, then covered her lips with mine. I made sure she had no doubts about how much I wanted her. I filled my hands with her curves as I laid her back on the bed. When I felt her breasts against my bare chest, I groaned. Her breasts were so full and soft in my hands, her nipples pebbled. I ran my hands along her ribs and worried for a moment that my hands were too rough for her delicate skin, but Mira’s soft and eager moans told me she wasn’t unhappy with the sensations. Her hand wrapped around me and my heart stuttered in my chest. I took a breath and focused, because I’d never wanted to please a woman more than I did this woman.

  Feeling her hands on me and her skin against mine made it beyond difficult to slow down, but I managed. I took my time, fondling her breasts, tasting one nipple, then the other. She arched against me, hands greedy, one of her legs thrown over my hip to pull me closer. I slid a hand down and touched her core, bringing a passionate moan from her. I touched deeply, realizing I wasn’t the only one feeling eager.

  “Sin,” she gasped. “Please, Sin.”

  I pulled back long enough to roll on a condom, then leaned over and captured her mouth with mine. I entered her in one slow, deep stroke that caused her to gasp and rise against me. One hand cupped her bottom and the other teased a spot that turned her sighs into moans as I moved within her. No matter what, her needs would come first, but the feel of her wrapped around me drove me wild. I kept my movements steady and soon her breathing was faster, rougher. Her body strained toward mine, reaching for ecstasy, for that moment of satisfaction. I thrust harder, kept teasing and touching her, until I felt those spasms of fulfillment, heard her cry out in pleasure. I held her tight and pressed deep, her nails sinking into my back. The flash of pain helped me hold back. Her cries faded to sighs and she gave me a sweet kiss.

  “Oh, Sin,” she breathed. “It’s been a long, long time.”

  “Are you okay?” I asked, then smiled. “I don’t plan on you ever going that long without again.”

  I began to move down her body with my lips and tongue, tasting her in kisses and delicate strokes. I ran a tongue around each nipple, sucking and teasing. I slid lower, parted her legs and buried my face in her. I heard her soft sound of surprise and felt her hands in my hair. Delicate no longer, I went to work on that erogenous knot in her center until her hips moved against my mouth and her breathing grew ragged once more.

  I slid back up her body and kissed her. “You taste so sweet. Absolute nectar,” I whispered as I slid into her once more. Her legs wrapped around my waist and I moved within her, one hand between us to tease the nub at her center. She guided the pace with her legs locked around my waist, hips ground against mine. I followed her lead, steady, deep, and long. I held tight to control until I heard her sounds change to those I already knew meant she was ready to fly. Those beautiful, sweet sounds pulled me with her this time and when she clenched around me, I let myself go. The sensations were so intense, I felt lightheaded. My heart thundered and my eyes watered. I held myself above her, trembling with the force of emotion as it rushed through me.

  “Oh, Sinclair,” she sighed.

  “Mira, baby,” I whispered and kissed her, loved her. I caressed her gently as her breathing settled.

  I got up and went into the bathroom to get rid of the condom and got a warm washcloth, then went back to the bed and gently cleaned her up while her hands caressed my face and body and her lips teased against mine.

  I dropped the washcloth onto the floor and pulled her against me. “You want to rest a bit, or get something to eat?”

  “Let’s just rest a little. We can eat later. I like having your arms around me,” Mira said.

  The blanket got pulled up over us and I gathered her close, one hand cupping a breast, my face in her perfumed hair. “Chosen,” I whispered and I felt her chuckle more than heard it.

  “Aye, Chosen. You’re mine, now,” Mira said, laughter in her tone.

  “Oh, baby. I was yours the minute I saw you on the porch that first day. You’ve been mine my whole life and I just found you.”

  Mira wriggled back against me and sighed. “I’m really glad you did.”

  Soon, I heard the sounds of her even breaths as she slept.

  I held her for a while, watching the play of light on the wall of her room, across the fall of her hair where it lay on the comforter. When I was certain she was deep asleep, I got up and cleaned up our clothes. Hers, I put on a chair next to the bed. Mine, I took into the second bath so as not to wake her. I showered and dressed, then went into the kitchen to get a beer. I had some thinking to do. I was in my mid twenties and had just bonded with my Chosen. If I hadn’t made love with her, then we’d be unbound Chosen. It was an act of total surrender that bonded us. Did I have regrets? Oh, hell no. But now we had some decisions to make. When to handfast, how we handled living arrangements, so many things. The good thing about us both being supernatural, though, is that we had time. I was going to put a ring on her hand, however. One that reminded her of the promise
I made by bonding with her. She was never going to be facing life alone, ever again.

  I heard her stirring, so I put the chicken in the oven to warm up and got the sides out.

  “Food will be ready in a few. You want a beer?” I called out to Mira.

  “Sounds good. I’m going to shower,” Mira called back.

  I set the table and put the food out, dumped the chicken onto a plate, and nearly dropped it on the floor when I felt her arms wind around my waist. I’d been so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t hear her approach.

  Mira laughed at my startle and nudged the plate aside to come around for a kiss. “Next time, I’ll get you to wash my back, eh?”

  “Just your back?” I asked and kissed her again. “Let’s eat. We’ll need the fuel for later.”

  Food was dished up and I opened our beers when Mira said, “I guess we’re bonded, huh? There were no sparks when I came up behind you in the kitchen.”

  My hand bobbled the beer I held, so I set it on the table and leaned back. “Yeah, we’re bonded. Are you okay with that?” The twisting in my stomach made me realize how much her answer meant to me.

  “Of course I’m okay with that. I wouldn’t have taken you to bed if I wasn’t. I know what it means to be Chosen, Sinclair. I guess maybe we should’ve talked more before we did that though, if you’re doubting my feelings.”

  “I don’t think it’s doubting your feelings as much as it’s being awed by the whole thing. I’m still realizing the strength of my feelings.”

  Mira frowned. “Wait, you still aren’t sure?”

  “No, no. That’s not what I meant,” I sighed. “I’m making a mess of this.” I leaned forward and took one of her hands in mine. “I’m trying to say that I had no idea how intense finding a Chosen would feel. That I’m awed by how much my life has changed in such a short time. There’s a lot we need to discuss, and while we’ve got all the time in the world, I don’t want to waste a single minute of it.”


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