Aristotle, 59, 62–63, 64, 81–82, 93, 190, 279
Aristotle, works of, 60, 62, 81–82, 190, 803
Arius, 93
Arminius, Jacobus, 791, 818
Arnobius the Younger, 560, 561
Arthur (Prince of Wales), 71, 159
Articles of Reform (Methodist Church), 734
Assertio Septem Sacramentorum (“Defense of the Seven Sacraments”) (Henry VIII), 482–484, 550
Asterisks (Luther), 303
Augenspiegel (“Eye Glasses”) (Reuchlin), 182, 183
Augsburg (Germany), 331–332, 334
Augsburg Confession (Confessio Augustana), 731–733, 734
Augustine, ix, 16, 30, 33, 41, 56, 95, 111, 132–133, 296, 297, 475, 590
ambition of, 130
carnal desire of, 129, 130, 131
to Carthage, 129–130
death of, 137
distaste for Greek, 129
on divine grace, 136
embrace of Christ, 132
Erasmus on, 252, 477
on evil, 130
fallen man, 63
on human nature, 135
on just war, 213
life of, 128–137
Luther and, 127, 128
in Milan, 130
on original sin, 136
on paganism, 135
parents of, 129, 130–131
Pelagius and, 133–135, 137
in Rome, 130, 132
on salvation, 136
support for ecclesial authority, 138
worldly pleasures, 131
Augustine, works by
Anti-Pelagian Writings, 135, 266
City of God, 135, 137, 477, 556, 573
Confessions, 41, 61, 128, 132, 139, 187
On the Spirit and the Letter, 219, 361
Augustinian Canons, 30
Augustinian Hermits, 117
Aurogallus, 754
Austria, Peasants’ War in, 648, 658
Averroës, 63
Avicenna, 63
Avignon, papacy at, 13–14
Babylonian Captivity, 14
The Babylonian Captivity of the Church (Luther), 421, 425–426, 428, 432, 439, 453–454, 478, 547, 550, 617
Bach, Johann Sebastian, 50, 593
Bachhaus museum, 50
Bade, Josse, 67, 299
Baechem, Nicholaas, 411
Baer, Ludwig, 474, 604
Baldwin, T.W., 203
baptism, Luther on, 425
Baptists, 815
Barbier, Pierre, 485
Barmen (Germany), 811
Barnabas, 223–224
Barnes, Robert, 693, 747
baroque style, 786
Barth, Karl, 221, 811
Basel (Switzerland), 242, 298, 487, 521, 645–646, 658, 713, 756, 770
Batt, Jacob, 46, 88, 91
“The Battle Between the Monks and the Whores,” 669
Battle of Flodden, 212
Battle of Mohács (1526), 704
Battle of the Spurs, 211
Baumgärtner, Jerome, 592
Bebel, Johann, 621
Béda, Noël, 646–648, 678, 695, 711
Beier, Leonhard, 305, 306, 331
Belgium, 788
Belvedere (papal villa), 155
Bembo, Pietro, 273
benefices, 158, 293, 784
Bentivoglio, Giovanni II, 144
Bergen, Antoon von, 91, 212, 213
Bergen, Hendrik van (bishop), 56
Berlepsch, Hans von, 469
Berlin (Germany), 809
Berlin State Library, 220
Bernard of Clairvaux, 61
Bernhardi, Bartholomew, 497
Berquin, Louis de, 647, 678, 737
Berselius, Paschasius, 290
Beyond Good and Evil (Nietzsche), 555
Beza, Theodore, 790
Bible. See also New Testament; Old Testament; Vulgate Bible
American Protestantism and, 816
Book of Job, 592
Colet’s approach to, 72–73
Complutensian Bible, 244, 407, 679
Coverdale’s Bible, 751
Damasus and, 102
English translation of, 688–692
Erasmus and study of, xi–xii
Erasmus on, 255, 672
Erasmus’ translations of New Testament, 243–245, 247–256, 319–320, 324–326, 354, 374, 443, 475, 695, 755
German Bibles, 523
Greek idioms in, 92, 102
Greek version, 74, 88, 92–93
Gutenberg Bible, 110
Hebrew texts, 106, 792
Index of Prohibited Books, 785
Jerome’s Bible, 94, 106–108
King James version, 688–689
knowledge of language vital to study of, 294
layperson’s right to read, 820
Luther on, 807, 815, 816
Luther Bible, 802
Luther’s translation into German, 523–524, 525–529, 538, 548, 552, 554–555, 576–577
Ockham on, 80
Paris Bible, 110
Spinoza on, 792
Tyndale’s translation into English, 688–691, 743, 745–746, 751
vernacular Bibles, 523, 785
Bibliander, Theodore, 774
Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève (Paris), 57
Biel, Gabriel, 122–123, 279, 422
Bismarck, Otto von, 808
Black Forest
about, 616, 620, 636, 736
Peasants’ War in, 616, 620, 628–629, 632, 634, 636, 649, 658
Blesilla, 104
Blount, William. See Mountjoy, Lord
Böblingen (Germany), 656
Boccaccio, Giovanni, 14, 42
Boerio, Giovanni Battista, 143
Boethius, 60
Bogislav (duke of Pomerania), 446
Boleyn, Anne, 686, 746, 749
Boleyn, Mary, 686
Boleyn, Thomas, 750
Bologna (Italy), 144, 145
Bombace, Paolo, 484
The Bondage of the Will (De Servo Arbitrio) (Luther), 670–676, 680
Aldine Press, 145, 146
burnings of Luther’s books, 410–411, 415, 418, 433, 444, 480
codex, 40
confiscation of books in Holy Roman Empire, 179–181
copies of pagan texts, 36–37
destruction of Jewish books in Holy Roman Empire, 175–176
English prohibition on heretical books, 744
Erasmus and, 29, 32–34, 36–37
incunabula, 147
Index of Prohibited Books, 480, 510, 785
octavo editions, 147
Petrarch and, 36–38
print shops, 146–148
quarto editions, 147
translation centers for, 62
translation of Greek works into Arabic, 62
Venice and, 146
Bora, Katharina von
about, 579
children of, 669, 717, 728, 780, 781
engagement to Baumgärtner, 592, 625
on Luther’s drinking, 728
marriage to Luther, 644, 664–665, 666, 667–669, 717, 719–720, 778, 779
as nun leaving convent, 579, 592, 625
Bora, Magdalene von (Katharina’s aunt), 717
Borssele, Anna van, 90–91
Bosch, Hieronymus, 24
Bramante, Donato, 154–156, 274–275
Braudel, Fernand, 8
Braun, Johannes, 50–51
Breisach (Germany), 649
Brethren and Sisters of the Common Life, 11, 17, 19, 28
Briart, Jan, 348
Brunfels, Otto, 600
Brunswick (Germany), 709
Bryan, William Jennings, 820
Bucer, Martin, 306–307, 397, 623, 723, 767
Budé, Guillaume, 486
Bugenhagen, Johannes, 547–548, 665, 692, 705, 706, 709–710, 726, 762, 781
Bundschuh, 464–465
Burckhardt, Jacob, 40
khard, Peter, 427
Busleyden, Jérome de, 294
Cajetan, Tommaso (cardinal), 313, 314, 316, 330, 331, 333, 335–340, 701, 727
Calvin, John
about, 221, 515, 763–772
American life and, xiii–xiv, 816
Defense of the Orthodox Trinity Against the Errors of Michael Servetus, 770
Institutes of the Christian Religion, 764, 765–766, 767
Luther and, 664, 772–773
music in worship service, 593
on predestination, xiv, 676, 677
Servetus and, 769–770
about, xiv–xv
in Europe, 772, 788, 790
in the United States, 816
Cambrai (Netherlands), 56
Cambridge (England), 205
Camerarius, Joachim, 600, 605, 606, 628, 665, 670, 684
Camers, Julianus, 703
camp meetings, 819
Campeggio, Lorenzo (cardinal), 417–418, 731
Cancelleria (palace), 153
canon, 122
Canons Regular of St. Augustine, 29, 30
Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 14
Canzioniere (Petrarch), 34, 36
capital punishment, forms of, 25
capitalism, Calvinism and, xiv
Capito, Wolfgang, 184, 261, 301, 319, 323, 327, 345, 346, 350, 380, 434, 484, 506, 543, 623, 645
Capuchins, 786
Caracciolo, Marino, 409, 413, 467
Carlyle, Thomas, 461
Carmen Buccolicum (Rural Song) (Erasmus), 33
Carondelet, Ferry de, 695
Carondelet, Jean de, 510
Casanova, Marcantonio, 703
Castellio, Sebastian, 770–771
Castle Church (Schlosskirche) (Wittenberg), 166, 167, 172, 268, 386, 498, 501, 530, 536, 813, 816
Castle of Frederick III (Elector of Saxony), 165–166
catechism (Lutheran), 721–722
Catharinus, Ambrosius, 450
Catherine of Aragon, 192, 204, 403, 609, 686, 687, 688, 739, 743, 747, 749
Catholic Church. See also Christianity; papacy
about, 11–14
Aquinas and, 64
Aristotle and, 63
confession, 52, 54
Council of Trent, 384, 783–784
Council of Troubles, 788
Counter-Reformation, 783, 788, 802
disestablishment of in England, 686–688
excommunication, 308
finances of, 157–158, 275, 312
Great Schism, 14
Greek, attitude toward, 175
Hebrew, attitude toward, 175
Index of Prohibited Books, 480, 510, 785
indulgences. See indulgences
influence of, 11
Mary, veneration of, 11–12
Mass, 13
number of adherents worldwide, 801
papacy challenged by Ockham, 80
patristic era of, 95–96
penance, 51–52, 54, 55, 138, 171, 281–282
on poverty, 79
priests, role of in, 54–55
punishment, 53–54
purgatory, 53, 54
re-Catholicization of Europe, 802
relics in, 12–13, 267–268, 785
saints, veneration of, 12
sermons, 81
shrines, 12
transubstantiation, 164, 622, 679–680
wealth of, 13, 157
celibacy of clerics, 520
Erasmus on, 320, 520
Jerome on, 104, 504
Karlstadt on, 495, 498, 531
Luther on, 497, 503, 504
in Switzerland, 558
censorship, 480
“chair of pestilence,” 187
chancellery German, 526
Charismatic movement, 801
Charlemagne, 292
Charles (duke of Bourbon), 698–700
Charles V (Charles of Burgundy) (Holy Roman Emperor)
about, 334–335, 391, 402–403, 406–407, 435, 438, 679
Aleander and, 410
appearance of, 405–406, 730
Clement VII and, 729
Confessio Augustana (Augsburg Confession), 731–732
coronation, 412
Diet of Augsberg (1530), 725, 726
Diet of Worms, 447, 454, 463, 464, 465
Erasmus and, ix, 391, 402
Ferdinand and, 730–731
Germany and, 480
Henry VIII and, 405, 715
Italian Wars, 144, 481, 697–702
Leo X and, 485
Low Countries and, 545
Luther and, 464
Wolsey and, 481, 482, 485
Chieregati, Francesco (nuncio), 567–569
Chigi, Agostino, 158–159
China, Protestants in, 814
agony in garden of Gethsemane, 73
depictions of, 24–25
Erasmus on, 72, 143, 189, 295, 712–713
faith in, 236
Jews as crucifiers, 187
Paul on, 223
whole faith, 237
Christian Civic Union, 742
Christian II (king of Denmark), 497, 685
Christian III (king of Denmark), 762
Christian Union of Upper Swabia, 631
Christianity. See also Catholic Church; Lutheranism; Protestantism; Reformation
anticlericalism of the Middle Ages, 14
on circumcision, 225, 228
good works, 232
Jewish dietary laws, 226, 228
origins of, 223–230
on teaching of, 254–255
in year 200, 234–235
Chrysoloras, Manuel, 42, 206
Church of England
Anglican Communion, 801
King James Bible, 688–689
Methodism and, 818
Thirty-Nine Articles, 734
Churchill, Winston, 796–797
Cicero, 36, 37–38, 40, 99, 130, 153, 374, 601
The Ciceronian (Erasmus), 153
circumcision, early Christianity, 225, 228
City of God (Augustine), 135, 137, 477, 556, 573
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy (Burckhardt), 40
Clement V (pope), 13, 35
Clement VII (pope), 600, 604–605, 609, 698, 699, 702, 729, 777
clergy. See priests
clerical celibacy. See celibacy of clerics
Cochlaeus, Johannes, 555
codex, 40
“Codex Brittanicus,” 476
“Codex Montfortianus,” 476
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 221, 491
Colet, John, 71–74, 75, 87, 116, 200–201, 210–211, 235, 248, 256, 295
Collège de Montaigu, 646–647, 786
College of Three Tongues (Collegium Trilingue), 294, 348, 677, 764
collegia pietatis, 803, 804
Collegiants, 791
Collegium Trilingue, (see College of Three Tongue)
Colloquies (Erasmus), xi, 68, 142, 510–514, 521, 678, 686, 687, 785
Colocci, Angelo, 703
Cologne-Louvain condemnation of Luther, 384, 390, 398
Colonna, Giovanni (cardinal), 35
Colonna, Pompeo (cardinal), 698
Colt, Jane, 140, 191
comma Johanneum, 251, 298, 381, 383, 475–476
Communion (sacrament)
changes in view of, 679–680
Karlstadt on, 495
Karlstadt’s Christmas Day Communion, 530–531
Luther on, 423, 495, 592
without a priest, 499
Communism in Central Europe in the Time of the Reformation (Kautsky), 809
A Complaint of Peace (Querela Pacis) (Erasmus), 291, 794
Complutensian Bible, 244, 679
Comunero uprising, 438
Concerning Heretics, Whether They Should Be Persecuted (Castellio), 770
concupiscence, 133
Confessing Church, 811
sio Augustana (Augsburg Confession), 731–733, 734
in the Bible, 52
collective confession of friars, 119–120
fee for, 54
of Luther, 121, 125
Luther on, 494–495
confessional, 785
Confessions (Augustine), 41, 61, 128, 132, 139, 187
confirmation (Catholic sacrament), 424
Confutatio Pontifica, 733–734
Confutation of Tyndale’s Answer (More), 749
Consilium (Erasmus), 413
Consistory, 772
The Consultation Against the Filthy Jewish Books (Hoogstraten), 181
Conventuals, 162
Cop, Nicholas, 765
Copernicus, Nicolaus, xii
Cordatus, Conrad, 759–760
Corinth, 227, 229
Corinthians, Epistle to the, 229
Cornelis Gerard, 33, 46
corporal punishment, in schools, 9–10, 48–49
Corpus Juris Civilis, 83
Council of Blood, 788
Council of Constance (1414), 15, 363, 366, 462–463
Council of Ephesus (431), 137
Council of Florence (1439), 422
Council of Trent (1545–1563), 384, 783–784
Council of Troubles (1567–1574), 788
Counter-Reformation, 783, 788, 802
Cousturier, Pierre, 646, 678
Coverdale, Miles, 751
Cranach, Lucas (Lucas the Elder), 169, 376, 388–389, 420, 450–451, 467, 488, 523, 552, 665, 777, 779
Cranmer, Thomas, 749
Cromwell, Thomas, 749–750, 751
crucifixion, Paul on, 223
Curia, 158, 164
Cuspinian, Johannes, 457
Cyprian (bishop of Carthage), 374
Damasus I (pope), 97, 102
Dance of Death, 26
Dantiscus, Johannes, 575–576
Datary, 158, 395
De anima (Aristotle), 62, 81
De Asse (Budé), 486
De clementia (Seneca), 764
De Copia (“Foundations of the Abundant Style”) (Erasmus), 201, 202, 241, 243, 686
De Ecclesia (Hus), 365, 366, 367, 389
De Elegantia Linguae Latinae (Valla), 45
De Esu Carnium (“On Eating Meat”) (Erasmus), 520, 521
De finibus (Cicero), 41
De Libero Arbitrio (Erasmus), 601, 606, 609, 669–670
De Ratione Studii (“On the Method of Study”) (Erasmus), 202, 598
De Re Metallica (G. Agricola), 23
De Rudimentis Hebraicis (Reuchlin), 175
De Tralatione Bibliae (Cousturier), 646
death, Luther’s fear of, 82–83
Decameron (Boccaccio), 14, 42
“December Testament” (Luther), 554
Decet Romanum Pontificem (“It Pleases the Roman Pontiff”), 435
“Defenestration of Prague” First, 367 Second, 788
Defense Against Some Spanish Monks (Erasmus), 711
Defense of Johannes Reuchlin Against the Cologne Slanderers (Reuchlin), 182
Defense of the Orthodox Trinity Against the Errors of Michael Servetus (Calvin), 770
Denifle, Heinrich, 809
Destructio Cabalae (Hoogenstraten), 375
Fatal Discord Page 121