The Enigma Strain (Techno Thriller Science Fiction Best Sellers): Military Science Fiction Technothriller (Harvey Bennett Thrillers Book 1)

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The Enigma Strain (Techno Thriller Science Fiction Best Sellers): Military Science Fiction Technothriller (Harvey Bennett Thrillers Book 1) Page 27

by Nick Thacker

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, back at the lab, I heard him say something like ‘America isn’t united enough…”

  “…To save itself,” Julie finished. “Yeah, I heard him say that too. Three times.”

  “Well,” Ben continued, “I think he was trying to tell us something. That, and he only murdered people who were single, alone, and clearly isolated in some way. He even tried to kill me, just before all of this.”

  Julie was quickly brought back to that fateful moment. Beating Stephens to a pulp after believing Ben was dead.

  “So I’ve been thinking about what it all meant. We already knew he wanted us to figure it out — he admitted that much himself. So I had to ask myself why he’d do it that way, when it would have been far easier to just blow the park and caldera silently, without taking us along for the ride.

  “And that led to thinking about the virus. Julie and I both had it — we were covered in the rash; they even took her in to quarantine.”

  “But it worked its way out of your system, right? After it killed itself off?” Officer Wardley asked.

  “It did, but when Julie and I were together, like physically close to one another, it didn’t get worse. Only when we were separated was when it grew in each of us.”

  Julie was now confused as well. “Are you saying this thing can be beaten just by getting people close together?”

  He shrugged. “I don’t know. But from what we learned in the lab, and from our own experience, I’d say it’s worth a shot.”

  The answer was too simplistic to be possible. She looked around at the others, and many were nodding. As she thought about it more and more, it did seem obvious to her as well.

  “So what do we do?” she asked. “Get everyone together in a room and hope that it spreads, like chickenpox?”

  “Maybe. I’ll leave that up to your people,” Ben said. “But I’d bet it’s a start.”

  Chapter Sixty

  BEN AND JULIE SPENT THE remainder of the day quarantined inside a massive white CDC tent set up just outside Yellowstone National Park. Her email had reached the highest levels of government, and each of the departments involved with the investigation of the enigma strain virus weighed in, including the CDC.

  In the end, Ben’s ideas were deemed sound enough to be fully tested and researched, and new quarantine locations were launched and data was gathered. Across the United States, each zone was given an updated protocol that included instructions based upon Julie and Ben’s findings, with the expectation that each area would send their research back to corporate headquarters in Atlanta.

  The tent outside Yellowstone was no different, and Ben and Julie found themselves helping with anything and everything to get the station set up and prepared, only to become the first test subjects. They’d explained everything that had happened so far, including Stephens’ involvement, how Ben and Julie discovered where the caches and the bomb were hidden, and what they thought might be the way to defeat the virus.

  Each of them had been assigned a separate bed, but because of their discovery of the “close proximity” rule, each bed was arranged close to another bed, and all of the infected patients were placed into the same large room, allowing for the disease to proliferate and spread among them. Within a matter of hours, the CDC confirmed Ben’s prediction that the proximity effect had a massive impact on slowing the spread of the virus, and within another few hours, they’d all but confirmed the suspicion that extended exposure to the virus led to an eventual recovery and inoculation.

  They were released shortly after verifying that they were virus-free, and the research continued, using patients gathered from cities and towns in the surrounding two hundred mile radius around the camp.

  Within two days, news of the virus’s weakness was spread among major outlets over television, radio, and internet sources. The key was proximity, and “recovery stations” were set up inside or near every major metropolitan area, including parks, arenas, stadiums, and larger government buildings. Smaller, more rural areas had similar stations, utilizing VFW posts, public meeting houses, and judicial centers.

  Large or small, the goal was the same: get as many people under one roof as possible, each with enough supplies to last a week. FEMA, Red Cross, and a dozen other agencies and organizations were simultaneously instructed to provide infrastructure support and training for the massive relief effort. And thanks to the efforts of large telecommunications companies, many of the relief locations were provided WIFI access and secure data points, allowing work to continue without major conflicts.

  Wall Street found little interruption in their operations, using mobile and wireless access points to continue trading and prevent any slowdowns in the US economy, and was able to ensure that losses in the major indexes were kept to a minimum. The government itself, operating for so long on pre-internet technology, seemed to be completely capable of keeping itself afloat without outside help.

  Overall, the disaster relief efforts, while long and far-reaching, were successful. The nation watched as day after day, more public services were restarted, businesses were reopened, and municipal governments were resumed. Due to the staggering effect of healing the virus in phases throughout the population, as well as the increased desire to see America united again, many people were faced with nothing more than a week or two of unpaid vacation time while they were immunized against the disease.

  Within a month’s time, the enigma strain virus was deemed to be ‘a minor threat’ by the Centers for Disease Control, citing the work done by Ben and Julie as well as the data gathered by each of the quarantine stations. The virus/bacteria was expected to reveal itself in less than 5% of the population over the coming year, and while an actual antidote was still out of reach, plans had been made to control the infection by forced exposure and proximity, eventually leading to full immunization against the disease.

  Chapter Sixty-One

  “VALÈRE, WHAT HAPPENED?” EMILIO ASKED through the screen.

  Valère was pacing around the office, the speakers beaming the other man’s voice directly to his ears, as if Emilio was not behind a computer monitor but instead right there in the room with him.

  “I have sent over a detailed analysis of the events that transpired —”

  “Not now, SARA,” Emilio yelled. “I know you ‘sent over’ your little AI understanding of ‘these events,’ but I’m not asking that. Hell, it’s all over the news! I know exactly what happened. I’m asking Mr. Valère.”

  Valère looked up, his eyes narrowed as he focused on the monitor. “Mr. Vasquez, I apologize for causing you undue stress. I assure you, our investments remain sound, as does our plan.”

  “Our plan?” Emilio shouted. SARA automatically reduced the sound level before it was sent to Valère’s ears, so as not to cause any hearing pain. “Our plan has failed miserably. This was supposed to cripple the nation, not create a more patriotic and united one!”

  Valère let the man continue, uninterrupted.

  “Stephens failed, thanks to that escaped specimen Fischer, and those two CDC —”

  “One CDC agent, Mr. Vasquez. The other was merely a park ranger at —”

  “SARA, enough!” Emilio yelled.

  Valère turned to the screen, noticing the rage building in his partner’s face. He held up a hand just as Emilio was about to start again. “Please, my friend, give yourself room to understand the true depth of what we have accomplished here.”

  Emilio sneered but remained silent.

  “Our plans have failed, perhaps, when seen through the narrow lens of the project’s parameters. But the Company remains strong, stronger than ever, perhaps, and that is in no small part due to the events that have transpired in America.”

  Emilio nodded.

  “In addition, the Company has confirmed that research continues in Brazil, and preparations are underway in Antarctica. We remain beneath the radar and will continue operations while the governments involved clean
up the mess.”

  “But at what cost, Valère? We failed. There is nothing we have accomplished by —”

  “By what?” Valère asked. He steeled himself, pushing down the nervousness that he could feel creeping upward through his body. “There is nothing we have accomplished by failing? That is true. But what, exactly, do you think we were supposed to accomplish?”

  Emilio frowned.

  “Your parameters and objectives were the same as mine, and according to them, we have failed. Stephens was a loose cannon, and we have shown a lack of control over many of our contingencies. But what do you think the purpose was?”

  “Of the failure?”

  “Of even the success, were we to achieve it?”

  “I — I don’t understand where you’re going with this, Francis.”

  Valère paused. “Of course you don’t, Emilio. You were tapped for this project, and this one alone. But the Company has other interests, as I’m sure you’re aware. So what could they possibly expect to gain from a project such as this?”

  Again, Emilio frowned.

  “Nothing, my friend. Nothing directly. This project is busy work. It was something that seemed large enough to matter, though not crucial enough to place the entire weight and infrastructure of the Company behind it.”

  “You mean…”

  “Yes, Emilio. The Company needed us to create a distraction. One that would raise few eyebrows, regardless of success or failure. One that required little in the way of resources and management, yet caused all eyes to focus inward.”

  “So the project —”

  “The project was just that, Emilio. A project. A test, really. And we failed, but only in the sense of the direct mission. In this overall game, I believe we have achieved success. Massive success.

  “Every eye in the developed world has been watching America, watching to see how they react. America is in fits, recovering, trying to stabilize itself. It will, in time. But it will be too late. The Company was working on a much larger project when they discovered the enigma strain. The virus was a side effect, a wonderful addendum to our research. I wrote the project’s overview and had it approved as a way to divert more attention away from their larger goal.

  “And may I ask what that goal is, Mr. Valère?” Emilio asked.

  Valère smiled, his eyes heavy, as he reached for the control to switch off the monitor.

  “I’m sorry, Emilio. You may not.”

  Chapter Sixty-Two

  THE COLD HAD BEEN CREEPING in for the past few hours, and Ben’s jacket seemed to be doing no more good. He sighed, watching his breath hang in the air and crystallize, the tiny specks sparkling as they collected and fell to the snowy ground.

  He raised the long-handled axe and swung it once more. A satisfying crack reverberated around the tall pines, eventually getting lost in the white landscape. The block of wood split down the middle, sending the two halves in opposite directions, where two piles already lay. Ben paused, examining his work, then heaved the axe up onto his shoulder and began to walk toward one of the piles. He filled a wheelbarrow, then rolled the load back up a narrow dirt path.

  As he exited the thick stand of trees, the sight in front of him almost stopped him in his tracks. The deep mocha-colored wood of the cabin’s exterior stood out in stark contrast to the surrounding forest. A thin chimney piped out a few wisps of smoke from a fire he’d left unattended hours ago, but he could still smell the faint odor of burning logs.

  He started up the path again, stopping only when he reached the front door. He set the wheelbarrow down on its mounts and stacked the wood in careful lines on both sides of the door. As he worked, he tried to calculate the fruits of the day’s labor. Half a cord, maybe more.

  Not enough, but not bad either, considering how slow he’d been lately thanks to his healing foot.

  Finally finished with the wheelbarrow, he leaned it up against the wall of the cabin and reached for the door handle.

  It opened before he got a grip on it.

  “Took you long enough — it’s getting a little chilly in here.”

  He smiled as he tried to think of a witty response.

  “You know what? Think about it over dinner. You’ll freeze if you stand there and try to get that brain of yours working again.”

  He walked into the cabin, immediately struck by the warmth of the dry air, and shut the door behind him.

  Julie just watched. “Slowing down a little in your old age? Yesterday you got more than that, and you were done by four.”

  This time he wasn’t caught off guard. “At least I’m doing something useful. What was that slop you tried to feed me last night?”

  Julie’s eyes grew wide as she grinned back at him. “Oh, really? Good thing you’re cooking tonight, then. We’ll see how you do.”

  He had removed his gloves and scarf and was now working on his boots as Julie came over and sat down on the bench next to him. He’d removed one shoe when he felt her arm slide underneath his.

  She leaned her head on his shoulder, and he sat back against the wall. Ben felt her squeeze his hand, somehow causing the room to grow even warmer. He smiled and closed his eyes.

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  Nick Thacker

  P.S. You should connect with me on Twitter: @NickThacker or on my website:

  Want More?


  The Golden Crystal

  The Depths

  The Enigma Strain

  The Atlantis Deception (A.G. Riddle’s The Origin Mystery series)

  The Lucid: Season One - The Beginning (written with Kevin Tumlinson)


  Welcome Home: The Author's Guide to Building A Marketing Home Base

  Expert Blogging: Building A Blog for Readers

  The Dead-Simple Guide to Guest Posts

  The Dead-Simple Guide to Amazing Headlines

  The Dead-Simple Guide to Pillar Content

  Nick Thacker is an author from Texas who lives in a cabin on a mountain in Colorado, because Colorado has mountains, microbreweries, and fantastic weather. In his free time, he enjoys reading, brewing beer (and whisky), skiing, golfing, and hanging out with his beautiful wife, tortoise, and three dogs.

  In addition to his fiction work, Nick is the author of several nonfiction books on marketing, publishing, writing, and building online platforms.

  If you are interested in learning more about the fiction writing process and time-management for writers, be sure to check out The Fiction Writer’s Guide to Writing Fiction (, a completely FREE 20-week e-course!

  Visit Nick’s website at to find updates about upcoming releases!

  The Enigma Strain

  Turtleshell Press (

  Copyright © 2014 by Nick Thacker, Turtleshell Press

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Printed in the United States of America

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2013922337

  First Printing, 2014

  ISBN 978-1490353135

  Nick Thacker

  Colorado Springs, CO

  Nick Thacker, The Enigma Strain (Techno Thriller Science Fiction Best Sellers): Military Science Fiction Technothriller (Harvey Bennett Thrillers Book 1)




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