Against All Odds

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Against All Odds Page 6

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “You know Cas. I think he cares for you.” Lucy told me.

  “What makes you think that?” I asked curiously.

  “His expression. It was so... I don't know how to describe it. One may hide his feelings but eyes don't lie. He feels something for you and I think I've been wrong about him yesterday. Probably it's not just a game. Why would he stare like that at you in front of 200 students if he wasn't really interested?”

  “Oh Lucy. I hope you're right. Oh how I hate Ms Leighton.”

  “Don't worry. She won't be a problem.”

  She assured me.

  Mr Daniels came in and interrupted our discussion. He went on stage and called out the members of the student's council. Mr Spencer went up as well.

  “So good morning to everyone. We called you here today to talk about the trip to Lagoon Beach. Whoever is attending has to confirm by tomorrow. We shall be meeting on Friday in front of the school gates at 6 o'clock. We shall be leaving at 7'o’clock sharp so be punctual. There will be the coaches waiting for us. The drive takes about 3 hours so we will be arriving at about 10'o’clock. We shall be staying at Blue Hotel which is very nice and it's situated just in front of Lagoon Beach. The rooms shall be assigned by the member's of the school council and therefore everyone will have to stick to the room assigned.

  Hope this is clear.”

  He continued to talk but I wasn't listening anymore. I was looking at him again and him at me. He smiled a little and I smiled back. What a nice sensation. It was like we were in a world of our own. The others disappeared, it was just him and me. He was still staring at me when Mr Daniels called him. He didn't move probably not even hearing him.

  “Mr Spencer! Mr Spencer!” Mr Daniels called.

  “What?” he asked finally, realizing he was talking to him. Everyone began to laugh. Mr Spencer looked blankly at the students and then at Mr Daniels.

  “Sorry Mr Daniels... I ..,” he stuttered.

  “You're back with us now?” Mr Daniels asked smiling.

  “I... yes...”

  “Good. Then can you please tell the students what we shall be doing during our time there? Since you have been taking care of everything.” Mr Daniels urged him.


  He began to talk about all the activities but I wasn't hearing everything since Lucy didn't stop giggling and teasing me. He didn't talk for long and asked the members of the student council to continue. After a while he came down and left the hall. Where was he going? I leaned against the wall. I hoped this would finish soon maybe I could still go to Art. It was in that moment that I felt someone grabbing my hand. I turned around and saw him. He put a finger on his lips and pulled me out gently. No one noticed,except Lucy obviously, she grinned at me as I went out.

  “Sorry to drag you out this way but this is the only way I could talk to you. I'm leaving . I'm going to Lagoon beach to do the last arrangements. I won't be here tomorrow either," he informed me. I felt sad. "Cassy..”

  He stopped and raised his arm and moved gently my hair out of my face. This gesture made me shiver.

  “Yes? Mr Spencer,” I said weakly.

  “Bring your art equipment with you Friday. I know that this is suppose to be a trip but Lagoon Beach is beautiful. Maybe you could get some inspiration for our next lesson which will be

  on seascapes,” he said.

  “Oh... OK.”I was disappointed. What was I expecting? I tried not to show it but he had already realized.

  “Maybe if I find time I could take you around,” he added smiling at me.

  I felt better, but I doubted that this would be possible, but I appreciated that he had thought of it. I look up at him and smiled at him warmly.

  “I have to go now Cassy. See you on Friday,” he said as he began to walk away.

  “Yes. Mr Spencer?!” I called him.

  “Tell me,” he said turning around to face me.

  “Have a safe trip and thanks.”

  He just winked at me and left. Oh how I wished it was already Friday. How was I going to survive these next 2 days without seeing his beautiful face? I love you Mr Spencer.


  The next two days passed really slowly, I was bored at school. It wasn't the same without Mr. Spencer. The bell had just rung and I was walking down the corridor with Lucy, listening to her chatter when

  suddenly she changed the subject.

  “Cas have you packed yet?” she asked me, referring to the luggage we'd need for Lagoon Beach.

  “No not yet. I'll do it tonight” I replied looking up at her. That’s what I hated most about trips, it was always a problem deciding what to pack.

  “Have you decided which clothes you're bringing?” she asked again. “I'm always confused on what to bring on these types of trips.”

  “Yes me too, but probably I'll only bring summer clothes. My mum said that the temperature at Lagoon Beach is still quite high.” My mother had been really enthusiastic about this trip. Apparently Lagoon Beach had been one of her favorite places when she was young.

  “That's good,” she said “Beaches are boring if it's cold.” suddenly she stopped and pointed in front of us. “Look there's Julian,” she said.

  I looked in front of me to see my boyfriend coming in our direction.

  “Hello girls,” he greeted us with a grin on his face. “How is my sweetheart today?” he asked while he leaned down to kiss me. Without realizing I pulled back.

  "Not here Jul please,” I said feeling uncomfortable. He looked at me, his expression confused. I could see that he was feeling hurt by my cold welcome.

  “Oh come on Cas... there's only Lucy. It's not that she never saw us kissing before,” he protested while sliding his hand around my waist.

  “I know but I don't feel comfortable," I replied edging away.

  He looked at me worriedly, probably sensing my detachment. I was sorry for him but Lucy was right. I had to tell him how I felt. Lucy looked at me concerned, probably guessing what I was thinking.

  “Jul... we need to talk,” I said seriously. Julian looked at me questionably.

  "OK sweetie, you know you can tell me anything. But first let me go and get you an ice cream. I know how much you love it.” With that he started walking away towards the canteen.

  “No wait," I said raising my hand to stop him, but he was already out of sight.

  “Cas-” Lucy started but I quickly interrupted her.

  “Don't say anything Lucy. I know. I'll tell him. I can't pretend anymore. First when he tried to kiss me I felt just so bad... I.” I was feeling really terrible.

  “Why don't you tell him after we get back from Lagoon Beach? You'll ruin all the fun for him if you leave him now.” said Lucy.

  I looked at her and nodded. “I guess you're right, but I'm afraid he's thinking that something will happen between us there.”

  “Don't worry, you'll be with me all the time,” she replied, patting my shoulder.

  I felt better now, knowing that there was little chance I would remain alone with Julian. Even though in all honesty, I would have preferred much more being all the time with Mr Spencer, instead of with Lucy.

  “I'm sorry for him” continued Lucy. “He's so in love with you.”

  I was feeling awful now. Everybody seemed to think that Julian was a really great guy.

  “I know but I don't feel anything for him. He's just a good friend,” I said feeling awful.

  Lucy nudged me and whispered, “Shh Cas! He's coming back.” I saw Julian approaching, holding three ice cream cones in his hands.

  “Here you are," he said as he gave one to me and one to Lucy. Lucy smiled at him.

  “Oh Jul thanks. You brought one for me as well? How sweet," she said in appreciation. Julian smiled back at her.

  "You're welcome,” he said. Then he turned towards me and said...

  “So Cas what did you want to tell me before?” I looked at Lucy and she shook her head. I had to invent something; it wasn't the right tim
e to leave him, especially since we weren't alone.

  “Uhm... It's just that I can't come to watch that movie tonight," I said. I felt my heart sinking as I saw his disappointed face.

  “Why not? I’m missing you Cas. The last time we spent some time together was four days ago,” he grumbled as he ate his ice cream.

  “I'm sorry Jul,” I said trying to lighten the situation “It's just that I still have to pack everything for tomorrow and....”

  “Shh” he said putting his finger on my lips. “It's OK sweetheart,it means that you'll make it up to me this weekend,” he said softly. Then he winked at me suggestively and walked away.

  I knew what he was referring to, and he was in for another disappointment. Now that I knew Julian wasn’t the right guy, I was definitely not going to get too intimate with him.

  Friday finally arrived, and after school I went immediately home. I wanted to get ready with leisure. I took a long relaxing bath, enjoying the foamy water, and then I washed my hair well. I applied my make up carefully, remembering all the tips me and Lucy had read on Glam. I wanted to be beautiful for him. It took me ages to choose what clothes to wear.

  “Honey what is taking you so long?” My mum asked as she entered my room.

  “I don't know what to wear!” I said exasperated as I grabbed another dress.

  “Cassidy it's just a school trip,” she said as she sat down on my bed.

  “I know mum but I want to look good,” I replied.

  My mum smiled and raised an eyebrow.

  “Is there someone that I should know about? She asked in an amused tone.

  “Mum... no... It's..,” I paused as I felt my cheeks slowly flushing.

  “Oh yes there is. OK let me help you,” she said getting up. She looked at my clothes and then grabbed a turquoise top and a white skirt.

  “Put these on. You'll look fabulous,” she said. I quickly slipped into the skirt, and threw the top over my head. Then I peered at myself in the mirror. She was right. My mum had always had a great sense of fashion.

  "Thanks Mum,” I said happily.

  “Cassidy, I know that this is a school trip and probably you'll be having a teacher with you all the time but..,” she stopped and took a deep breath.

  I didn't like the tone she had used. I looked at her face, waiting to see what she was going to say next. She seemed to be thinking hard about something.

  Suddenly she looked at me and spoke.

  “Be careful. OK? If something happens, please take all the necessary precautions,”she said looking away.

  I stared at her incredulously.

  “What are you talking about mum?” I asked her. Although I knew exactly what she was referring to.

  “Honey. I know you're not a baby anymore. I was nearly your age when I got pregnant with you. Just don't repeat what I did. I was careless. I don't regret having you don't get me wrong but I'd like you to finish college first, have a carrier. Have a husband to help you out, get married.”

  I couldn’t believe I was having that talk now. This was so embarrassing!

  “Mum stop. I... I’m not thinking of having sex if that is what you're talking about,” I stammered.

  “Good,” she said, shifting uncomfortably. Then she opened her mouth and blurted, “But when you do, make sure he uses something OK? Anyway there will be teachers so the problem does not exist right?”

  Oh the problem existed and how. How could I tell my mum that the person I wished to make love to was my teacher?

  “I love you Cas,” she said getting up to hug me.

  “Love you too mum,” I said hugging her back.

  "OK. Now come on hurry up. We have to pick up Lucy and it's already 5.30,” she said walking out of my room.

  “OK Mum. I just need to pack a few more things and then we can go,” I said grabbing my luggage. She smiled and went out. I looked at her walking away, her blonde hair swaying, her long legs walking down the stairs. I was very lucky to have a mum like her. My mother was a beautiful woman and I had always wondered why she had never married. She had raised me all by herself, and now, at the age of thirty four, she still focused all her attention on me. Men didn't seem to interest her.

  Half an hour later we were at Lucy’s house. She was waiting for us outside with her baggage in her hand.

  "Hey Luc. Ready to go? I asked happily. I was so anxious to arrive I was bouncing on my seat. I wanted to see him so badly! When we arrived some students were already there. I kissed mum and scrambled out of the car so fast I nearly fell.

  “Wow. I never saw you like this Cas,” she turned around at Lucy and asked “Is my child falling for someone?”

  I blushed and Lucy laughed. I peered back into the car and said “No! I told you.”

  “Is he here? I would like to see him,” she said again enjoying her teasing.

  “Mum enough. There is no one OK?” I said flushing.

  “OK. I'll see him another time. Have fun sweetie and be good.”

  “Yes Mum,” I told her. Then I grabbed Lucy by the arm and dragged her out of the car. “Come on Luce let's go!”

  I hurried through the crowd of students in front of us, dodging people and hitting others with my luggage. Lucy was running after me, excusing herself in my place but I couldn’t care less about what was happening around me. All I wanted was to see him.

  “Cas! Wait for me! Cas just calm down. You're making it too obvious. Someone will notice. Please stop..,” she said breathless.

  I stopped.

  “Do you think so? It's just that I want to see him. I can't wait anymore!”

  “He's there,” she said pointing behind me.

  “Turn around. ”

  My heart began to beat fast before I even saw him. The fact that he was near made me shiver. I turned around and caught my breath. Oh God, he was even sexier than I remembered. He was wearing a pair of denim jeans and a red skinny top which hugged his body showing off his athletic figure. I swallowed.

  “Cas, you’re staring.” Lucy said poking me.

  “Can't you just let me dream?” I said nudging her lightly. “My God haven't you seen him? He's so perfect.”

  “I know, I know,” she sighed. “Even I must admit he has a really hot body.”

  I gave her a nasty look and whispered

  “Hey he’s mine.” And she laughed so loudly that she captured everyone's attention including that of Mr. Spencer. He turned around and saw me, his eyes brightening as soon as he spotted me. He seemed happy to see me, I thought with satisfaction. He started making his way towards me, taking me in from head to toe. I could see in his eyes that he seemed to be liking what he was seeing.

  “Hello Cassidy, how are you?” he asked.

  I felt my legs turn to jelly as soon as I heard his gorgeous voice. “I'm fine and you?” I replied finally.

  In the meantime Lucy was still giggling. Mr. Spencer turned towards her and gave her a strange look.

  “Lucy, you seem very happy today,” he said looking at her.

  “Oh I am,” she replied “But not as much as Cassidy that’s for sure.”

  I felt the sudden urge to punch her in the face. Instead I subtly stamped her foot.

  “Ouch!” she cried. “That hurt”


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