Against All Odds

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Against All Odds Page 10

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “Can you come to my room? I want to talk to you," he said urgently.

  I stopped, thinking about Ms. Leighton.

  “But I thought you had company.”

  “Not anymore. Can you come?” he asked me again.

  I felt confused but happy at the same time. Finally I said, “Yes,OK.”

  “Good. See you soon,” he said and then he hung up.

  Oh dear, why he had called me? Did he want an explanation on why I had reacted the way I did? He probably did, or maybe he was going to tell me not to tell anyone that Ms Leighton was in his room. I went to the bathroom to arrange my hair and re-applied my make up since I had smudged all my Mascara in my previous crying fit. I walked back towards his room even more excited than the first time. I felt nervous and a little embarrassed for the way I had run away. When I arrived, I stopped in front of his door and it took me a few minutes to find the courage to knock. He opened immediately as if he was waiting for me behind the door. Although I was still embarrassed I looked at him in the eyes. As soon as I met his gaze I felt the familiar tingles in my stomach. His expression was the same loving one I had drawn for him. He was so handsome.

  “Hi Cassy,” he said. “Come in please.”

  I looked at him doubtfully “Are you sure that I can? I mean, Mr. Daniels told us no student could enter a teacher's room.”

  He smiled at me, his eyes bright.

  “I give you my permission,” he said whispering.

  I smiled at him and timidly went in. He closed the door behind us and then turned to face me.

  “Cassy first of all I wanted to thank you for that marvelous painting you made for me. You're getting to be so good. I'm sure one day you will become a very famous painter.”

  I blushed, enjoying his compliments. Then I looked nervously around me and decided to sit down on the bed. I felt so nervous. I was still waiting to know the real reason why he had asked me to go there. He was still looking at me. Suddenly, as if he had read my mind, he said, “Cassy, I told you to come here because I want to keep my promise.”

  I turned my head in his direction. I was surprised, but my heart had lifted at his words. I had thought he wanted to talk about Ms Leighton but apparently I was wrong. He laughed softly as he saw my face brighten.

  “Really?” I managed to say.

  “Sure Cassy I never make a promise without keeping it.”

  He paused for a second then went on.

  “And I don't usually lie when it comes to relationships.”

  I looked at him quizzically. And what was this supposed to mean? Was he referring to Ms Leighton? To the fact that he had told me that he hadn't invited her to his room? I kept silent still looking at him waiting for further explanations.

  “You'll understand what I mean when you get to know me better,” he said noticing my expression.

  Know him better? I felt my heart flutter. I had to keep calm. I started fidgeting with my fingers, not knowing what to reply. He kept looking at me, and I began to feel awkward at the silence surrounding us. I had to break it somehow.

  “Uhm, so where are we going?” I asked just to change the subject.

  “Oh it's a surprise. I'm sure you'll like it,” he replied mysteriously.

  “Are we going on our own?” I asked blushing as usual and hoping fervently he would say yes.

  “Yes. Is that a problem?” he asked.

  “ I was just asking,” I replied quickly. A problem? If he only knew what was going on in my mind right now. I looked up at him and was met with his amused look. I looked quickly back at my feet. Mr. Spencer walked towards the cupboard at the edge of the room and picked up a bag and his car keys.

  “Good,” he said “We can go then.”

  “Now?” I asked surprised. I didn’t think he had meant now.

  “Yes,” he said smiling.

  I stood up and a thought suddenly crossed my mind.

  "Are we going in your car?” I asked excited.

  “Yes,” he replied again. “It would take us about an hour to go on foot.”

  I mentally cheered at the news. It was going to be absolutely great riding in that cool car. He put his hand on the door knob and started opening it, when he stopped. I looked curiously at him as he kept staring at the door. Then, still facing away from me he asked, “Cassy are you by any chance afraid of being alone with me?”

  He was catching me by surprise once again. How could he ask me that question? He knew I wasn't afraid. All I wanted was to be alone with him.

  “What? No!” I said shocked. Then thinking about it I said, “It's just that if someone sees us... You know, they could think-"

  I couldn't continue. I was feeling too hot. He laughed and came near me and caressed my face.

  “You look so sweet when you blush like that. Listen, don't worry. If we meet someone just leave the talking to me OK? You're not very good at that,” he said smirking “Now let's go.”

  I followed him happily, my heart jumping in my chest. I was feeling so excited and nervous but I was happy. I had a mixture of feelings inside which was indescribable. We went inside the lift and while we stood waiting to get down, I felt my hand brush momentarily with his. A shiver ran down my spine and I looked secretly at him, finding with surprise that he too was looking at me. We both looked down at the floor. Had he felt something as well?

  As soon as the lift opened my jaw dropped as I took in the person in front of us. My heart stopped for a moment. There in front of us was Mr. Daniels. Why did we have to meet him from all the persons in the world? I felt myself sweating. I was going to die. Why did we have to be so unlucky? I looked at Mr. Spencer and to my surprise I found him looking calmly at Mr. Daniels.

  “Hello Mr. Daniels,” He said in the calmest of voices.

  Mr. Daniels gave us a strange look and then said, “Mr. Spencer. Cassidy. Where are you going?”

  “I’m taking her to hospital.” Mr. Spencer replied patting my shoulder.

  Mr. Daniels looked at me questioningly.

  “Why? Aren’t you feeling well Cassidy?” He asked me.

  Oh my God this was the end. We were going to get caught. I was a terrible liar. I felt myself tense and Mr. Spencer must have noticed because he quickly intervened, responding for me.

  “She's OK but she was worried. You know she swallowed a lot of water so she asked me if I could take her for a check up.”

  “Well, I asked her earlier but she didn't want to go. How come you changed your mind now?” Mr Daniels was addressing me again. I looked at my feet and said nothing.

  “Mr. Daniels it's better to be safe than sorry.” Mr. Spencer insisted.

  “Of course.” Mr. Daniels was looking at us with narrowed eyes as if he wasn't believing a word we were saying. Then he looked at Mr. Spencer and asked him “Do you want me to come with you?”.

  My heart skipped a beat as all thoughts of our romantic getaway dissolved in front of a trip to the hospital.

  “There's no need,” Mr. Spencer said looking Mr. Daniels in the eye. “I mean, you can come if you want to but you’re needed more here where we have other students to take care of.”

  Mr. Daniels remained silent for a moment. He seemed to be thinking the matter thorough. Finally he said “Very well then Mr. Spencer. When you get back inform me. I would like to know what the doctor said and-“, he stopped and then looked at his watch. “One last thing. It's nearly two o'clock, remember that dinner is at six thirty. Just be on time. I don't want to be bombarded with questions by Ms Leighton.”

  Mr. Spencer looked at him surprised.

  “Well. I don't think it will take that long-”

  “You can’t tell,” said Mr. Daniels interrupting him, “When it comes to these things you can't be sure. Sometimes there are long queues in the waiting rooms. Ah another thing remember she's under your responsibility now. Bring her back safe and sound.”

  "Yes sir, sure,” Mr. Spencer replied.

  “Good.” Mr Daniels was looking finally s
atisfied. “See you later then.”

  Mr. Daniels entered the lift and we didn't see him anymore as the doors slid shut behind him. I looked at Mr. Spencer and asked him, “Do you think he believed you?”

  Mr. Spencer looked back down at me and sighed. Then he said “Honestly? No.”


  We walked in silence until we reached the Hotel's car park where his sports car was parked. It was fantastic. A real beauty, red and shiny.

  “Do you like it?” he asked me when he saw me staring at it.

  “It’s stunning,” I said. “It must be very expensive,” I considered.

  “It is but it didn't cost me anything. It was a present for my eighteenth birthday,” he explained as he opened the passenger's door for me.

  “Wow, whoever gave it to you must be very rich,” I exclaimed surprised.

  He looked at me and smiled weakly. I could see there was something wrong about that cold smile which didn’t reach his eyes. A saddened look had spread across his face.

  “One day I'll tell you about that person. Probably I shouldn't have accepted it, but I couldn't do otherwise. I needed a car,” he said. I saw his shoulder tense as he talked and realized that he wasn’t comfortable with this subject. Then he shook his head, and looked towards me, his expression back to normal.

  “Anyway jump in,” he urged me. I climbed in, making myself comfortable on the black soft leather seat. He gently closed my door and walked to the other side. Once inside, he started the engine and we began our drive. I looked at his beautiful profile. He looked so serious while he drove, so attentive. He must have felt my gaze on him as he glanced briefly at me and smiled. My heart missed a beat.

  “Sir....can I ask you something?” I asked trying not to flush and to keep calm. He smiled as his eyes looked briefly into mine.

  “Sure. But please call me Tyler. We're alone now. Sir makes me feel old,” he said.

  Tyler? Tyler Spencer. Oh I loved his name the way I loved everything about him.

  "Tyler,” I said trying it out for the first time. “I was wondering why you're going into such trouble for me? I mean-" I paused and cleared my throat which all of a sudden was feeling really dry. I needed to find courage and continue. I needed to know if he felt something for me. "You lied to Mr. Daniels... Just to keep a promise?” I asked.

  He looked at me surprised but then smiled. On the contrary to my nervousness, he was looking totally at ease.

  “Not really. I enjoy your company Cassy. I wanted to take you around. I had to lie, I couldn't do otherwise. Unfortunately teachers and students can't be friends.”

  A tinge of sadness swept over me. Friends? Was this all we could ever be? I remained silent and probably he noticed what was passing through my mind.

  “You know Cassy, I don't have a lot of female friends,” he paused and frowned. “Actually I think you're the only one,” he said in a warm voice which made my body tingle. At least this made me special. I glanced at him and smiled. He smiled back and continued to talk.

  “I'm a bit of a loner,” he continued “I don't like to be in crowded places, or in noisy ones either. Disco's and Clubs aren't my favourite. What about you? What do you like?” He asked. He was trying to make conversation. I thought a little about it and then replied.

  “Well I like to hang out with my friends, just going to the mall or for an ice cream. Sometimes I just go with Lucy to a bar or cinema,” I stopped.

  “Probably I sound like a stupid little girl.” I thought. I was shocked when he replied, realizing I had said it out aloud.

  “You're not stupid, even I like ice cream. One day we'll go and have one together.”

  Was this another invitation? I felt butterflies in my stomach. He gazed at me briefly before returning his attention to the road...

  “Cassy how old are you?” he asked after a while.

  “Seventeen. I'll be eighteen in three months time”. I replied making sure to emphasize that I was going to be an adult soon. Oh dear, what was I doing. Did I really think that that would change anything?

  “Oh,” he said simply, looking at me a little disappointed.

  “And when is your birthday?” he asked.

  “8th December," I replied promptly. "And yours? Oh...sorry maybe I shouldn’t have asked,” I said looking down embarrassed, I started playing with my seat belt as I felt his gaze on me again.

  “Relax Cas. I won't give you a detention if you ask me personal questions, here we aren't at school,” he said laughing, “So take advantage of this as it won't happen again. Ask whatever you want. My birthday wasn’t it? It's on the 9th of July.”

  I could ask whatever I wanted? This was getting interesting. There were maybe one or two questions which I had been longing to ask him. Question number one, If he was in love with someone and question number two, if he would ever consider breaking all the rules and risk his job to make that someone, me. Unfortunately I couldn’t really say that. Instead I said...

  “Oh in Summer, how nice.” Then a thought crossed my mind. This was the perfect time to ask

  him about his age. “How old are you?”

  “Much older than you. I'm twenty five. Pretty old huh?” he said half smiling.

  “I wouldn’t call that old, and anyway I had guessed.”

  “Really?” he said surprised.

  “Yes, Ty" I said curling his name on my tongue. Oh it sounded really nice, sensual, sexy. A sexy name for the most sexy guy I had ever met, I thought. I gazed into his blue eyes. They looked so beautiful, My God, they were like a whirlpool of depths in which I would have given anything to drown. He was looking at me strangely now.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked him curiously.

  “The way you say Ty.. it's just that I'm not used to you calling me by my first name,” he said warmly. His yes scanned my face and I noticed that he was continually looking at my lips. I shivered and inhaled slowly as I tried to compose myself. I would melt right there on his seat if he didn’t stop looking at me that way.

  “Oh,” I managed as my cheeks grew warmer.

  “So... other questions?” he reminded me.

  What was I going to ask? Right now my mind wasn't collaborating and it took me some time to remember what I was going to say.

  “Ah yeah... How come you know this place so well?”

  He rose a hand to his forehead as he removed a stubborn lock of jet black hair from his face with his fingers.

  “Well I used to live here when I was a child.”

  “Really?” I asked surprised.

  “Yes but only during the summer holidays. My parents had a house here and we used to come here every year until-”

  He stopped and I saw his jaw tighten.

  “Until what?” I asked pushing it. I was curious, why had he stopped?

  “Nothing,” he said his face darkening. “I will show you where we used to live, we're getting there soon,” he said changing the subject. It was clear that he didn't want to talk about that particular time of his life. I didn't insist. After a few minutes he stopped in front of a small villa. It was beautiful surrounded by a large garden full of roses...

  “Wow you used to live here?” I asked startled.

  “Yes, nice isn't it? I used to love this house,” he said.

  “Oh it's beautiful. I would love to live here,"I said as I looked around. My eyes turned to a red carpet of roses on the left. I immediately recognized the type of flower. "Those roses, those are Hybrid Tea roses aren’t they?" I said with enthusiasm.

  He looked surprised.“How do you know?


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