Against All Odds

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Against All Odds Page 23

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  The next day I woke up early, I helped my mum with her chores and I went to shop with her at the supermarket. Then when I got home, I studied a little and did my homework. I was doing English when I looked at the last essay Mr Spencer had given me back and looked at the notes he had attached. He had a nice calligraphy. I missed him already. The night before he had kissed me passionately before we had parted. He had brought me home in his car and left me at the end of the road so that no one would see us. He had told me not to worry too much about Ms Leighton and that he loved me. Oh how I wished I was with him. We had agreed not to meet in the morning so that he would have time to do some corrections and to prepare the lessons for the following week. He was suppose to send me a message later on. I went down to the kitchen. My mum was cooking.

  “Hi Mum.”

  “Cassidy,have you finished your homework?” She asked while she was kneading the dough to make a pie.

  “Yes Mum, all of it,” I replied as I sat down.

  “Cas,are you going out tonight or you will stay home?” She asked.

  I lifted my head towards her and..

  “Why mum?”

  She stop kneading and looked at me.

  “Well I have a date,” she said with a smile on her face.

  “Oh really, with whom, someone I know?”I asked curiously.

  “No,it's a colleague from work. He has been asking me so often that I finally accepted,”she said.

  “Is he handsome?”

  “Not bad, he's divorced and have been working with me for the past 5 months.”She explained.

  “Oh but why do you want to know if I'll go out? I asked her and then suddenly stopped and looked at her amused.

  “You need the house all for yourself tonight?”I asked laughing.

  “Cassidy! What are you thinking It's just-” She was blushing so I had guessed.

  “Mum if you want I can go and sleep at Lucy's house,” I said suddenly excited about the idea of passing the night with Tyler.

  “You could do that, but would it be OK for Lucy's mum?I mean it's such short notice and-"

  “Oh mum don't worry. I'm sure it won't be a problem. I'll go and call her right now,” I said trying to hide my excitement.

  Just at that moment my mobile beeped. I had received a message. I grabbed the mobile and opened the sms, my heart missed a beat when I saw it was from Tyler. It was the first message from him. I smiled while I read what he had written. “Hello sweetheart. What are you doing? I'm trying to finish the corrections but can't concentrate. I'm thinking about you. Miss you,are we going to meet tonight?”. OH Tyler. I missed him too.

  “Why are you smiling? Who messaged you?” My mum asked curiously.

  “Emm,Lucy,” I lied.“Mum I'm going to call her and ask her about tonight OK”. I said while I ran upstairs without even waiting for her reply. I closed the door and dialed his number. I waited. My heart beating fast while the phone rang. After 2 rings he answered. I felt a shiver running down my spine as soon as I heard his deep masculine voice.

  “Hello Cassy,” he said.“Did you miss me?”

  “What do you think?” I answered shyly.

  “That you did and a lot,” he teased. “So have you finished your homework?”

  “Yes,listen, for tonight,” I began. “Would it be a problem if I had to spend the night with you?” I asked.

  There was silence but then...

  “Cas,it's not that I don't want but-”

  “No sex, I know that but can I sleep there?” I asked again as I prayed that he would said yes.

  "Well in that case,yes of course you can but why?”He asked confused.

  “Well you won't believe it but this is with mum's permission,” I said as I lay on my bed.

  “What?Cas, you told her about us?” He asked in a shocked voice.

  I giggled,“No that's not what I meant. She thinks I'm sleeping at Lucy's house, anyway I will tell you the whole story later on when we meet,” I said cutting it short afraid my mum would listen.

  “OK Cas, so at what time shall we meet? Do you want me to come for you at Lucy's house?” He asked.

  “Yes please, what about seven?” I suggested.

  “That's fine.”

  “Ty... don't cook anything. I'll bring some things with me and then if it's OK for you, I'll prepare dinner there.”

  “Oh that will be nice, very well Cassy see you tonight then,” he said happily.

  “Can't wait,” I answered.

  I hung up and just at that moment my mum opened the door of my bedroom.

  “Cas did you call Lucy?” She asked.

  “I'll call her now mum,” I answered hoping she hadn't heard me talking with Tyler. She didn't say anything so probably she hadn't. I dialed Lucy's number while she waited silently in my room.

  “Hello Lucy it's me,” I said as soon as she answered.

  “Hi Cas, what's up?” she said in her usual happy voice.

  “Listen Lu. Can I sleep at your house tonight?” I asked.

  “Tonight? Well Cas it's not that I don't want you but tonight I can't. I'm organizing a special plan. Logan is coming over and...."

  She continued to talk but I wasn't listening. I smiled at mum whilst she asked quietly what was Lucy telling me.

  “I knew it wouldn't be a problem,” I said.

  “Thanks Luc I see you tonight at six as usual. Talk to you better later OK,” I said as if she had told me it was OK for her.

  “But Cas didn't you hear what I said?” she asked astonished.

  “Mum, she said it's all right,” I continued hoping she understands.

  “Oh!!! OK Cas, now I understand, you'll be sleeping at Tyler's house. See you at six naughty girl,” she laughed.

  “Bye Luc thanks a lot”. I hung up and turned to look at my mum who was still there looking at me as if she wanted something.

  “Cas, can you help me choose a nice dress?It's been such a long time since I had a date.”

  I smiled, my mum seemed so excited, she looked like a sixteen year old on her first date but probably she felt that way. It was true that it was a long time since her last date, the last time she went out with a man was when I was still little.

  “Sure mum,let's go to your room.”

  She smiled and I followed her to her bedroom.

  “Mum, can I take some food with me? We would like to cook something and Lucy doesn't have all the ingredients,” I said while she was opening the wardrobe and pulling out different dresses.

  “Yes sure take whatever you want. So what do you think of this one?” She asked showing me a blue long dress which seem too chaste to me.

  “Definitely not, it's too long. Why don't you put on this black one? It's plain but sexy. You have beautiful legs mum,why do you want to hide them? I said. My mum looked at me and smiled.

  “You think so? OK then I'll try it on and see if it still fits me," she said excitedly.

  I left her alone and went down to prepare the things I needed. I felt so happy. I couldn't wait to be with him again. At six sharp Mum took me to Lucy's house and then left hurriedly to get prepared for the date. Lucy seemed very excited.

  “So Cas, how did it go yesterday?” she asked.

  “OK, although there was a slight problem,” I said sitting on her bed.

  “What problem?”

  I told her about the visit of Ms Leighton but did not mention anything about me posing semi-naked for him. When I finished she couldn't stop laughing. I looked at her startled ,what was so funny?

  “I'm sorry Cas I know it's not funny and that probably you were scared to death but I'm imagining her face when he told her he had company,she must have been green with envy.”she chuckled.

  “I think so, she was crying. She wants Tyler badly. I hope she won't create any problems for us, she scares me. She doesn't seem normal.”

  “Well that's for sure but don't worry Cas,Tyler can handle her,” she said trying to re-assure me.

  “So Luc,what is the special pl
an you talked about on the phone?” I asked then changing the subject.

  Lucy smiled and seemed happy that I had asked. She sat down near me and with a grin on her face explained to me the romantic plan she had in mind. Then she showed me the scented candles she had bought.

  “Luc,candles? I asked surprise. “Are you and Logan-?”

  She blushed and hugged the pillow to her.

  “Well yes. I hope it happens tonight," she giggled as her cheeks turned red.“We haven't done it yet. I have prepared everything to perfection, I even bought protection," she admitted.

  “Protection?” I asked with my mouth open.

  “Yes Cas, why are you looking at me like that? It's better to be prepared. I don't want to get pregnant, you should get some yourself.”She urged.

  I looked down feeling a little down all of a sudden.

  “I don't need them,nothing will happen between us,” I admitted sadly.

  Lucy gave me a questioning look. “Why not?”

  "He doesn't want,at least not until I'm 18 but I wonder if it's only because of my age.”

  Lucy raise an eyebrow and remained silent for a second, I wondered what she was thinking. Then she put her arm around my neck .

  “Oh well Cas my dear,he isn't in a hurry. He's 25,he has already had his experiences.”

  “What do you mean Luc?” I asked feeling bad already.

  “Well you can't compare Mr Spencer to 17 years old guys who are in the peak of their sexual experimentation. I mean he's not curious, he's already been there,so he can afford to wait. He's a gorgeous guy and probably had girls throwing themselves at him during his college


  This affirmation hit me with the same force of a punch in the face. I felt nauseous all of a sudden at the thought of him sleeping with other women.

  “Cas,I'm sorry maybe I exaggerated,” she said probably noticing my sad expression.

  “But I hope you're not thinking he can still be a virgin,” she continued.

  “No,I know he's not but I still feel bad to think about him sharing his bed with other women," I confessed.

  Just at that moment Tyler called telling me he had arrived. I stood up trying to take off that veil of sadness from my face. I hugged Lucy and then went out. He was waiting for me just in front the house. I opened the door of the car and went in. As soon as I met his gaze my sadness disappeared,the way he looked at me made me feel special. I couldn't describe it but there was something in his eyes which was pure. I felt loved.

  “Cassy,is everything OK?” He asked touching my face softly with his finger.

  “Yes,sure,” I said smiling at him.

  “So what is this story that you have your mum's permission to spend the night out?” He asked while he started to drive.

  I told him about her date and everything. When we arrived at his place he helped me to carry all the bags. We went to the kitchen and I started to pull out all the ingredients.

  “So Cassy,what are you going to cook for me?” He asked while he wrapped his hands around my waist.

  “Home made burgers which are really delicious and I will also do a chocolate fudge cheesecake.”I said proudly.

  “Hm... that sounds delicious but before starting with the cooking can I ask for a kiss?” He asked softly as he grabbed my face gently.


  I was busy cutting the onions while he was sitting on the sofa doing some corrections. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I was so distracted that I nearly cut my finger. In that moment Lucy's words came to my mind,has he really been a playboy during his college days? He didn't look that kind of a guy but this thought was killing me. As if he felt my gaze on him he turned his head towards me.

  “What's wrong Cas? Are you sure you don't need help?” He asked.

  “No thank you.”

  I looked down at the onion, trying not to cry. It was burning my eyes, then looked up at him again. He was still looking at me.

  “Cas what is bothering you? I noticed you have something on your mind.”

  “It's nothing really,” I insisted.

  But he didn't believe me, he put down the pen, stood up and came near me.

  "It's not true, is there something you want to tell me? I'm getting to know you and can say when there is something worrying you. So? I'm waiting,whatever it is tell me.”

  I put down the knife and washed my hands. He was behind me leaning against the table.

  “Ty,it's just that-" I paused, I was embarrassed to confess that I felt bad about the idea that he had slept with other women. " Oh just forget it, it's silly.”

  “It's not silly if it makes you feel that bad.”

  That bad? How did he know I was feeling so bad?I took a deep breath and then..“Ty, can I ask you a question without you getting angry at me? If you don't want to answer don't, it's-"

  I couldn’t continue with him looking at me like that.

  “I won't get angry promise, whatever it is. Although I think I know what's coming. Come on ask,”he urged.

  It took all my courage.“Ty, can I know with how many women have you been?” I said in a single breath looking at him in the eyes. He didn't seem surprised by this question.

  “In what sense? With how many I have gone out?” He asked,knowing perfectly well that I didn't mean that.

  “No Ty with how many girls have you slept,” I asked holding my breath.

  “Why do you want to know? Is it that important? I mean wouldn't it make you feel worse to know things of the past?” He said calmly still holding my gaze.

  “Is it such a large number that you don't have the courage to tell me?” I said feeling the muscles of my stomach tighten.

  He smiled,“OK, if you want to know. So let me think there were 9 blondes , about 8 brunettes and Oh yes there was the redhead one.”

  I shivered and looked at him stunned. My God that made 18. I felt bad, it was stupid but I couldn't help feel hurt.

  “I was joking stop looking at me like that. I've been with 3,OK,” he said then.

  I relaxed a little. Three, that sounded better than 18 but I still hated them.

  “Cassy, I don't know why you wanted to know but this is only natural. I'm 25, I had my own experiences like you did. The past is past. I can't change that but I can change the future and I will. I hope to stop at number 4,” he said as he got nearer to me. His hand reached out and grabbed my shoulder pulling me to him.

  “Cassy, even you aren't a virgin at the age of 17. I won't ask you with how many guys you have been. I don't want to know as I want to think of you being only mine. You're special to me, more than any other girl has ever been. So stop torturing yourself with these thoughts OK.”He said warmly.

  I hugged him tight to me. He was right,whatever has been can't be changed. I had to thank God for what we had.

  “Thanks for being honest with me."

  “No problem, promise me that when you have something on your mind you just tell me OK. Honesty is important in a relationship,” he added.

  “OK Ty,” I said feeling much more better.

  He smiled at me and then returned to do his corrections. I continued to cook and about an hour later I was ready. Ty stopped and came to help me to prepare the table,he took out the glasses and plates and cutlery.


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