Against All Odds

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Against All Odds Page 25

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “Very well. If you win. I'll give you a present,"he said pulling himself up off me.

  I looked at him and smiled.

  “Really,what present?”

  “Anything you want,obviously which fits within my budget. I don't know what do you need?”he asked.

  "A car,” I said with a laugh.“Maybe you could give me yours,” I teased.

  “What?”You're pretty expensive you know that?” He said while he grabbed my waist and climbed on me and began to tickle me. I struggled and laughed hysterically.

  “Please stop Ty, please," I shouted tying to catch my breath. He stopped. “ Oh Ty, I was only joking. There isn't anything I really need,” I just needed him there was nothing else I wanted.

  “Well then I will choose something myself,although I doubt I will lose.”

  “You're too sure of yourself and what shall I give you if I lose?” I asked.

  “Well I don't want anything, your love is enough,” he said kissing my cheek.

  I smiled happily at him.

  “So Cassy, what about if we try and sleep now. Better if I stop for tonight,don't want to lose my bet,” he teased while he lay down besides me.

  “OK Sir, Goodnight,” I turned around, my back towards him and lay down. He turned around and put his arms on my stomach pulling me into him. It

  felt so good, I could feel his body pressing against my back. His warm breath was on my neck, I felt cozy and loved nested in the warmness of his body. I loved the way he embraced me,it made me feel safe.

  “Goodnight sweetheart. Thanks for this evening,I really enjoyed it,” he said.

  I pressed myself into him even more and closed my eyes and I slept blissfully happy in his arms. I woke up twice that night. I felt so happy that it was still impossible for me to believe it was true. I woke up to check that I was really there and each time I woke up was to find that he was still holding me tight to him, Oh how much I loved him. The next day I got woken up by the sun rays which peeped from behind the curtain. I stretch my hand to his side, I wanted to touch him but he wasn't there.

  “Ty,” I shouted .“Tyler where are you?”

  “I'm coming,just give me one more second. Just stay there OK,don't get out of bed yet,” he replied from the kitchen. What did he have in mind? I did what he asked and waited for him in bed. After a few minutes he came in carrying a teapot, 2 cups and 4 croissants.

  “Oh Ty,breakfast in bed? Oh how sweet, thanks. hmm, Croissants?" I said looking at the delicious chocolate croissants. They really had a nice smell. From where did you get these?” I asked curiously.

  “I went to buy them, there is a cafeteria not very far from here,” he said sitting down besides me.

  “You're so sweet,Thanks. I've never had breakfast in bed.“ I said getting up on my knees to reach his face to give him a kiss.

  “You’re welcome, Cas about tonight-” He paused to take a sip of his tea. “

  “Probably we can't meet”,he continued.

  “How come?” I asked trying not to show my disappointment.

  “I have to go out of town, remember I told you about that art competition. I have a meeting. I would take you with me but I don't know how long it will take,” he said looking into my eyes.

  “No, I don't want to risk meeting someone. I'll stay home don't worry and anyway I don't think I could tell mum that I'm going to Lucy again after yesterday.”I said sadly, I was already missing him.

  “True, so we shall meet tomorrow at school. I will miss you.“ He said grabbing my hand in his. “Actually I already do.”

  After breakfast I got ready and he took me to Lucy. He parked a little far and kissed me passionately before we parted. I thanked him for everything and got out of his car and ran happily to Lucy's house. She was sitting on the porch, hands crossed and looking terribly down. I expected to find her overjoyed . I thought she would have jump on me to tell me all about her romantic evening but she didn't.

  “Good morning Luc. What's up?” I asked while I sat near her.“What's that sad face for, you and Logan didn't-?”

  She lifted her eyes to look at me.

  “Yes we did,” she said

  “Then why are you so sad?" I asked perplexed. "It didn't go well? He isn't what you expected?I mean he's not well endowed or what?" I said trying to joke but Lucy didn't seem in the mood.

  "Oh Cas, it's not that. He's quite big to be honest but I'm really disappointed. It's not how I expected it to be,” she said in a sad voice.

  “Luc but this isn't your first time. I mean you knew what to expect.”I said still trying to figure out her problem.

  “I know Cas but this time I thought it was going to be different. The first time I had done it was for curiosity with a guy I barely knew and for whom I didn't care,so I thought that was the reason why it hadn't been a great experience. But this time I was going to do it with Logan, who I happen to really like.”

  I looked at her confused. I still couldn't understand.

  “Cas,it felt so cold, so empty,it was just a physical act which although fulfilled my body needs didn't fulfill my emotional ones. He didn't say he loved me or things like that, he didn't tell me that I'm beautiful,we didn't cuddle. He just did what he had to do and that's it. I'm feeling kind of used,” she said as a tear rolled down her cheek,

  I was stunned, Lucy rarely cried. Maybe after all Ty was right. Sex wasn't everything especially when done without thought.

  “I'm sorry Cas. I didn't want to breakdown like this," she said brushing her tears away. "But I feel sad, I don't want to lose him. I really care about him, maybe we have rushed things, maybe it was too early.”She said sobbing.

  “Luc,what did he say?” I said as I put my arm around her.

  “Nothing really,he seemed so tensed,so nervous. We haven't talked,he just gave me a quick kiss and then ran away. He didn't sleep here either.”

  “Oh,I'm sorry Luc but don't worry,talk to him. Maybe he felt like you or could it be maybe it was his first time?” I asked her then as this thought came to my mind.

  Lucy widened her eyes.

  “What? I,I don't know but I don't think. He's very popular at school and honestly I never asked him,” she said as she stopped crying.

  “Maybe that's why he was so nervous. “ I concluded.

  “Oh, that would explain at lot of things," she said feeling a little bit better. I hoped that my theory was correct, I didn't want to see my friend suffer. " Anyway enough of me,what about you? You seem very happy, did you-?” she paused and looked at me a little amused.

  “No but I passed the most amazing evening and night ever,he was so sweet. You know we danced, we hugged and kissed. He took me on the beach,it was so romantic and then when we came home he prepared the bed. I was so nervous, although I knew nothing was going to happen.”

  “And,” she said curiously encouraging me with her eyes to continue.

  I blushed a little.

  “Oh Luc,he took off his clothes. He was there standing in front of me with just his boxers on. My God I thought I was going to die. I felt so hot. All I wanted was to touch him," I confessed.

  “And you did?” She asked excitedly.

  “No but we got intimate, he kissed my navel and my neck and touched my breast. Oh God just to think about it I feel myself burning. " I said covering my face. Lucy chucked. " Luc, his defenses are falling little by little, I want him so much.”

  “Oh Cassy Cassy,it seems that the teacher is getting naughty. I'm happy for you. So the jealousy syndrome is over."

  “What syndrome?” I asked not knowing what she was talking about.

  "About the girls he had,”she said. My stomach ached. Sometimes Lucy had the delicacy of an elephant.

  “I'm sorry Cas. I shouldn’t have,"she said. " Sometimes my mouth is so big. I say things without thinking," she said in an apologizing tone.

  “I asked him you know,” I told her.

  “What, you did? And what did he say?”

  “3, he's been with
3 girls,” I told her.

  “OH.. well it isn't much considering he's 25 and single,” she said.

  I frowned .“Single? And I? who am I ?”

  “Oh,sorry I didn't mean now,before. Oh Cas, don't take notice of me today.”

  "Well at least he said a sweet thing,” I continued.


  “That he hopes to stop at number 4,” I said smiling. “You know Luc I slept in his arms last night and this morning he brought me breakfast in bed. He even went to buy me croissants.”

  Lucy smiled at me.

  “You're lucky Cas, he loves you for real and he respects you a lot,probably this thing of the sex is just because he cares a lot about you and doesn't want you to be just another number. Take it easy Cas,make sure your first time is one you'll remember forever”

  I hugged her. I knew she was right. I was happy with how this relationship was developing and I wanted to relish every part of it.


  When I returned home I found mum cooking,she seemed happy.

  “Hello Mum, so how was your date?” I asked all curious.

  “OK I guess,” she said without much enthusiasm.

  “Just OK?” I asked sitting down.

  “Well,yeah. There were no sparks,we barely kissed. He's not the right one Cas. Maybe the right one does not exist for me.”

  “Oh come on Mum,don't give up. Maybe he's yet to come, the man that will make you happy,” I said tying to cheer her up.

  “That's what I have been saying in the last 17 years,anyway. How was your evening?” She asked looking at me.

  “OK.I had fun,” I said.

  “Cass,you'd tell me when you fall in love will you? When you were younger you used to tell me everything on the guys you had a crush on. Lately you're not telling me anything. There isn't anyone who makes your heart beat fast?,” she teased. She was like this, more like an older sister than a mother. I blushed and didn't say anything.

  “So there is and how is he?” She said with a smile.

  “Mum please,OK there is someone I like,” I admitted.

  “And does he like you?”


  What the hell was I doing telling her about Tyler?Well maybe I could tell her about him. Obviously without saying he's my teacher.

  “Description?” She asked as she came to

  sit near me.

  “Oh he's very handsome. Blue eyes,dark hair and quite tall. “ I said.

  “And have you gone out together?.”

  “Yes once.”

  “Good for you. You can bring him here one day if you want to,” she offered.

  “No mum,thanks but it's too early. I mean it's not that serious. I am still young.”I lied. I knew it was serious but I couldn't tell this to mum. She would have insisted to see him and things like that but probably it's better she knows I'm seeing someone. At least I could go out with him without having to tell her I'm going to Lucy every time, I thought.

  She smiled.

  “Oh honey. You're wiser than your mum. I wish I had been like you at your age. I let myself get blinded but I know for you it will be different. You're better than me honey," she said proudly. Was I? If she knew what I was hiding she wouldn't have thought that of me. I felt a little sad. I loved my mum and I hated to hide things from her but I knew this was till my graduation. Then I would tell her about Tyler and hopefully she would accept him. Till graduation my God there was still about 8 months to go,will we still be together? Oh I really hoped so. That Sunday I spent the evening with mum. We saw a movie and ate popcorn. My mobile continued to beep. Tyler had sent already about 6 messages.

  “It seems he's missing you.” Mum said looking at me. I blushed.

  “They're not all from him. Even Lucy sent me,” I lied.

  “You didn't tell me his name,” she said.

  What was I going to tell her? For a moment I was blocked.

  “Erm,Ty. “ I then replied. She didn't know Mr Spencer's name so she would never suspect him.

  “Just Ty?” She asked.

  “Yes. I don't know his surname,” I cut it short. I wanted to read the message Tyler had sent me. My heart missed a beat as I read it. It said “Cassy I love you. I can't stop thinking about you, how I wish I could hold you in my arms this night. I miss you so much,can't wait to see you.”Oh Tyler. I replied back. I loved him and missed him too.

  “Cas I'm going to take a shower.” My mum said then as she stood up.

  “OK Mum,” I replied. It was already ten o'clock so I decided to go to my room. I lay down on my bed and tried to read a book but I couldn't concentrate.

  That night I couldn't sleep. All I could think about was him. I counted the hours and the next day I woke up very early. I wanted to arrive early at school. At 8.00 I was heading for the English class hoping he would be there already. As soon as I opened the door I saw him sitting down behind his desk. He lifted his head in my direction and stood up as soon as he saw me, he walked to me closed the door and kissed me desperately.

  “Ty... wait “ I said laughing.

  “I can't wait. Oh Cassy,what are you doing to me? I'm obsessed about you. I love you so much,” he groaned with frustration.

  He grabbed my bag and pulled it away from my shoulder and then pulled me in his arms lifting me up and slamming me against the wall while he kissed me. His hands went under my skirt touching me in places he had never touched before. I felt burning. My God what was wrong with him this morning? He seemed so randy. His eyes were lustful,his mouth kissed my neck hungrily as he began to go down to my breasts.

  “Ty,we're at school. What are you doing?”I asked. I was afraid someone could catch us red handed.

  “I want you Cassy. I don't know what's happening to me. I just want you so much,” he said as he began to unbutton my shirt and touching my breasts.

  “Ty you're loosing your bet you know that?” I smiled hoping this will make him stop, not that I wanted him to stop but it was dangerous.

  “The bet can go to hell". He said with a throaty voice as he kissed me hard. He touched my inner thighs and I couldn't help but moan. My God no one had ever touched me like that. My breath caught in my throat.

  “Ty.," I said. " Ty, I wish that you make love to me but not now,not here. It will be fast. I don't want our first time together to be like that,” I said looking in his eyes.

  He nodded and gave me another kiss and then pulled me down.

  “I'm sorry Cassy. I lost control. I'm really sorry. I don't know what happened to me.

  I just missed you.”

  He pulled down my skirt and closed my shirt and then embraced and kissed me. Just in that moment the door opened. I felt my blood going to my feet. We were just behind the door. I felt Tyler tense,his heart beat racing ,then we heard a voice calling.

  “Cas,are you in here?”

  It was Lucy. We both sighed with relief.

  Tyler closed the door making Lucy jump with terror.

  “What the hell?” She shouted. “Oh you're here. Oops did I interrupt something?” She said smirking at us.

  “No,Lucy. We were just...just” I blushed so much that I felt my face burning. Tyler smiled at me.

  “Oh I could imagine what you were doing," she said amused. "Anyway,you shouldn't do that here. What could have happened if it was someone else? You would be in great trouble right now,” she said in a very serious voice.


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