Against All Odds

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Against All Odds Page 33

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “No. But I'll have to talk to her, hopefully no one gets to know about this story. She will be OK.”He said.

  I thanked him and got out. I leaned against the door and tears began to roll down my cheeks. I had to leave her not forever but I had to leave her. How would I live without seeing her? Without kissing her and having her in my arms? How will she react? She was still angry with me because of Denise and I couldn't even see her to explain. I opened my briefcase and brought out a piece of paper. I had to leave her a note at least. I wrote a short note and then I went to the locker area. I found her locker and put it in from the slots. I left the school before the students came in. I got in my car and went home. I felt devastated. I could hardly breathe. I sobbed liked a baby. I switched on my computer and started to search for an apartment in Glensville. The place seemed nice,it was a small city with a small population and it was far away from here, too far. Oh Cassy, how I wish this was just a bad dream.

  Cassidy's POV

  I haven't seen him yet this morning. Although I'm still angry I wish to talk to him. He wanted to tell me something last night and I didn't let him. I went to the English room hoping he's already there but it was still empty. Not even Lucy was here yet. I really needed to talk to her. Just then I thought of Julian, today I have to give him my reply. I still don't know what to do. Should I tell Tyler before I decide? No. I can't he would go for him and that will make matters worst. Probably I have to accept. I felt nauseous all of a sudden. I couldn't imagine him touching me and having sex with him.

  No,I couldn't give him my body, that belongs to Tyler. Just to him. Oh Tyler, I love him so much. I really need to see him. It doesn't matter if the baby is his. I will stay with him. I love him too much. The day before had been awful. I couldn't spend a minute more without seeing him. I tried to call him but his mobile was switched off. Just at that moment Lucy came in.

  “Cassidy,are you OK? We haven't talked after what happened yesterday. I waited for you after school but you were gone.”she said in a worried tone.

  “Lucy, a lot of things happened yesterday. I will tell you everything later. Now let's go to class,the bell will be ringing soon,” I said eager to go and

  see Tyler.

  We arrived in class and sat down. I told Lucy what happened and she was stunned and when I told her about Julian, she really made an effort not to start shouting.

  “I hope you're not accepting Cas. He can't blackmail you like this, you have to tell Tyler. You have to find a solution together.”She said.

  “OH I don't know,for an instance I thought about doing it.”I confessed.

  “What are you mad?”She shouted.

  “No but I love him. I don't want Julian to report him. I don't want him to end up in prison. Oh Lucy. Everything is getting completely out of hand. I don't know what to do.”I said desperately.

  "Yes Cas but if you accept he will keep blackmailing you,you can't live like this,” she said.

  “I know.” But I didn't have much choice


  “Tell Tyler, tell him.”She insisted.

  I didn't reply,instead I looked at his empty chair and then at the door. How come he was taking so long to come to class? I was beginning to get worried, 15 minutes later and he hadn't shown up.

  “How come he's so late?” Lucy asked me.

  I shrugged and stared at the door anxiously. “I don't know, I hope nothing happened to him." Then I turned my gaze to Lucy as a thought crossed my mind.

  "What if Ms Larson has reported us?”

  “Oh my God. Cas, no it can't be, she said she wouldn't do it right?”She said trying to re-assure me.

  “Yes but I don't know.”

  Just at that moment the door opened. I looked at the door relieved thinking to see Tyler but it wasn't him. Mr Bayne had come in.

  “Good morning. I will be your substitute for this lesson. Everyone sit down please.”He said as he put his briefcase on the table.

  Lucy looked at me worriedly.

  “Cas,something is wrong. I'm going to ask him.”She whispered.

  “What? Are you mad?”

  She ignored me.

  “Sir?” She said raising her hand.

  Mr Bayne looked at Lucy.

  “Yes Lucy.”

  “Is Mr Spencer sick?”She asked. I held my breath.

  “I don't know. Mr Daniels sent me here but I don't think he's sick. I saw his car this morning.”He replied.

  “OK. Thanks Sir.”

  So he was here, then why he didn't come to the lesson? I had Art with him soon. Will he be there? My heart was beating fast and I wasn't feeling well. I felt something had happened. When the bell rang I grabbed my things quickly. I wanted to arrive at the Art room as soon as possible but while I was going out Mr Bayne called me. I turned around and he told me to wait.

  “What is it Mr Bayne?” I asked, feeling my heart racing with anxiety.

  “Cassidy,you don't have Art. Mr Daniels told me to tell you to go to his office after this lesson. He is waiting for you,” he informed me.

  I felt my stomach muscles clenching. I knew it,someone had reported us. This was the end.


  I headed for Mr Daniels office. I was terrified, maybe Tyler was there that's why he did not come for the lesson. When I arrived at his door, it took me about 5 minutes to find the courage to knock. When finally I did, I heard him telling me to come in. I opened the door and looked around. Tyler wasn't there, maybe after all it wasn't about Tyler. Maybe I was wrong.

  “Oh..Cassidy,close the door please and take a seat.”Mr Daniels said as soon as he saw me.

  I did as he said. I felt very nervous. He kept looking at me. He seemed reluctant to start talking.

  Then finally he cleared his throat and rested his hands on his desk. “Cassidy, probably you already know why you are here.”

  My heart missed a beat as I looked down.

  “I... no, I don't know,” I replied as I played nervously with my fingers.

  “Cassidy I know everything about you and Mr Spencer.”He said calmly.

  My stomach twisted so much that I couldn't breathe.

  "What? I .. I don't know what you're talking about,” I said trying to keep calm. Denying was my only weapon right now.

  “There is no point in hiding the evidence. It was Tyler himself who told me,” he said.

  My eyes widened and for the first time I looked at him stunned.


  “He handed in his resignation today,” he added. This news hit me like a bomb.

  “He resigned? No, why?”I said incredulously.

  “Well you know why. He can't continue to teach here when he has a relationship with a student can


  “OH my God. Mr Daniels please, listen it's all my fault. I tried to seduce him. It's me you have to report, he has done nothing please. Don't report him, I beg you,expel me OK. I'm the only one responsible,” I said crying.

  “Cassidy calm down I'm not going to report him,” he said calmly.

  I looked up at him with tears in my eyes. I couldn't understand.

  “You're not?” I asked in half a whisper.

  “No but you have to do what I say. I already talked to Tyler, he will have to leave. Not only from school but from this city.”He said in a serious voice.

  “What? No,Mr Daniels we love each other,” I cried.

  “Cassidy he can't stay here and you have to stay away from him OK. You can't continue with this relationship at least not until your graduation.”

  I shook my head, he couldn't do this to me. “But it's within 6 months. I can't stay away from him that much, please. I know this might seem a mad thing to you but we truly love each other. “I clenched my fists as I quickly averted his gaze.

  “Listen I know,Tyler told me the same thing but it's wrong. It's forbidden. Tyler can go to prison can't you understand that?" He retorted harshly. "If you love him don't be selfish, let him go. You'll be together
within 6 months. Cassidy there isn't any other way, if you don't collaborate I'll have to report him,” he warned.

  My eyes widened as I glared at him. “No please,I'll do everything you say. I don't want him to go to prison.” Tears began to roll down my face. I couldn't believe we had arrived to this point.

  “Good. This has to remain a secret, if someone finds out that I knew and didn't report him. I'll be in trouble too, understood?”

  I nodded. I should have been grateful to him. He was being very reasonable, another headmaster would have yelled and probably reported him immediately.

  “Am I going to be expelled?” I asked then.

  “No,you'll stay here. Tyler will go to another school. I already found him a new job,” he informed me as he relaxed in his chair.

  “Where is he going?” I asked my heart beating. I really hoped it wasn't that far.


  I just wanted to cry. Glensville was very far away. I chewed my lips as I thought about how I was going to spend the next 6 months without seeing Tyler. This was a nightmare.

  “It's better like this Cassidy, 6 months is not that much. You can focus on your studies, you have important exams to do this year,” he said as if he had read my mind.

  “I know.”

  “ Listen another thing. when things like these happen usually the parents have to know about it but not this time. I won't tell your parents because I know they would report him immediately. So you have to keep everything a secret and hope no one suspects. If this thing comes out your life at school won't be simple. I know what I'm talking about.”

  I knew he was right. I knew he wanted to help but I hated him right now. I hated him because he was separating us. When I left his office I was like a lost soul. I couldn't believe it was really happening. I began to cry and I couldn't stop. I buried my face in my hands and sat down there in the corridor not caring if anyone saw me. I sobbed loudly. I was desperate. I don't know for how long I sat there, in this state but it must have been ages. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I opened my eyes and looked up and saw Mr Bayne.

  “Cassidy are you all right?” he asked concerned.

  I nodded.

  “Come on get up, you don't want anyone to see you like this,” he said helping me to get up. Why was he so gentle with me? I stood up but did not stop crying. I really needed a hug. I wished Lucy was there with me. I looked at Mr Bayne. I never had much confidence with him but at that moment I didn't care. I needed a hug. I looked at him and then buried my head in his chest. At first he was surprised but he didn't pull back and then I felt his arms going around me. I remained in his arms for a few moments then I pulled back embarrassed.

  “I'm sorry Mr Bayne. I just-”

  He smiled at me.“Don't worry, what happened to you? You seem so upset."

  “It's nothing, just a personal problem. I feel better now. I'm sorry. I didn't mean-”

  “I know," he said interrupting me.

  "Cassidy,I saw Mr Spencer this morning. He was upset too, he didn't tell me what happened but I know it must have something to do with you. He asked me to keep an eye on you, to help you if you ever needed something, so if you ever need anything just let me know,OK. I know he resigned, although Mr Daniels didn't tell me the reason. I can imagine what it might be.”

  He gave me an knowing look. My God he knew, didn't Mr Daniels say it had to be a secret. How come Mr Bayne knew? I remained silent, I didn't know what to say, Mr Bayne kept looking at me in a strange way.

  “Cassidy, Tyler had told me he was in love with someone. He didn't say who it was but I know it's you.”

  I turned around stunned.

  “What? No,Mr Bayne-” Words died in my throat.

  “Don't worry I won't say anything to anyone. I just wanted you to know that I know,so that if you need to talk you can come to me.”

  Why was he being so gentle to me? He barely spoke to me in class, but now that I think about it, he always looked at me suspiciously, especially when he saw me and Tyler talking.

  “Thanks,” I managed to say and walked away. I was terrified. I knew it was not going to be simple to keep everything a secret and there was Julian. What was I going to tell him now? Since Tyler resigned he couldn't blackmail me but he could still spread rumors. I went near Lucy's class. I knew she had Maths right now. I waited for the bell to ring. As soon as she came out she noticed there was something wrong. She came near me and we walked away together,and between sobs I told her everything.

  “Oh my God, he must really love you to do this, but I don't understand, if he resigned why couldn't he stay here?”

  “It's simple because of Mr Daniels, and because everyone would suspect that it's because of me if they saw us together. Oh Luc,problems are never ending. Everything is against us” I cried.

  Lucy looked me sadly.“Have you seen Julian yet?”

  “No but I'll have to face him today. I'm frightened Lucy, if I say no to him, although Tyler has resigned,Julian can still say that Tyler resigned because he had been with me.”

  “Well honey, you have to risk that, you can't accept can you? And even if you do accept who can guarantee you, he won't spill the beans afterwards?”

  She was right, he could continue to blackmail me.

  “Have you spoken to Tyler yet?”

  I shook my head. “No. I have tried calling him but his mobile is switched off. Oh Lucy I don't want to lose him. What can I do?” I asked hoping she would give me the solution I needed so much.

  "Nothing, just be patient. Just wait, another 6 months and you'll be together. What Lesson do you have now?”


  “With Mr Bayne?” She asked.

  “Yeah,he seemed so strange with me today. I can't believe he knows,” I said as I re-thought about his last words.

  “Well isn't it better, at least he'll understand if you won't listen to a word he says during the lesson today,” she said.

  “I don't feel like going to any lesson. I just want to cry, how will I manage without him, how?”

  “I'll help you. I'll be with you Cas. You can count on me, okay. You'll make it, now come on let's go to the lockers. I need to get some books.”

  We walked to the lockers and when I opened mine a paper fell out. I picked it up and opened it and began to tremble when I saw his handwriting. Tears welled up in my eyes when I read what he had written. “Dear Cassy,I thought that by resigning we could be together finally, but I was wrong. Unfortunately I have to leave but it's for now. I will return for you, I promise, so that we can be together for ever. You'll find me waiting for you on your graduation day. I love you so much and will always do, even when I am miles away from you, you'll be with me, in my heart, please don't try to contact me right now. I'll find a way to see you before I leave. We still have to talk about many things. Hope you understand that what I did, I did for you. I love you. Tyler xx.”

  I hugged the note and cried.

  “Can I see it?”

  I gave the note to Lucy.

  “Oh Cassidy, try to be strong. Try to cheer up, you can't let others see you like this. You will draw attention to yourself and that's not what you need right now, please try to calm down.”

  I wiped away my tears and tried to pull myself together. I had to stop acting like a baby. I had to be positive. I had to think of when I will be with him. Six months, another six months and in June we shall be together. June, sounded so far away. The bell rang.


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