Against All Odds

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Against All Odds Page 38

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “I'm sorry Mr Bayne,I-” I stuttered as I looked at his face.

  He simply smiled.“No problem. Cassidy, I have to go to Mr Daniels and tell him what happened.”He said letting me go.

  “What? No.”

  “Yes and I have to do it before Ms Leighton does. Maybe If I explain your situation and what she has done you won't get expelled.”He said as he stood up. I gazed up at him surprised by his kindness.

  “Mr Bayne?”


  “Why are you doing all this for me?”I asked.

  “Because I hate to see you like that,you were such a good student. I taught you last year as well remember. You always had good marks,you were one of my favourite students and I had high expectations for you and now seeing you like this, well I can't stand it . You won't jeopardize your future. Stay here. I will be back soon.”

  Saying this he left me there looking blankly. I couldn't understand him, he seemed to care so much for me. Then I thought about his words, he had said last year? Yes, he had taught me last year as well. I had forgotten that. He had always given me good marks, he had always tried to go out of his way to help me with any queries I might have had with the subject, and one day he had even stayed with me during break to do a test I had missed because I was sick. All was coming back to me now. I never noticed he had been so gentle with me. About ten minutes later he came back with a smile on his face.

  “Cassidy,” he said as soon as he opened the door.“You won't be expelled but you have a detention, that's the most I could do, unfortunately I couldn't spare you the detention" He said. Oh and there is something else. Mr Daniels was very angry with Ms Leighton because he had told the teachers not to do anything without consulting him first. He will have a word with her,” he continued as he sat down. I sighed with relief.“Thank you. I can't thank you enough for what you are doing,” I managed to say. I felt weak all of a sudden.

  He smiled.“If you want to thank me, work hard and study. I want you to pass the exams with flying colors. So you can go to any college you want.”He said warmly.

  I nodded.“OK” I smiled at him. “I'll do my best.”

  “That's what I wanted to hear. Now come on grab your bag and come with me. We have to go to the English room, the lesson will soon start,” he said as he stood up and picked up his briefcase. I did as he said and followed him. We walked slowly in the corridor, I kept glancing at him, I had to ask him something.

  “Sir,” I finally said.


  “You said I have detention, when and with who?”I asked nervously. I hoped it was with a nice teacher, although right now, no teacher was nice to me.

  He smiled, a soft reassuring smile and then his eyes looked down at me.

  “During the break with me,” he informed me. My face brightened, and I sighed with relief.

  “OK” I said happily. I felt better.

  We kept walking in silence. We arrived in class, there was no one yet. I pulled out the books I needed from my bag and waited for the lesson to start. When the bell rang Lucy came in to sit near me, she asked me if I was OK and I told her that I did. She couldn't help it but smile and said it was a pity I hadn't pulled all her hair out. I smiled as well,although it wasn't funny. Mr Bayne started the lesson and I couldn't help but look at him, he was a nice guy, much different from Tyler. Tyler was sexy, a bad boy, had a beautiful body and could melt my heart with just one look. Mr Bayne wasn't like that, he was cute, had beautiful eyes which he hid behind those glasses and was very sweet. His body wasn't bad, he was lean but toned. Probably he worked out and wasn't as tall as Tyler. His blonde hair was short and neat and he had a nice smile. Cassidy what the hell are you doing? I asked myself slapping myself mentally. I looked down at my book and never looked up again.

  Six days have passed, I felt better although I still couldn't get Tyler out of my mind. When I really felt bad I would take out the locket he had given me and look at it and squeeze it in my hand.

  I didn't even have a photo of him. At school things got a little better, the students weren't picking on me so much. They finally seemed to have gotten bored doing that, although no one talked to me. Just Lucy of course. It was the most beautiful time of the year and at school there was a nice atmosphere. Christmas was coming and our corridors were all decorated. The student's council was busy organizing everything for the Christmas ball that was going to be held in two days time. Lucy was very excited, she wanted me to go with her to buy a new dress. Although I had said that I would, I wasn't really looking forward to it. I didn't even know if I would be going or not. I had no one to go with. Lucy had Logan, they were still going strong, they cared a lot about each other and sometimes I was jealous of her. I wished Tyler was here with me, it would have been fun. Oh how much I missed him. Although I had stopped crying every day I still felt sad. I still couldn't accept the fact that it was finished. The bell rang and I came back to reality, it was break time. I hadn't decided where I was going to hide yet. Yes because in the last twelve days, during break time I hid. I never went to the canteen where I knew there would be teachers and Ms Leighton. She never spoke to me again. Mr Daniels had been very angry with her and told her to keep her distance from me. Sometimes Lucy came with me to the gym but I couldn't expect that she'll always do this. I knew she preferred to spend her break with Logan. Sometimes I went to talk to Mr Bayne, with an excuse and spend the break there but I didn't do this daily. First of all because I didn't want to cause him problems and I wasn't sure if this bothered him or not. He never said anything. Today I didn't feel like staying alone, so I decided to pass by the History Room hoping to find him there. I knocked.

  “Come in” I heard him saying. I opened the door and peeped inside.

  “Oh Hello Cassidy,” he greeted me with a smile..

  “Mr Bayne, I'm sorry to disturb you.”I said as I looked at him. He was sitting down eating his lunch.

  “No, don't worry come in,” he said.

  “Can..can I stay here during break?”I asked shyly as I made my way in.

  He looked at me for a second, he seemed reluctant to say yes but then..

  “Sure take a seat.”

  I felt relieved and sat down. Then I took out my sandwiches. He was looking at me and smiling.

  "What?” I said as I took a bite on my sandwich.

  “I'm glad you're eating again,” he said softly.

  “Well I don't. I regained the three kilos I had lost," I grumbled.

  He laughed. I looked fascinated at him, he had a nice laugh, and white even teeth. I noticed that two small dimples formed on his cheeks as he stretched his lips, making him look really sweet.

  “You look better this way. “He said then. We remained silent for a moment then he said.“ Cassidy are you coming to the Christmas Ball?

  “I don't know really, probably not,” I said opening my bottle to drink. I gazed at him underneath my lashes, he seemed disappointed.

  “Why not? It's going to be nice.”He said then.

  “I'm sure, but everyone will come with a boyfriend or a friend. I have neither,” I said sadly.

  “And Lucy?”

  “Well Lucy will be with Logan. What will I do all alone?”I asked.

  “Well I don't know. I'd be alone as well,” he then said.

  I looked at him confused. What did he mean? He blushed a little.

  “What I meant is that we could talk and I'm sure a guy will ask you to dance,” he said quickly.

  I smiled.

  “OK.. I'll see . Maybe I will come. Mr Bayne-"


  "How come you never go with the other teachers during break?" I asked with curiosity.

  "Oh," he shrugged. " I've always been a loner. It's not that I don't like company but I'm quiet and people don't like me much. It has always been like this, even when I was at school," he replied.

  "Oh, hope I'm not disturbing you."

  "No,I like your company,"he said smiling, I smiled backed at him. I like
d his company too.

  After school I went with Lucy to the mall to buy a dress. She had found one immediately, it was red and she looked great in it.

  “Do you think Logan will like it?” she asked me looking at her image in the mirror.

  “Sure, you're beautiful,” I said feeling sad all of a sudden. Lucy noticed.

  “ Cas, why don't you buy one too. Your mum gave you some money, she insisted that you buy one. Please come to the party we'll have fun. You can't keep going on like this, its been two weeks that you don't go out. You're always so sad. I will tell Logan to ask a friend of his to be your usher.”

  I was grateful to her, I know she wanted to help but she couldn't. I shook my head.

  “No, no one would want to stay with me and I don't want pity,thanks anyway.”

  At that moment I saw a dress on display, it was really nice.

  “Why don't you try it on.?” Lucy urged me,noticing I was looking at it.

  I was going to say no but then I did and I'm glad I did. It fitted me perfectly as if it was made for me. It had a sapphire blue colour which complimented my eyes.

  “OH Cas, it's beautiful. Please take it and put it on for the ball. You're gorgeous. Boys will fight for you with that dress on, please,” she pleaded looking at me with puppy eyes.

  I looked good. I looked at her and then at my image reflected in the mirror.

  “OK, I'll buy it,” I said finally.

  Lucy grinned and hugged me. “Yes,that's my girl,” she said happily.

  I smiled back and her. It was the first time I felt happy in two weeks and now for some reason I looked forward to the ball.


  There was a knock at the door at quarter past six, there was still plenty of time. The ball didn't start before seven but as usual Lucy was too excited to wait. My mum went to open the door and I heard Lucy's voice. She was saying something to mum and laughing, I was ready. My hair looked nice, my make up seemed OK. I took one last look at the mirror and went downstairs.

  “Hello Lucy.”I said.

  “Hello Cassidy,you look great,” she said happily.

  “You look great too but don't you think it's too early to leave, I mean the ball starts at seven.”

  “Yeah I know. but we could stay here to talk a little bit if you want.”

  I nodded.“Sure mum is it OK if we leave within half an hour? “ I asked her.

  “Sure honey,” she replied.

  “OK thanks Mum come on Lucy let's go to my room.” We went upstairs and talked. Lucy had a lot of gossip to tell me .I just kept quiet hearing her. I was a little tensed. There will be everyone tonight.

  “Cas,I heard that Ms Leighton is not coming and not even Ms Larson,” she informed me.

  “Oh, this is good news,” I said relieved.

  “Yeah. I knew you would be happy to know.”

  We talked some more until it was time to leave.

  When we arrived at school it was nearly seven. We entered the hall, it was amazing how they had decorated it. There was a big Christmas tree in the corner and lots of lights. Lucy saw Logan immediately and dragged me near him and his friends. His friends giggled when they saw me and I felt uncomfortable, I was already regretting coming but then the ball started, there was a show held by the student's council, a show from the film Grease. It was very nice...

  “They are very good don't you think?” Lucy asked me.

  “Yes they are,” I agreed.

  “But who's the guy that's doing the part of Danny Zucco? He's so hot.” Whispered Lucy.

  “I don't know although he looks familiar.”I kept looking at him,she was right, he was really gorgeous. Then all of a sudden I recognized him. “Luc,that's Mr Bayne,” I said stunned.

  She looked at me astonished. “What, are you sure?”

  “Yes I'm sure, he's without glasses.”I insisted.

  “Oh my God,you're right. I never noticed he was this handsome,” she said as she looked at him again.

  He really was. I couldn't take my eyes off him. He really looked good in jeans and the black leather jacket. I felt a strange feeling in my stomach when his eyes locked with mine for a moment. He smiled when he saw me. I smiled back at him hoping Lucy hadn't noticed. I knew she would think bad thoughts immediately,luckily she didn't. When the show finished Mr Bayne disappeared behind the stage. I hoped to see him again and maybe be able to talk to him. Just then the music went on and people started to dance. Lucy left me and went to dance with Logan. Everyone found a partner except me,no one asked me to dance. I felt really bad. I saw the students looking at me and laughing. I decided to go to the toilet for some time. I wasn't feeling well. I ran to the door and was going to go out when I felt a hand grabbing my shoulder. I looked up and couldn't breathe for a second. It was Mr Bayne. I saw him smiling at me,he had such a beautiful smile. He was even sexier than before. He had changed and was wearing a blue satin like shirt, a red tie and black trousers.

  “You're beautiful. I like the dress,” he said.

  “I.. I - thank you,” I managed to say, what the hell was wrong with me? It was only Mr Bayne why was I feeling so excited? His hand was still on my bare shoulder and the contact was causing me strange sensations. I felt attracted to him. No Cassidy stop it,you still love Tyler. I can't experience these feelings and especially for another teacher. Stop it. I kept telling myself.

  “Are you all right?” He asked then “Why were you leaving?”

  “Yes I'm fine, it's just that I-” I couldn't continue. His gaze on me was confusing me so much and his eyes, Oh my God. I couldn't stop looking at his eyes.

  “No one asked you to dance, that's the problem?” He asked gently.

  “Yes. I knew this was going to happen,” I replied sadly.

  “Well the problem is solved now,” he said putting his hand around my waist. “I will dance with you.”

  I shivered.

  “No! It's not that I don't want to but what would they think? And Mr Daniels? No,I don't want to cause you problems,” I said as I tried to pull away from him.

  He smiled and his hand tightened around my waist.

  “OK if you worry that much then we'll dance in the corridor. The music can still be heard from there and there is no one around.”

  I smiled at him and let him drag me out. He turned me to face him,and pulled me closer to him. I shivered at this contact, I felt my face grow warm as he looked into my eyes. I put my trembling hands around his neck and started to move slowly with him. My heart was beating fast and I felt strange. I then moved my hands from his

  neck and put them on his shoulder and let my head rest against his shoulder. It felt so good. He didn't say anything just kept holding me to him and dancing. When the music ended I hadn't notice. I was too focused trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with my body and with the mixture of feelings I was having. He had stopped moving but didn't let go. We stood like that for what seemed eternity and then finally he pulled back gently.

  “ I have to leave now. I have to help the student's council organize the next show, but I'll be back. It was a pleasure dancing with you Cassidy,” he said warmly.

  I looked at him. I looked into his eyes again, they were beautiful. One of them seemed a little lazy, probably this was the reason why he wore glasses but they were still beautiful. I wished he would stay with me.

  “Thank you Mr Bayne.”

  “You're welcome,” he said smiling at me.“See you later,” he left me there looking at him while he walked away. What the hell was happening to me? My heart was still beating fast. No. I shouldn't feel like this,this was wrong. I couldn't do this to Tyler,but he left me. No, it's still not right and not with a teacher again. I returned to the hall again. Lucy was still dancing with Logan so I decided to go for a drink. There was the punch on the table. I put some in my glass and drank it. It had a strange taste but was good. I decided to take another one. After drinking about four glasses I felt much better. I had even started to laugh. I felt a little
dizzy but extremely happy. I danced alone until I saw Lucy coming near me.


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