Against All Odds

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Against All Odds Page 40

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “Easy, it's still very hot,” he said laughing.

  I felt very nervous. I kept looking at his lips and remembering his kiss.

  “Mr Bayne,” I said.

  “It's David. You can call me that, we're not at school right now.”

  “Oh... OK,” I looked around me hoping there was no one we knew.

  “What's wrong Cassidy, why are you looking around?”

  “I just wanted to see if there is someone we know. I mean,we're not suppose to- " I couldn't continue, he was looking directly into my eyes.

  “Cassidy relax, we're doing nothing wrong. We're having a coffee in a bar.”

  “Yes but you're my teacher and with my reputation and all. I-”

  “Listen, people talk with other people. We met by coincidence and we're just having a coffee. What's wrong with that? It's not like we 're kissing or something.”

  I nearly choked on my muffin.

  “I'm sorry. “ He then said. “I didn't mean to say that. Oh God just forget I said anything please,” he said looking at me.

  “OK,” I said looking down at the table.

  “So how was the swim,you're here to learn right?”

  He asked changing subject.

  “Yes,it was the first lesson. I enjoyed it. Hope that till the end of the course I'll manage to swim well.”

  “Oh I'm sure you will.”

  “And you Mr Bayne, you come here frequently?”

  “Yes. I do. I need to work out a lot if I want to have some muscles. You know I used to be chubby when I was younger and then I lost weight but now I need some good toning.”

  “But your body is nice. I mean. I can't believe you were chubby,” I said blushing..

  “Oh yeah I was. During school I wasn't very popular. I was considered a nerd, nerdy Dave they used to call me. I was always studying, had no time to go out. Girls didn't like me and made fun of me but it didn't matter. I wanted to be the best in school and I managed to do well. I skipped a class and went to university before the others.”

  “Oh can I ask you how old you are?”

  “Sure. I'm 23.”

  “Oh,you're still very young.”

  “Yeah. “ He smiled. “ And now that I did all I wanted to do I'm working on myself. I want to find a girlfriend and get married one day.”

  “Oh so you're single.” I bit my lip, what

  the hell was wrong me? How could I ask him this?

  “Yes I am,” he said looking at me, my heart began to beat faster. How come the girls didn't like him. He was gorgeous.

  “You know Mr Bayne you should always wear contact lenses,” I said then without even realizing I was speaking my thoughts.

  “I'm better without glasses am I?”

  “Yes,it's a pity hiding your eyes,they're nice,” I said blushing.

  He laughed.

  “Thank you. Well for school I prefer glasses, especially If I have to do a lot of corrections but when I go out I put lenses on. So Cassidy will you come back here often?”

  “Well, yes. Maybe twice a week at the beginning. Then just on Saturdays.”

  “Good probably I'll see you again before the school begins, this week I'll be here every day.”

  Why was he telling me all this? Not that I didn't want to know. It was nice spending time with him. At that moment his mobile rang.

  “Excuse me a second Cassidy,” he said grabbing the mobile and answering it. He talked for a few minutes and then hung up.

  “I'm sorry, it was my mother. She's always so worried.”

  I smiled at him.

  “She lives in another city with the rest of the family. I'm the eldest of three boys, my brothers are still young and she misses me and keeps calling,” he explained.

  “She must love you very much,” I said.

  "Oh yes she does,” he said looking me in the eye. Another shiver ran down my spine. I have to get out of here.

  “Mr Bayne. I have to go now, my mum would be worrying. I told her that I wouldn't be long.”

  “Hope I didn't keep you here.”

  “Oh no of course not it's been nice to see you and thanks for the coffee and the muffin,” I said while I stood up.

  “My pleasure, see you soon Cassidy.”

  I smiled at him and waved him goodbye and went out running. I was hit by a cold breeze when I went out. I leaned against the wall feeling my heart racing. I was trembling. What the hell was going on with me, why was I feeling like this?


  Two days had passed and it was time for my lesson again. I felt excited and I was really eager to go but not because of the lesson, but because I was hoping he was going to be there again. My mum was getting ready to go to work.

  “Cassidy I don't think you should go today.” My mum said looking at me a little concerned.

  “Why?” I asked.

  “The weather is really bad, it has been raining all night. I can take you to the gym but then you'll have to come back on foot in this weather, I don't think you should risk it-”

  “I'll take a raincoat. “ I said hurriedly, I was not going to stay at home all day because of the rain and I wanted to see David again.

  “How come you are so eager? And don't tell me it is to go to the pool. I bet there is a new guy,” she said smiling.

  I shrugged and smiled. “Could be.”

  Her smiled widened.

  “Oh Honey, you make me so happy. I told you'd like someone else and how is this one?”She asked happily.

  “Cute,has blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes.”I said as I imagined his sweet face.



  “Nice. Cas I have to go,are you coming?” She asked as she grabbed her keys.

  “Yes please, it's still early but it doesn't matter I can always do something else in the mean time.”I said happily as I picked up my bag.

  “OK,let's go.”She said as she waited for me to go and get the raincoat. A few minutes later we were in her car. Mum drove carefully as the road was a little slippery. When we arrived she looked

  at me worried, the sky was getting darker.

  “Honey if it's raining hard don't come out of the gym,stay here until it gets better. Does this David drive?” She asked me.

  “Yeah I think so,” I replied.

  “Oh good then maybe he could give you a lift home,” she said relieved.

  “We'll see. I'm going in it's freezing out here."

  I waved mum goodbye and hurried into the gym. I wasn't really looking forward to take off my clothes and enter the pool,even though it was heated. I looked around,there was no one. Maybe I was the only mad one to come out in this weather I thought. I went near the pool, my instructor wasn't there yet. I turned my gaze at the gym, hoping to see David. No one there either. Maybe he's not coming today,I said to myself. Just then the instructor arrived.

  “Good morning Cassidy. I'm afraid we can't do the lesson today,” he informed me.

  “Why?” I asked disappointed. I had come for nothing.

  “There is something wrong with the pool's heating. They are trying to repair it but it will take a lot of time. Maybe you could go and do some exercise or use some gym equipment for today.”He suggested.

  “OK,no problem. Thanks.”

  Everything was going wrong today. I blew out with frustration and then walked to the gym. I took a look at the different machines and then decided to run a little on the treadmill. I stepped on it and pressed the button but it didn't work. I began to press the buttons trying to switch it on but it didn't seem to work, maybe it's faulty I thought.

  As I was about to step down, “You have to press here,” a voice said from behind me making me jump out of my skin. I looked back and nearly lost my balance when I saw him, his hair was wet making him look terribly sexy. He must have been working out and just took a shower. My heart fluttered as I scanned him from head to foot. He smiled at me and in that moment I realized I had been staring at him for quite a long time. I blush
ed and turned around again.

  “I.. I didn't notice that there was another button there,” I said embarrassed. I felt my face getting red.

  “You're doing some exercise today instead of the lesson?” He asked.

  “I don't have any lesson,there is a problem with the pool and you? You're ready already?”I asked him.

  “Yeah. I came early today, the weather doesn't seem so good so I thought I better have it ready.”He said with a smile.

  “Oh.”I was disappointed that meant he was going to leave soon.

  He was still looking at me. I stepped down from the treadmill.

  “Fed up already?” He asked as he leaned against the treadmill. His beautiful blue eyes looked deeply into mine. I felt my heart beat accelerated.

  “No it's just, that there's no one here. The weather seems to be getting worst,maybe I should go back home. Are you leaving?” I asked gazing at him through my lashes.

  “Yeah.. I was."

  Just at that moment lightning flashed which was followed by the roaring of thunder. The lights went down. We looked at each other.

  “I think it's better if we go Cassidy.”

  “Yeah I think so,” I agreed

  I followed Dave outside, it was raining really hard. We could barely see, it had gotten so cold, I was shaking.

  “Cassidy are you going home on foot?” David asked concern.

  “Yes, I don't drive yet,” I replied.

  “But you can't go in his rain. I could take you home but I came on foot as well. You see I don't live far from here.”He said.


  Another thunder roared and the cold wind blew in my face. A shiver ran down my spine as I chattered my teeth.

  “I'll go inside till the rain calms down a little. I'm freezing here but you go if you want. I don't want to keep you,” I said although deep down I really wished he would stay with me.

  He looked at me for a second just then the instructor came out.

  “What's happening?” Dave asked him.

  “I don't know but we have problems. I'm closing the gym. I have to find an electrician,the electricity went off,” he said panicky. He didn't wait for us to say anything, he closed the doors and ran to his car. Dave looked at me.

  “You can't stay here Cassidy,the weather is getting worst.”

  “Oh don't worry. I'll be OK,” I said hoping he wouldn't leave, the idea to stay there alone terrified me.

  David seemed undecided on what to do, he kept glancing at me and look up at the sky. “Listen why don't you come with me. I could drive you home in my car. I don't live far, if we run we'll be there in 5 minutes. ”

  I looked at him for a moment. I wished that but would that cause him trouble?

  “So?”He prompted.

  “Yes,” I answered

  “Good then lets go.” And saying this he begin to run. I followed him trying to keep up with his pace. We arrived at his house soaked from head to toe. He opened the door of his apartment and we went in.

  “I'm sorry the apartment is quite messy and- .”

  “Don't worry Mr Bayne and it's not that bad honestly,” I said shivering.

  “Cassidy do you want me to take you home now? Or maybe it's better if we wait a little maybe the rain will stop," he said as he took off his jacket.

  “As you like I'm in no hurry, my mum is at work. I'd be alone anyway,” I said making it obvious that I wanted to stay.

  “Oh OK then maybe it's better if you get changed, you're wet . Do you have spare clothes?” He asked.

  “Yeah in my bag” I replied.

  “Listen if you want to use the shower or anything, the bathroom is there,” he said looking quite nervous. “I'll go and make a cup of tea for both of us.”

  “OK thanks”. He nodded and then he disappeared in an other room leaving me there wondering if I had done the right thing to come with him. Why was he so nervous? I went to the bathroom and took off my clothes. I grabbed a towel dried myself. My hair was really wet. I looked at myself in the mirror and felt bad. I had like a deja vu, seeing myself in Tyler's bathroom. What was I doing here? Did I really want to be here? Tyler , should I try to forget you? Should I begin to love someone else? Maybe David. Oh Tyler. Get out of my head. I have to stop thinking about you. I'm at David's house now. We are alone and he is nervous,too nervous. He feels something for me and I am doing the same mistake again, falling for an other teacher.

  No I couldn't do this. Not again, I had to go. I opened the door and called David.

  “Mr Bayne.”

  “I'm here Cassidy.”He replied from the kitchen.

  “Mr Bayne I'm leaving,” I said.

  “What, why? I made you a cup of tea. What happened Cassidy?”

  “Nothing. I just want to leave.”

  He looked at me perplexed and he seemed sad. Was I overreacting?

  “OK,if that's what you want. I'll take you,” he said disappointed while he put the cup of tea down on the table. He had changed and was really handsome in the white shirt .

  “But I would like to know what changed after you went to the bathroom?”

  “It's just that all of this is wrong. I shouldn't be here with you. You're my teacher,” I said not being able to stand this gaze.

  “But why are you reacting this way? I don't have bad intentions and we're doing nothing wrong.”He said again.

  “Do you think so?” I dared ask.

  He looked at me stunned.

  “Cassidy what's wrong ? What's bothering you?”

  “ kissed me back that night,” I said finally. “I was drunk but you weren't,” I felt a lump in my throat.

  He looked at me with his mouth wide open. I knew I was daring but I felt so confused and I didn't want to do the same mistakes again.

  “Mr Bayne I don't want you to go through what Tyler went through because of me,” I said looking at his eyes.

  “I won't go through the same thing. Stop worrying and drink your tea. It's getting cold.”He said while he turned around giving me his back. I thought the discussion was going to finish there but then he said something which nearly made me loose my balance.

  “Cassidy it won't happen to me because I will wait until the day of your graduation.”


  I couldn't believe what I just heard. Was he serious?

  “I've already waited a year. I can wait another 5 months," he added then.

  Oh my God,what was he saying? He waited a year already? Mr Bayne had been in love with me from last year? I couldn't breathe, I couldn't talk, this wasn't happening. He turned around and looked at me. He didn't say anything just gazed into my eyes. He was so handsome,my heart missed a beat.

  “I'll take my tea and drive you home OK?”He then said.

  “Mr Bayne,” I said, getting my voice back.


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