Against All Odds

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Against All Odds Page 51

by Alexia Vella Deguara

  “Mum, there he is. Dad!” she shouted.

  I gazed up at him and saw him coming in our direction. My heart missed a beat when our eyes met. Although years had passed he still had this effect on me.

  He had shorter hair which made him really handsome and he was more built than the last time I had seen him. He must have been training a lot lately. His body was toned and sexy. I slapped my face mentally. I had to stop it. I was a happily married woman for God's sake. I was older and wiser. I smiled secretly because in reality I still felt that school girl who had fallen for her teacher. He put the luggage down and opened his arms when Kylie had nearly reached him. She jumped to his neck wrapping her arms around him, hugging him tight.

  “Oh Dad. I missed you so much!” she said.

  “I missed you too sweetheart but don't worry from now on we shall never be far away from each other again, I promise.”

  He then stood up and looked at me. A shiver ran down my spine. He looked at me with those dreamy eyes of his.

  “Hello Cassidy. How are you?” he asked.

  “Hello David. I'm fine thank you, you look good.”

  “Thanks” We stayed silent for a moment just looking at each other. I felt nervous. I knew this wasn't going to be easy and Tyler, well he had not wanted to come with me. He still hated David after all these years.

  “Aren't you going to hug mum?” Kylie asked looking curiously at us.

  I was going to explain that this wasn't appropriate and that- I froze,my heart raced for a second. I couldn't explain anything right now. He had taken me by surprise by pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around me. His smell invaded my nostrils making me shiver. His arms around me felt good. I hugged him back but then pulled back gently, embarrassed and confused. I trembled and felt uneasy. I must have even blushed. David looked in my eyes and smiled.

  “Errr.. how was your flight?” I then managed to ask composing myself.


  “You came alone?”

  “Well you aren't seeing anyone else are you?” he simply said.

  “Yes but I thought Janice was coming with

  you,” I continued.

  Janice was his last girlfriend, they had been together nearly a year, they were living together and I thought she would have left the city to come with him. He didn't reply but began to talk with Kylie telling her about the presents he had brought her.



  “We would like you to come to dinner at our house ,” I said. “ Then I will take you home.”

  “Cassidy do you think this is a good idea?”

  I looked at him.“ Sure,why not?”

  “Well I know Tyler isn't very happy with me coming here and my presence in his home will surely cause him more distress. I think it's better if you just take me to my house.”

  “What? Oh no David. You have the wrong idea about Tyler. He didn't say anything about you coming to live here, he knows you're doing this to be closer to your daughter. He knows how much you love her.”

  He gazed at me giving me a strange deep look which made my heart race again.

  “Another time Cassidy. I prefer to go home today. I'm a little bit tired.”

  I saw Kylie's face getting sad all of a sudden. She had been so excited that her Dad was coming at our house. She had even helped me preparing the cheesecake for dessert. I was going to insist but then I thought that maybe it was better like this. David wasn't totally wrong in saying that Tyler wasn't much happy about having him so close to us. We had argued a lot lately because of this.

  “OK then. I'll take you home,” I just said and began to walk away. Kylie and David followed me and then we put the luggage in my car and I began to drive. After about an hour during which Kylie hadn't stopped talking to her Dad we arrived to his house. It was a beautiful house with a big garden. It was only about two roads far from ours.

  “Here we are,” I said parking the car.

  “Oh Dad this house is really nice.” Kylie said going out of the car for first. She ran to the gate and opened it.

  “I'm glad you like it sweetheart. It's very big,you'll have plenty of space where to run and play when you'll come here,” he added.“ Here honey take the keys and open the door.”

  Kylie grabbed the keys and ran to the door while I helped him to take all the luggage inside. I gasped when I entered and looked around. It was really big.

  “Wow David this house is really nice.”

  “Yes not bad but I have still to do a lot of work in it. I'll pass all the summer arranging it,” he said. “Kylie why don't you go upstairs, there is a surprise for you,” he said smiling.

  "Really Dad? What is it?”

  “Go and see. It's the first room on the left.”

  Kylie's face brightened up.

  “It's my room isn't it dad?”

  “Yes honey. I thought that you would need to have a room if sometimes you'll sleep here. Is that OK with you Cassidy?” He said looking at me.

  “Of course,” I said smiling.

  “Oh, that's fantastic. I'll go immediately.” And saying this she ran upstairs.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee?” he asked me. “I'm afraid that's all I can offer you right now, the cupboards are empty. Today I'll go to the supermarket.”

  “Oh no, don't worry Dave. I have to go soon. I think Tyler is already home at this time.”

  He looked at me with disappointment.

  “Oh come on Cassidy, just few minutes.”

  I sighed.“OK David fine, I'll stay but just few minutes..”

  We went in the kitchen and he put the kettle on. I sat down on the chair.

  “So how's life?” He asked while he took out two cups.

  “It's fine,” I said. “Busy lately, running a hotel is not easy.”

  “I imagine but you seem to like the job.”

  “Yes I do although my aspiration has always been to become an interior designer.”

  “Pity you haven't studied design you would have been good.”

  “I know but marketing and accounts were more important. I had to choose those if I wanted to work in the business of Tyler's father,” I said a little bit sad. “It's not that I don't love my job but having to abandon Art and design was one of my greatest regrets," I said honestly and it really was, that was a dream that was never going to become true.

  “It's never too late Cassidy maybe-”

  “No Dave. I wouldn't have time to study now. Anyway you didn't tell me where you're going to work,” I asked changing subject.

  “Well,I got a good job in the local college.”

  “Really,oh that's nice, it's near Kylie's school.”

  He nodded.“I know maybe sometimes I can go to pick her up if that's OK,” he said as he poured the hot water into the cups.

  “Sure. David stop asking permission for everything, you're her father. You have the right to do these things.”

  “Thanks,” he said smiling at me while he gave me the cup of coffee and sat down besides me. We stayed silent for a moment sipping the coffee then he broke silence.

  “Cassidy I left Janice.”

  I looked stunned at him.

  “Why? I thought she was the right one..”

  “No,no girl is ever the right one for me,” he said looking at me. I averted his gaze and looked down. I knew what he wanted to say.

  “You'll find her someday. I'm sure,” I said quietly.

  “Cassidy.” Dave put his hand on mine, my heart fluttered as I felt its warmth.


  He looked at me. I knew what was coming, I felt panicky all of a sudden. I pulled my hand away from him and stood up abruptly.

  “I have to go Dave. Tyler is waiting for me,it's getting late.”

  He looked sadly at me.

  “OK,yes maybe it's better.”

  At that moment Kylie came in.

  “Oh Dad I really love my new room. Mum are we going already?” She asked looking at me
with a sulking expression.

  “Honey if you want you can stay here for today. I'm sure you have a lot to talk about. What do you think Dave?”

  He nodded.“Yes and maybe you can come with me shopping later,” he added.

  Her face brightened up and she ran to me and wrapped her arms around my waist.

  “Thanks mum.”

  “You're welcome, be good. I'll see you tomorrow OK.”

  “Yes promise.”she said kissing me.

  “I have to go now. Dave,” I said as I looked at his face.

  “OK, see you tomorrow then. And thank you for coming for me at the airport.”

  I waved goodbye to both and then walked hurriedly towards the exit, I opened the door and as soon as I was out I sighed with relief. I knew this wasn't going to be simple but I didn't imagine it was going to be hard from day one. I walked to my car and started the engine. I couldn't wait to be home. When I arrived Tyler was already there. His car was parked in the drive in. I opened the door and called him.

  “Tyler, I'm back.”

  “I'm in the kitchen,” he replied.

  I went in the kitchen and found him cooking pancakes. I walked towards him and then hugged him from behind.

  “What are you doing?” I asked him.

  “Well I know how much Kylie loves pancakes so I-”

  “Oh Tyler. Well I'm afraid we'll have to eat all that,” I informed him as I let go of him.

  “Why? Wait you're alone? And Kylie and David?” He questioned.

  “I took them to David's house. Kylie is staying there for tonight,” I said as I picked a pancake and bit a piece.

  “Oh,” he looked sad.

  “What is it Ty?”

  "Nothing,” he replied as he flipped another pancake.

  “It's not true,you seem so sad. You've been acting like this for at least a week. What's the problem?” I asked again.

  “It's nothing really.”

  I knew him well, he was my husband and I knew something was bothering him.

  “No, is it because of David?” I dared asking. I knew he hated this subject. He didn't reply and continued to cook.

  “Tyler answer me,” I insisted as I grabbed his arm.

  “Damned yes,he will take Kylie away from me. He already has done this and he will try to take you,” he shouted as he turned around to face me. I was stunned, I wasn't expecting this reaction.

  “What are you saying? Tyler I love you,that will never happen. We've been married for 6 years now. We're happy together. I never regretted choosing you and with regards to Kylie, you have to understand that she loves you but you're-”

  “Not her father," he interrupted. "I know that, you keep reminding me each day. God,this will be much easier if we had children of our own. Why can't I give you a child like David did? I thought that with the treatments I did,I would have managed to get you pregnant but it's 6 years we're trying. I lost hope Cassidy,” he said holding away his tears.

  I pulled him to me, and caressed his beautiful face and then kissed him.

  “Tyler why don't you sit down. I have a present for you.”

  “A present? Isn't it a little bit early for that my birthday is next month.”

  I smiled at him.“Well I can't possibly wait that much to give you this present. Just wait here a second so that I bring it.”

  I went hurriedly in the bedroom for the gift and returned back. I couldn't wait to see his expression when I would have given him this present.

  “Here,this is for you,” I said while I handed him the little box.

  “What is it?” he asked curiously.

  “Just open it up. I'm sure you will really like it.”


  He took the wrapper off and his eyes widened. He looked up at me astonished.

  “Cassidy I don't understand this is-”

  “A pregnancy test yes. Why don't you take a look at it, you see how many lines there are?” I asked happy.

  “Yes two,” he answered as he stared incredulous at the pregnancy test.

  “Exactly it's positive Tyler. I'm pregnant.”

  His face brightened up and tears began to roll down his eyes.

  “Oh My God. Cassidy I can't believe it. Finally I'll be a father but when did you get to know?”

  “This morning but I wanted to tell you personally and not on the phone,” I replied.

  "You did well.”

  I went near him and hugged him tight. I knew how much he had suffered in these years. He had been an excellent step father to Kylie and he had loved her as if she was his own blood but I always knew that deep down he wished to have a child who calls him Daddy. Kylie called him Tyler, for her the real Dad was only David.

  He stood up and kissed me.

  “I love you so much Cassidy.”

  “I love you too Sir,” I said smiling.

  "Sir?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Oh I'm not your teacher anymore.”

  “Oh yes you are,you are my mentor, my lover, my best friend. You're the love of my life.”


  About the author

  Alexia Vella Deguara is married and has two sons. She is a very creative and imaginative person and loves all types of art. But her main passion is writing, which developed at a very young age, it was her first love which continued to grow with her. As a teenager she wrote love stories which her schoolmates read eagerly. Now years later she finally published her first book which won't be the last.




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