The Rogue’s Redemption

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The Rogue’s Redemption Page 20

by Mecca, Cecelia


  Would there come a time when she was not reminded of him at every turn?

  Like now, as the sound of approaching riders demanded the attention of their men, Allie of course imagined it was him. Still bent down at the edge of the water, she picked up a pebble and tossed it into the water, watching as it sunk to the bottom, which was not so far below the surface. Good thing, as they would be crossing as soon as the horses were rested.

  From the sounds behind her, Allie could tell the newcomers were friends, not foes, as would be expected this close to Brockburg Castle. She stood and turned, curious.

  Nay. It could not be.

  * * *

  If Graeme and Gillian’s expressions were indicative of Allie’s mood, he would be lucky for the chance to speak with her. They glared at him with open hostility as the lady he sought bent down to the stream where their horses drank.

  He ignored Graeme’s questions, mesmerized by the sight of Allie picking up a rock and tossing it, the movements as graceful as when that same lady cut through the air with a sword nearly her height.

  God, she was lovely. When she stood, and turned, Reid sucked in a breath.

  No harsh words could hold him back, although Graeme was certainly trying. He did not intend to disrespect the chief, but Reid would not be waylaid. He would say what he had come here to say, and no one would stop him. He took one step toward her, then another, and another, until they stood face to face.

  “So you finally came,” she said, her voice clear and strong. Reid almost wished she would rage at him. Tell him to go away. Instead, she seemed as if she had truly given up on him.

  “I would follow you anywhere, fair maid.”

  It took her a moment to remember that he’d said those words before. He could tell when understanding finally dawned. Her eyes widened slightly, though her expression was no friendlier than it had been that first time.

  “And as I said then, I would say I’m pleased to meet you, but I do not care to perjure myself. Again.”

  He remembered every word of that fateful meeting.

  “I told you that you would change your mind.”

  “And you were right. Then.”

  She had changed her mind, but he’d successfully convinced her to forsake him. Reid shot a glance over his shoulder, and as he suspected, their conversation was anything but private. While most of his men had stayed some distance away, giving him space, Graeme’s did not. The chief and his wife both glowered at him.

  He would do this with an audience, it seemed. So be it. “I aim to change it again. I should not have told you to leave. I’ll not excuse my behavior then or”—he turned to look at Gillian, who was not hiding the fact that she was listening—“when we first met, Lady Gillian.”

  Reid turned back to Allie. “I thought I was doing what was best for you by sending you away.” He implored her to understand. “I love you, Allie. And although you’ve said the same to me, I will admit that I never truly believed someone as kind as you would want to spend her life with someone like me.”

  “And you believe it now?”

  He went to her then, her opening the miracle he’d been hoping for.

  “I do,” he said, tentatively taking her hands in his. “And if you will still have me, I would make you my wife. I am no one—not a chief or even a chief’s second. I am neither a great lord nor a powerful earl to make you his countess. But I am a man who has learned he must earn what he wants, one who will honor his vow to love you, and only you, for every day that we are given together.”

  He watched as her eyes darted behind him.

  “Say you will come back with me,” he whispered. “Tell me you still love me, and I will spend a lifetime winning your sister to our side.”

  Finally, her lips turned up in the slightest smile that, to him, was the most beautiful sight in the world.

  “I never stopped loving you, Reid.”

  He squeezed her hands, wishing he could do more, and then turned toward Gillian. With Allie’s blessing, he was invincible.

  “My lady,” he said. “Graeme.”

  Both watched him, leery and unresponsive.

  “I have wronged you both.”

  He addressed Gillian.

  “You met a childish, unsure man who spent his days pretending not to care that he was the youngest brother to two of Scotland’s greatest men. I promised you once that I would return to Highgate End as my brother’s second . . .” The word caught in his throat, but Reid forged ahead. “And I regret that I am unable to keep that promise. But I vow, if you would give your consent, to spend every day of my life keeping your sister safe, loving her as she deserves and earning the respect that I have so carelessly tossed away.”

  To Graeme, he said, “You know me to be an arse, Graeme, and I will not deny I have been just that. But you also know me as an honorable man, and nothing but my death will break the vow that I give this day.”

  He sensed Allie had moved up behind him. And as much as he wanted to reach back and pull her toward him, Reid resisted. He owed it to her sister to allow her to react to what he’d said.

  Gillian glanced at Graeme, whose slight nod was hardly discernible.

  “That is a fine speech,” Gillian said at last.

  Reid’s chest constricted. She would deny him, just as the council had. And if she did, he would overcome it, do everything possible to make her change her mind.

  “But I care for only one thing,” she continued. “My sister’s happiness.” Gillian sighed. “As I look at her face now and consider how it looked ere we left Brockburg, it is apparent I may have been wrong.”

  He could not wait any longer. Reid had to touch Allie, had to feel her against his skin. He reached out his hand, and when she took it, he was complete.

  “I thought I knew, better than she did in fact, what would make her happy. You are not the only one who has had difficulty accepting their role.” Sighing again, she shifted her gaze to Allie. “I acted as your second mother when, in truth, you needed a sister. Which I will be now.” A radiant smile stretched across her face. “It is your decision to make. Do so with our blessing.”

  When Allie squeezed his hand, Reid finally realized what this meant. She would have him. Allie would be his wife.

  Reid wanted to lift her into the air and spin her around until they both fell onto the ground, preferably one on top of the other. But he’d likely shocked his men enough already.

  But Reid did not care. He didn’t care about anything except Allie’s answer.

  First he had to ask the question. Again.

  “Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Allie’s smile reached her eyes, which were so full of tenderness and joy that Reid gave in to his desire. He pulled her to him, swung her about in a circle, and then kissed her as the men cheered around them. And it was only later, after they’d turned around and were riding toward their future home together, that Reid realized she had never answered his question. And so he asked again.

  Thankfully, her answer was a firm, “Yes.”


  Allie could not believe how much had happened in the two days since Reid had stopped them from returning to Highgate. Though Graeme had left the previous day, forced to return home to address the border troubles, he had promised to return for the wedding. Gillian had chosen to remain, however, and it was a relief to have her sister by her side.

  The banns had been posted, the tailor summoned, and all of Brockburg was preparing for another wedding. It had been two years since Toren and Juliette had wed, and everyone seemed as excited as she.

  “I nearly forgot to mention,” Gillian said as they strolled along the wall-walk. The sun shone down on them, a delightful respite from the previous two days of rain. “Though I do not believe they will be here in person . . .” She smiled mischievously, making Allie curious as to what she would say next. “You should receive Father’s blessing more formally before the ceremony.”

More formally?”

  Although Allie had fully expected to wed without any familial approval, Gillian had surprised her on their ride back to the castle. Apparently their father had announced, before returning to England, that he would approve a match between she and Reid. Though he had “more suitable suitors in mind,” no doubt all English and titled, he had admitted to her sister that he would not attempt to intervene if she was determined to go through with the match.

  “A written decree should arrive any day.”

  Gillian appeared quite pleased with herself, but Allie still did not understand.

  Only a couple of days had passed, hardly enough time for such a message to get to Lyndwood.

  “But we’ve only just—”

  “I sent the message to Lyndwood just after Father left.”

  Allie did not have to think hard to remember exactly how her sister had felt about Reid at the time.

  “But you hated Reid then.”

  “And am still not fully endeared to him now—”

  Allie made a face.

  “As to how I could have known? You forget, dear sister, that no person alive knows you as well as I do. The only time I truly questioned whether or not you and Reid would marry was on the road back to Highgate.”


  “I asked that you take a bit of time. I hoped—nay, prayed—you might change your mind. Or meet someone less . . . well . . . never mind. But I never really believed you would. And though you say Father’s approval does not matter, I know how much it saddened me to have disappointed him when Graeme and I were forced to wed.”

  “So you asked for his written approval?”

  “I did.”

  “Even though you had not yet given your own?”


  “And still don’t like Reid.”


  “I aim to change your mind.” Reid had come up behind them again. He was good at that—and at making her heart beat faster with a few simple words.

  “Good day, Lady Gillian,” he said.

  Allie turned to face him.

  “And a good day to you, my fair betrothed.”

  Though this was the first time she’d left the castle walls since returning, she’d seen little of him these past two days. The wedding banquet was apparently a very important topic despite all that was happening at the border. Between fittings and discussions with the cook, she and Reid had seen each other only at meals, and not for long then.

  “Good day,” she mimicked his formal tone.

  “Lady Juliette asked that I inform you both the baker has returned.”

  When he looked at her like that, Allie really did not give a toss about the baker. Heat rose up her neck as she remembered the dream she’d woken from this very morn. He’d given her that same look after doing some very naughty things to her.

  Gillian cleared her throat. “Would you like me to find the baker? Or you can—”

  “Aye,” she answered before her sister could finish the thought. “I would be most grateful.”

  Reid bowed as Gillian walked past them. “My thanks, Lady—”

  “Gillian,” her sister said, not turning back. “We will be related, after all.”

  And while she did not seem overly excited by the prospect, neither was her tone as hostile as it had been in the past. They’d made progress, and that was what mattered.

  Gillian raised her arm in parting as she walked away, the heavy material of her gown slipping upward as she pulled the hem toward her.

  They watched her disappear around a corner. Then Reid turned to her.

  “I’ve missed you,” he said, his voice low and deep.

  Allie made another decision.

  He was to be her husband. And she, his wife. She smiled, thinking of how surprised he would be when she went to his chamber this eve in the chemise Juliette had given her for their wedding night.

  She desired him, and they were to be married. Was she not the same woman the day before who had knocked a longsword out of the hands of a man Reid said was quite skilled with the longsword? Time to be bold.

  “I’ve missed you too,” she answered, no longer able to contain her smile.

  She had waited long enough for the things she wanted.

  No more.

  * * *

  Reid drank deeply from the ale he’d brought back to his chamber. Placing it on the table, he loosened the ties at the top of his shirt and sat. Stretching his legs out in front of him, he leaned back and resumed drinking.

  It was late.

  With no word yet from Douglas, the clan was once again split on their path forward. No new attacks had been reported, but they all knew more were coming. Caxton’s plan to force the border clans into a rebellion had failed thus far, but it was only a matter of time. As long as that man was the English warden, peace was no longer an option.

  Whatever happened next, Reid would do as he was told. He would accept his place in the clan and focus on his soon-to-be wife. Follow his brother and chief, silently disagree with the elders, and thank the saints he had been lucky enough to earn Allie’s love.

  The very thought of finally being wed to her made him hard. He attempted to shift his thoughts. They would be wed soon enough, and he’d not dishonor her more so than he’d done already.

  Bloody hell. Neither his mind nor his body would comply.

  He thought he’d imagined the knock, at first. But when it became more insistent, he took a deep breath, waited a moment, and stood.

  When he opened the door, he was hit with a jolt of lust so powerful his cock instantly hardened once again. It was as if thinking about her had made his betrothed appear before him.

  A skill he would no doubt find useful.


  “What are you doing here, Allie?”

  He hadn’t intended for the question to come out so harshly, but Reid wasn’t sure how long he could resist her in his current state.

  She didn’t answer.

  Instead, she entered his chamber . . . a poor idea if ever there was one . . . and lifted her chin in defiance. Did she think he truly wished for her to leave?

  “I ask not because I would prefer for you to be anywhere but my bedchamber.”

  He took a step toward her, blood pounding through his veins.

  “In fact, I sat here thinking of you, cursing my own honor and the fact that Father Simon has insisted we follow custom in this.”

  “You were thinking of me?”

  She was as lovely as ever, her hair down, the way he liked it, and her smile sweet, but there was something different about her. He could not quite place it.

  “Aye, lass. I was.”

  If he reached out, he could touch her. God forbid he do such a thing and attempt to keep her virginity intact for the wedding. It simply would not happen.

  “What were you thinking about?”

  That was it. The difference.

  Allie was more confident.

  “I was thinking . . .” He looked down at her bulky cloak and wondered, for the first time, why such a garment was necessary. It was drafty, aye, but it certainly wasn’t that cold. “I was thinking of your sweet lips.”

  When she licked her lower lip, Reid was lost.

  “And how much I will enjoy saying the vows that will bind us together for life.” Lest she start to think him overly sentimental, he added, “And the feel of your legs wrapped around me.”

  Allie was up to something. He could sense it in her secretive smile.

  But he still nearly fell to his knees when she reached up to push her cloak back over her shoulders and revealed what was beneath.

  He found himself staring at a lace-trimmed, sheer chemise that skimmed her breasts.

  Reminding himself to breathe, Reid looked up and immediately lost his breath again. The adventurous glint in her eyes told him Allie knew exactly what she was doing.

  His soon-to-be wife was seducing him.

  “If I touch you now, you will
not say your vows a virgin,” he said honestly. His fingers itched to touch her, to undo the dainty ties that denied him a full view of the treasure that lay beneath.

  She didn’t answer. Instead, Allie took the last remaining steps between them and reached for him, the implication clear.

  His hands moved so quickly to the ties that Reid hardly had time to appreciate the soft fabric beneath his fingers. His mouth slammed against hers, their tongues tangling as he slid the chemise from her body and splayed his hands across her shoulders and back.

  As he explored, Allie began tugging on his tunic. Finally, he pulled back for long enough to lift the offending garment over his head. He tore off his trews too, kicking them aside, and then stood blessedly naked next to the woman who would be his wife.

  She laughed as he pulled her back to him. A lighthearted and joyous sound that he could not help but emulate. He was hard, ready, but Reid would not take her so quickly. Instead, he lifted her under the arms and carried her to the bed. They fell atop it together, grinning as if the world were simply perfect. Outside this chamber, it may not be. But here, with her . . .

  “I love you,” he whispered into her ear, using the opportunity to nip at her earlobe. Moving lower, he kissed her neck, tasting the sweetness he’d dreamed of as he made his way toward his goal. The sound she made when he took her breast fully into his mouth, tasting and kissing first one and then the other, set his blood afire.

  “More,” she breathed, the arch of her back telling Reid she was ready for him.

  Not yet.

  He lifted his head and captured her mouth once again, moving his hand downward until he finally found his goal. Ahh, so slick and ready for him. He moved his fingers slowly at first, not intending to bring her to climax just yet. But when he felt the vibrations of her moan against his mouth, Reid wanted more. He wanted her to cry out in ecstasy, and so he pressed and circled, his fingers and tongue working in tandem until he was rewarded.

  She broke from him and made a sound he vowed to hear every day of his life. Reid did not relent, making sure to draw out every last syllable of pleasure.


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