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Divine_Scream Page 1

by Benjamin Kane Ethridge


  A Novel


  Benjamin Kane Ethridge


  San Francisco

  Copyright © 2015 by Benjamin Kane Ethridge

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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  The views expressed in this work are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

  ISBN: 978-1-942712-19-0 (sc)

  ISBN: 978-1-942712-20-6 (ebook)

  Library of Congress Control Number: 2015933040

  Printed in the United States of America

  JournalStone rev. date: April 24, 2015

  Cover Design:Rob Grom

  Cover Photograph © Shutterstock.com

  Edited by: Aaron J. French


  Chapter 1


  The doctor was afraid. Jared didn’t need to be a mind reader to understand that much. The receptionist had stressed Jared make the appointment as soon as possible, and that had been prompted by the doctor’s review of his labs and the chest X-ray. He knew it had to be bad news. You don’t get a call if your labs are normal, typically. So why was the doctor shocked now? Shouldn’t he have been prepared, a week later, to lay it on Jared? Maybe he still wasn’t sure what the results meant, or maybe, being only a few years older than Jared, he had second-guessed himself. Either way, the doctor with the GI Joe-cropped blonde hair and shrapnel acne scars down his cheeks had a look of paralyzing disbelief on his face, and he hadn’t spoken a word for the past five minutes.

  When he finally did, Jared could hardly believe it.

  “I’m uh… would you excuse me for a moment? Since you’re new with me, I just want to verify something with Dr. Saxon.”

  “Verify?” asked Jared.

  “Just one of these results. I’m having—I mean, it’s probably me. Just, uh, yeah. I’ll be back in a jiff. Is there anything you want?”


  “Something to drink or something?”

  Jared shrugged. “I guess not.”

  “Hang tight, sir.”

  What else could Jared do but push back against the butcher paper on the exam bed? The crinkling sound embarrassed him, brought attention to the vulnerable state of being a broken human. Nervous as he was, he would sit and wait and do as he was told. At least they hadn’t made him get undressed and put on one of those big gowns made of napkin paper.

  Doctor GI Joe took one more look down at the papers in his folder, as though a second glance might strike him differently. It didn’t; he pressed his lips together in a well-meaning smile, probably for Jared’s benefit, and got the hell out of the exam room.

  I’m dying, thought Jared. Right away he felt disgusted with himself. You don’t know anything yet. Take a deep breath and wait to hear what the results are.

  But then there was that opposing voice, the little storm cloud to piss rain over any sunshine, which replied, With all those irregular heartbeats and that weird cough you’ve had—all that trouble breathing when you sleep—and now Doc Junior looks at the results like a chimp with a calculus problem. Signs point to very bad things, Jared. Sooner you accept it, sooner you can deal.

  “I’m not accepting it,” Jared whispered to the empty room. He scrubbed at the burning disquiet in his eyes. “And I won’t feel sorry for myself.”

  Lost your mom, lost your dad, and now you. Bam, bam, bam. Genetics is telling you something. Your family aren’t survivors.

  Jared squeezed his lips together between his fingers. They felt corpse dry.

  He searched around the room for distraction. Next to a bio-hazard waste disposal box mounted on the wall, a long poster detailed a cartoon man sliced in half with all his organs exposed. His gaze looked so serene… there was even a hint of a smile. What kind of a sick joke was that? It was mockery, put there just to disservice him. Hey there guy, here’s an example of brightly colored, untarnished organs, whereas all those fleshy things inside you, Jared, are probably black, brown, or polka-dotted with corruption.

  Jared inched forward on the butcher paper, trying to get a better look at the heart’s location in relation to where he’d felt the odd palpitations.

  The door opened quickly with a rapid knock-knock. Though unnecessary, it wasn’t much of a warning and Jared started. A triple heartbeat pulsed through his chest and a painful warmth spread down his left arm. The GI Joe lookalike stuck his head in. “Hey bud, just want you to know that Dr. Saxon will be coming over as well to discuss these results.”

  “I also have my dad’s old friend, Dr. Revel. For a second opinion. He reviews all my medical results as well.”

  GI Joe seemed uninterested. He peered back into the hallway and smiled a greeting at someone. Casting a furtive glance back at Jared, he said, “Well that’s a good thing if it makes you feel more secure, of course. Sure you don’t need anything to drink? Saxon said it’d only be ten minutes. I don’t recommend coffee, but we have water and juice.”

  “I’m fine.”

  With a nod, he gently closed the door and Jared let out a sigh that ran with shivers.

  What the hell is this about? Why are they torturing me?

  He took out his cell phone to call Kaitlin, but then remembered she had an audition. She’d probably tell him to chill the hell out anyway.

  Several minutes passed with Jared just listening to the murmuring sounds of receptionists behind the thin walls. He considered looking at Facebook or playing one of his phone games, but the bitterness in his mind made those options bleak and exceedingly depressing. A reddish shadow glided over the room and vanished near the window. Must have been a reflection from a passing car outside—except the blinds were shut, so that couldn’t be possible.

  Something clicked against the window. Jared knitted his brow. He was just jittery. That was certain.

  Several seconds later, the sound repeated.

  Most likely birds dropping things, or squirrels in the rain gutters. But then, there weren’t really any ideal squirrel trees around this part of the city, so yeah, probably birds…

  The sound came again, louder.

  Jared hopped off the exam table and drew the accordion blinds up with one tug. Several pebbles struck the window. He glanced down and beyond the rusted fire escape to a woman standing in the alley. He was awestruck. Even at a distance, it was clear she was damn beautiful, with a piercing intelligence behind eyes like Caribbean water. Her gaze locked onto his and she made a gesture to open the window. When he stood there, staring like a dumbass for a few moments, she moved several strands of hair off her shoulder, showing impatience, and made the gesture again. Her dark brown hair had waves of purple, blue, and magenta through it, but in the midday sun the streaks almost had a metallic quality to them. Jared had never seen such an effect from hair dye. Must have been a new punk rock thing. Probably so, since she wore some strange skin-tight gray jumpsuit, which had a military look, save for the V-cut neckline.

  Jared turned his eyes back to the door, expecting the doctor to burst in again. Knock-knock!

What the hell,” he muttered.

  The window latch was difficult to turn over, as though it hadn’t been opened in years, but the window itself came up so quickly it hit the framing above.

  “Were you calling to me?” he asked.

  “Hi up there,” she answered. “Can you help me out? My car—”

  How weird to ask someone up in a building for car help rather than find a nearby auto shop. Her beauty could capture all manner of greasy mechanics. “Sorry, don’t know anything about cars.” Jared reached to pull the window back down.

  “It’s only that I dropped my keys and kicked them under my car. I just need a longer arm to reach them. It won’t take a minute.”

  Her voice had a sweet-as-cherries, musical quality to it. That and the deep plunge of her neckline had Jared staring. When he realized his inappropriateness, he moved his eyes away. Classy. Way to stay a gentleman…

  Noting his silence she swayed a little, looking flighty. “You’re kind of my only hope right now.”

  Jared frowned. “I’m sure you can find someone down there.”

  “Look, it’ll only be a few minutes. Come on, there’s a fire ladder right outside. Or is the view too good up there?” She offered a luminous grin.

  Face flushing, Jared concentrated his attention on the brick wall behind her. “Wish I could help. I’m in the middle of something important. I’m really sorry.”

  “What can I do for a little assistance here? It’ll be quick. I swear.”

  “I shouldn’t be climbing ladders.”


  “Really, I should go—”

  She tilted her head. “You’re not scared of me are you? What will it take to convince you I’m friendly?”

  He looked back incredulously and before he could avert his eyes, she drew down her top and flashed her breasts.

  Jared nearly fell through the window. “Wh-wh-what, why—did you?”

  She put herself away and folded her arms, no hint of embarrassment on her face. “I like seeing you blush, and besides, you’re now obligated to help me. I gave you a freebie. It’s only fair. Hey, you were looking anyway—thought it might help you do the right thing.”

  “The right thing?”

  “Help this distressed woman who graciously, although briefly, shared her bosoms with you.”

  This had to be a fever dream. Jared shook his head, and yes, indeed, he was pretty damned lightheaded. “But I didn’t ask... I mean, I’m sorry, thank you for that, but I can’t help. I’ll get someone in the office here—”

  “Jared,” she said firmly. “Don’t be a baby. Get your ass down here. This is serious shit.”

  Her words slapped him into silence. He stood there at the window, blinking. “H-how did you know my name, are you—”

  The woman pointed to the ground. “Get down here. Now.” Her brown purple eyebrow arched. “Before I do something fancy and make you come down. Nobody can help you up there. Only I can. Move it. You are in grave danger.”

  A sharp point of truth stabbed through Jared’s inconsistent thoughts. He didn’t want to hear what those two doctors had to say, and this mystery woman knew him somehow. She knew his name and where to find him. Something about her tone of voice too. It reminded him of his childhood, no, his entire life, like she’d personally read aloud to him every memory that ever involved him. The sound was uncontaminated emotion, unmistakable. Riveting and terrifying. She almost sounded like… the voice of his conscience.

  For that and for all the fears he might escape here in the exam room, Jared poked through the window and grabbed hold of the fire escape. It was sturdier than expected and reminded him of climbing the one outside his parents’ apartment in LA as a kid. His heart beat strangely in its new rhythm as he carefully took the ladder off the side. Each of his steps on every rung were calculated with full prudence. He must have been going too slowly because the woman started gently slapping her hip and fidgeting.

  When his feet thankfully touched the ground, he said, “Okay, I need to get back. Where’s your—”

  Jared couldn’t get the rest of his words out. He was forced against the building.

  “What are—”

  “Quiet!” She pushed her body closer. Her hands wrapped around his and pressed his fingers down. Hot whispers tickled his ear: “Clench your fists.”


  “Clench your fists. Clench them. Stop the questions. Do it.”

  A myriad of considerations passed through Jared’s mind. She was going to rob him. She was going to hurt him. She’s a female serial killer. He had fallen into her trap to be murdered—over boobs.

  “Good,” she said in his ear. “Keep them shut. Don’t open your hands until I say so. Keep your voice low.”

  “Look, I’m far from being a rich man and…”

  Her body pressed harder into his and Jared’s heart made another strange throbbing lunge. This stress couldn’t be good for his condition, whatever that condition was. Then something else happened. He felt his body react to her closeness and he stiffened against her, despite all his confusion. The woman leaned back and her beautiful ocean eyes fixed on his. “Like me, huh?”

  “Come on, what is this—”

  “Shhh!” Her head whipped around and her eyes thinned on the far end of the alley. A figure ambled out with all the shrugging grace of a marionette. It must have been the distance, but the person appeared to be naked and badly burned from head to toe. A homeless person? The once Caucasian flesh had a bumpy, bubbled texture that clotted the skin up to the head, which was an even more disturbing sight: a skull exposing a glistening red brain that grew into an obscene nose with nostrils large enough for fists. In one of the clumpy hands, the person carried a small crossbow.

  Jared cried out and a hand immediately slammed over his mouth. It smelled faintly of ash and lavender. “Let’s scream on the inside,” said the woman, sparing no playfulness. “The scouts may be blind, but they aren’t deaf.”

  The creature stopped and watched the alley, its big nostrils dilating.

  Jared shivered. I’ve lost my mind.

  “Keep your fists closed,” she warned. “Otherwise the scout will smell your lifeline.”

  The scout moved back and forth for a moment, its brain erupting with blood that drenched the nose and its twisted shoulders. Up went the crossbow, quick and ready, and the scout took two measured steps forward and aimed straight for them. For a heartbeat. Then it aimed at a nearby dumpster. Taking a step backward, it angled the crossbow to the rooftops. The nostrils quivered into a loud snort that sounded like a prehistoric warthog. After a few silent moments, the scout withdrew and walked out of the alley, vanishing around the corner.

  The woman pulled at Jared’s wrist. “Let’s be on our way now, but keep your hands closed in the meantime. Tight. No opening them until I say.”

  Numbly, he let her take him a few paces away from the wall. In this moment of chaos, this upending of the natural flow of his life, Jared needed to focus on something tangible or he feared he’d panic. His head dropped and he noticed the woman had no shoes on. Surprisingly her feet looked clean and her toenails flawless. In a way, the perfection of them was almost stranger than the deformed scout.

  “I really need to get back to the doctor. There’s something really wrong with me,” he pointed out.

  “I agree,” the woman said, leading him on.

  “So you didn’t lose your car keys?”

  To this she chuckled and gave him a sly, backward look.

  Jared halted now. The woman wasn’t getting it. He was in trouble. His heart was failing. Maybe he wasn’t getting enough oxygen to his brain. Something was horribly wrong. He must have wandered out of the doctor’s office somehow. Who knows which events really happened? And in what order. But he was sick. Maybe most, or all of this, had been hallucinations.

  “I gotta go back,” he pleaded.

  “Jared, now is not the time to lose your shit.” She got closer and carefully studied h
im. A fond expression entered her already sweet face. “It’s nice knowing you can see me now. Never imagined I’d have this chance.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “That doesn’t matter right now. Your soul is in danger. I’ll explain more once we’ve reached relative safety—”

  “But how do you know me? What are you doing here? Where did you come from?”

  The woman was silent for a few seconds, seeming to consider whether she should say more. She checked the alley and bit her lip before relenting. “I’ve watched you my whole life. I’m an Utumm-Resona, or a banshee, if you like.”

  Jared’s brows knit. “A banshee? Are you joking?”

  “No, and in case you’re wondering,” she added, “we’re not ghosts and we’re not from Scotland.”

  “Wait a minute.” Jared grinned and wagged his finger at her. “This smacks of Kaitlin. Making fun of me for watching Lord of the Rings. She probably sent you and that guy in the burn victim suit, huh? Probably got the doctor in on this too, to freak me out?”

  “Rather elaborate for a prank, don’t you think? Especially for the likes of you, honey. No, no. Your pal Kaitlin’s got nothing to do with this. She’s at an audition in Burbank right now. Not doing that well either, I might add.”

  “So you do know her?”

  “I’ve watched everybody in your life and in many other lives. That’s my job, my duty, my curse, what have you. Understood? So let’s beat cheeks here.” She tugged at him again. “We can play catch-up once I transport us to the beach.”


  “You’ll see. That’s your only chance to be spared.”

  It all sounded so frank coming from her. Disturbingly frank. Jared felt the world unraveling around him. This had to be mental failure. There was no way. “No no no. Can’t be a part of this lunacy.” He stopped walking and waved his hands in a that’s enough gesture. “You’re very pretty, but either you or I have to be crazy. Or both maybe.”


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