Banshee Angel Of Judgement

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Banshee Angel Of Judgement Page 8

by Billy Young

  Her screeching cry brought the servants to their ungrateful master’s room to find the laird babbling demanding the make hast his coach. They had to calm him, though they were shocked by his appearance, enough to wait till morning before leaving never to return to his accursed castle mansion.

  And with his leaving so she became trapped in her existence to haunt the wood bringing fear to those who wandered the forest after dark.

  Chapter 15

  Micky pushed the car downward toward the centre of the ride with the other men so Charlie and Chippy could put the locking bolt in place. The men strained against the pressure of the hydraulic piston contained in the arm that pushed the cars out so they leaned at an astute angle when the ride was in operation.

  “A bit more,” Charlie egged the men on for an extra inch which they gave him. “Hold it there,” he said as he pushed the final bolt in to the hole then struck it with a large rubber hammer to drive it through to the other side.

  Chippie quickly put the locking nut on and began tightening it up as the men holding the car relaxed glad that it was the last of the cars.

  “Is that the last of them?” Andy asked from the side lines as there had been no space for him to help.

  “Yeah, that’s it,” Charlie said as he came round the car, “what have you got left to do?”

  “We’ve just got that over there to brush,” Micky pointed to the area that he and Andy had been just about to brush half an hour before. He noticed the sun had gone for another day as a mist began to form in the rapidly cooling air.

  “Well you better get cracking as here comes Sandra,” Charlie said as Micky’s boss turned the corner heading to where Micky was.

  “Yeah, the sooner it’s done the sooner I get home,” Micky stated before trudging to get his brush with Andy close behind.

  “How’s it going?” Sandra asked as Micky came closer.

  “Just got this little bit to do. We would have been finished but Charlie needed us for a hand with the last of the cars,” Micky explained as Andy stood besides him.

  “That’s fine, so you should finish that before you leave then?” She asked but didn’t expect an answer.

  “Yeah,” Micky replied anyway.

  “Good, good right I’ll just have a word with Charlie as you both finish up before the last of the light goes then,” she said then left the two men to get on with their task.

  Micky brushed as before whilst Andy used his shovel to break up the dried mud. They worked quickly with an urgency that they hadn’t had all day under the watchful eye of their boss. The night was coming on fast and the fog grew more substantial as the work progress to its end.

  “Well that looks like it,” Micky said feeling satisfied as he brushed the last of the soil from the path.

  “Thank god,” Andy felt tired from the day’s exertion.

  “I’ll just let Sandra know that’s us for the day and we’ll get off,” Micky said then turned heading towards where his boss stood chatting with the head of the maintenance.

  Micky waited till there was a gap in the conversation before speaking, “that’s us finished so we’ll be going now.”

  “Oh, that’s great,” she said looking round to see for herself, “okay I’ll see you tomorrow at quarter to eleven then and thanks for all the work.”

  “Quarter to eleven,” he repeated, “no problem, see you all in the morning then.” At that he turned happy to finally be on his way.

  As he left Charlie called after him, “hey, Micky remember not to go into the woods tonight or the ghosty might bite your arse,” with a hoot of laughter from all the other workmen.

  “I’ll just tell it you’ll give her a big kiss as that would scare anybody,” Micky laughed back at the maintenance man. Everyone joined him in his glee.

  “We’re not really going through the woods are we?” Andy didn’t like the idea but knew it was the fastest way home saving them at least twenty minutes.

  “Why? You don’t really believe all that shit about ghosts and stuff, do you?” Micky mocked his younger companion.

  “No, not really but I don’t want to find out I’m wrong,” Andy said trying to shrug off his apprehension.

  “Well if you are wrong just slide home on my shit,” Micky joked as they passed through the side gate.

  “Slide home on your shit? I’ll be sliding home on my own never mind yours,” Andy sound more jovial than he felt.

  “Well I’ll let you take the lead then,” Micky found this hilarious, laughing all the way into the cabin to collect their things. With their bags over their shoulders they left the cabin then turned left towards the woods and for home as Micky’s jollity subsided.

  “I’ll be glad to have a lie in tomorrow,” Andy said once Micky’s mirth died away.

  “Just don’t sleep to long ‘cause you’ve got work in the morning,” Micky still smiling reminded his friend.

  “Yeah, yeah I know but I still get a bit longer to snooze,” Andy relaxed forgetting about the local legend.

  “What you on tomorrow anyway?” Micky asked changing the subject.

  “I’m not sure I think it’s the Amazon Barrel Roll,” Andy said thoughtfully.

  “An easy day for you then,” Micky nodded.

  “What have you got?” Andy returned the question.

  “Me, the coaster over there,” he motioned to the ride they were approaching with his thumb, “The Witches Drop,” he added theatrically.

  “What’s that like?”

  “Alright when the parks busy as you’re kept going all day but just as boring as all the rest when it’s not,” Micky said knowledgably.

  “Do you think it will be busy tomorrow?” Andy asked.

  “No, not really, maybe Sunday or Monday it might not be to bad but the first day’s usually pretty dull,” Micky turned the corners of his mouth down as he spoke.

  “Why’s that?”

  “Just the way it is. Mind you they spent a fortune on advertising this year so you never know,” Micky didn’t think it would be any different this year even with the ads running on TV over the past week.

  “Yeah, I saw the ads on the box,” Andy said knowing he’d talked about them with Micky the other day. “My mum has been going on about them all week as well. She thinks it’s funny that I’m working here and there’s them advertising how much fun it is on the telly.”

  “Really,” Micky said unsurprised.

  “Yeah, she keeps saying that I’ll have no time for any fun,” Andy smiled.

  “Well, she’s wrong there because you can have as much fun with the punters as you want,” Micky knew just how good it was to joke along with the customers as well as wind them up if they looked scared or asked a silly question which happened all to often.

  On the horizon the day could be seen following the sun leaving the cold night to the rising moon to casting its light through the fog. The trees appeared as eerie figures reaching out of the mist at the men as they exited the park into the dark depressing forest. Andy gave a shiver though he didn’t feel the cold as yet.

  Chapter 16

  The mist glowed as the moonlight shone through it giving it an other worldly look. Trees were reduced to shadows of themselves, only the closest recognisable for what they were. The road vanished into the whiteness, which surrounded the two men, a short few yards before them as the mist grew thicker in the chilly night air.

  “Did you hear that,” Micky jokingly tried to worry Andy.

  “What?” Andy responded as his older friend had hoped.

  “I thought I heard something,” Micky said quietly as if afraid to be heard.

  “What?” Repeated Andy fear prickling at the back of his mind though he tried to dismiss it as he suspected that Micky might just be trying play a practical joke on him.

  “Well it sounded like a voice,” Micky continued his pretence.

  “I didn’t hear anything,” Andy lowered his voice as he began to be drawn into the gag, “what did it say?”

bsp; “Well it sounded like,” Micky paused for affect, “Andy!” He sprang towards the tall younger man suddenly as he shouted out his name.

  Andy jumped back almost losing his footing at the start that his friend had given him even though he had at first guessed this was his colleague’s intention. “You cunt!” He pushed the older man as he regained his balance, whilst Micky heehawed his glee.

  “Hoi, careful or I’ll get the ghost to you,” Micky said as he staggered into the verge by the road.

  “You started it,” Andy grinned back.

  “Just trying to lighten you up,” Micky giggled back.

  “Lighten me up or trying to scare the shit out of me so you can slide home faster?”

  “Well that is an idea,” Micky’s breath added to the mist.

  “You can do your own shitting if you want to go sliding anywhere,” Andy gave a shiver as the cold night began to seep in through his coat.

  “Getting a bit chilly,” Micky commented though he to could feel damp coldness of the fog.

  “Yeah,” Andy pushed his hands into his pockets for added warmth, “I’ll be glad to get home and get something to eat.”

  “What’s your mum making you?”

  “I told her I’d make something myself since I was working late tonight. What about you?”

  “No idea what ever the girlfriend has thrown together I suppose,” Micky shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly.

  “Oh, right I think I’ll just grab some roasted cheese or something. I’ve got a craving for roasted cheese though so I think I’ll just have that,” Andy could just about taste it as he made his decision.

  “Is that all?” Micky said incredulously at the thought of just having a couple of slices of roasted cheese after a long days work.

  “I make a pile of them,” Andy simply answered.

  “Still, it doesn’t sound like much,” Micky didn’t think Andy had thought about it enough, after all melted cheese on toast was more a lunch or supper than a main meal to him.

  “I’ll have plenty,” Andy knew he’d have half a loaf of bread and a bottle of cola to wash it all down, more than enough to fill him as he got on with his studies.

  “Well, I’ll be having more than some roasted cheese I hope.”

  “I’d laugh if when you got in that’s what your girlfriend had made up for you,” Andy chuckled at the thought of his friends face if that were true.

  “She’d try it and get told were to go,” Micky said defiantly.

  “Yeah and I bet she’d boot your balls for you,” Andy joked.

  “I’ll boot yours if you’re not careful,” Micky nudged Andy playfully in his side as both hooted with laughter.

  Out of the glowing fog the haunted house drifted into view looking more frightening to Andy’s eye cutting his jollity short as he glanced in its direction. Micky noticed the other man’s stiffening as he too looked at the crumbling facade.


  Andy gave a little jump at Micky’s shout. His heart raced, “Fuck, don’t do that.” The shock showed in his wide eyes as he stared at the hysterical figure next to him.

  “What?” Micky said after a moment innocently, a guilty wide grin plastered across his face.

  “You know what,” Andy’s heart still hammered away easing slowly back to its normal rate.

  “I don’t believe you’re so easily frightened,” Micky shook his head.

  “It just looks spooky that’s all,” Andy tried to excuse himself.

  “Cause it’s foggy,” Micky said with disbelief evident in his voice.

  “You don’t think it looks like something straight out of a horror film?” Andy asked trying to convince his friend.

  “No, where’s the green lighting effects to give it that creepy look,” Micky said as they past the old tumble down building with its rubbish strewn over grown little front garden.

  “Yeah, but I bet you’d not spend the night there by yourself,” Andy defended.

  “Why would I do that when I’ve got a nice comfy bed at home?” Micky countered before adding, “Anyway it looks like the witches ghost isn’t home.”

  “Well I’m still glad it’s behind us now,” Andy felt himself relax as the old house was left behind disappearing back into the fog as quickly as it had appeared.

  “Unless that was another old house,” Micky tried to continue the teasing, unsuccessfully.

  “Right and I’ll really believe that,” it was Andy’s turn to shake his head.

  “Well you never know till you try,” Micky said cheerfully.

  “I take it you’ll just be watching the telly tonight?” Andy asked more for something to say than real curiosity.

  “Probably, though I might play the Playstation for a bit if I can’t find anything on the box.”

  “What game are you playing?” He asked the older man.

  “Hitman 2, so what you up to?”

  “The studying that I was supposed to be doing last night but got railroaded from,” Andy hoped he’d get more revision done than he had the previous night.

  “Till you’re friend drops by again that is,” Micky remembered how it used to be when he was at school studying for his exams and how hard he found it to get the time to revise as there was always something or someone to distract him from the homework he had to do.

  “I hope not because I really need to get down and get some swotting done,” he said, “I know I’ve got plenty of time left before my exams but you know what its like.”

  “Yeah.” Micky smiled knowingly.

  A crying sound came through the mist, low plaintiff sounding like a child whimpering because they were lost, not sure where to get help. Both men look at each other then strained to see through the mist but saw nothing so picked up there pace to head along the roadway towards the sound.

  “Is someone there?” Andy called out.

  For a moment it went silent then crying came again in the same low whining way a child sounds. Still the men saw nothing but the trees on both side of them and the moonlit fog.

  “Hello!” Micky called out more forcefully than his younger partner had a moment before. The crying continued this time without stopping.

  Out of the mist a shadow appeared that turned quickly into a figure crouching, arms wrapped around the legs, face buried into its knees sobbing, white looking, long flowing hair hiding the side of her face. The small figure shook as the sobs grew in intensity. The girl wore a dress with a high waistline, short sleeves, which looked more like a nightdress than something that you’d wear on a cold foggy night.

  Both men approach the girl, concern evident on their features. “Hello, are you alright?” Micky said quietly trying not to frighten the young girl.

  “Are you lost?” Andy added as they came closer to the crouched figure.

  The crying stopped as they stood looking down at the strangely dressed figure for such a chilly night. Andy reached down to touch the child’s shoulder but halted as the figure lifted its head and in one motion rose and turned towards them.

  The men stood transfixed by the white eyes, twisted flattened nose, gaping mouth filled with sharp broken teeth. As it began to straighten, talon like fingers reached out to Andy’s wrist, eyes locking on his. A scream emanated from the creature, sending waves of fear through Micky as Andy was caught in a trance, fixed by the creatures gaze.

  Micky grabbed out to his friend pulling him away from the ghastly apparition as it was about to grasp hold of Andy’s wrist. Micky dragged his colleague back along the way they had come.

  Andy didn’t know where he was at first as he was hauled along stumbling as they went then pulled back to his feet.

  “What the fuck was that?” Micky shouted out of breath as Andy finally came to his senses and began to move of his own accord.

  “Oh God,” Andy whimpered.

  “Come on it’s alright what ever it was its back there,” Micky assured the younger man.

  “Are you sure….” Andy’s voice trailed off as ahea
d the screaming figure appeared out of the fog, hair flowing, arms stretched out toward them.

  The men veered to the left into the woods to escape the screaming spectre. The sound causing chills to race up their spines. Adrenalin sending their hearts racing, pounding so hard that they were sure they would burst out of their chests.

  They crashed through stinging branches that clawed and seemed to lash out at them. Andy stumbled again then Micky fell. Andy continued on after finding his balance again, without his buddy for a moment before noticing he wasn’t there. He stopped to return for Micky as the other man staggered to his feet. The two men crashed into each other as silence fell on them.

  “What the fuck was that?” Micky asked again as they pushed away from each other.

  “I don’t know and I don’t want to find out,” Andy answered his tall slender frame shaking from the panic he felt within.

  “Where are we anyway?” Micky scanned the foggy wooded surroundings hoping to see something that would let him know.

  “No idea,” Andy also began searching for some clue. “I knew we should have went the long way.”

  “A bit late now,” Micky felt Andy was blaming him.

  The scream came out of the mist again. They froze for a moment trying to make out where it came from then they began backing up unsure where the sound was emanating from but feeling safer just moving.

  They turned as one, jogging at first, gaining speed as the screeching seemed to grow closer. Tree branches reached out for them but went unnoticed unless getting to close to their faces which were then brushed away by raised arms to save them from further scratches as they weaved, lost amongst the vegetation trying to escape the chilling sound that drove them on. Sweat stung at their eyes as it ran down their foreheads, breath billowed out of mouths in clouds as they gasped for air.

  “We need to find the road,” Micky wheezed.

  “Which way though?” Andy coughed out.


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