“Is anything which has been served to us or is to be served to us, poisoned?” he asked in general.
A few of the Q’Herindam looked surprised and shook their heads.
“Please reply audibly.” Arwhon told them.
There was a scattering of denials from both the males and females seated around them. The Ring on Arwhon’s finger did not detect any lies. He lifted his hand and showed the Ring to the Q’Herindam.
“This is Durhain’s Ring of Truth. I will know if you lie, as the Ring allows me to hear the underlying truth behind any lie you speak. We are going to discuss the future of the Q’Herindam. I believe we don’t have to wipe you all out but there will be changes for you to make, the first and most important is, to stop trying to kill off the Race of Man.”
Arwhon looked at the Q’Herindam opposite, gauging their reactions before continuing.
“The second point is this. I have learned that originally, there were seven races of beings created. We have recently discovered one I never knew existed. All races must be free to govern themselves. That includes the Luper also.”
Such a short statement but it immediately created a major stir among the Q’Herindam around the table, shifting in their seats as expressions of discontent raised several voices, until one of the females, Bahrinda, asked.
“But who will carry out the manual labour and all the day to day menial tasks? Not us surely.”
Arwhon chuckled and turned to a Luper servant standing behind him to ask, in the Luper tongue, if he would like to be rewarded for the work it performed for the Q’Herindam. The Luper looked puzzled for a moment but then smiled, his lips peeling back to expose the sharp canines beneath in a wolf like smile. The reply was in the affirmative. The Q’Herindam were amazed to hear Arwhon converse in the Luper language. The language of slaves, the learning of which was beneath them.
“This individual would be happy to keep working for you as he does now but for some sort of ongoing payment or privileges. I assume the other Luper in your service would like this also. It will take a while for you to work out, as some of your slaves will want to go to their homes and a few Q’Herindam will need to learn the Luper language to enable discussion between you. We have offered land in the unsettled areas of northern Myseline to some of the Luper soldiers you sent there and they will no doubt want to take their families back to live with them. The Luper are now counted as a People in Myseline and before long they will be in the rest of the Lands also.”
There were mutterings across the table but before long, conversation was again flowing back and forth. The Q’Herindam had been isolated by their fanaticism for far too long and the women in particular were hungry for knowledge of the rest of the lands. The talks went on long into the night but eventually a consensus was reached. Arwhon took the word of those present that the changes discussed would be implemented and he promised to send an envoy to them soon. One whose task it would be to help advise the Q’Herindam on their transformation.
Before the evening drew to a close, Arwhon had one more question for those present.
“Do any of you know how to stop the worms which are eating the Darkwood of the M’Herindar?”
The Q’Herindam opposite looked stricken and once again it was Bahrinda who answered.
“The worms were bred over many years from ‘dahalin’, a small parasite which occasionally attacks trees. Magic was used to ‘bend’ them into something new but they are not magic themselves, just far more voracious and hardy. They also produce a toxin. We sent Luper to drop a large number into the Rift near the far shore. I’m sorry. We don’t know how to stop them. Some of the Mages you killed might have.”
Arwhon nodded. “Never mind, we’ll just have to work something out with Ch’ron. Thank you for your honesty though.”
It was late and all four of them were tired from the day’s momentous labours. So Arwhon bade their hosts goodnight and they were shown to their sleeping quarters by happy Luper servants. After placing wards all about themselves, the four friends slept soundly.
They left the next morning, carrying news of freedom to all the Luper villages they passed through on their way back to Forbidden.
18. The Darkwood Revisited.
Crossroads was starting to feel like home for Arwhon, Shiri and Cringle, who had been there so often of late. Kuiran was also feeling at home, especially after a hot bath and meal at the Black Butt Inn. The four travellers, were now relaxing in the downstairs lounge, sat in a corner, nursing drinks and trying not to draw attention to themselves, although that was impossible. However, the other patrons respected their wish for privacy and didn’t bother them. Duran and Rancid also approved of the establishment, as the stables were competently manned and they were well cared for.
The only wrinkle in an otherwise perfect evening was Escarion’s curiosity, as he hadn’t been to Crossroads before and everything in the city was new to him. He tried accessing Cringle’s memory for the information but it wasn’t quite the same and poor Cringle found his head swivelling from side to side as Escarion took everything in but Cringle was patient with him. How could he be anything else with the other occupant of his head?
“The Garrison Commander seemed more than relieved the threat of invasion is over,” Arwhon commented, “but I suggested he leave a few men in Forbidden.”
“It could be a good idea,” Kuiran offered. “We had to deal with a rogue Q’Herindam Mage who attacked us here on our way to meet you. He told us Q’Herindam Mages had been sent out to all major centres after you were trapped in their fortress. If he wasn’t lying, there is still some threat from them.”
Arwhon looked thoughtful as he replied.
“We’ll need to try locating and identifying any dispersed Mages on our travels but I think they’ll probably keep their heads down when they learn of the obliteration of most of the Q’Herindam’s strongest Mages and the new order in the Forbidden Lands.”
“They may have to rename Forbidden,” enjoined Cringle. “Now that the threat of the Q’Herindam is gone.”
Arwhon’s response was mindful.
“I think the present name will serve as a reminder to folk that the Q’Herindam still require their privacy. The same sort of privacy the M’Herindar enjoy in the Darkwood. I sense Forbidden will become a more attractive place as it losses the ‘greasy’ feel of Q’Herindam dark magic. I know I will be happier if I have to pass through it again.”
Kuiran looked up from the huge tankard nestled in his equally huge hand.
“Now that Krissi has grown to full size, you can fly to wherever you want to go in the lands far quicker than the rest of us can ever journey there. So, what do you aim to do after we’ve visited the Darkwood?”
Arwhon looked at Shiri, who had raised a quizzical eyebrow but tried not to giggle.
“I must see my Grandmother and Raleen in Belvedere but after that I’m thinking of marrying a M’Herindar Princess and retiring to my farm. What about you?”
“Raleen and I will marry too. She really likes Trading and I think she wants to go back to Wyalon and become your Grandmother’s agent over there. Suits me. It will be good for a while and I’ll be near the Sealy Court. I would like to keep up my contacts there, especially with Ssarista.”
They all turned to Cringle who paused with his mug halfway to his lips before continuing on to take a mouthful of the local brew before he answered.
“What do I want to do? Well, provided I am no longer Servant, I think I would like to eventually journey south to find Lynbrook and the Kin of S’Ria. The Escarion part of me would like that and I’m too young to settle down at the moment. Before I venture there though, there is a huge favour I would like to ask of you all.”
Shiri could see Cringle was having difficulty in asking them for a favour so she helped him out.
“Cringle, dear Cringle. You have gone through so much for us and your loyalty has never been in question. Ask your favour from your friends, we will gladly hear it.”
Cringle remained uncertain for a moment as he looked from one face to the next. Finally he sighed and spoke up.
“As you know, I was left here in Crossroads many years ago and thought myself an orphan but now having learned of my Mother, I want to journey to Cheshwon to try to find her. I would like you all to accompany me.”
Arwhon and Shiri exchanged glances and she gave him a tiny nod, undetectable to anyone not looking for it. Cringle sat still, waiting uncertainly for a response. It was not long in coming. Kuiran had an idea.
“Why don’t we all sail around to the Capital of Cheshwon on Jalwynd? Raleen and I will be heading for Wyalon and can break our journey for a while. Duran, Rancid and Vixen can be transported with us below decks and I’m sure Krissi would be up for it. Arwhon and Shiri could ride back to their farm in The Broken Lands after we help you out. And of course, Cringle, you can take the dangerous journey south to Lynbrook from Cheshwon after you’ve completed your search for your mother.”
Cringle let out a long, held-in breath and looked to Arwhon for confirmation which was not long coming. The smile which wreathed Cringle’s dark Cheshwon features broadcast genuine happiness.
The conversation drew to a close and they all went up to bed. Each of them wove their own wards for protection from magical attack because even though the threat from the Q’Herindam homeland had been resolved, there could still be a few lone Q’Herindam Mages left, still intent on destroying Man.
Next morning, when they sat down for breakfast, Arwhon turned to Cringle.
“I’ve been thinking Cringle and I’m afraid I have some disappointing news for you. Cristal and Raleen need to know we’re safe, that we all survived and everything went well. The rest of us have to go to the Darkwood for Ch’ron’s sake, so that leaves you to carry the good news to them.”
Cringle felt a little left out, he really wanted to go to the Darkwood again but he was just the Servant and it befell him to do his duty. However, Escarion’s voice spoke up inside his head where only Cringle could hear it.
‘Don’t be a fool Cringle. We’ve fought beside them and were as instrumental as any in the defeat of the Q’Herindam. You’ve earned your place at the side of these folk and therefore at their table. You are every bit as good as them but still, someone has to go south and as you don’t have kin in the Darkwood, it falls to us. So put on a smile and get involved.’
Cringle had seemed a little downhearted at the news but was brightening up even as Arwhon spoke to him again.
“After you’ve given my Grandmother and sister the good news, wait for us in Belvedere and when we all return, we’ll plan for that trip to Cheshwon. We’ll find your mother, if she’s still living.”
Cringle brightened up and the expression on his face changed slightly as his blue eyes twinkled.
“Escarion is looking forward to conversing with Cristal again. He likes the old lady.”
Breakfast over, the horses were saddled and the little party gathered outside The Black Butt to farewell Cringle who mounted up and rode off south, turning in his saddle to wave, just before he clip-clopped out of sight on his way to Belvedere. When he was gone, Arwhon and Shiri mounted up and set off with Kuiran in the lead, striding out, carrying his staff.
Cringle and Vixen rode along the Great South Road at an easy pace. Although he was tasked with delivering the news to Cristal and Raleen, Cringle decided he might as well enjoy his ride. He counted his blessings again and felt strong and confident alone, apart from Escarion who would now be a lifetime companion and it was refreshing to just be.
Vixen had developed a strong affection for Cringle and was now a willing and robust mount. She was also happy to be heading south, back toward Belvedere where she came from and the pace she travelled at was comfortable as was the new saddle.
Day after day, with the grass of the Barsoom Plains on their left, the two of them forged south. There was a minor inconvenience when a small group of cutthroats, probably a remnant of Empress Martine’s army, tried to hold him up. It felt good not to have to use his knife, although Ironfist’s gift was his most prized possession, instead relying on Escarion’s ability and defeating the ruffians with Air. He left a confused tangle of bandits unhorsed beside the road.
Later, when Cringle reached the wall across the Great South Road which marked the start of Southland’s territory, he reported the band of thieves to the Gate Commander, who said he would investigate. It was only a few more days riding before Cringle arrived at Belvedere, thankful to see the white gleaming walls from miles away as he rode the final stretch toward them. Passing through the gates was actually pleasurable. Thanks to Merdon’s tutelage, Cringle knew Belvedere inside and out but now was not the time to dwell on that as he had messages to deliver.
He had only just been admitted to the courtyard of Cristal’s Mansion and dismounted from Vixen when Cristal came bounding through the doorway like a young girl closely followed by Raleen with Mendle puffing along behind. Someone must have been keeping watch from the windows.
“Cringle. Is he alright? What happened? Where’s Arwhon? Where’s Kuiran? Is Shiri okay? Is anyone harmed? Oh, where are they? What of the Q’Herindam?”
The questions flew thick and fast from both Cristal and Raleen who were virtually dancing around him. Cringle looked at them both and a mischievous twinkle shone in his blue eyes. With the tiniest of gestures, Cristal and Raleen found themselves quietened with gags of Air. As they stilled, their eyes widened in surprise, Cringle spoke.
“Everyone is well and uninjured. We rescued Arwhon and the Q’Herindam have been defeated. Arwhon, Shiri and Kuiran have gone to the Darkwood where they hope to cure Ch’ron as well as talk over the Q’Herindam defeat with Vehrin’del. They will be here before too many weeks have passed. Arwhon asked me to bring you the news and wait for him here.”
Cringle waved his hand and the Air gag disappeared. Cristal stepped forward and shook a finger at him, a smile on her face.
“Have some respect young man. Don’t you shut me up like that again,” she said before pulling him into a hug. “Thank you Cringle, I think I’ll make you an honorary member of our family. Now come inside and have something to eat and tell us the whole story.”
As Vixen was led away by a stable boy, Cringle, arm in arm with Cristal on one side and Raleen on the other, was marched into the house to tell of their adventures.
The Darkwood loomed in the distance. Each member of the little group felt some excitement at their return to the home of the M’Herindar. Shiri and Kuiran had their family there, Arwhon was an honorary M’Herindar and had a M’Herindar name, Arhon’dal, which all in the Darkwood knew.
As they approached the shade offered by Ch’ron, Rangers could be seen stepping forward and waiting for them to enter under the trees. As they did, the Rangers formed up and walked beside them. Greetings were given and received and news was exchanged between the two groups. The most startling piece of news being Ch’ron’s current state of health. The mighty, giant forest was struggling just to maintain his awareness as vast areas of trees had died since the last time Arwhon, Shiri and Cringle had visited the Darkwood. Soon, they were informed by the Rangers, the Darkwood may die and the being known as Ch’ron cease to exist.
Here at least, in the Southern part of the Darkwood, the trees and underbrush were still healthy and all of the travellers appreciated the cool, clean air and soft light under the canopy. Filtered sunlight drifted down and Kuiran, who had spent a lot of time underwater lately, marvelled at the similarity between what they were travelling through and the kelp beds around Wyalon. Arwhon called a halt when he saw the tears on Shiri’s face.
“What is it Shiri?”
“Oh Arwhon, I’m sorry. It’s just Ch’ron. I started to converse with him when we rode under the trees but he sounds so sick.”
Arwhon jumped down from Duran and strode over to a tree and placed his hand on the smooth bark. Immediately he felt Ch’ron’s presence. The Tree and he sharing a special bon
d ever since Ch’ron remade his body and mind after the rescue of the Barsoomi heirs.
“Ch’ron, it’s me, Arwhon back within you. How are you coping with the worm invasion?”
“Arwhon? Is it you? The worms trouble me and they breed so quickly. They have taken over large areas of the Darkwood and I cannot rid myself of them. Soon I will be no more. In another week or two, the worms will have eaten me to an extent where I will loose consciousness. Please help me.”
“I will old friend, I’m much more powerful in my magic now and I will teach you a spell you can use yourself to rid your roots of the problem. We will be in Al’hera in two days and I’ll join with you there.”
Ch’ron radiated gratitude as Arwhon stepped away from the tree and mounted Duran. He turned to Shiri.
“We must hurry to Al’hera. I think I can help Ch’ron but it will be a close thing to get it done before he loses consciousness. Besides, we can’t keep the Queen waiting.”
Shiri’s response was to immediately urge Rancid forward at a fast trot which the others were forced to match. Kuiran and the Rangers easily kept up, mile after mile gliding away underfoot. By the end of the following day, the Rangers had delivered them to Al’hera where the Queen, already informed of their arrival by Ch’ron, was waiting for them.
Forgoing tradition Vehrin’del strode over to where Shiri was dismounting and enfolded her in loving arms.
“Daughter mine, I am so pleased to see you. The Wise Ones have been having terrible visions lately and the future has been in much flux. No one knew what the outcome might be.”
Vehrin’del turned to greet Kuiran and put her arms around his waist, looking up into his broad, genial face.
“My Son, you have travelled far and I feel great changes in you. There’s a lot to talk of Kuiran and we will find time for that.”
The Queen let him go and turned to Arwhon, bowing her head a fraction.
The Q'Herindam Page 36