The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 37 - 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women

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The Ultimate Erotic Short Story Collection 37 - 11 Steamingly Hot Erotica Books For Women Page 15

by Rebecca Milton

  After she had taken the last of her notes, she stepped aside to let Mrs. Collins out from behind her desk and follow her into the board room for the morning meeting. She walked behind Mrs. Collins half way to the board table and then quickly walked ahead of her, to hold her seat as Mrs. Collins sat and raised her gavel, just as Sarah was seated also.

  The meeting was without any real surprises. That was good, because all that Sarah could focus on was the men at the meeting. There were about half a dozen men on the staff and all of sudden Sarah was noticing each and every one of them. They ranged in ages, and build and type, yet today, each of them had an attraction of their own.

  Sarah started focusing on each face. She started imagining what each would say to her. No, no, that wasn’t it all. She didn’t care what they said. She cared how they would feel. She imagined herself slowly going down the line of elegant business chairs and stopping at each one to see how each man felt. She would start with their lips. She would move on to behind their ear, and work her way down.

  She looked at each one intensely. She had never looked at any of the men she worked with before. And now, much to her surprise, she was finding each and every one of them attractive. ‘It might take a week or so, but I’m sure I can get to know all of them well,’ she heard herself think. Immediately she looked down at her shoes. This was not like her at all. Where was her game face? Where was her game mind? She must pull herself together.

  She was fortunate to get through the meeting with hopefully no one noticing her distraction, and when the gavel hit the second time, Sarah made a bee line for her office, supposedly to start her assignments right away.

  As soon as she got to her desk, she grabbed her purse and yelled into the intercom to Nancy, “I’ll be back.” Sarah didn’t care to look to see how others reacted this time down the hall way. She just needed to get out of the office and get her head together. Usually about this time she would go down the street to Beans and get an Espresso. Maybe the habit would put her morning back into place.

  Once Sarah got to Beans the normal office crowd was there. The normalcy of her actions was not helping her one little bit. It fact something was making things quite worse. Now she was mentally undressing everyone from the construction worker in front of her, the kid behind the counter and the man in the three piece business suit at the far table in the right corner.

  When it was her turn in line she heard the voice say, “Your usual Ms. Hall and just nodded, hoping that she had her cool collected smile showing. When she was handed her espresso she slinked into a table for two and held her head down sipping, trying desperately not to notice anyone.

  ‘What has got into me?’ she asked herself. ‘I still love Tom. Don’t I? We are just going through a slump, right?’ Sarah was not finding any answers to her questions and only doubted herself and her marriage more and more with her questions. ‘I bet Tom does the same thing,’ she justified to herself. ‘In fact, he probably does it every day. Maybe that’s why it’s so easy to make the bed every morning.

  “S'cuse me? You live here?” Sarah was jolted out of her thoughts by the man that had been sitting in the far right corner. She had lived in the city her whole life. She knew how to ignore strangers, no matter how handsome they were. She turned her head and pretended not to hear him. She waited for him to walk away, but her persistently stood there waiting for an answer.

  After several uncomfortable moments Sarah noticed he had put something on the table and was pushing it toward her. Just as she was about to shout for help, she read the business card. “I am not a bum, I am a business man. I just need some directional help.”

  The business card read, Claire’s, a well-known exclusive women’s accessory business in Italy. The magazine had only dreamed of getting them to sponsor something, anything. Well, even though he was handsome, it wasn't any reason to be rude. Maybe she could talk to him about business. Business? I got some business I’d like to discuss with him……..Stop it! she mentally fought with herself.

  “I’m so sorry, how may I help you? My name is Sarah Hall,” she said as she extended her hand to the man and nodded her head for him to join her.

  “Thank you. My name is Anton Allegro I just came from Paris, France, on business. I live in Rome, Italy. I am just trying to find some information,” Anton said, not taking the offer of a seat yet. He wasn’t quite sure about this woman.

  “I’m sure I can help you. I’ve lived here my entire life,” said Sarah. This time, she did not have her game smile on. She was bursting at the seams. Maybe this was exactly what she needed, just an innocent cup of coffee with a man with an accent. OK, a gorgeous man, with an Italian accent from Paris, France of all places. Maybe this would be a quick fix.

  Hesitantly Anton sat down, but he did agree to sit with her. That had to be a good sign. He slid the map in front of Sarah. “I have one day to sight see here. Can you offer any suggestions?” he asked.

  “Do you want to see the normal, or a few things not common in the travel books?” Sarah asked as she looked at the typical sites everyone came to the Big Apple to see.

  “I guess, I would like a little bit of both. I mean, to see something special would be nice, but to miss the obvious would not make much sense either,” Anton said with a smile. “Do you understand?”

  “Of course, let me see,” said Sarah as she moved closer into the travel book, and thereby closer to Anton.

  “I have only one day, I must make the best of my time,” said Anton. Maybe Sarah was imagining it, but she was sure that he was looking at her, when he emphasized, ‘best of my time’.

  “I think our best use of time with what is left of the morning would be to take a sightseeing boat. Then we can get in most of the city at once, and can decide where we want to go from there,” said Sarah, willing herself not to look into his eyes, and kiss him. Well, not yet.

  “Agreed,” said Anton, with a smile that Sarah felt sure was knowing.

  Sarah and Anton gathered their things, got refills for their coffee and started walking toward the docks. Sarah was able to point out several businesses that were ‘old family’ and ‘old town’. She knew that it meant something to her that they were still there, and hoped it did for Anton also.

  He seemed very interested, and she liked that. When was the last time that Tom had taken any interest in the city, other than who could be a client, who could make him winning salesman this month?

  Sarah heard her phone register a message and grabbed it out of habit. “Office,” she said to Anton as she pulled it out of her bag. He nodded in an understanding way, and she started to look at the screen as the kept walking towards the dock.

  ‘How is your day?’ said the message, with Tom written beside it. Sarah could not believe the timing. She had a swift thought that she should tell Anton that she was sorry that they needed her at the office. But just as quickly she dismissed it and decided to turn her phone off.

  “It’s nothing,” she said to Anton. And just as easy as that, she felt it to be so.

  They just made the deadline for buying tickets for the sight-seeing boat that would start in about fifteen minutes. They got on board and were even able to find good seats. A waiter came around offering drinks, and for once Sarah did not think of work, or her game plan. She only thought of the romance of linking arms with Anton and sipping champagne as they viewed the city.

  All the time that they were supposed to be sight-seeing Sarah only saw Anton. She noticed everything about him from the way he moved his hands when speaking, the gentle lilt in his voice.

  She noticed the tightness of the rear of his pants, and what a pleasing shape it made. And she noticed the way his shoulders were strong and erect, as if truly they could hold the weight of her world. She wasn’t quite sure what the weight was she was carrying, but she knew she would willingly give it to him in a heartbeat.

  Sarah mentally undressed Anton at every opportunity that her mind went at play. But even more exciting was that she believed he was
doing the same.

  They had three glasses of champagne together. A photographer came around and took their picture. They asked for two, and knew that it was the immediate that made this time so special. Neither one expected to talk to each other again. But for now, they were happy and a lovely couple.

  When the boat docked they got off and started walking back toward the city. “Where would you like to go next? What caught your fancy?” asked Sarah.

  “There is only one thing that caught my fancy, Sarah and that is you. You are where I would like to go next,” Anton spoke matter-of-factly. Not as a man that was cold, but a man that knew what he wanted and decided to ask for it. “My motel is not far from the coffee shop where we met. Would you like to have lunch with me there in my room?”

  Sarah nodded. She did not feel the need for words anymore. In fact, they seemed so small in comparison to the moment. Anton did not wait for an answer. He gently guided her arm down the street toward the cozy old Clairmont Hotel.

  They entered and Anton led her to the elevators in such a manner that no one would have believed that they had not been together for years. Sarah looked both ways in the hallway, to see if anyone was watching. Anton looked nowhere except the lock to put the key into and straight into Sarah’s eyes, with a smile.

  That was all it took. She no longer was embarrassed or self-conscious. She believed that she was meant to be here this moment, with this man and she was not going to miss a second of it with worry or second thoughts.

  When they entered the room Sarah was amazed at the elegance. The room was actually a suite and was filled with elegant, yet not overdone antiques, of an age when the city truly was at its best. She walked in and let her eyes take it all in from left to right. She left her fingers slide on the roll top desk near her. Everything was perfect. There was no doubt.

  Anton watched her from near the door, smiling and enjoying just the sight of her, and especially the sight of her happy. But he knew he could make her happier and he was anxious to do so.

  Anton put his keys down on a shelf near the door. He took off his jacket and neatly hung it on a chair. Then he walked in front of Sarah, started toward the bedroom and playfully motioned her to follow him. She followed after first leaving her purse on the seat of the chair where he had hung his jacket. She took off the taupe heels that had been such a quandary this morning, gently kicked them under the chair and marveled at home long ago that had been in her life now. This morning was forever ago.

  By the time Sarah reached the bedroom Anton was under the covers in the bed. He patted the empty side of the bed and smiled. Sarah wordlessly undressed in front of him. She looked him straight in the eyes as she removed each article and was pleased with his response. His eyes did not stay locked into hers. They followed her every move and nodded and smiled, ever so slightly with each new unveiling.

  When Sarah was completely unveiled before him, she climbed onto the bed and unveiled Anton by removing the covers. This time it was his turn to watch her eyes as she surveyed all that was Anton and found it good. She mounted herself on top of him, and then lowered her naked body onto his. She took one hand and caressed his face and hair as she opened her mouth for a long kiss.

  Anton kissed back, he kissed hard and she returned with the intensity. He rolled and she soon found his eyes looking down into hers and smiling. He stood on his knees, took his hands and started making small circles with his thumbs around her nipples. Sarah laughed in glee and ecstasy. “This is only the beginning,” said Anton, as he bent down to kiss her hard again.

  With Tom, Sarah always took the lead. She seemed to look at it as some business deal that she had to to be in charge of. She never allowed Tom to take the lead but now, she felt only fullness that Anton and she were equal partners in this love-making. Back and forth they went. Rolling back and forth taking turns mounting the other and only concerned with giving each other pleasure. No, not pleasure, ecstasy.

  Sarah took a finger and gently made a line from the middle of his chest all the way down to the interior of each of Anton thighs. She found her way to his penis and covered it with kisses. She went to cover it with her lips and he stopped her saying, “Not so soon, be patient.” She smiled and yielded to his next move whatever it would be.

  Once again Anton rolled on top of her. He started kissing her forehead moving down each and every inch of Sarah’s body. At first she started to laugh then as he kissed the gentle inside of her thighs she released and melted into just the feeling of Anton’s touch. There was no sound, there was no time, there was no separateness — there was only touch.

  Anton took his hand between Sarah’s legs and massaged her private area until she thought she would scream from pure joy. But just as she thought she would, he would slow down and she would melt once again.

  This time he put his finger inside of her and relished the joy of once again, over and over bringing Sarah to the brink and then letting her melt again into only his touch, his will. He willed her back and forth, until she had no thought, no knowledge of anything except her body under the persuasion of Anton.

  Just when Sarah felt that she could bear no more, that she was exhausted and exhilarated at the same time, Anton whispered into her ear, “Now.” He rolled over placing himself under her.

  At first Sarah did not think she could do anything. She was as a rag doll with her head on his chest. Then she felt his manliness start to rise and touch her. It immediately quickened her heart and places deep inside of her and soon she found herself wanting the finish what she had started earlier.

  Sarah’s head moved rhythmically up and down and Anton’s body willingly surrendered to the motion. She often changed the intensity time and again taking him to the brink and back just as he had her.

  She had never experienced this kind of equality in sex and she knew that forever more it would be all she would hunger for. After a while she no longer had thought in what she was doing. She let the ebb and flow of Anton’s body make the decisions. She soon had the same feeling as before. There was only now, there was only the feeling of their two bodies as one.

  Just as Sarah felt the ecstasy and exhaustion again Anton gently took his hand and rolled her onto her stomach under him. Just as Sarah thought she could stand no more, she was renewed with the vigor of Anton inside of her. She responded to each ebb and flow that he made. He also kissed her in the most sensitive parts of her neck and back.

  He never stopped kissing; he never stopped moving, even as he filled her to over-flowing. This was the only sound that she made. She had never heard this sound emit from her before. Anton also sighed from the deepest most content part of himself. He slid himself down beside her and they gently wrapped themselves in each other.

  Finally, Anton spoke. “Nice lunch?”

  Sarah answered, “Exquisite.”

  “I have a plane to catch. Please do not go before I do,” Anton said, still embracing her. Sarah nodded and watched him as he went to shower. She still had no thoughts, she only basked.

  When Anton came out Sarah once again took in all of him. She knew there would never be a second time. There didn’t need to be.

  Once he was dressed, he zipped his suitcase closed, went into the front room to put on his jacket and set his suitcase by the door. He walked back into the room, sat down on the bed and kissed Sarah one last time. They never said another word to each other. There was no need.

  Without looking back and without Sarah waving, Anton walked out of the bedroom door shutting it behind him. She then heard the front door of the suite open and shut also. She lied there still for several moments. She realized that she had become Sarah again this afternoon. She wanted to continue. And she wanted to give Sarah back to Tom, her husband.

  Sarah slowly got out of the bed, showered and dressed. She took her time and did not rush, but allowed herself to feel the sensation of each action. She went into the main room and sat at the roll away desk. She picked up her cell and turned it on and texted to her husban

  Can you come home early?

  Is everything OK? he texted back.

  It will be. Meet me at home and see. she continued.

  An hour? he responded.

  I’ll be waiting. she wrote.

  Then she texted Nancy at work that she was fine and got caught up in a great idea for a story and was researching it. Nancy started to text back problems that needed to be solved, but Sarah was not allowing that to enter her afternoon.

  She quickly responded that she had every confidence that Nancy knew what to do. Then she turned her phone back off, so Nancy did not have the chance to respond.

  Sarah gathered her purse, looked around the room again and walked out the door. As she walked toward home she knew exactly what she would do. She would wait for Tom, and when he got there, she would be waiting in bed for him, and let him make the first move.


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