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Jessie Page 4

by JJ Aughe

  Bailey’s eyes came to focus on her mouth as she spoke and he was gone again. Dang! She has the most kissable lips I have ever seen! That lower lip is so begging to be nibbled on! Suddenly he caught a whiff of her scent. Is that Lilac? No. It’s more exotic, almost tropical. Like coconut and banana mixed with something else. Maybe lavender? Her scent makes me want to pull her into my arms to get closer to its tantalizing, exotic pull! And man, oh man! I want to do more than that! Shaking those unreasonable and inappropriate thoughts from his mind, Bailey nervously ran his fingers through his dark hair. As he did, he noticed her floral dress appeared to be tailored to show off her figure, yet casual, not flashy or showy. Definitely not something off the rack at a department store.

  “Well anyway, Miss Melano, I feel I owe you something.” Bailey glanced at his watch, noted that it was only a quarter past ten, too late for breakfast and a bit early for lunch. “I know it’s early, Miss Melano. But, I would like to get better acquainted,” he honestly admitted. “How about I treat you to an early lunch?”

  Another bout of what Jessie now realized was an overpowering attraction to this man clouded her better judgment. His straightforward admission clouded it more. Even though she was supposed to meet with her lawyer in less than fifteen minutes, she couldn’t have refused his offer if her life had depended on it!

  Gilmore quickly dug out his wallet, handed her a business card and mentioned an upscale restaurant on the outskirts of Bellevue that just happened to be one of her favorites. A little voice in the back of Jessie’s mind told her to be cautious because with the bank manager’s mentioning her last name this guy may realize just who she is. If that were the case, this could very well be just an act, a ploy to get next to her so he could run some scam on her. Mentally shaking her head, she ignored the voice, gave the business card a quick glance. She noted that he owned one of the area’s seaplane excursion companies, told him she knew the restaurant and agreed to meet him there.

  As always at Maitland’s, the chef’s salad with avocado and basil dressing on the side that Jessie habitually ordered in that establishment, was delicious. She barely noticed its unique flavor though. Her thoughts kept wandering from what the intriguing man sitting across from her was enthusiastically telling her. Instead, she kept fantasizing a world where he was holding her in his strong arms, passionately kissing her breath away with those fantastic lips. To chase those incomprehensible thoughts she mentally chastised herself for letting her mind go where she had determined it would never go again. Even trying to pay close attention, she had a very hard time listening to what he was saying.

  As she regained some semblance of control she heard that rich, sexy voice of his inform her that he was an ex Navy pilot. After his third tour of duty in the Persian Gulf he had been honorably discharged and returned to his beloved Puget Sound.

  Once back where he felt he belonged, he decided what he wanted to do was to start some type of tourist-oriented business. He investigated all the possibilities and, as evidenced by the success of others, many tourists to the Puget Sound region not only wanted to see the waters and islands of Puget Sound and the surrounding Olympic and Cascade Mountains from a car or the Washington Ferry System, but from the air as well.

  Satisfied he had found just the right fit, he invested the money he had saved while in the service in a floatplane, secured all the proper bonding, certificates and business licenses and started another floatplane, air charter service. For a name of the business he decided to use the initial of the last name of his best friend, an airman lost in Afghanistan, and his own, hence the logo C&G Aerial Adventure Charters on the business card he had handed her at the bank.

  Curiosity had Jessie interrupting, “Okay. I understand that you own your own business. One that, I might add, I have heard quite good reports about. I’m wondering though about what I couldn’t help but overhear you so heatedly talking about with Mr. Devlin. What is so special about that land that his refusal to loan you the money had you so upset?”

  Seeing her expression of honest concern, Bailey decided to be honest in return. “I should be sorry you even heard that exchange, but for some reason I’m not.”

  Then he went on to explain that the reason he had been at the bank in the first place had been a last-ditch attempt to secure financing on a very large tract of land just north and west of Mt. Rainier. A parcel of land that was so beautiful it was breath taking. He went on to describe in glowing detail the pristine forest, the small, five-finger-lake there and the archeological wonders he had found in a cavern just above that lake.

  Jessie was impressed, and not just a little intrigued, as he revealed in depth his plans for the lake and forests. His plans included starting an Ancient Native American museum at the site, clear a small area for a ten site campground for tent campers and put in ten, six-person, fully self-contained cabins to house at-risk foster children in summer and cross-country skiers in winter. While all those projects were being built he planned to have a crew of high school age children and four supervisors with experience building and improving wilderness area trails, improve the existing trails in the area for hiking the thousand acres around the lake.

  His descriptions of the small lake and the pristine forests, the seemingly tame deer and other wildlife surrounding the lake reminded her of the remote areas where her father had favored for taking her and her mother on frequent getaways. The isolated site sounded almost too good to be true.

  Was it? She didn’t know, and even though her subconscious mind warned her against it, she wanted to explore the possibility. Completely ignoring that cautioning voice in her head, Jessie daringly leaned closer. “Is the reason you can’t secure a loan because the asking price above the tax value? If so, what do you think would be a fair or reasonable price for the property?”

  Bailey told her that, on the contrary, the asking price was very reasonable. He went on to say that a month ago, the present owner, an elderly Irish-Scotsman by the name of Liam MacTunble, the last living ancestor of Thomas MacTunble, the man who had originally settled the site in 1851, had been impressed with Bailey’s ideas for the use of the land. He had informed Bailey that he had been thinking along the terms of twenty three to twenty-five million dollars as an asking price.

  Bailey had thought the price would be thirty to forty million, so the price of twenty-five million sounded really reasonable.

  Mr. MacTunble then stunned Bailey with a proposition far better than he had ever thought possible.

  He told Bailey that, except for the proposed museum/resort, he would only sell the property on the condition that the land would be kept as pristine and beautiful as it were on that day.

  Bailey readily agreed and would sign a forfeiture clause stating that the sale of the property would be completed within two months from that date, (or be far enough along in processing to show Bailey’s good faith.) He also agreed to the stipulation that, unless MacTunble personally signed off on further development, all of the improvements Bailey proposed would be the only improvements ever done on the property.

  MacTrunble then blew Bailey’s mind by saying he would lower the price to $17million dollars. That price included everything, Land, water, mineral, forestry timber and archeological finds.

  Bailey had immediately agreed and had even signed a preliminary rough draft stating those terms. The final terms of the draft would be signed by both parties at the time Bailey had his financing in order. At that price, Gilmore insisted, even if what he had found above the lake hadn’t been there, the land and lake alone would be worth the money.

  Then, his facial features becoming anxious, he told her a serious complication had recently arisen and he had to have his financing in place within four or five weeks instead or lose the property to someone else. Hearing that, Jessie began to wonder if this was a real deal or some scam this handsome guy was trying to work on her. The archeologist in her had Jessie, for the time being anyway and maybe permanently, dismissing that thought if Gilmore could g
ive her substantial reason.

  That being her reasoning, she outright asked him what the actual situation was.

  At her question Gilmore explained what had taken place a week after he had made his initial offer on the property and had withdrawn almost all of his savings and paid the deposit money. Jessie willingly listened as he explained that a large conglomerate based in Southwestern Arizona had contacted Mr. MacTunble with an offer on the property of fifty-five million dollars, a sum more than double what he had originally been thinking of asking for the site.

  When Gilmore had questioned the new offer, Mr. MacTunble had said, because the proceeds from the property would be used to strengthen the economy of the region and pay for better educations for the children in his and the surrounding communities, that he had to think of what the extra money would mean for the citizens of his area. He then freely told Bailey that this large out of state concern wanted the land for an exclusive golf resort for the rich and famous and had already shown their own good faith by depositing half of their offer in a trust fund. That trust fund, along with the remainder of the purchase price would be turned over to Liam on the signing of the contract the day Bailey failed to be able to secure his financing and forfeited his one hundred and fifty thousand dollar deposit.

  That had happened two weeks ago. Now, Bailey told her, according to the agreement he had signed, he only had four weeks before he defaulted on the purchase. He openly told Jessie that if he lost the deposit money it would hurt his financial position. That circumstance aside, he was more concerned that, if the conglomerate beat him out on the property, they would not just build a resort and golf course. No. They would surely clear-cut a good portion of the pristine forests for the golf course itself and more of the forest would have to be cleared to facilitate the building an airstrip and hangers that could handle Lear Jet type aircraft and the various buildings needed for the resort.

  If that happened, he adamantly proclaimed, it would ruin the pristine area and, in his opinion anyway, would not only be a great loss for the people of the United States and the State of Washington, it would be an atrocious crime against the environment!

  Jessie’s eyes caught and held his as she silently thought about what he had told her. There didn’t seem to be anything in his plans or ideas that ran up a red flag. He had shown her the receipt where he had already paid the deposit money, a sum that would pretty near break him if he lost it. Since his charter service seemed to be flourishing so soon after being started the man must have a good head for business.

  To most people the enormous amount of money Gilmore needed to borrow would seem impossible, but to her, personally? That amount of money was just a drop in the bucket. She was certain that if the investment became a loss her accountant would go berserk. But to Jessie, a loss of that amount of money in one deal wouldn’t break her. Granted, it would not feel real good, but when she had lost more than that a few years before in a failed attempt to start a new car dealership she had still survived. And, if what Gilmore claimed to have found in that cavern was really there, the investment could turn out to be one of her best endeavors.

  Looking him straight in the eye, which was hard to do since she was afraid her eyes would reveal her attraction to him, she made a decision she hoped she would not regret later. “Okay, Mr. Gilmore. The information you have given me appeals to my curiosity and my entrepreneur side. In fact, to tell you the truth, it intrigues me no end. I guess, because I studied archeology at the UW, one might say I am intrigued by the possibility there are artifacts hidden in that cavern that could help uncover the past of a people that lived centuries, maybe even thousands of years ago.”

  “As you can gather, I am quite excited about the cavern in particular. The rest of your idea, the hiking trails, the small camp area and a lakeside lodge may require some more work before they are viable, but they, too, are worthy of a thorough investigation to see just what can be done to bring them to fruition and to a profitable state of productiveness.”

  “That said, Mr. Gilmore, I understand that you need your financing in place soon. And if you agree to what I am going to propose, you could well have that financing in a very short time.”

  “What do you think? Do you want me to continue?”

  Bailey gave her a questioning look, one that said who in the blazes are you? Then he held up his hand to forestall anything she might say. “I don’t get it, Ms. Melano. Are you saying you might know someone who is in a position to help me secure the financing for this huge of a project?”

  Jessie’s smile lit up her face and she decided she was going to get on a first name basis with this very intriguing, wonderful hunk of a man. So determining, she put a lot of emphasis on his name. “That is exactly what I am saying Mr. Gilmore.” Then, giving him what she hoped was a stern look, she continued. “After this, Mr. Gilmore, or Bailey, if you don’t mind me using your first name, I would prefer for you to call me ‘Jessie’ because that is what all my friends call me. Get my drift Bailey?”

  A light bulb lit up in his brain and Bailey suddenly realized the truth of the identity of this very beautiful woman. He chuckled softly and shook his head in amazement at himself that he hadn’t connected her last name with the gaming software company of the same name.

  Jessie had wondered if Gilmore realized just who he was ‘treating’ to lunch. She had been intently watching his eyes just then and, seeing how his eyelids seemed to vanish causing his eyes to momentarily, become large, round and wide open, knew the moment he had finally connected the dots.

  Jessie caught his eye and kept it as she said, “So, by the expression on your face just now I see that you think you have finally figured out who I am. Well, Bailey, I am Jessica Melano, sole owner of Melano Gaming Software.”

  She had his attention and wanted to keep it, so she hurried on. “Since you now know just who I really am, please don’t spoil our moment here by saying anything. I want you to just sit there and quietly listen to what I am prepared to do. Okay?”

  At Gilmore’s silent nod, Jessie again smiled and leaned forward before continuing. “Bailey. I am very interested in what you intend to do with that property. I am so interested, in fact, that when we finish here, I want you to follow me downtown to Reginald Harper’s office. He is my lawyer. Reggie has known me all my life. He was my parent’s lawyer and has represented Melano Software since my father started the business.”

  “Reggie has helped me make the transition from a young carefree girl to prominent business woman since my parent’s death. He has had a hand in most of the decisions about the company and any personal business I have had. His advice has always been sound and I have made it a point to take everything to him before I make any commitments. I want you to talk with him. Run your ideas and plans for the project by him to get his take on them. Then, together, you and I can make an informed decision on what course of action would be best for us to take. Also I know Reggie will be able to inform us on what legal and or environmental issues, if any, are or may become involved.”

  “After Reggie has given us, and I want you to take note here that I am saying ‘us,’ his take on the situation, Bailey, if you have any questions, issues, problems or concerns, even minor ones, about the project, your charter business or anything else you think he might be able to help with, I want you to feel free to voice them. You never know. Reggie might well be able to ease your mind on, or even solve some of those issues.”

  “So,” she finished with a smile. “Are you up for that?”

  At a loss for words, Gilmore hesitated. His mind reeling by the fact that this gorgeous, sexy, very wealthy woman would even consider speaking to him let alone agreeing to have lunch with him. The idea that she actually listened carefully to what he wants to accomplish was huge. But for her to consider financing his dream project? That was completely beyond the realm of reality for him.

  “Ms. Melano,” he began. Seeing her eyebrows shoot up in mock ire, he quickly corrected himself. “Excuse me. Jessi
e. I don’t know what to say. I really don’t.”

  He shook his head and gave her an honest smile. “Just being in this restaurant with you seems so unreal. An hour ago, partly by Mr. Devlin’s determination that my project had too many ‘ifs’ involved and therefore too risky for the bank to finance, I was so irritated I was ready to scream. Then, while I was trying to persuade him’ I remember glancing up and seeing you standing at the teller’s window. I felt a shiver go up and down my spine. I thought the feeling was kind of weird at the time. As I turned back to finish talking with Devlin though, a real calm feeling came over me. Minutes later, I literally bump into you. I had no idea what your name was until Devlin referred to you by your last name. At the time I still didn’t connect your last name with the software company. But I knew I wanted to get to know you better and, because you took that spill, I honestly felt that I needed to make things right. That’s why I asked you to lunch. It was my honest way of saying I was sorry.”

  Bailey knew he had to be honest and up front with the woman across to table from him. “Again, honestly speaking, and not meaning any kind of flattery at all, I want you to know that the only thing I was thinking on the way here was how lucky I was that such a beautiful woman would agree to have lunch with me. After arriving here, I had no intention at all of ever mentioning anything about the lake. I just wanted to enjoy the moment and was prepared, though I could only hope for a different outcome, that when we parted afterwards we would never see each other again. Then you told me that you had overheard part of what I was telling Mr. Devlin and asked for more information.”


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