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FinsFantasy Page 7

by Jocelyn Dex

  “Mmm. Perfect.”

  Fin did the same and took a swig of beer. “So, tell me about the fangs.”

  When Navine’s face turned scarlet, he worried. “You burning up again?”

  “I’m fine,” she snapped.

  What the hell had happened? He couldn’t deal with her withdrawing from him now. If she didn’t want to talk about her fangs, he wouldn’t force her. He wanted her playful and smiling.

  “So, what do you think about taking a swim after we finish the fruit?”

  She shot him a look, obviously surprised he dropped the subject so easily and thankfully, her smiled returned. “That’d be nice.”

  “Or, I can pack some stuff in a cooler, you grab a blanket and we can go now. Cool off.”

  When she hesitated, he wanted to kick himself in the ass. He’d been pushing it. Just because they’d shared an hour of insanely hot sex didn’t mean she wanted to hang out with him and go on a swim date with him.

  But then she said, “Okay, I’ll grab a couple towels too.”

  Jumping off the bed before she changed her mind, he hurried off to put on his swim trunks and to find a cooler, pack it with fruit and the rest of the beer. Just as he finished up, she came into the kitchen holding two towels, a blanket thrown over her shoulder. She wore nothing but a skimpy, sparkling purple bikini.

  “Something wrong?” she asked when he just stood there staring at her.

  “No, you just look fantastic. I was momentarily awestruck.”

  She looked away, walking to the door but not before he saw the grin lift her lips. “Let’s go while there’s still some sun left.”

  They walked in comfortable silence the ten minutes to the creek. Fin would have ported them but he didn’t want to bring attention to the fact she still wore the bracelet and couldn’t do it herself. Hell, couldn’t he remove it now? She was well on her way to recovery, the best they could tell anyway. Maybe he should talk to Baden first, update him—without the details of course—and make sure it was okay. He’d already screwed up a couple times with her and didn’t want to do it again.

  They arrived at the clearing. He helped Navine spread out the blanket, then pulled out the fruit plate, cheese and crackers and two beers from the cooler. Navine devoured half the fruit in no time while Fin casually snacked on the cheese and crackers.

  Navine leaned back on the blanket, her purple bikini glinting under the sun, her taut stomach asking to be licked, head tilted back, eyes closed. Ah shit. If he didn’t stop ogling her, he’d pop a boner, which he didn’t mind but he wasn’t sure if she’d appreciate it right now or if she’d had enough of him.

  He stood. “Think I’ll jump in.”

  “Have fun,” she said, not opening her eyes.

  Navine’s eyes popped open when she heard Fin walk away. She’d had to close them to block out the magnificent view that was him. His arousal had smacked her in the nose and she’d wanted to jump him. Again. He was an intense, caring, passionate lover who hit her in all the right spots and hell yeah she wanted him again but only until she was certain the addiction was gone. Then she’d move on and forget any of this had ever happened.

  She watched as he dove under the water and did a handstand, then a front flip and back flip. She knew he knew she was watching and she thought it was cute he was putting on a show for her.

  The sun beating down on her made her hot and watching him made her hotter so she decided to cool off. He splashed a little water at her as she waded in.

  “Feels great, doesn’t it?” he asked.

  She lay back, letting the water cradle her. “Sure does.”

  “How’d you find this place?”

  “It was my mom’s and my dad’s.” Her heart hurt for a moment but she pushed it aside. “They’re gone, so now it’s mine and Baden’s. I spend more time here than he does. He’s always at the pizza shop.”

  “What’s up with the pizza shop anyway?”

  “What do you mean?”

  He swam a circle around her. “I’ve never known of a demon owning a pizza shop. Rydin said most of the employees are demons too.”

  She bent backward and flipped under the water and came up to float on her back again in a graceful swoop. “Yeah, he has a soft spot for…uh…mixed breeds who feel like they don’t really fit into either world. He makes great money, pays them well. It’s a popular spot for demons and humans alike.”

  “Hmm. And he named it after you. It’s sweet.”

  “Yeah. He’s not just my brother, he’s my best friend.”

  “Still pissed at him?”

  “Yes! But not quite as much. I understand his reasons. I’d do the same thing if it was him in my situation. We’re all we have and the thought of losing that…it’s too sad to consider. So yeah, I get it.”

  “Why Navine, I’d never have pegged you as such a softie.”

  She laughed. “It’s because you don’t know me. Like that anyway.” At his guarded look she changed the direction of the conversation. She knew she’d been awful to him, hadn’t given him a chance to know her.

  She was still having trouble wrapping her mind around the fact that she’d been trapped at the cabin, attracted to and had sex with a male Sempire. It was unfathomable. Yet here she was, floating in the creek with him, having a conversation, drinking beer as if they were on a date. An enjoyable date.

  “You make an awesome smoothie,” she said. “And Baden says you made him the best steak he’s ever eaten. Where’d you learn to cook?”

  “My mother hid my identity out of fear for my life because… Well, you know that part.” He averted his eyes and cleared his throat. “Anyway, Darcon, her number one guard, took a liking to me when I was young. He took me to the kitchen one day to get a snack and I pulled out a bunch of ingredients. No clue what to make with it but the male working the kitchen at the time showed me a few things. I watched in awe and since that day have had a passion for cooking. I spent most of my youth in the kitchen learning everything I could.”

  “It’s great you found your passion.” She wanted to ask what his father was but didn’t want that conversation turned around on her. She’d loved her father but… No, she wouldn’t think like that now.

  His eyes darkened. “What’s your passion, Navine?”

  Geez. The way his voice roughened when he’d said that and the look in his eyes, made her shiver. She casually swam away from him and thought about his question. What was her passion? She loved to swim but that wasn’t the same as Caffin’s passion to cook. She swam a circle around him and said, “I guess I don’t have one.”

  He stepped up to her. “Oh, you have passion.”

  His husky voice made her heart flutter. She knew this moment could turn into another incredibly pleasurable experience but wasn’t sure if she was ready for it. She tried to deflect.

  “So, have you ever indulged your Sempire nature?” His brows rose questioningly. “You know, ever been with men?”

  A frown contorted his lips. “Trying to make me angry, Navine?” Then he surprised her by smiling. “It’s not going to work this time. If you really want to know, I’ll tell you. During my transition, I required—”

  She put her hand on his shoulder. “Stop. You don’t have to tell me. It doesn’t matter. I think I got…scared.”

  “Scared of what?”

  “The way you were looking at me. Your nearness,” she admitted.

  “Haven’t we proven I’m nothing to fear?” He took another step closer, putting them only inches apart.

  Navine pressed her body to his. “I’m not so sure that’s true.”

  Their lips crashed together as he pulled her closer. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. The head of his thick cock pressed against her pussy and in that moment, she wished they hadn’t worn swimsuits. It seemed she couldn’t get enough of him no matter what he was.

  He carried her to the rock embankment and lifted her onto a smooth, flat stone, his face level wi
th her pussy. He plucked each of the strings on her bikini bottoms, letting them fall away. The desire in his eyes made her wetter, if that was possible.

  “Your scent drives me wild. Let me taste you.”

  She scooted her hips forward and threw her head back in response.

  Caffin’s wet hair tickled the insides of her thighs as he pressed a kiss to her bare pussy. He kissed it tenderly, languidly. God, she loved his mouth on her. His touch awakened her body, made her crazy with want. Grabbing his hair, she pulled him closer, the sensation of his tongue lapping at her juices, her clit, accelerating her appetite for him.

  “Caffin, I… Fuck me,” she panted.

  Complying eagerly, he lifted her from the rocks, carrying her to the blanket, laying her down gently. But she flipped over, putting her ass in the air, begging to be taken.

  “Like this? Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I need it. Please.” She couldn’t bring herself to explain that she wanted him to take her in every way that bastard had. She wanted to clear the slate, have Caffin take her in all the ways she’d been taken while in the demon realm. Be taken in those ways because she wanted it, not because she’d had no choice.

  “Whatever you want, Navine. I’ll give you.”

  She shivered as he rubbed the head of his cock through her slit and slipped inside her, slowly. It felt so good but that’s not what she’d meant. Just as she was about to say the words, he pulled out, spread her ass cheeks and rubbed the slippery head of his cock against her asshole.

  “Is this what you need?” His husky voice low, lust filled.

  She shook her head, unable to find words.

  He reached around and massaged her sensitive clit, as his cock put pressure on her ass. Her pussy flooded, the juice dripping down her thighs. He shoved a finger inside her and gathered her juice in the palm of his hand, then pulled back and coated her ass with it. He slowly worked one finger in her tight hole as he coated his other hand with her juices and stroked himself.

  “Now, please,” she whimpered.

  His fingers went back to work on her swollen clit as his cock pressed into her ass. They both gasped as he popped past her outer ring.

  “You okay?” he asked, his voice strained.

  “More,” was all she could say.

  He pushed deeper into her and moved torturously slow. When she’d adjusted to his size, the best she could, she moved her ass back against him. She could tell he had reservations about the act, not wanting to hurt her, so she took control. As if understanding, he held still and let her work her ass against his cock however she wanted, while his fingers continued their assault on her swollen nub.

  Damn, he made her feel good. He didn’t want to hurt her, only wanted to please her.

  His breathing became more ragged and his grunts more frequent. “Navine.”

  The tone and desperation in his voice told her everything she needed to know. “Me too,” she breathed, as the sensations took her over, pulled her under. She stilled, as white-hot flame spread from her clit through every muscle. Fin followed immediately, jetting his hot seed into her ass.

  She rocked back and forth on him until she couldn’t bear the sensation any longer. She fell forward, collapsing on the blanket. He followed, throwing a possessive arm across her. Neither of them spoke for several minutes.

  Her heart skipped at the longing in his eyes. Outside of her family, she’d never had anyone care for her so much and she didn’t understand why he did. There could be nothing between them after this. He had to understand that. Oddly, she felt something for him, some emotion that eluded her, so she chalked it up to gratitude.

  “Call me, Fin. No one calls me Caffin.” He pulled her closer and kissed her neck.

  She rolled over to face him. “Hmmm. I like Caffin.”

  His warm gold eyes searched hers. “Do you? Like me?”

  “You’re growing on me.”

  He smoothed his hand down her flat stomach and back up to cup a breast. The sun dropped below the horizon and he wished they could stay like this forever. The burning had stopped and she wouldn’t need him anymore. Would she want to see him again?

  “We should go back,” she sighed.

  He reluctantly released her, sat up and gathered the fruit plate and beer bottles. She walked to the rock where he’d feasted on her, grabbed her bikini bottoms and made quick work of tying them back on. She caught him staring and winked at him. That simple, playful notion, coming from her, warmed him. She gathered the blanket and towels they hadn’t used and then she frowned.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She held out her wrist, the one with the bracelet. “I’m pretty worn out. Let’s port back.”

  “I can port us both,” he suggested.

  “Caffin—Fin. Seriously.” She stomped her foot. “I think we’re beyond this now, don’t you?”

  What could it hurt? And, it might make her like him even more. He slid his finger around the bracelet in the specific pattern Baden had shown him and it popped open. A fabulous smile made her face shine. She went up on tip toes and kissed his cheek.

  “Thank you for that.”

  He returned her smile and took her hand. She didn’t pull away and they quickly ported to the cabin.

  They walked up the steps, not releasing hands until he opened the door for her. Fin cleaned out the cooler and Navine took care of the blanket and towels. They met in the living area, an awkward silence surrounding them.

  “Well, I think I’ll shower,” she said.

  “Okay. If you’re still hungry, I can make you a smoothie.”

  “Sounds good. See you in a few.”

  She disappeared into the bedroom and Fin couldn’t help but feel disappointed that she hadn’t asked him to join her.

  He quickly made her smoothie and set it in the fridge, then jumped in the shower for a quick rinse. When he returned to the living area, she was already kicked back on the couch, sipping her smoothie.

  She held it up and said, “Thanks.”

  “No problem.”

  “So, I was thinking,” she said excitedly, “I feel like celebrating.”

  He sat in the chair across from her and leaned forward. “Okay, sounds great. What’s your plan?”

  “I’m going to pop into Navie’s, surprise Baden and drink a beer with him.”

  “Oh,” his gut clenched.

  “It’s a busy night for Baden so I won’t be gone long. I’ll bring some beer back here and you can be my celebration partner tonight. I mean, if you want.”

  Holy shit, she’d just made his night. “I’d be honored.”

  “Great. I’m gonna go now. I can’t wait to see the look on his face.” She jumped off the couch energetically, her excitement palpable.

  He loved seeing her like that. It was such a change and made her all the more desirable. “Have fun.” They shared a smile, then she was gone.

  Chapter Nine

  Navine could barely contain herself as she walked in to the pizza shop. She held her index finger up to her mouth when the waiter, Morriv, saw her and his mouth dropped open. She seated herself and waited for Baden to notice her.

  Morriv brought her a cherry beer and gave her a grand smile. Navine sat sipping it, her insides flip-flopping. Baden finally turned and did a double take. He ran out from behind the counter and she jumped up to meet him in a bone-crushing hug.

  “What’re you doing here? You look great. Oh shit. It worked, right?”

  “I think so,” she said excitedly. “I feel great. Different. Free.”

  He hugged her again, looked her up and down, a huge smile plastered on his face.

  “God Navie, I was sick with worry. I can’t lose you.”

  They sat down next to each other, Baden holding her hands.

  “I know,” she said.

  “So, what happened?” Baden’s face practically turned purple. “I mean…uh…”

  Navine laughed off her own embarrassment. “Let’s just leave it at, things happened
, there was some pain involved—”

  Baden’s expression darkened. “He hurt you?”

  “No. No. It was… The best I can figure is that the addiction was burned out of me. I can’t explain it without giving you waaay more details than either of us can handle.”

  Baden waved his hand at her. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter as long as you’re okay.” He leaned in and hugged her again. “Where’s Fin?”

  “He’s still at the cabin. I knew you’d be busy so I’m going to celebrate with him tonight and I’m hoping you and I can spend tomorrow evening together.”

  His eyes widened. “You’re going to celebrate with Fin?”


  “I mean, I think it’s great. He’s a good guy. I’m just surprised. You were so—”

  “I know. I was a royal bitch to him. It’s just what he is. Even after… Well, I’m still not comfortable with it, but he ultimately did save my life so the least I can do is bring him some beer and spend a couple hours celebrating with him. It’s not like I want him to be my one and only.”

  “Of course not, you’re a Sempire. Although, I can’t say I’d be unhappy if you would find one male to stick with. At least for a while.”

  She punched him in the shoulder. “Don’t be a prude. You know I can’t help what I am.”

  He gave her a pointed look that put her in her place. Fin couldn’t help what he was any more than she could. He wasn’t a monster. She’d pretty much decided he wasn’t tainted either. Although, technically, mutant still stood. She just didn’t feel as disgusted by it as she had.

  “I wanna take him something besides beer. I don’t feel a six pack says thanks for saving my life.”

  He coughed as if choking. “You want to take him a present and drink beer with him. Uh, sis, are you sure you don’t liiike him?”


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