Summer Fling

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Summer Fling Page 11

by Serenity Woods

  Turning her into his arms, he held her tightly beneath the water, kissing her hair as the water continued to pour over them. She wrapped her arms around his waist and nuzzled his neck. Overwhelming happiness flooded through him.

  “Are you okay?” He drew back to look at her flushed face.

  “Yes. Just a bit wobbly.”

  “That’s why they call having sex standing up a Knee Trembler.” Smiling, he turned off the shower and opened the door to grab them both a towel. He disposed of the condom, and they dried themselves off.

  He led her into the bedroom, and they drew back the covers and collapsed onto the bed.

  “I’m shattered.” His eyelids grew heavy as he pulled the duvet over them.

  “I’m not surprised, expending all that energy.” She sat up as a light whimper echoed from behind the door. “Aw, Orion.”

  He waved a lazy hand. “He’ll shut up in a minute.”

  “Oh no, we can’t have him being lonely.” She got up and let the boxer in. Orion bounded onto the bed and gave Garth a wet, slobbery kiss, and he cursed out loud.

  “I thought you liked kissing with tongues,” she teased.

  “I like kissing with your tongue. Orion’s goes in my ear and comes out the other side, I swear.”

  She laughed and climbed under the covers, and moved her hand beneath the duvet to make a play monster for the dog to fight with. Orion growled, playing along for a while until she sighed and lay down.

  “Off,” Garth said, and the dog jumped onto the floor and curled up beside the bed.

  “You have him well trained.” She turned onto her side, and Garth curled around her.

  He pulled her toward him, kissed her neck and breathed in the smell of her damp skin. “Yeah, he’s pretty good.”

  “Do you train your women that well?”

  “Not even close.”

  She giggled, but her comment made him think of Jess and her betrayal, and that made him think of Stewart, which soured his mood. Perhaps he should confide his plans to her. He thought about it, but even as the words formed on his lips, he saw she’d fallen asleep. Probably for the best. She might disagree, and he didn’t want to argue with her.

  What did he want? He nuzzled her hair, smelling chocolate even in spite of their shower, and smiled. He wanted to hold her like this every morning. There was no doubt at all that he was going to ask to see her again. And she enjoyed being with him, didn’t she? So much so that she’d overcome her reluctance to take risks and she’d had a one-night stand with him.

  He laid his head on the pillow, the happiest he’d been for years. His dog by his side, sun streaming through the wide windows, and a beautiful woman in his arms. It didn’t get much better than that.

  He pushed away his unease at the thought of opening up his heart to someone. The situation with Jess had been very different. He’d spent a long time distancing himself from people so he wouldn’t get hurt again, but he had to open up sometime, if he didn’t want to spend the rest of his life alone.

  He wasn’t going to worry. Chloe wouldn’t hurt him.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  They dozed for a while, warm and sleepy in the sunshine-filled room, finally stirring when Orion decided he needed a trip outside and nudged Garth repeatedly until he got up. Chloe borrowed a T-shirt off him, laughing when it came halfway down her thighs, the sleeves almost to her elbows. She followed him out as he opened the door to let the dog run outside.

  She sat on a stool by the breakfast bar talking to Garth while he prepared lunch. He toasted sandwiches of brie cheese with cranberry sauce, and added salad and a glass of white wine.

  They took it onto the decking and ate looking over the bay. He put up an umbrella for her, shielding her from the intense afternoon sun, got a cushion for her back, and refilled her wine glass. He was attentive and warm, witty and relaxed. She glowed every time he smiled at her.

  Uh-oh, said the angel.

  Chloe finished off her sandwich, a knot of uneasiness settling in her stomach.

  You luuuurv him, smirked the devil.

  No, no, no. She liked him, that was all. They got on well. He made her laugh. She’d only met him a week ago, for crying out loud.

  Her phone jangled in the bag by her feet. Relieved to have a distraction, she flipped it open, and a text from her mother popped up.

  Hi babe. Where r u? Can u come round l8r? Got something I want 2 tell u :)

  Her heart sank. Oh no. That could only mean one thing. Nina Jackson had met another man.


  Chloe snapped the phone shut. “Just my mother. She wants to come around.”

  “You want me to take you home?”

  Stay! yelled the devil. But the angel gave her a warning glance.

  Chloe closed her eyes. She’d slept with Garth on the third day she’d met him, and already the thought of being apart from him made her ache. She was falling in love with him.

  She was turning into her mother. The thought horrified her.

  Opening her eyes, she picked up her wine glass to finish the last mouthful, then put it down again, not sure she could swallow because of the tightness of her throat. “Actually, would you mind? I have some work to do as well. I could do with getting back.”

  “Of course.”

  He stood and collected their plates and took them into the kitchen, and she brought in the wine glasses. She walked through to his bathroom and picked up her dress and bikini bottoms.

  “Have you got a change of clothes?” He walked in behind her, making her jump.

  “Um, I have in my overnight bag in your car.”

  “I’ll go and get it.”

  She sat on the bed while he got her bag and looked at Orion, who appeared sorrowful that she was leaving. “Come here, stupid dog,” she said tearfully, and gave him a hug.

  Garth came back in with her bag, and she pulled out a pair of panties and shorts. Then she remembered she’d leant her spare T-shirt to Stella, who’d forgotten a nightie—not that Stella would have needed a nightie in the end. “Damn.”

  “Keep the T-shirt,” he said. “It’s an old one anyway.”

  She nodded, trying not to think about the feel of his clothing against her skin, and slipped on her panties and shorts as he collected his car keys.

  They went out to the car in silence. Garth locked Orion in the house before climbing in the driver’s seat. Chloe buckled herself in, attempting to ignore the clothing that smelled of him, of his laundry detergent with the faint, underlying smell of sandalwood.

  He headed the car along the drive and back toward Paihia, quiet as he drove, and she remained silent, lost in thought. He followed her directions to her house and pulled up outside the small, two-bedroomed property she shared with Stella. Her mother’s car was already there, but empty, which meant that Stella must be back, and had asked her inside.


  He left the engine running, although he unclipped his seatbelt. Then he turned in the seat to face her. “Well,” he said.

  “Well.” She swallowed.

  He lifted his sunglasses on top of his head. His eyes were hot, angry. “You’re going to tell me this is it, aren’t you?”

  She blinked rapidly, not sure what to say. “I don’t know. I… I haven’t known you very long, Garth. We got intimate very quickly, too quickly maybe, for me. I thought it would just be a bit of quick fun, some hot sex… I didn’t expect to want to get to know you better. And now I feel…confused.”

  “I understand. I feel the same. But maybe we’re trying to analyze it too much. Perhaps we should trust our instincts.”

  “It was listening to my instincts that got me into trouble in the first place.”

  “What do your instincts tell you now?” He slipped an arm around her and pulled her close.

  Her heart pounded at the nearness of him, at the strength in his arms and the breadth of his shoulders, a basic animal urge to take this splendid specimen of maleness as a mate. Say “To kiss y
ou!” yelled the devil. But she placed her hands on his chest and met his gaze as boldly as she could, and listened instead to her angel. “To run,” she said honestly.

  Garth hesitated. “I don’t believe you.”

  She wanted more than anything to throw her arms around him and smooth the frown away from his brow, to press her lips against his, thread her hands through his hair. She didn’t want to be cruel to this lovely man who’d been through so much. But she couldn’t let pity drive her actions.

  She made herself sit still. “It’s not because I don’t feel anything for you. It’s because I do. I shouldn’t be feeling these emotions, Garth—I’ve only known you a week. And I won’t give in to them and make wild declarations of love, only to find out in a week’s time that we’re totally wrong for each other. I won’t turn into my mother.”

  He gripped her wrists and moved her arms behind her back. She gasped. His mouth was grim, his lips inches from hers, his hazel eyes hot, intense, and for a moment she thought he was going to give into the raging emotion he was obviously feeling and kiss her anyway. Part of her wanted him to. To fight her, to take her anyway, because then it wouldn’t be her fault if it all went wrong. She was desperate to feel his mouth on hers, his hand on her breast, to have him inside her again.

  But he didn’t move.

  Instead, he released her. “This isn’t over. I’m telling you now.”

  She shivered at his possessiveness. “Don’t be like that.”

  “Like what?” He looked out the window for a moment. The muscles bunched at the corner of his jaw as if he’d clenched his teeth. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly before looking back at her. “I guess we both have our demons that make it difficult for us to trust in love. And maybe we have to exorcise those demons before we’ll be able to make things work. I’ve got things I have to sort out, things to do with the past, and I don’t want you caught up in them. But you’re the best thing that’s happened to me for a long time, and I’m not taking cowardice as a reason for us not to be together.”

  “I’m not a coward.”

  “Aren’t you?”

  Her cheeks burned. “I’m being sensible. Relationships should grow slowly, so a couple can make sure they’re suited before they fall in love. This isn’t love, Garth, it can’t be, this soon.” She knew what she was talking about. How many times had her mother declared she loved a man after days of being together, only for it to fall apart? “It’s lust, and I’m not going to mistake it for something more serious.”

  Grabbing her bag, she got out of the car, shaking. As soon as she’d closed the door, he drove off, disappearing down the road in a cloud of dust.

  She pressed a hand to her mouth, her lips trembling. Thank God he’d gone. She needed some time on her own to process what had happened that weekend, and to think about what to do next.

  Unfortunately, time alone wasn’t an option. She walked up the path to the front door, wondering what sort of mood her mother would be in. Buoyant, excited, full of the latest guy to ring her bell? Or limp and lethargic, overwhelmed by the pressure of everyday living? Her text had suggested the former, but her mood could have changed in the short time it had taken Chloe to travel from Opua to home.

  She let herself inside and went into the small living room, trying not to think about the beauty of Garth’s spacious house. Nina Jackson sat on the sofa facing Stella in the armchair, and she stood as Chloe walked in, her eyes bright and excited. “Chloe! Sweetheart.” She came forward and hugged her daughter. Shorter than Chloe by several inches but just as blonde, she gave an impression of fragility, although Chloe knew her mother was tough as very old, very well-worn leather boots.

  “Hey, Mum.” She nodded to Stella, who looked oddly apprehensive. “What’s up?”

  “I’ve got something to tell you.” Nina could barely contain her excitement.

  “What is it?”

  Nina pressed her palms together in front of her mouth for a moment and then burst forth with, “I’m getting married!”

  Stella met Chloe’s stare and shrugged.

  “Right.” Chloe spoke flatly. “And who’s the lucky guy this week?”

  There were exactly ten seconds of silence, during which all the color drained from Nina’s face. Chloe stomped on the guilt that swept over her. She was doing her mother a favor.

  “That was bitchy,” Nina said in a low voice.

  “True, though.” Chloe dropped her bag and faced her mother with hands on hips. “Who was it last week? Ben? Ken?”

  “I split up with Dan three months ago. And I’d been seeing him for six months.”

  “Ooh. Must be a record.” Chloe couldn’t stop the words spilling out. She was being nasty, but maybe if she hurt someone else, she might not feel her own pain so much. “How long have you known this one?”

  Nina studied her daughter, her face unusually calm. “Aren’t you even going to ask his name?”

  “Is there any point? I gave up learning them years ago.”

  “I see.” Nina turned and picked up her bag. “You’ve screwed up your life, and it’s easier to criticize me than try and sort out your own problems.”

  “I didn’t screw up my life,” Chloe said furiously, “you did. You screwed me up so badly, I stayed with the same crappy boyfriend for years because I was terrified if I didn’t, I’d end up like you.”

  Stella got to her feet and stood next to Chloe, and touched her arm cautiously. “Chloe, careful, you’ll regret this later.”

  Chloe shook her off. “No, I should have said this years ago.” She turned to her mother, furious. “I’ve been terrified of taking risks because of what you were like growing up. I thought if I played it safe, it would mean I wouldn’t end up like you, with a different guy in my bed every five minutes.” Nina’s face had turned white, but Chloe ploughed on relentless. “I’ve had to put up with it for years, and you have the cheek to call me bitchy. What did you think I’d say when you told me you were getting married? ‘Oh, good luck Mum! Can I be bridesmaid?’ How many times have you told me ‘this is the one’?”

  “Sam’s different.” Nina stuffed her hands in the pockets of her jeans. “He makes me happy.”

  “Well hoo-fucking-rah. About time something did. Lord knows your daughter couldn’t.” She clenched her fists so tight, her nails dug into her palms. “I hope you’ll both be very happy, I really do. But don’t come crying to me when it all goes wrong. I’ve comforted you through too many break ups to go through it all again.”

  They stared at each other for an eternity, Stella to one side almost hopping from foot to foot in agitation.

  Then Nina turned and walked out. The door crashed shut behind her.

  Chloe sank onto the sofa and burst into tears.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Stella let her cry for ten minutes, holding her and stroking her arms. When Chloe’s tears finally abated, Stella went into the kitchen, poured them both a glass of brandy, and brought it back, pushing it into Chloe’s hand. “Take a sip, honey. It’ll take some of the shock away.”

  Chloe swallowed a mouthful and coughed as it seared to her stomach. “Damn, that’s good.” She had another sip and then leaned her head on the back of the sofa, staring up at the ceiling. “Shit.”

  “Shit indeed, missy.”

  “I shouldn’t have said all that.”

  Stella sighed. “Probably not. Although maybe it needed saying, you know? You’ve held it in for twenty-five years. Perhaps she needed to hear it.”

  Chloe bit her lip. “I just couldn’t bear it. I’ve heard it so many times, ‘this is the one, Chloe, this one’s forever...’ Can’t she hear herself?”

  “Maybe each time she believes it.”

  Chloe closed her eyes. That was why she shouldn’t have slept with Garth. She had to keep away from him. She couldn’t start thinking what a wonderful thing they had when she’d only met him three times. It was laughable now that she looked at it with distance between them. They didn’t kno
w the first thing about each other. Well, that wasn’t quite true—she knew he’d lost his wife, and that it still cut him up inside. She didn’t want to be a temporary replacement for his one true love. Not when her feelings for him were no doubt stronger than his for her.

  Her eyes stung, and she wiped them with her free hand.

  “What happened?” said Stella gently. “Did you have a row with Garth?”

  “Not really. We went back to his place.” She rubbed her nose. “It was amazing.”

  “The sex?”

  “No. The house.” They both started giggling.

  Chloe sighed. “Okay, and the sex. He’s fantastic, Stel, funny, warm, great in bed... But he’s a tortured soul.” She took a deep breath and told Stella about Garth’s past, his captivity, and what had happened to his wife.

  “Jesus,” said Stella afterward. “Nick Stewart?”

  “I know. And you know something—I’m convinced Garth had something to do with the burglary on Nick’s house.”


  “To get him away from the party. It must have killed him to see the guy who took his wife and then was responsible for her death also interested in me.” She sighed heavily. “He assured me he didn’t want me just because Nick wanted me, but I’m still not sure. Obviously he misses his wife, and I don’t want to be used as a weapon to get back at Nick.”

  “Of course not.” Stella stroked her hair. “I’m sure that’s not the only reason he wanted to be with you. He couldn’t take his eyes off you.”


  “Absolutely.” Stella tipped her head. “Are you really telling me you don’t think he has feelings for you? That it’s all about sex?”

  “I don’t know. He wants to see me again, and he got angry when he thought I wanted to call it a day.”

  “Do you want to call it a day?” Stella couldn’t hide her incredulity. “Don’t you feel anything for him?”

  “The thing is… I feel too much, Stel. I… I’m crazy about him. But I’ve only met him three times. Love is something that you build over time. It comes from trust and it’s comfortable and dependable.”


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