The Billionaire's Virgin Fiancée: A Fake Fiancée Romance

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The Billionaire's Virgin Fiancée: A Fake Fiancée Romance Page 52

by Tia Wylder

  “It looked like a man, but he was made entirely of a white-hot fire. He came through into our world. The creature lunged at him and he battled with it before my very eyes. They fell through the portal in my closet and everything returned to normal. It took years before I stopped seeing those things in my nightmares.”

  There was a short pause before everyone’s hands went up.

  “I’ll answer all of your questions momentarily. First, it’s time this story was told to the world,” I said.

  I opened my laptop and hovered the mouse over the publish button on my blog. A few people in the crowd below gasped and I looked down to them. They were all looking at something in the sky, so my eyes naturally followed their gaze.

  I saw an object streaking through the sky. It was massive and glowing red hot as he approached the ground. I couldn’t make out the shape before it sailed over our heads and crashed into the desert just beyond our improvisational convention.

  I closed the laptop and carried it with me as I followed the crowd of people out into the open desert. As we approached, the object seemed to be breathing. It heaved up and down, releasing thick exhalations. Everyone else kept their distance, but I had to see what it was. The outer layer of the object unfurled and two thick wings shot out in either direction. They had a stony texture to them, with thin webbing running through in the interiors. The main body of the creature stirred and I saw a reptilian head emerge slowly. It had a long snout and piercing emerald eyes that clashed perfectly with the creatures glowing red scales.

  There was no mistaking it, this was a dragon. The same kind of dragon popularized by fantasy novels and bloated television shows cashing in on the lore. I paused as the dragon’s head fell flat on the dusty soil. There was a brilliant flash of light that came with a blast of heat. I was swept off my feet and landed hard on my back.

  I climbed to my feet and tried to stare through the swirling dust around me. The dragon was gone. In its place was a man. He had flawlessly white skin that seemed to glow with a soft light. His body looked completely human. I caught myself staring at his perfect form. My eyes wandered down his chiseled frame and across his muscular thighs. This wasn’t what I imagined an alien would look like, but then again I didn’t expect to see a dragon crash land on Earth today either.

  I turned around and broke my trance.

  “Someone grab blankets or something to cover him with!” I shouted.

  “What are we going to do with him?”

  “It’s not what we’re going to do, it’s what the government will if they get a hold of him.”

  A few people fled the scene to go look for supplies. I turned and looked at my old clunker of a car sitting in the scorching desert sun.

  When they came back with blankets, the man was climbing to his feet. He stood well over seven feet tall. He practically towered over my short and round figure.

  “What is this place?” he asked.

  “This is Earth, where are you from?” I asked.

  He looked around, ignoring my question.

  “What species are you?” he asked.

  “Uh, human? Homo sapiens?”

  He cocked his head and turned his face toward the sky. I watched his long blonde hair tumble down his shoulders as he seemed to soak up the sun.

  “Your star is powerful, this is good,” he said.

  “Listen, I don’t mean to rush you, but there are others coming. They won’t be as nice as us. We have to get out of here,” I said.

  The man nodded.

  “It is fortunate that you found me first then. What is your name?”

  “Oh me? I’m uh, I’m Harley.”

  He nodded. “Harley.”

  One of the other approached and gingerly handed him a blanket. He took it and swept it around him like a robe.

  “Strange clothing,” he remarked.

  “That’s a blanket,” I said.

  “What is a blanket?”

  I shook my head.

  “Never mind, we need to get going. Come with me. Oh, and what’s your name by the way?”

  I walked towards my car as the mysterious man-dragon followed behind me.

  “I am Dorian Khalthrak, last of my clan. I have come here to issue a warning,” he said.

  “Oh yeah, and what warning is that?” I asked.

  “The Old Ones have made their move. Their World Eaters descend upon countless worlds as we speak. My home and my clan were lost to them, but I believe the ocean of stars has guided me here to ensure that this world does not fall as well.”

  I opened the passenger door and point to it. Dorian awkwardly climbed inside and I closed the door. As I walked around to the driver’s door, my mind was spinning. I had always dreamed about meeting another being from beyond our world, but this was not quite how I imagined it.

  Greg was running over waving his hands above his head.

  “Harley, what are you doing?” he asked.

  “I won’t let them take him. I’m getting him out of here,” I said.

  “Where will you take him? You’re not thinking this through!”

  “Call it a hunch Greg, I’ve been doing this a long time. Try to stall them for me, I know they’ll be here soon.”

  I climbed into the car, threw my computer into the backseat, and started the engine. I slammed the gas and we shot off towards the main road. I could hear the sirens coming for us already. As my car bounced onto the main road, I glanced into the rear view mirror and saw the other cars and RVs lining up across the road. Greg had come through they had formed a roadblock to buy us time.

  “This machine doesn’t fly?” Dorian asked.

  “No, it barely goes fifty,” I said.

  “We fly then. Stop the machine.”

  I looked over at him.


  “Yes, you have saved me from a threat, now it is customary for me to return the favor. I will take us to safety.”

  I looked in the rear view mirror and heard the sirens cease. No doubt they were searching every square inch of that roadblock. They would move on soon. I had no other choice but to trust Dorian. I pressed down on the brakes and brought the car to a stop. Dorian climbed out and I slid my computer into my backpack and took both from the backseat.

  He walked out into the road.

  “Close your eyes,” he said.

  I stood against my car and shut my eyes as the flash of light and rush of heat swept past me. When I opened my eyes, Dorian had been replaced by a majestic dragon that span the length of several cars and stood just as tall. He knelt before me and I climbed onto his shoulders. I ran my hands over the coarse scales. I almost had a hard time believing that any of this real.

  I found a pair of grooves within the undulations of his shoulders and gripped him hard as his wings slammed down and we shot up into the air. With each movement of his massive wings, we soared higher into the sky. The ground disappeared and soon there was nothing but clouds beneath us.

  His skin seemed to absorb the light from the sun above us. I could feel the warmth radiating from him. I cracked a smile as the wind swept past my face. It had been so long since I felt a rush like this. It felt right, like I was exactly where I was supposed to be.

  Dorian dove down beneath the clouds and in the distance I saw a city. Which one I couldn’t say, but it would do. We just needed a place to hide and lay low for the night until I could figure something out.

  “Here, land here,” I said.

  Dorian turned toward the ground and soon I was back on solid Earth. My head was still spinning as I tried to get my bearings. Dorian was nude once again as he changed back to human form. I tried not to look at him for fear that he would notice me staring.

  “Maybe you should stay behind until I can get you some clothes,” I said.

  “What is wrong with my current attire?” he asked.

  I looked over and I was shocked to see him in clothing. He was dressed in a flowing robe with gold embroideries and strange symbols etched into it. />
  “How did you do that?” I asked.

  “I have learned much from the dragon within me as I drifted through the stars. Light, for example, is merely an illusion. All that you see are reflections. So, I simply manipulated the light reflecting off of my body to show clothing of my choosing,” he said.

  “And you’ve done this before?” I asked.

  “No, this was my first attempt.”

  “Right, well it will do. Just follow me and I’ll find us a place to stay for the night.”

  Dorian nodded. “Where you go, I will follow.”

  Chapter Three

  I found a hotel in the city that seemed decent. Luckily I still had my wallet in my backpack. I tried booking two rooms, but they only had one available. I was certain Dorian could see me blushing when the attendant asked if that would be alright.

  Sure, put me in the same room as the incredibly sexy dragon shifter!

  “Yes, that’s fine,” I said.

  We went to our room and I let us in as Dorian marveled at the electronic key.

  “Incredible! How does it work?” he asked.

  I shrugged. “I honestly have no idea.”

  I closed the door behind us and locked the deadbolt. I walked over to the windows and shut the blinds as well. When I turned around, Dorian was naked again and looking in the mirror.

  “Whoa, what are you doing?” I asked.

  “Incredible! It’s as if the wounds never existed in the first place!”

  “Listen, could you use your light powers and put some clothes back on?” I asked.

  Dorian paused and turned to face me.

  “Harley, I’ve seen the way you look at me. I must say, I find you to be quite beautiful as well. I was not to wed. Mine was the path of the warrior, but I have desires like any other creature. Perhaps I can make a suggestion for you,” he said.

  “Wait, you want me to be your wife?” I asked.

  “Perhaps, in time. For now, I think it’s time we stopped staring at each other and instead take action.”

  I felt myself blushing. He was pretty straightforward. It was a little intense at first, but his lack of complication was refreshing. Truth be told, I had been looking at him longer than I should on more than one occasion. My blood was rushing and my heart was pounding. Maybe it was the adrenaline or it could have been the fact that he was quite possibly the sexiest alien bad boy in existence, but I didn’t want to say no to him.

  “You think I’m beautiful?” I asked.

  Dorian nodded as he walked over. He ran his hands across my neck and gently rubbed one of my shoulders. Chills cascaded down my back as he leaned down and kissed the side of my neck.

  He treated me like a goddess, which is more than most. I couldn’t count the number of times people had called me a “BBW” in the comments of my blog. A big beautiful woman, sure, but I wasn’t interested in their advances. I had to manually mark them as spam every time they showed up. Dorian though, he didn’t say anything of the sort.

  “Your scent is intoxicating,” he whispered.

  I slowly lowered my hands onto the back of his head. His skin was incredibly warm. If he was human, he would have been running a massive fever. Something told me he always ran hot though. He reached down with his muscular arms and plucked me from the ground. He walked over to the bed as and stared deep into my eyes as he held me in his arms.

  I looked back and I saw the fire that burned inside of him. I saw a familiar light, a warming glow that seemed to break down all of my defenses. Dorian laid me down on the bed gently and went to work taking off my jeans. He was clearly perplexed at the zipper and button so I helped him along with shaking hands.

  My heart thundered in my chest as he slowly pulled down my jeans and panties. His ran his fingers down my legs and traced the line with soft presses of his lips against my inner thigh. My body was humming with an electric ecstasy as he spread my legs apart and pressed his lips between them.

  My back arched and my fingers dug into the back of his head as he slid his tongue into me. He gently explored until he found the perfect spot. He knew exactly what he was doing. He may not have been married, but he certainly had experience. His tongue moved in perfect circles and lines. With each thrashing movement, my body was struck with another bolt of pure pleasure. His stamina was relentless, he didn’t stop until I came. I screamed loud enough for the next three rooms to hear as I lost control of my senses.

  I had nothing but desire flowing through my veins after that. I tore off the rest of my clothing and unclasped my bra. As my breasts fell free, Dorian dove forward and pinned me down to the bed by my wrists. His eyes glowed softly in the darkness and I watched them trace a line from my head to my legs.

  “Spectacular,” he whispered.

  He bent down and ran his tongue across the curvature of my breasts. He took one the nipples into his mouth and ran his tongue across the surface. I fought against his thick arms as my body convulsed and shook. I looked down and saw him dangling above me. I wanted to feel him inside me more than anything.

  He brought his lips up to mine. Just as we kissed, he effortlessly slid himself into me. A moan escaped my lips as he pulled out slightly and thrusted downward again. His hips moved with a perfectly rhythm. I watched the muscles in his arms and chest undulate beneath his skin as he slammed himself into me again and again.

  The passion between us was undeniable. He released my wrists and I sat up. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and we sat facing each other. With his legs beneath mine grinded myself against him. He cupped one of my breasts in his hand and massaged it as I felt his hot breath against my neck.

  He picked me up and walked over to the dresser where a television sat across from the bed. He threw the TV like it was nothing. I watched it slammed onto the ground as glass shattered across the floor. He sat me down on the surface of the dresser and held me in place as he thrusted into me. The dresser slammed into the wall behind us. Our thundering rhythm filled the entire room. I begged him not to stop as I felt another climax coming. The glow in his eyes intensified. We came at the same time. I screamed and he roared like the dragon he was. It shook the very walls around us. When it was all done, he carried me back to the bed and laid me down.

  He didn’t climb into bed with me. Instead, he stood at the window looking out into the parking lot.

  “Aren’t you going to sleep?” I asked.

  “No, I’m going to stand guard,” he said.

  “Could you lay with me, just until I fall asleep?”

  He turned and looked at me. His eyes still had that soft glow that I couldn’t quite place.

  “As you wish,” he said.

  He climbed into bed with me and I rolled over onto him. My hands pressed against his chest and I listened to his heartbeat as I slowly started to fall asleep. I didn’t feel him get back up. In my dreams he never left.

  Chapter Four


  I laid with many women in my youth, but this human, this Harley, she was different. She was beautiful, captivating, and full of life. There was a part of me that was drawn to her, as if my journey through the stars was always meant to end here. I felt the guiding hand of fate upon me as I looked down at her sleeping form.

  I had almost fallen asleep beside her. I couldn’t allow that to happen, though. She had saved me. I believed her when she said we were being hunted. I had to keep watch, but it was hard to protect her when I did know what threat we faced. As I turned to face the window, the door to our room exploded open. Shards of wood sailed through the air as four heavily armored humans rushed inside.

  I charged toward them, but their weapons were faster than me. A ball of blue light shot out from one of their contraptions. The impact made me lose control of my limbs and I fell to the ground in a heap. I felt control coming back, but the armored humans surrounded me before I could resist. They picked me up by my arms and held me on my shaking legs.

  A woman walked inside as Harley hurriedly put her clothes
back on. The woman had pale skin and hair black as night. Her eyes were a cold gray as she looked at me with contempt.

  “It seems we’re just in time,” she said, “give him the clothes.”

  One of the humans dropped a clear bag with some sort of clothing inside.

  “Put those on, we don’t have much time,” the woman said.

  “Who are you and what do you want?” I asked.

  “Dorian, what’s happening to me?” Harley screamed.

  I turned away from the humans and saw Harley standing in the corner. Tiny specks of color were breaking off of her like grains of sand. They floated upward like a reserve rain. She seemed to be crumbling like an ancient statue.

  “What have you done to her?” I asked the woman.

  “I didn’t do anything, it’s what you haven’t done yet that’s causing the problem.”


  I had enough feeling in my legs and arms to move. I pushed through the humans and ran to Harley’s side. I reached out to her, but my hands passed right through her body. She broke apart, and disintegrated into dust before me until nothing remained but her voice that still echoed in the air like a memory.

  I turned back around and saw the woman staring back at me with a stoic expression on her face.

  “Start talking or I’ll kill you where you stand!” I shouted.

  “Look Dorian, this little alien abduction romance of yours is over. If you come with us, I’ll explain everything,” she said.

  “No, you tell me now!”

  “We don’t have time, Dorian! You want to save her? You have to come with us now!”

  I begrudgingly walked over and took the clothing out of the bag they provided. They were strange garments, similar to the ones that Harley had been wearing. When I was dressed we walked outside into a pitch black night. Only the strange lights built by humans illuminated the area around us. The night sky was blank, devoid of a moon or stars.

  “Is there not a moon in the sky of this world? I saw it when we first arrived,” I said.

  The woman nodded. “Yes, there was one.”


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