Magpies, Squirrels and Thieves

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Magpies, Squirrels and Thieves Page 40

by Jacqueline Yallop

  Tylecote, Mabel, The Mechanics’ Institutes of Lancashire and Yorkshire before 1851 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1957)

  Vergo, Peter, New Museology (New York: Routledge, 1992)

  Vincentelli, Moira, Women and Ceramics: Gendered Vessels (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2000)

  Wainwright, Clive, The Romantic Interior: The British Collector at Home 1750–1850 (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1989)

  Wainwright, Clive, ‘A Gatherer and Disposer of other men’s stuffe: Murray Marks, connoisseur and curiosity dealer’, Journal of the History of Collections, 14, 1 (May 2002)

  Waring, J. B., ‘Ceramic Art’, Art Treasures of the United Kingdom from the Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester (London: Day & Son, 1858)

  Waterfield, Giles, Palaces of Art: Art Galleries in Britain 1790–1990 (London: Lavenham Press, 1991)

  Whitehead, Christopher, The Public Art Museum in Nineteenth-Century Britain (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005)

  Williamson, G. C., Murray Marks and His Friends (London: John Lane, 1919)

  Wright, Susan M., The Decorative Arts of the Victorian Period (Avon: Bath Press; The Society of Antiquaries, 1989)

  Yanni, Carla, Nature’s Museums: Victorian Science and the Architecture of Display (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999)


  1st Cheshire Rifles 249, 251

  4th Bebington Company 250

  34th Regiment of Foot 249

  38th Middlesex (Artists’) Rifle Volunteers 251

  Abbey of Stavelot, Belgium 283

  Abbotsford, Melrose 197

  Abeokuta, Nigeria 334

  Aberdeen 36

  Abu Simbel temples, Egypt 227

  Abyssinia (later Ethiopia): Magdala Treasure 222–23

  Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres, Paris 54

  Académie Française, Paris 54

  Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, Paris 54

  Academy 175

  Aesthetic movement, Aesthetes 24, 266, 284

  African art 333–34

  Agnew, William 115

  Agnew’s 106, 272

  Albert, Prince Consort 18, 69, 75, 103–4, 114, 154, 226, 229, 231–34, 334

  Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter 33–34

  Alcock, Sir Rutherford 345, 346

  Alexandra, Princess (later Queen) 221

  Alfred Jewel 201

  Alicante, Spain 167–68

  Alnwick Castle 199

  Altes Museum, Berlin 238

  Amsterdam 165, 169, 178, 269

  André, Alfred 306

  Angelico, Fra: Adoration of the Magi 64

  Anning, Mary 155, 156

  anthropology 325

  antiquarianism 196–200

  Antwerp 172, 173

  Arley Castle, Staffordshire 220

  Arnold, Matthew: ‘Culture and Anarchy’ articles 24

  art critics, female 175, 176

  art history 117–18

  Art Journal 84–85, 89, 118, 206

  Art Nouveau 266

  Art Treasures Exhibition (Manchester, 1857) 8, 13, 23, 46, 158, 169, 228–37

  Arthur, King 140

  ‘Artists’ Houses’ 271

  Arts and Crafts movement 23–24

  Asclepius-Hygieia diptych 227

  Ashmolean Museum, Oxford 199, 226, 356

  Ashurnasirpal II, King of Assyria 142

  Astor, William Waldorf 305

  Athenaeum, The 77

  Athenaeum Club, Liverpool 196

  Athenaeum Club, London 98, 276

  Bacon, Sir Nicholas 116

  Baedeker (publisher) 339

  Bakenkhonsu, sarcophagus of 222, 375

  Balmoral Castle, Scotland 104

  Baltimore 358, 359

  Barnett, Barney 151

  Barry, Sir Charles 137

  Bastian, Adolph 326

  Bastianini, Giovanni 297

  Bebington, Merseyside 240, 249, 253, 371, 374

  Bedford Park, London 271

  Beissel, Stephen 306

  Belle Ferronnière, La 307, 308–9

  Bellini, Giovanni: Feast of the Gods 267–68

  Belzoni, Giovanni 221

  Berenson, Bernard 280, 308

  Berlin 32, 37, 77

  Berlin Museum 293

  Bernal, Ralph 32

  Bernal collection 32, 149

  Bessborough, Blanche, Countess of 174, 183, 186, 374

  Bessborough family 174

  Bethnal Green, London 108

  ‘Bezaar stone’ 116

  Billy and Charley (Thames scavengers) 298

  Birkenhead docks 236

  Birmingham 36, 47, 212

  Birmingham Museum 110

  Birmingham School of Art 299

  Bishop, Heber Reginald 361–63

  Bisschop, Christoffel 171

  Blackfriars Bridge, London 201

  Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire 29

  Board of Trade 21

  Bock, Monsieur (Russian dealer) 280

  Bologna 62

  Bookplate Society 58

  Boor’s Bazaar, Rotterdam 163

  Bordeaux 125, 126

  Boselly, Jacques 177, 178

  Boston, Massachusetts 77

  Botticelli, Sandro 286

  Boughton, George Henry 271

  Bourgeois, Stephan 103

  Bournville, near Birmingham 252

  Bowes Museum, Barnard Castle 110

  Boxer Rebellion (1900) 368

  Boyle, Frederick 241, 248

  Boyle, Henry 241

  Bram Hertz collection 208–9, 237

  Brescia 62

  Bridgewater, Francis Egerton, 3rd Duke of 30

  Bridgewater collection 30, 31

  Bristol 36

  Bristol china 178

  British Archaeological Association 196, 198, 200, 203, 205

  British Empire 9, 17, 223, 315, 318, 324, 325, 328, 338

  British Institution, Pall Mall, London 43

  British Library 223

  British Museum, London 42, 44, 45–46, 67, 75, 78, 196, 200, 238, 356, 372

  British and Medieval Antiquities department 198

  Bushell’s contributions 331

  Charlotte Schreiber consults Franks 184

  and Charlotte Schreiber’s playing cards 181

  Christy Collection 326–27

  Cole’s predatory attitude 149

  collects artefacts of classical civilizations 237

  Department of Antiquities 204

  Duveen gallery 105, 150

  Egyptian objects 218, 220, 221, 222

  and the Faussett collection 204, 205

  favours antiquities from abroad 197–98

  forgeries issue 298, 299, 302–3, 305, 310

  Franks’s contribution 93–96, 148–49

  Indian material 339

  and Japanese art 340

  Magdala Treasure 223

  Mayer in 217–18

  overseas collections 326–29

  refuses to buy from Fejérváry collection 206

  rivalry with South Kensington 149

  Roach Smith collection 201

  Round Reading Room 204

  and Walters 358

  British Raj 338

  Brown, William 237

  Brunel, Isambard Kingdom 257

  Brussels, Belgium 173

  Bryanston House, Dorset 271

  Buchanan (art dealer) 292

  Buckingham, 2nd Duke of 29

  Builder, The 38

  Building News 8

  Bullock, William 218

  Bunsen, Christian: Egypt’s Place in Universal History 221

  Burke, Edmund: Philosophical Enquiry into the Origin of Our Ideas of the Sublime and Beautiful 23

  Burlington Fine Arts Club (previously Fine Arts Club) 82, 120, 181, 357

  Burlington Magazine 291

  Burne-Jones, Edward 251

  Burslem factory, Stoke-on-Trent 213

  Burton, Captain Richard F. 315 />
  Bushell, Dorothy 365

  Bushell, Florence 324, 329, 341, 363, 365, 367, 368

  Bushell, Stephen Wootton

  and Bishop 361–62

  and Chinese culture 322, 346–47, 349, 363

  and Chinese portable family wealth 343–44

  collecting interests 3, 323

  as a dealer 363–65

  deaths of his children 365–66

  doctor to the British delegation in China 2–3, 319

  donations to Victoria and Albert Museum 371

  enjoys living in Peking 341, 342

  enthusiasm for Chinese objects 321

  financial problems 362–64

  first scholarly article 323

  first Westerner to make a serious study of Chinese art 323–24, 367

  and Franks 323, 347–48

  learns Chinese language 322

  and magic Chinese mirrors 352–53

  marries Florence 324, 329

  personality 318, 349

  retirement 266

  and South Kensington Museum 340, 347, 348–49, 366–67, 376

  study methods 344, 353–55

  visits Inner Mongolia 324

  and Walters 357, 358–59

  Chinese Art 350–51, 367–68, 376

  Oriental Ceramic Art 359–61

  Buxton, Derbyshire 235

  Byron, George Gordon, Lord 137

  Caillot, Mme (dealer in Paris) 130

  Callowhill, James 359–60

  Cambridge 238

  Camden, Lady 163

  Cameron, Robert 33

  Campana, Giampietro 78–79, 80, 148

  Canaletto 62–63

  Canford Manor, Dorset 137–38, 141–44

  Cardiff 136

  Carleton, Sir Dudley 309

  Carlisle, Duke of 30

  Cathedral of St John, Bois-le-Duc (’s-Hertogenbosch), Holland 291

  Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge 235, 236

  Cellini, Benvenuto 194

  Chambers Journal 38, 45–46

  ChangLing Tomb, Peking 354

  Charles I, King 27–28, 104

  Charles V, Emperor 27, 116, 226

  Charles X, King of France 221

  Chartist movement 17, 57, 139

  Chatsworth, Derbyshire 235

  Chelsea china 130–31, 166

  Chesters, Northumberland 271

  Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, London 257, 258, 260, 266, 273

  Chicago 77

  Chinese ceramics 267–70

  chinoiserie 345

  Christie’s auctioneers, London 32, 109, 110, 119, 142, 287, 364, 375–76

  Christina, Queen of Sweden 27

  Christy, Henry 326–27

  Christy Collection 326–27

  Cincinnati 77

  Clark, Kenneth 295

  Clarke, Joseph 200, 201, 207, 208–9, 239, 244

  Cleveland House, St James’s, London 31

  Colchester, Essex 36

  Cole, Henry 3, 115, 311, 324

  and 1862 International Exhibition 18, 19–20, 24

  and abolition of Robinson’s art referee post 90

  aims of 21, 245

  Art Journal article attacks 89

  and design reform 67, 68

  education focus 68

  ‘False Principles in Design’ exhibition (‘Chamber of Horrors’; 1852) 67

  first Director of South Kensington Museum 18, 19–20, 77, 78, 106

  forgeries issue 298–99

  and Great Exhibition 18, 19–20

  personality 20

  predatory attitude towards British Museum 149

  relationship with Robinson 22, 68, 74, 80, 81, 85–93, 96, 111

  and relocation from Marlborough House to South Kensington 69

  reorganises government Schools of Design 20–21, 64

  Robinson’s pay rises 71–72

  and Soulages collection 231

  on ’the taste for collecting’ 33

  Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: ‘Kubla Khan’ 324

  Collins, Wilkie 73

  The Woman in White 245

  Connoisseur, The: A Collector’s Journal and Monthly Review 32, 245

  Constable, Isabel 372

  Constable, John 113, 372

  Sketch of Hampstead Heath 103

  Constantine, Grand Duke, of Russia 139

  Cook, Sir Francis 103

  Cook, Captain James 218, 335

  Cook, Thomas 235

  Cooke, E. W. 270, 271

  Cooksey, Charles 292, 293

  Cornforth, Fanny 260

  Cornhill Magazine 24

  Correggio, Antonio da 28

  Cortes, Hernan 116

  Cotman, J. S. 113

  Couvreur, Monsieur (art dealer in Paris) 59

  Covent Garden, London 247, 261

  Cremation Society 277

  Crimean War (1853–6) 230

  Crivelli, Lucrezia 307

  Cromwell, Oliver 226

  Crowne, John: Darius, King of Persia 248

  Cruikshank, George 264

  Crystal Palace, London 8, 67, 83, 142, 160

  Cunliffe-Owen, Lady 40

  Cunliffe-Owen, Philip 106–10, 301, 327, 329, 348

  Dacre Park, Merseyside 240

  Daily Mail 293

  Daily Telegraph 120, 299

  Daniels, William 190–93, 205, 216

  Dante Alighieri 63

  Divine Comedy 225

  Darwin, Charles: On the Origin of Species 336–37

  d’Athanasi, Giovanni 221

  de Trafford, Sir Humphrey 232

  Degas, Edgar 333

  Delange, Monsieur (art dealer in Paris) 59

  delftware 268, 269

  Department of Practical Art (later Department of Science and Art) 21

  Derby, 13th Earl of 238

  Derby, 14th Earl of 218–19

  Derby Arboretum 252

  ‘Devonshire Gems, The’ 11

  Devonshire, William Cavendish, 3rd Duke of 11, 235

  Dickens, Charles 234, 264, 372

  Little Dorrit 45, 73, 316–17

  The Old Curiosity Shop 197, 265

  Our Mutual Friend 73–74

  Dijon 195

  Dilke, Charles 175

  Dilke, Emilia, Lady 175, 373

  Art in the Modern State 175

  The Renaissance of Art in France 175

  Disraeli, Benjamin 134, 234

  Dobson, Frank 251

  Doge’s Palace, Venice 281

  Dorio, Denys 172

  Dorset County Museum 120

  Douglas, James 202–3

  Nenia Britannica 202, 203

  Dowgate Hill brooch 201

  Dowlais, South Wales 136, 138–39, 140, 144, 146, 177, 195

  Downing Hall, Flintshire 241

  Dresden 166

  Driffield museum 199

  Drolling, Michel Martin 52

  Du Sommerard, Alexandre 59

  Dublin Museum 110

  Dudley Gallery Art Society, Piccadilly, London 58

  Dürer, Albrecht 167

  Durlacher Brothers 290, 291

  Dutch East India Company 267, 332

  Duveen, Henry 152

  Duveen, James Henry 288

  Duveen, Sir Joseph and Americans 288

  Belle Ferronniere dispute 307, 308–9

  ‘Duveen Eye’ 279–80, 301, 309

  funding of galleries 105, 150

  knighted for his philanthropy 105

  makes a fortune as a dealer 105, 150

  personality 105

  and Robinson 105

  talent for salesmanship 105

  Duveen, Joseph Joel 105, 262–63

  apprenticed to a porcelain merchant in Hull 150–51, 263

  ‘Duveen Eye’ 279–80, 301

  loans pieces from his showroom 262

  redesigning of Wilson’s house 287–88

  remarkets his business 265

  rivalry with the Schreibers 147–48, 150, 152–53, 262

  sets up a company 151

nbsp; and the thrill of competition 151

  Duveen, Rosetta 151–52

  Dyce, William 87, 257

  Dyer, William 106

  East End, London 44

  East End, Sheffield 40

  East India Company 17, 327, 339

  Indian museum, Leadenhall Street, London 338–39

  Eastlake, Sir Charles 13, 64, 82, 118, 148, 176

  Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts, Paris 52

  Edie, Major William 237

  Education Act (1870) 83

  Edward, the Black Prince 304

  Edward III, King 304

  Edward VII, King (as Prince of Wales) 221

  Egba people 334

  Egerton, Sir Philip 236

  Egyptian relics 219–27

  ‘Egyptian Temple’ (later Egyptian Hall), Piccadilly, London 218

  Eitelberger, Rudolph 117

  El Greco: Christ Driving Out the Moneylenders from the Temple 110

  Elgin, James Bruce, 8th Earl of 355

  Elgin, Lord 222, 355

  Elgin Marbles 105, 197, 222, 355

  ethnography 325

  display of ethnographic objects 331–37

  Etruria factory, Stoke-on-Trent 210, 213

  Evans, John 199–200, 205

  Ancient Bronze Implements, Weapons and Ornaments of Great Britain 199

  Ancient Stone Implements 199

  Evans, Mister (art dealer in Paris) 59

  Exeter 33–34, 36, 334

  exhibition societies 58

  Exposition Universelle (Paris 1867) 298

  fans 179–80, 185

  Faussett, Bryan 202

  Faussett, Henry Godfrey 203, 204

  Faussett collection 202, 203, 204–6, 244

  Fejérváry collection 206, 227

  Ferrara 62

  Fildes, Luke 271

  Fine Arts Club (later Burlington Fine Arts Club) 12, 13, 19, 71, 81, 82–84, 88–89, 97, 156, 181, 229, 232, 264, 276, 356

  Fine Arts Society 106

  First Afghan War (1839–42) 340

  First Republic (France) 58

  First World War 251, 312

  Flaudin, Mme (dealer in Paris) 130, 131

  Fleet Ditch 201

  Flora affair 290–96, 304, 307, 311

  Florence 62, 64, 76, 312

  Fontana, Giovanni 242

  forgery issue 290–312

  Forster, John 372

  Fort Nelson, near Portsmouth 250

  Fortnum, Charles 356–57

  Fournier (a dealer contact of Charlotte Schreiber) 179

  Fournier, M. (dealer in Paris) 130, 179

  Fowke, Captain Francis 7, 8

  Fragonard, Jean-Honoré 288

  ‘Fragonard Room’ 288

  Franco-Prussian War (1870–71) 125, 128, 166

  Frankfurt 263

  Franks, Augustus Wollaston 93–96, 148, 199, 223, 264, 280, 308, 332, 355

  bookplate 216

  British and Medieval Antiquities department 198

  and Bushell 323, 347–48

  and catalogue of Schreiber collection 184


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