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Gerald Page 1

by McKayla Schutt

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  The Tundra Series-Book One

  McKayla Schutt

  I want to give a special thanks to my husband, my PA and my editor. You are all amazing and I love you all so much. Also, I want to thank my amazing fans for putting your faith in me.


  McKayla Schutt

  Published by McKayla Schutt, 2017.

  While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


  First edition. November 10, 2017.

  Copyright © 2017 McKayla Schutt.

  Written by McKayla Schutt.



  Stella stretched her body getting ready to shift into her large dragon form. She double checked the time and made sure it was after six p.m. Stella didn’t want to make the same mistake as the one that ended in her parent’s untimely death. Tonight, the witches around the world come together to cast a protective spell, it only happened two nights a year, which helped protect dragons so they were able to fly without being seen by non-supernatural beings or humans. Sadly, she had missed the last one. She hadn’t planned on still being in the Northern Tundra to shift but her trip to the frozen land had taken longer than planned. Snow covered her feet making her shiver as she pulled off her coat. The storm blowing in made the temperatures drop even farther; she was thankful for her dragon heated body to help starve off frost bite. It had been a full year since she had let her beast out and she looked forward to flapping her wings but the bitter chill made her question her desire to shift.

  “Don’t be a pussy, Stella, you can do this.” A shiver ran up her spine as she yanked off her top and shoved off her pants leaving just her bra and underwear on. Tossing her jeans into a watertight bag, which she had carried on her back. She unsnapped her bra and her teeth chattered as the freezing air made her nipples harden. Gritting her teeth; she hurried up and stored her clothes. Tossing the bag to the side she took a few steps away. Once in her dragon form she would mark her spot with fire so she knew where her bag rested.

  Letting the scales cover her body, warming her up enough to push through the growth spurt into her dragon. She normally loved her red almost black scales but in the white tundra, she stuck out. Her talons dug into the snow and her tale slammed into the ground. A quick x with her dragon breath melted the ice before she rolled her shoulders to adjust to her beast’s larger size. Her lack of success in finding a new clan or home made her anger simmer below the surface. She pushed all of her pent-up irritation into each beat of her wings. She had been searching for a damn clan of dragons to call her own since her parents had passed away more than a decade ago.

  Dragons were a dying breed with all the hunters trying to steal their blood. Trying to find a clan or even a mate was getting tough. She wanted dragonlings but what she wanted most was for them to have the best chance at life. Most dragons were being hunted for their blood which made Stella sick. She almost envied her wolf friends as they were out of the supernatural closet and could easily find their mates by one touch. One fucking touch and they know who their mate is. Lucky bastards. Letting out a loud roar, she pushed out a small bout of flames above the clouds and shook off the snow as she soared. Stella turned around as she hovered above the storm.

  Her mind wandered back to the ruby ring back in her pants pocket. It had meant so much to her mother but Stella still didn’t understand why. When your mate marks you, wear it till your own children become of age. Her mother’s last words rolled through her head as she gained altitude over a set of thick clouds. Her mother wore the ring like a wedding band and when she bled out she found enough strength to give her those words.

  She was thankful for the limited population in the tundra because Stella didn’t have to worry about when her dragon surged forward while around other humans. As a dragon shifter, her eyes changed when her dragon became emotional or even wanted to get out. She had noticed her mother’s eyes turning the same shade of green as Stella’s when her mother looked at her father. Before Stella was allowed around human children, she had to learn what it felt like to have her eyes change. The odd warming sensation came over her eyes when her dragon surfaced. If a dragon didn’t learn the sensation and a hunter or a human saw, it would cause trouble.

  The sound of wings flapping filled her ears. Those aren’t my wings. Her head whipped around trying to find the source. Maybe this is it. Maybe I can find a clan. Excitement filled her body for a split second before being extinguished when she thought about what her parents had said as a young dragonling. Don’t shift in someone’s territory as they will take it as a threat. Her mother had explained on one of those special nights they could shift without being spotted.

  A black dragon caught her eye, and he headed straight toward her. His eyes were red making her panic. Barreling down toward the ground she found a relatively flat place to land. Shifting as quickly as possible when the black dragon landed on the ground next to her making her fall onto her human knees.

  “Shit it’s freezing.” Stella gasped as she pushed her body up. His masculine woodsy scent filled her nose, he stood taller than her dragon form. She shoved her hands up into the air to show she didn’t want to threaten him. A blast of wind hit her back, and she gritted her teeth, the negative temperature on the ground made her wish dragons could speak in their other form. Oh, that would make life so much fucking easier.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize someone had claimed this territory. I wanted to get my flight in before the night ended.” Stella stayed calm and made sure her voice didn’t shake. The dragon huffed black smoke making her doubt her confidence. “I’ll just go.” She stepped back and then studied her surroundings. Smoke billowed from her nose to warm her hands to help bring up her body temperature. Even as a dragon she could still die from the elements, it just takes double the time. With the gusts of wind, she guessed she had about twenty minutes to get dressed before frostbite touched her flesh.

  Her heart dropped. She didn’t realize where she had actually landed. She had flown around in the clouds without realizing it and now she was freaking lost. Shit, I’m so screwed. She wrapped her arms around her chest. She hated the exposed sensation rising in her chest. Her eyes were drawn to the black dragon as he shifted. He pushed back his solid black hair and moved his shoulder with his mustache the same color as his head. Licking her lips; she looked at his stunning toned body. His abdomen had stacks of muscles and his wide shoulders radiated strength.

  “What are you doing in my territory?” The male growled. Fuck, he is the alpha. She took in a deep breath; she met his light cognac brown eyes.

  “I wanted to fly before the Winter Solstice ended.” Making sure her breasts were covered with one arm she pushed back her red hair. She normally kept it in a braid but when she shifted, it would just break the band.

  “Why aren’t you home with your clan?” His words stung, and she squared her sh

  “My family is dead; my father was the last alpha of the clan and he didn’t find a need to have more dragonling after me.” Stella nibbled on her lower lip.

  “I see. My name is Gerald Baudin.” His eyes flashed red while he looked down her body making her face heat up. She knew his dragon watched her now more than the man. To her own surprise her dragon didn’t try to surge forward.

  “Stella Herrman.” She kept her eyes glued to his face no matter how bad she wanted to take a glimpse at his package below the waist. Can’t be a perv right now.

  “Where are your belongings?” He raised one of his dark eyebrows.

  “I actually don’t know. I… um. I’m a bit lost.” She looked around the winter waste land. All the white made it hard to trace her steps back. Scenting the air she caught the smell of water and him, a woodsy scent with a hint of fiery cinnamon. He bent over and she saw a black bag at his feet, he must have carried in his dragon form. He grabbed a long sleeve shirt and moved toward her. A shiver of excitement rushed down her body. She had no idea why but a deep want for him to touch her filled her soul. No, I need him to touch me.

  “Wear this and I will take you to your clothes on my back. You’re not allowed to shift in my territory,” Gerald said as he handed the shirt to her. Stella opened her mouth to protest but closed it tight when he glared at her. His eyes had flashed red again. Stella nodded and pull on the gray shirt. His woodsy scent clung to the fabric, the hem reached her upper thigh were a short skirt would hit. Her preferences for a dress or skirt were a little longer, but she didn’t have many choices. Subconsciously she pulled at the bottom trying to lengthen it but with little success.

  A light chuckle sounded from Gerald as he dropped the bag at her feet then backed up to shift. Once he stood in his full dragon form, he nudged the bag toward her. She sighed and strapped it to her back. Then climbed into the only spot she could comfortably ride a dragon. Memories of her father and mother teaching her how to ride them filled her mind. She blew more smoke over her flesh to give herself heat once more. His cool scales touched her inner thighs sending a wave of heat to her core. Licking her lower lip; she pulled at the shirt and placed it between her heat and his scales. I hope he can’t tell he’s turning me on.

  “Ready when you are.” The words left her lips, and he lunged into the air taking her breath away. His strong wings beat against the light snow fall and a small shiver ran through her body. Her fingers started to numb. Her thoughts wandered to a warm fire in a living room. Her body stood naked to take in all the warmth it offered. Gerald slipped into her day dream as he nipped at her shoulder and wrapped his strong arms around her. The moment he slipped his fingers around her breast was the same moment dragon Gerald leaned forward toward a black speck on the ground. Shaking her head violently she pushed her day dream back.

  He landed with a soft thud onto the snow and ice. She climbed off careful not to let the shirt hiked up. Her feet hit the ground, and the cold zipped up her body. Quickly she moved over to her bag, she shoved her feet into her boots and sighed. She pulled on her coat to stop her teeth from chattering then turned to find Gerald watching her in his dragon from. He motioned for her to climb back on. She had no idea what do to for a second but another blast of wind hit her back. Oh hell how could a human live out here?

  “Can’t I get dressed first?” Stella reached into her bag when he shook his head. “I’m putting on my pants…” Her voice stopped when black smoke plumed from his nostrils. She glared at him and yanked out her jeans. More smoke left his nose while she yanked them up. Once fastened she grabbed her bag. “There now I won’t be so damn cold.” With a huff, she pulled the bag tight to her chest and climbed back onto the dragons back. She had no idea where he would take her but she was at his mercy. Stella had walked into his territory and shifted without his permission. She would be damn lucky if he didn’t punish her somehow. All she could do right now was pray to the goddess above that he was merciful.

  Great way to introduce yourself to the alpha, Stella. Just great. She scolded herself as he took to the sky.



  Stella squirmed on Gerald’s back making his cock harder. When she first climbed onto his back her floral scent had turned musky making his cock grow in his dragon form. And when she had bent over to grab her bag her ass peaked out of his shirt. He had intended to shift and tell her he was taking her to his home but shifting with a hard-on was not the most pleasant experience. Gerald didn’t want to shift twice with his cock hardened.

  A scout had called him and said a shedragon had shifted in his territory and it had been so long since someone had been brave enough to enter into his territory, he wanted to go see for himself. When he had seen her dark red body, she had panicked before he could fully see her face in her dragon form. Next time I will see everything. He thought as he spotted his large estate.

  “Wow,” Stella said as she leaned to the right. He grinned with pride, he had turned the pathetic old clan into something others respected. His claim in the gold industry had been goddess sent as it helped rebuild the estate into something modern and less medieval. He lowered his body onto the landing area designed for his massive form. As soon as his feet hit the ground Stella scurried off his back. Her soft hands sending a wave of pleasure through his body.

  He let his body shrink and scrunched his eyes shut as his hard cock pitched in pain then subsided. His skin heated a bit from the shift. He looked at Stella with her dark red hair and light blue eyes. She had curves on her making his mouth water.

  “You can stay here tonight.” Gerald’s voice came out gruff as he walked toward her. She stepped back and her eyes drifted down his body. A small gasp escaped her plump pink lips making his cock bounce to attention. He suppressed a groan as he grabbed her shoulders. He wanted to push her down into the snow and fuck her right there but he pushed back the urge. She tossed his bag at him and he pulled out his jeans. He kept his eyes on her while he yanked the fabric up his legs.

  “Why can’t I leave now?” She nibbled on her lip. His dragon liked watching her.

  “We’re miles away from the next town and if you left without shifting, you would die.” Gerald pushed back his dragon.

  “Why can’t I shift? I mean seriously it’s the freaking Winter Solstice!” She met his gaze which was brave of her, not many were as bold as her. What does this witchy day have anything to do with fucking flying and risking hunters seeing her? Why on earth would she do it?

  “Because I said you couldn’t. There are too many humans who could spot you.”

  “But it’s Winter Solstice. Every year the witches protect us on this night and on the Summer Solstice, so we can fly without being spotted by non-super-naturals. It’s been a long-time pact between with witches and dragons. Don’t you know?” She raised an eyebrow. He didn’t want to admit it was the first time he heard about this story. He had wondered why she would risk exposure by shifting on her own.

  “What if I haven’t heard about this?” He scratched his mustache. She looked like she suppressed a grin before she put her hand on her lips to clear her throat.

  “I can explain just inside. I’m getting cold.” Goosebumps covered her shoulders. Anger at himself rolled through his veins for not making her warmer sooner, he didn’t mean to keep her out in the freezing temperatures for so long. He motioned toward the main house. She nodded and slowly made her way toward the house. He liked how her eyes flashed green, he really wanted to get a better view of her dragon. Her feet slipped on a patch of ice. Without even thinking about his movements, he wrapped his arms around her back before she hit the snow-covered ground. He liked the feel of her soft body pressed into his which only made his cock twitch.

  “Shit.” Stella fumbled in his grasp, trying her best to stand up. He took pity on her and lifted her in his arms. “I can walk you know,” she said as she wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

  “I bet you’re capable but I don’t need y
ou falling and cracking your head open.” His gaze roamed down her body in his shirt. He wanted to rip it off her soft body and bury himself deep inside her. He had never felt this sort of desire to bed a woman like her.

  “So, Winter Solstice. Explain.” He pushed out the words. He wanted to fuck her, instead of talking about shifting. Her soft thighs grazed against his arm.

  “In the early eighteen hundreds dragons were being hunted just as much as the witches. A clan in the south had close ties to the dragons, she mated to one of the upper dragons. I think it’s a beta or alpha. The Devil Hunters attacked both of them, after a big battle they made a pact to protect each other. The dragons were growing too restless staying in their human form. They made a pact, twice a year they would cast a protection spell as long as they were there to protect the witches when asked for aid.” She stopped as they entered the house and she glanced around. Gerald shared the main house with his two brothers, Zane and Darius. They were patrolling the grounds, so he had the main house to himself.

  When he set her down, her floral scent consumed his nose. He motioned for her to sit on the couch. “Continue.”

  “That’s about it. Every Winter and Summer Solstice they cast their protection spell over the world and anyone who doesn’t have super natural blood can’t see you.” She shrugged. “I thought it was common knowledge for every dragon.”

  Gerald nodded, tomorrow he would do some digging to see if she told him the truth. For now, he wanted to get her into his bed. Something about her pulled him to her.

  Mate? He mulled over the thought and his dragon nodded in agreement. He wondered if she felt the same need toward him.

  “So why were you up here?” He needed to know more about her.

  “I actually was searching for you.” Her gaze fell to the ground. This caught his attention, and he sat up.

  “Why?” He growled. She adjusted in her seat. His dragon bristled in defense. It had been years since someone attacked his clan but he stayed prepared. Over the last few months he had been focused on getting the gold mine back on track. Even with the holidays there had been a dip in the sales department.


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