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Gerald Page 6

by McKayla Schutt

  Her knee came up and hit him square in the balls, she wanted to cause as much damage as possible to the man. The hunter grunted in pain and fell to the ground. She kicked his ribs causing him to gasp. Stella finally turned to really see Gerald. His hands were being held up by a strong rope and his skin had multiple cuts all over, all healing at different rates. The jean shorts they put on him were caked with blood.

  “I’m going to get you out of here.” She kissed him quickly. After releasing one of his bindings a knife connected with her lower back making her cry out.

  Stinging pain laced through the cut. A lone tear fell from her eye. Rage fueled her as she turned around.

  With a swift punch to the face the man stumbled back. Stella grabbed the biggest knife she could reach and swung it low, catching his upper thighs.

  More blood consumed her scenes as she took a deep breath to center herself. Lifting the large knife, she swung it and detached his head from his body.

  Blood sprayed from his body onto her. She kicked he body to the side. Using the knife, she cut the rope and caught Gerald in her arms.

  “It’s a good thing I’m a dragon, or else you would be too heavy.” Stella still struggled with his large body. He looked down at her with a half grin. Her heart no longer ached with him safe in her arms.

  “Let’s get you home so you can heal.” Stella kissed him. His normally soft lips were chapped, but it still felt nice against her lips. A set of heavy footsteps caught her attention. Zane’s smoky scent filled her nose seconds before he appeared.

  “Dude she is freaking awesome.” Zane helped Stella lift Gerald, and they walked up the stairs.

  “I already knew.” Gerald’s low voice still held a bit of strength. Pride filled Stella’s heart.

  They came to the top floor and the kid hunters were still huddled up, all terrified as they watched Darius.

  “Do yourself a favor and change your profession. You don’t want to end up dead like the others.” Stella watched them all nod their heads in agreement.

  “Try to attack us and I will kill you.” Darius growled. Stella was glad that none of them had the heart to kill the teenage boys. Darius stopped them and looked over Gerald’s broken leg. With a short nod from Gerald, Darius reset the break. A hiss left his lips but he would heal soon and they would be able to talk.

  Stella shifted and Zane helped Gerald on her back. When they were in the air with Gerald on her back, Stella’s heart calmed down. Once he healed they would need to talk. Stella hoped he would accept her as his mate. Deep down she knew if he didn’t she would have to leave because watching him be with another woman would set her off. Stella wouldn’t be the other woman who yearned for a man who didn’t want her.

  Stella pushed off into the air happy about Gerald resting safely on her back. Soon he would determine if she was allowed to stay or go and she had no clue which way he leaned.



  Flying on Stella's back was an odd sensation for Gerald. The elevation didn't bother him so much; the wind was brutal in his human form but still not the problem. Even the shorts didn’t help much in the protection department and he thanked the stars he didn’t freeze like normal humans. No, his problem was not being able to fly himself. As alpha, he should be flying home not carried. The damage to his body slowly healed but not fast enough.

  Her body descended and he could hear doors being opened as his brothers landed. Stella landed with a grace he didn't expect, barely moving him on her back.

  “What on earth happened?” Mom asked. She climbed up Stella while Gerald tried to move down. Everyone grabbed their clothes from his mother and dressed in silence.

  “Mom, I'm fine. It's worse than it looks.” His broken leg began healing after Darius reset it outside and the cuts no longer bled freely. His mother was unconvinced as she barked out orders to everyone but Stella. Once they were off her back, Stella shifted. Mom pulled Stella into a side hug and kissed her head.

  “Thank you for helping bring him home.” She kissed her again. Gerald liked how his mother already warmed up to Stella.

  “Hey, I helped too.” Zane moved to Gerald's side. If the fucker hadn’t broken my leg, I would be fine to walk.

  “You get your brother inside and on the couch.” She barked while still holding Stella. Kacie and Lillo walked out of the house.

  “I thought I made myself clear.” Stella growled low facing Lillo.

  “This isn’t your house.” Lillo snapped back. “Is there anything I can do?”

  “You can get the fuck out of here.” Stella blocked her advance toward Gerald giving him a nice view of her ass in the jeans his mother picked out. He wondered what had happened when he had been captured.

  “Lillo, I’m fine. I just need to get some food and rest.” Gerald tried to put some pressure on his once broken leg and winced. He hated showing weakness.

  “I will start making dinner then.” Lillo stood taller, the shedragon had always been persistent when it came to her advances to Gerald. Yet he didn’t want her, he wanted Stella.

  “I can cook dinner. Now scurry back to your own home.” Stella waved her hands in a shooing motion.

  “This isn’t your home.” Lillo stood her ground until smoke billowed from Stella’s nose.

  “Lillo, go home.” Gerald wanted to mate with Stella then sleep for a day. Especially in that order.

  “But this bitch is the reason you were captured and yet you take her side?” Lillo’s eyes widened. A growl left Stella and before Gerald managed to get between them Stella wrapped her hand around Lillo’s neck.

  “I gave you enough warnings.” Stella hissed. Gerald’s dragon liked watching Stella exude strength.

  “Let me go.” Lillo gasped.

  “Are you leaving?” Stella’s other hand twitched, her claws descended to replace her human nails. Gerald put more pressure on his leg and thanked the stars the pain had faded.

  “Fine.” Lillo hissed. Gerald grabbed Stella’s shoulder who in turn dropped Lillo.

  After a second she turned toward Gerald.

  “If you want me gone just say so.” She moved into the house without another word. He tested his weight on his once broken leg. Gerald’s leg finally took his weight without help.

  “You need to go Lillo. Kacie if you don’t want to cook up here without her that’s fine. Just let me know tomorrow. You guys can go home. Mom will cook dinner.” Gerald looked over toward his mother and felt bad about not asking her first. She smiled and nodded her head which released the tension building in his gut.

  “Excuse me.” Gerald ground his teeth as he followed Stella into the house. With each step, a renewing sense of healing washed through his body. He followed her lovely scent, Gerald found Stella in his room with her back to the door. Her shoulders were slumped in defeat. She pushed back some of her hair before turning toward him.

  “I suppose you’re here to ask me to pack my stuff.” Her lovely eyes didn’t meet his gaze.

  “Nope.” Gerald waited for her to really hear him. For a moment, her hand fidgeted with her clothes then her eyes snapped up to meet his gaze. His cock hardened under the shorts.

  “Wait, why not? I mean I just assaulted one of your clan members. I mean the bitch deserved it but still.” Stella studied him.

  “Well if I’m being honest it’s because I enjoyed watching you stand up for yourself.” Gerald laughed. His chest hurt a bit but nothing like a few hours ago. “If you seemed like you were struggling, I would have stepped in.” He moved a step closer.

  “You…but,” Stella sputtered. She growled low and began to pace. He couldn’t take her distress any longer. He crossed the room and pulled her into his body. Once her skin touched him, his dragon perked up. He leaned down and kissed her with everything he had. A soft moan left her lips onto his making his cock grow under the little fabric he had on.

  “Stella, you’ve woken something in me I’ve never felt before. I may have liked other women but those
feelings always faded after a few days. With you, they have grown so much, I can barely explain it. I should have just listened to my dragon the night we met and marked you.” Gerald kissed her again.

  “You want to mark me?” Her question barely above a whisper.

  “I do. I will only do it, if you want me to. If you don’t want me, or you want to be…” She leaned up and kissed him, completely stopping his train of thought. He shoved down the fabric hanging on his hips and lifted her up. Once her legs were secure around his hips he walked over to his bed. Even though most of his wounds were healed, he was tired as hell. He didn’t have the stamina to hold her and fuck her like she deserved. Her soft hands grabbed his hair and roamed over his back.

  He gently set her down on his large bed. Slowly she took off her clothes then scooted back.

  “I want a verbal response.” Before she could open her mouth, Gerald heard his mother yell in trouble. Fucking damn it! He cursed and grabbed a pair of sweats as he ran out the door for his mother. Stella had grabbed a robe and followed on his heels. Part of him enjoyed having her near him but his dragon didn’t want her in danger.

  “Who the hell are you?” Mom yelled her question toward the front door. Zane and Darius stood an inch in front of her in a protective stance putting Gerald on the defense. He rounded the corner to see three males in his house he didn’t recognize.

  “Magnis, is that you?” Stella moved around Gerald and tightened her robe. The man in front with a strong alpha build smiled toward Stella. Gerald’s dragon growled with anger.

  “It’s been a long time, Stella. Damn, you’re hot now.” He chuckled. Stella shook her head and moved over to hug the dragon. The only thing saving the new alpha from dying was Stella greeting him like a friend.

  “What are you even doing here?” Stella stepped back after the hug.

  “Well, I’m actually here for you.” Magnis winked. Gerald couldn’t stop the growl from leaving his lips.

  Stella is mine!

  His dragon wanted to yell, but Gerald’s heart fell in a short beat. His Stella didn’t hold his mark making her free game.



  Stella couldn’t believe what was going on as she stared at her oldest friend Magnis. Magnis had visited her and her family before she had lost her parents, they were part of a clan Stella thought had been killed off. His clan had been the first one she had searched for after Eve and Wally had died.

  “What do you mean you’re here for me?” Stella turned over to face Gerald’s face tensed up into a pissed off look, while his body looked better and not so battered.

  “It’s a bit of a long story, but I’m here to take you home.” Magnis reached for her arm. Gerald moved closer and Magnis turned toward him.

  “She is home.” Gerald’s eyes narrowed on the new dragon.

  “Oh, really?” Magnis had been a cocky kid when they were dragonlings and it seemed he never grew out of it.

  “How about we all sit down? Anish, I think something might be burning in the kitchen.” Stella sniffed at the air. Anish cursed as she fled the room.

  “Know this, you shift on my land and I will end you,” Gerald growled toward her old friend.

  “Fine. Lucas and Conrad are the only dragons I brought with me.” Magnis motioned to the two men standing a few inches away. The tension in the room was so thick, even dragon’s breath couldn’t cut through it. Magnis and Gerald moved toward the couch but neither moved to sit. Stella tightened her robe again to make sure she didn’t spill out then sat on the edge of a chair. Slowly the men took their seats all staring at each other. Stella didn’t know if she should be flattered or insulted.

  “Magnis, could you please explain why you’re really here.” Stella finally broke the silent stares. Magnis turned to meet her gaze. A twinge of sadness glimpsed in his eyes before fading into determination.

  “It started two generations ago. Your mom had been betrothed to my father but your dad mated with her before she turned twenty. To this day I never understood the delay, but I respected your parent’s wish. You see the original clans, fire, water, air and earth are slowly dying off. Most wanted to keep the lines pure. Because of this, dragons are about to lose the extra abilities. In order to preserve our abilities two pure dragons, need to mate.”

  “Your fire, that’s why it’s colder and blue, right?” Stella asked.

  “Correct. I’m a water dragon. One of the last except my sister.” Magnis nodded.

  “What does this have to do with me?” Stella scratched her head trying to give her hands something to do.

  “Both of your parents were the last of the fire clan which means only you can preserve the clan.” Magnis sighed and pushed his hands through his long blonde hair.

  “Ok. So, my kids will take on my genes. All I have to do is have children. Sounds easy enough.” She wanted a family, dragonlings to fill her house with laughter and fun. I want them with Gerald.

  “If you don’t mate with a pure dragon, your children only have a thirty-five percent chance of getting your fire abilities. With a pure dragon, your dragonlings have a fifty percent chance.” Magnis paused to glare at Gerald. The information rolled around in her head.

  “Stella, your parents made a deal with my father. If you were a male, you would be betrothed to my sister, as a female you’re betrothed to me.” Magnis turned back to Stella, she felt everyone watching her again. Something glass slammed into the ground making Stella jump. He pulled out a manila envelope and handed it to Stella. “In there is the contract your parents signed with my parents.” Anish had been carrying a tray of snacks into the room but now they lay on the floor in a mess of glass. Anish blinked a few times before her eyes moved from Stella to Gerald and back. The woman’s shock snapped Stella out of her daze.

  “Betrothed. This isn’t the freaking eighteenth century. People don’t get betrothed anymore.” She didn’t give a damn if the deal had been made years ago. Wait, would my dragonlings have a better chance at survival if Magnis fathered them? The unknown terrified her.

  “I know this is a lot to process. Read over the papers.” Magnis moved to comfort Stella, but she shook her head. Stella pulled out the paper, and the faded scent of her parents hit her nose. Her mother’s floral scent mixed with her father’s spicy scent brought back memories of their happy faces. Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes and her throat tightened. With one hard swallowed she pushed down the urge to cry. Her eyes roamed over the papers, proving Magnis spoke the truth.

  “I need a minute.” Stella stood and left the room. She rushed toward the bathroom and locked the door. The urge to vomit stirred in her stomach but nothing came up. She hadn’t eaten since breakfast. After dry-heaving for a minute she laid on the cool floor and listened in on the guys. In that moment, she would rather fight a whole group of hunters than having two men fight over her. She wanted the best for her children and as kids Magnis had always been the sweet teenager. He had been her first kiss and had gently turned her down when it came to sex.

  Stella shoved her hand through her hair to give herself something to do. What happened to the sweet boy who had cared for her?

  “If you have been practically engaged since birth how come she didn’t know?” Zane asked. Stella wondered the same thing.

  “Her parents didn’t want her to know till she was older. They said she would know on her nineteenth birthday but from what I just found out they died before then.”

  “Why didn’t you go to her when her parents died? She’s been practically alone for years.” Gerald growled. Stella took in a shaky breath. Her mind was a jumbled mess hearing about the ‘pure’ breeding.

  “I didn’t know, they were dead until a few days ago. I had this trip planned to come for Christmas for a few years now. Partially to make sure her parents had told her and the other half to get to know her again. It’s been years since I last saw her.”

  Stella wondered if this was the reason her parents only had one child
instead of more like other dragons. Did they really give me away before I was even born? Her mind wondered back and forth as she listened to the guys talk. She wondered if the two clans had spoken before and that’s how Magnis found the location so easily.

  After stewing, she finally stood and rejoined the group. Magnis and Gerald stood as she entered both of them watching her closely. Oh a group of hunters would be better to take on then two freaking alpha dragons. Her emotions were spiking too high for her to think clearly so she opted to get away from everyone.

  “Magnis, it’s great seeing you again, but it’s been a long day. I’m grabbing some food and then going to sleep. I shifted a few times to many today.” She gave them both a weak smile and walked out of the room to the spare bedroom. Stella hated the pain in Gerald’s eyes but she couldn’t be near him at the moment. Her mind was a swarm of madness and confusion. She needed the night to sort through her clustered thoughts. Can I really leave Gerald just after he said he wanted me? Will he still want me now?



  Watching Stella walk out broke Gerald’s heart a bit. He stared at the ceiling above his head, Gerald listened to her steady heartbeat in the other room. After Magnis and his pals agreed not to shift on his land, Darius showed them to a small home to sleep in. Gerald walked up to his room still listening to her steady heartbeat. The steady sound kept his dragon from going crazy. Less than twelve hours ago they were inches away from becoming lifelong mates. If he had only marked her sooner, they would be together and the Magnis fucker could piss off.

  He climbed into bed but only tossed and turned instead of getting restful sleep yet his dreams haunted him, so he just stayed up instead. Gerald gripped the sheets as he tried to come up with a plan to get Stella to stay with him. He didn’t give a damn about the whole pure breeding shit Magnis spewed the night before. A pan banged in the kitchen signaling his mother had control of the kitchen. Before she completely cooked everything in the fridge, he showered and dressed. When he opened the door, Stella walked out of her room. Her blue eyes met his gaze while she pulled her lower lip between her teeth.


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