The Blackmailed Bridegroom

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The Blackmailed Bridegroom Page 13

by Miranda Lee

  He might want commitment. But not obsession.

  No, no, she should not do this. Her common sense warned her against it. She was risking everything for the sake of physical pleasure.

  But common sense had never been much of a match for the feelings Antonio could evoke. In the end, the temptation to bring that ultimate fantasy to life was too strong. And she was too weak…

  Now Antonio sighed. With the anticipation of pleasure. For she’d squatted down and picked up the bottle of oil, and was now pouring some in the well of her right hand. His head was resting on his hands and turned to the side, his eyes slanted open just enough to see. He could not wait for her to lean over and start rubbing it into his back.

  But then she did something which surprised him. Instead of just leaning over him from where she was, she moved round to straddle his hips, her body settling onto his buttocks, pressing him hard down against the deck, producing a mad mixture of pleasure and pain.

  Oh, hell!

  Grimacing, he flexed every muscle he owned and gathered himself for the moment when her hands would find his skin…

  Paige gave up trying to hold back the moment she touched him. If she was going to bring this fantasy to life, she was going to do it properly.

  No stranger to massage, she let her fingers operate on automatic pilot for a while, kneading the tension out of Antonio’s shoulders and shoulderblades, before working her way slowly down his spine.

  ‘God, that feels good,’ Antonio groaned when she reached the small of his back. ‘You could do this for a living.’

  ‘I had a lot of practice at it once.’

  ‘What? Where?’

  ‘In a massage parlour.’

  His head snapped up and she pushed it back down. ‘Only joking. I’ll tell you later. I can’t talk and do this at the same time.’ Which was true. The feel of his flesh under her hands, plus the anticipation of what she was about to do, was turning her on so much she could hardly think.

  ‘I’m just going to work on your legs,’ she told him, her voice sounding like treacle as she lifted herself off his buttocks to kneel between his feet.

  With painstaking and highly erotic thoroughness she massaged his thighs, then behind each knee, his calves, the soles of his feet, and finally each and every toe. By the time she worked her way back up his legs again Paige was beside herself with the most heart-pounding excitement. Antonio had long been reduced to silence, though he’d flinched and whimpered a few times when she’d been doing his toes.

  ‘Turn over,’ she ordered, after shifting to kneel beside him.

  His eyes cracked open just enough to meet hers. ‘I don’t think that’s such a good idea,’ he told her thickly.

  ‘But I do,’ she insisted, and his eyes opened a little more.

  With a shuddering sigh, he did as he was told.

  ‘Mmm,’ was all Paige could manage as she stared down at him.

  Antonio stared back up at her for long moment, then thought, What the hell! Sitting up, he slipped off his togs, tossed them aside, then lay back down.

  ‘Be gentle with me,’ he murmured, his eyes closing.

  She was. She was also incredibly sensual, incredibly imaginative and incredibly skilled. At some stage she divested herself of her own clothes as well, but would not let him touch her in any way.

  ‘This is my fantasy,’ she growled, and pushed his eager hands away to flog with impatient idleness beside his supine body once more.

  Still, as much as he was dying to touch and taste her, watching Paige doing as much to him, with such a dark and decadent assertiveness, evoked its own wild excitement. No power on earth could have stopped him coming, yet she didn’t seem to mind. She simply continued, rearousing him once more till he was totally erect again.

  When she finally straddled him, and impaled herself upon his exquisitely tormented flesh, his head was practically lifting off. He could not take his eyes off her, watching her rise and fall upon him in a state of utter abandon, her breasts glistening from where she’d rubbed herself all over his oil-slicked body.

  ‘Paige,’ he cried out in warning, when he knew he was going to come once more.

  He need not have worried. Because she was already there, her mouth gasping wide, her buttocks tensing as her spasms started. He groaned under the power of her contractions, then rushed to join her, their climaxes blending in one long scream of violent sensations. Afterwards, she collapsed forwards, her hair flying out then falling in a curtain over her face and his upper body. For a few minutes their chests continued to heave together but then they grew quiet, both of them spent forces.

  Antonio lay there under her still, silent self, no longer in any doubt about Paige’s feelings for him. He knew lust when he saw it.

  His heart sank a little at the realisation, then hardened once he accepted the inevitability of the situation. She’d loved once, with a love which had stayed with her for years. Maybe she was no more capable of love now than he was.

  But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t agree to marry him. Who knew? Maybe she wouldn’t know the difference between love and lust, as Conrad had implied. She was still only young, and relatively inexperienced in life.

  So he cuddled her to him, and told her how wonderful she was. She didn’t say anything back, just buried her face into his chest, shuddering a little occasionally.

  At least she didn’t cry any more after they made love, he thought ruefully, though she was inevitably quiet, as though the experience had momentarily shattered her.

  ‘So,’ he said softly after a while, stroking her hair away from her face and eyes. ‘Are you going to tell me where you learned to massage like that?’

  Her chest rose as she scooped in a deep, deep breath. ‘I learned watching the physio who used to do Brad,’ she confessed on a long exhale. ‘One day, when he couldn’t afford a massage, I offered to try. After a while, I did it for him all the time.’

  Antonio’s gut crunched down hard at the thought that she’d done all those other things for him as well. Any gratitude he’d once felt for dear old Brad abruptly changed to a very black, very Latin jealousy.

  ‘Really?’ he drawled, and her head lifted abruptly.

  ‘It’s not what you’re thinking. My giving Brad massages had nothing to do with sex. Whenever Brad needed a massage, sex was the furthest thing from his mind.’ Her eyes grew quite frantic as they searched his cynical face. ‘Believe me when I tell you I have never done what I just did for any man before, Antonio. You were the first. I’d been thinking about doing it with you, and finally I plucked the courage.’

  Antonio savoured her confession, wallowing in a burst of sheer male ego. She’d saved that for him. He was the only one to have seen her like that. And to feel her like that.

  He could almost be generous again towards her dead love.

  ‘Why did Brad need massages?’ he asked, his voice no longer carrying that hard, cynical edge. Now he was simply curious.

  Sighing with what sounded like relief, she dropped her head to his chest and he cuddled her close again.

  ‘He had arthritis. A very serious form. He’d had it since he was a kid. But it was getting worse. That’s why he moved north, to the warmer climate.’

  ‘I see,’ Antonio said. ‘So how did you two come to meet in the first place?’

  ‘Oh, I’d known Brad for years. He used to work in a take-away food place in the pavilion on Bondi Beach. He found it hard to work full-time with his arthritis. And surfing helped his arthritis. I’ve always been a bit of a beach addict. Anyway, he was nice to me one summer, when I was upset about something. After that, I would spend quite a bit of time with him during school holidays. He was always so easy to talk to. And he taught me to surf.’

  ‘Did he make any passes at you?’

  ‘No. Never.’

  ‘But he must have found you attractive.’

  ‘He told me later he did.’

  ‘And you were attracted to him back?’

  She he
sitated at this question, and Antonio wondered why. ‘I suppose so. He was good-looking, in a blond, surfie kind of way.’

  ‘He was a lot older than you?’

  ‘Yes, but he looked young for his age. And he was young at heart.’

  ‘So how long did it take you to fall in love with him after me?’ he asked, a bit confused by the time angle. ‘Or did you think you were in love with both of us at the same time?’

  Her head snapped up again, blue eyes indignant.

  ‘No, of course not! We were just friends back then. Look, after what happened with you that day, I ran straight to Brad to pour my silly heart out. But he was packing to go north and didn’t really have time to listen. He only let me go with him because he was worried I’d do something even more stupid. I wasn’t living with him in that place when you came, Antonio. I used to sleep on the sofabed. We only became lovers…later…’

  Antonio was truly taken aback at this news, and wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. He was beginning to feel really confused.

  ‘But you did fall in love with him?’ he said, frowning.

  ‘Not like it was with you,’ she hedged. ‘Though I did learn to love him. A lot.’

  ‘And he loved you back?’

  ‘In his way. Brad was a man who loved people, especially women. If it hadn’t been me with him, it would have been some other woman. He was a pacifist, and a free spirit. He wasn’t a jealous or possessive lover. I could have left him, if I’d wanted to, and he would not have tried to stop me.’

  ‘That hardly sounds like the passion of the century!’

  ‘I never said it was,’ she said defensively, her body language showing distress.

  Antonio decided to let the subject drop. He didn’t think he was ever going to understand Paige’s relationship with Brad. Or her brand of love. Everyone felt love differently, he supposed. He would always need passion on a grand scale. That was just the way he was. He’d been obsessed with Lauren, and nothing less would do.

  He’d often thought what Paige wanted and needed was a father figure in a man, someone older and steadier who could make her feel safe and secure. Now that he knew more about her relationship with Brad, this thinking re-emerged. If she wanted some older man to take care of her, then he could fulfil that role, couldn’t he? He could be lover and father at the same time.

  ‘While we’re talking,’ he said quietly, ‘tell me what kind of commitment you meant when you said you wanted it.’

  Paige’s heart jumped in her chest, then began to pound. Sitting up, she reached for her top and pulled it over her head. Then she dragged her shorts back on and stood up. Only then did she look down at Antonio, who was still disturbingly nude, his olive skin still shining, a stark reminder of all she’d done to him.

  ‘What…what kind did you mean?’ she countered, terrified of where this conversation was going. Had she ruined everything with that horribly revealing encounter? And then those revelations about Brad? What was Antonio thinking? What was he going to say?

  ‘The usual kind,’ he said matter-of-factly. ‘Friendship at first, view to marriage and children.’

  ‘Oh!’ Paige exclaimed, her heart seizing up. ‘Oh, I…I didn’t think—I mean…I had no idea… That…that you’d want marriage and children, that is.’

  He propped himself up on one elbow, his black eyes boring up into her. ‘Don’t you?’

  Paige’s heart galloped off wildly as everything she’d ever dreamt about suddenly seemed possible. ‘Oh, yes. Yes, I do. Very much so.’


  Her runaway heart skidded to a halt again. ‘What do you mean…when?’

  ‘I mean when were you looking at getting married and having children? Soon? Or just some time in the mythical future? I do realise you’re only young…’

  How to answer that? I’d marry you tomorrow? I’d start having your baby tonight?

  This last tempestuous thought swiftly turned into the most wicked temptation. But Paige steadfastly resisted it. She would not do such a thing to her child. Her child would have a father whom she was certain would want and love it.

  ‘I don’t think my age has much to do with it,’ she told him. ‘As long as you’re sure.’

  ‘Sure of what?’

  ‘Of being truly wanted. And needed.’

  He frowned. ‘What about truly loved?’

  ‘That would be nice too, of course. But sometimes that comes later, rather than sooner.’ Oh, dear God, she hoped she was saying the right thing here. She knew he didn’t love her. He’d virtually said as much. He hadn’t gotten over that Lauren woman yet.

  He was clearly thinking about what she’d said, but his eyes were irritatingly unreadable. ‘Like it did with Brad?’ he said at last.

  ‘Yes. Sort of…’

  ‘Sort of,’ he repeated. ‘So if I said I wanted you and needed you, it would be enough for now?’

  ‘Is that what you’re saying?’

  ‘That’s what I’m saying.’

  Her eyes rounded. ‘Are you seriously asking me to marry you?’

  ‘I am indeed.’

  She literally sank to her knees beside him. ‘Oh, my God,’ she choked out.

  His smile looked almost amused. ‘Is that a yes or a no?’

  ‘Yes. No. Yes…’

  His smile turned wry. ‘I like a woman who knows her own mind.’

  ‘But are you sure you mean it?’ she said, her voice still strangled with emotion.

  ‘Paige, darling…’ Reaching up, he pulled her down on the towel beside him, smoothing her hair back from her face and kissing her lightly on her stunned mouth. ‘I’m mad about you. Marry me. Soon.’

  ‘How soon?’

  ‘As soon as it can be arranged.’

  Paige thought she would burst with joy. She didn’t need words of love at that moment. Sometimes words could be very empty. But she hugged the loving look in his eyes and the unwavering strength in his voice to her heart. Love would come; she was sure. She had enough for the two of them.

  ‘And her answer is?’ he prompted.

  ‘Whatever you want, Antonio,’ she said, her hand shaking slightly as it reached to touch his cheek.

  ‘I want you to be my wife,’ he returned confidently, and Paige’s heart turned over.

  So dreams did come true. Who would have believed it?


  ‘HAPPY birthday, darling.’ Antonio lifted his glass of champagne in celebration, not just of Paige’s birthday but his own success.

  He’d won! And without having to feel a heel. Paige was happy. He was happy. Everything had worked out much better than he could ever have hoped.

  As they clinked glasses across the table he gazed into the bright blue eyes of his beautiful bride-to-be and could not recall when he’d ever felt so exhilarated. He could not wait to see the look on Conrad’s face when he told him his daughter had said yes to becoming Mrs Antonio Scarlatti as soon as a proper wedding could be arranged.

  No way was he going to cheat Paige of a proper wedding. That wouldn’t be right. This was for keeps!

  Meanwhile, he had something he had to do.

  ‘I have something for you,’ he said.

  Paige seemed taken aback. ‘You’ve bought me a birthday present?’

  ‘But of course.’ And he began fishing around in his trouser pockets, smiling at her all the while.

  Paige had never seen him looking as handsome as he did tonight. Their week’s cruising had relaxed the tension lines around his eyes and mouth, and tanned his already olive skin to a rich bronze. He’d stopped slicking his hair straight back and allowed its natural wave free rein, giving him a dashing Latin look which she found sinfully sexy.

  Tonight he was wearing cream trousers and an open-necked black silk shirt which revealed just enough dark chest hair to be tantalising. When they’d walked up the steps from the jetty which led into the restaurant half an hour earlier, all the women already seated at the elegantly set tables had simply sta
red, first at him with hunger, and then at her with envy.

  She’d felt so proud of him, and so happy she could have burst.

  ‘Ah, here it is,’ he said, and, producing a long narrow box covered in royal blue velvet, slid it across the white linen tablecloth towards her.

  Paige stared down at the gold insignia of a well-known Sydney jeweller, then frowned up at him. ‘But you must have bought this before we came away?’ She’d been imagining he might have picked her up some little thing from the riverside supply store they’d dropped in on that morning.

  ‘I told you your father mentioned your birthday to me last week.’

  ‘Yes, but I didn’t expect a gift like this.’

  ‘You know, that’s a very endearing quality in a woman,’ he mused. ‘Not expecting gifts like this. I hope you keep that up when we’re married.’

  Paige pulled a face at him, then eagerly opened the box. Although it had to be jewellery of some sort she certainly hadn’t anticipated the magnificence of the gold and diamond pendant necklace. ‘My goodness!’ she gasped.

  ‘You like it?’

  ‘Antonio, it’s…it’s too much. Really. It must have cost you a fortune!’

  ‘Not quite. Why don’t you put it on? It might take my mind off that bow at the back of your neck.’

  Paige laughed. She was wearing the gold dress, as promised, and had mischievously put her hair up, just so that very bow would always be in view. Little did Antonio know that underneath the bow was a sneaky hook and eye. He could tug at the ties all he liked, but the dress wasn’t going to come tumbling down.

  ‘Want some help?’ he offered drily as she fiddled a bit with the clasp at the back of her neck, just above the bow.

  ‘No, thank you very much,’ she retaliated swiftly. ‘You stay right where you are till we’re well out of public view, you wicked man.’

  ‘Spoilsport,’ he muttered.

  The deep V neckline of the dress could have been made for the necklace, the main diamond in the centre of the pendant nestling into her cleavage.

  ‘Perfect!’ Antonio admired. ‘Only one thing missing now.’


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