The Lost Treasure Map Deluxe Book Collection (2017 Edition)

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The Lost Treasure Map Deluxe Book Collection (2017 Edition) Page 16

by V Bertolaccini

  What they could find out about it gave little, but they had found a structure in it, and though it was old and derelict they were sure it could be where the vampires stayed at night.

  Everything confused him and he started to think that just about anything could occur and realize the danger they were in, and there was no reason to believe they could not exist in the light of day, and that they were just night creatures, and as he led Kurt and the paranormal investigator through the dense undergrowth and tress he started to imagine strange dark figures behind trees, and a mysterious distant light, but everything he found was either vegetation, trees, fallen trees, but he started to realize it was starting to get dark, and the time it took to get through the wood, dense undergrowth, was impeding their progress.

  Occasionally he heard distant things being violently smashed, but saw powerful wind surges blasting about, and he started to believe it was the wood itself, or the region, and it had a supernatural presence, either from the vampires or something else there, which could be why they had gone there.

  What staggered him the most was how dark it would be soon, and he rushed on, and believed that they might be able to achieve their objective and that there would be an eventual conclusion to the event, and events, but the place was shrouded everywhere with increasing denser vegetation and he even started wondering if they could get through it, and in the distant he heard what he was sure were wolves, and it left him trying to contemplate what was there, and at times sounds emerged like they were coming out the ground, and from underground shafts.

  Chapter 28

  The Vampire Hideout

  Eisenberg thought supernatural regions existed, and that they had entered something, and when they entered the derelict building he was staggered that anyone could build and stay in such place.

  It confused him, what they were doing, after all he had encountered, and now believed existed, compared with before, and he did not know what it was, and just tried to grasp how dangerous it was, and he rushed into the building before it became too dark, and to stop the vampires reviving before they found them, and he kept his eye on Kurt and the paranormal investigator.

  He considered all the things he had heard of the supernatural trying to grasp what it was he was missing. He was sure they had discovered more than they realized, and he analyzed everything in a far greater degree.

  At the top floor, he stopped suddenly, tiredly and startled by something, and he sensed something, and he moved on slowly, as Kurt and the paranormal investigator followed him, and he heard something somewhere.

  For a long time he stared into the dimness recognizing little, as he strolled on, and gasped for a few seconds when he thought he was being watched by something in a region of darkness ahead, and was surprised something appeared there and he saw large box shapes, and kept examining them, and realized that it was tombs, and that they were in the same style as the vampire tombs back at the mansion, and realized that they were placed directly at the central region of the building.

  At the tombs he heard silent sounds from something, and realized how dark it was and shifted silently up to them, searching everything everywhere, while he considered putting on his light, but he could give his presence away, if he had not been noticed.

  A sudden blast, and explosion of light, left him stunned, while he crept on, and he froze, waiting to die, and die hideously for what he had done, and he stood confused, and saw what looked like a vampire illuminated in bright light standing in front of him, and he wondered what the hell it was, and after examining it closely it looked like a humanoid, and it seemed to welcome him, and he studied it and realized that it was a form of hologram.

  It eventually altered, to do something, and do something to itself, and he remained trying to identify it, and he felt energy from it, and sheer power, and it reminded him of the extraterrestrial at the research center, and something about it, which he could not quite grasp.

  Chapter 29

  The Supernatural Universe

  Behind the glowing entity Eisenberg saw a hideous slithering black devilish shape emerge from the blackness, out of a tomb, and he froze, and recognized it was Dracula, as it shifted slowly towards them.

  While it crept up he watched it somehow alter, and it froze, unable to move, and the glowing extraterrestrial stood staring at it.

  Suddenly he saw visions of star formations, and suddenly realized the glowing extraterrestrial was making contact with them, and showing them regions of space.

  He felt energy surges from it and realized he was picking up telepathic messages from it, and it explained it was made of some form of energy, and existed in the past, and he realized it was a time traveler, like the extraterrestrial in the artifact.

  Suddenly it altered his thoughts and he realized it was not a time traveler and that time travel could not properly be used in the universe, and only in its own universe, and he realized it was in a supernatural universe, and it had transmitted itself as a form of hologram, from the past.

  It told him of an eminent scientist that once existed in its universe, who carried out experiments on transferring things into other universes, and in the end experimented on itself, and altered itself to exist in the universe, but its experiments altered it, and altered it into a monster being, trapping it in the universe, and unable to return to its universe, and its name had been Dracula.

  They had found a way to transfer themselves, as a form of energy/hologram, energy formations, and took the form of humanoids, and tried to rid the world of his vampires, and it had been them that had trapped Dracula in the wood at the front of his castle, when he had returned, and they had left him dormant in the tomb, in the mansion/castle, as they had been unable to repair the damage he had done to himself.

  They had searched for a method, and had searched the future of the world, and had eventually found a way, and they had someone move the castle to New York, and had placed over the artifact, before its discovery.

  Eisenberg realized that the only way they could help Dracula was with the highly advanced extraterrestrial technology from the artifact, and they wanted Eisenberg to take Dracula, now dormant, to the Extraterrestrial Investigation Center research chamber, and with the knowledge they got from the extraterrestrial and artifact, and equipment they now had, to use it to repair and alter Dracula and transfer him back to his own universe, where they would return him to his own time.


  The Lost Time Pod

  For centuries the energy formation rested trapped under the Earth, and fiercely waiting to leave its confines, and imprisonment, frequently reawakening, with deadly energy surges blasting out.

  Its shape inside the energy pod had pulsated when awakened, feeling little awareness, and had found little activity, which it had no real way of checking.

  Its energy capsule was molded about it, with only some functions, with little power, and with no proper observations.

  It perceived little and its thoughts wandered and it occasionally recollected distorted memories that had turned incomprehensible, from what had led it to its lethal error, and it could barely realize why it had survived or had annihilated itself.

  It had activated vague sensors and felt vast unstable energy explosions blast out across dimensions with such force it felt like it threatened to make space and time completely rip apart, and destroy the fabric of space and time, and it had constantly realized it could do little when it had checked if anything had been detected anywhere.

  The hideous situation had left it ensnared and recalling the colossal powers it once had and firmly contemplating the dangers and its chances of survival.

  Its mission had been unbelievable and it realized how deadly it had been and recalled little of why it had once contemplated there not being any danger.

  Its near destruction had amazed it and it frequently realized it had no proper presence and had become a form of unknown energy/formation, altering to something that it never recognized.

  It turn
ed invisible, and translucent, and the outer universe vanished from its thoughts, and it occasionally imagined echoes of its voyager functioning and its massive energy pulsations blasting out across the whole of creation.

  Its revival attempts sustained, and the Earth and mankind evolved, and it realized its mind-boggling powers were dwindling, and it realized it would one day no longer exist, and it gradually turned itself completely dormant – and for as long as a hundred years – waiting for it to be revived to complete its deadly mission.

  Part II

  Novel 2

  The Lost Treasure Map 6

  V Bertolaccini


  The Treasure Investigation

  The streets and lanes glowed in the last rays of sunlight, surrounding the headquarters of Reality Investigations, and it looked as though it was altering into a form of modern ghost town.

  Pale golden shadows swept out from city structures, in gigantic shapes, probing out into the skyline.

  Marple grabbed a bottle of whisky and poured me and him glasses full of whisky, and he firmly screwed the cap back on the bottle and put it away, and we sat back at the fireplace, and listened to a distant vehicle and vocal tones absurdly mingle and I realized Marple had something.

  A few minutes later the phone’s ring disturbed him, and put him off what he was doing, and it had him going through the clients that he might have overlooked, but it eluded him, and he rushed over and answered it.

  He listened and agreed with the caller and put the phone down and sat back in his seat, drinking his whisky, listening to crackles from the fire, and I discussed our past adventures, and he promised me more.

  About an hour later I heard someone enter the building below, and his secretary announced an arrival through an intercom.

  Marple put out his pipe and briskly considered the case, from different perspectives, and I spotted he was confused over what we were dealing with, and he eventually laughed, confusedly, and eventually just relaxed into his seat.

  Outside the traffic and voices seemed to vanish, like into mist, and I sat in deep thought, and it became more intriguing!

  His secretary rushed up the stairs and swiftly let the man in the room, without knocking, and I was staggered when I looked around and saw Dr Barrymore, as he shifted wearily forward, and I realized straightaway he was dreadfully ill and he could now hardly even walk, and clearly had serious medical conditions.

  I examined him quickly wondering why he had gone to such lengths to get there, and it made me gasp, and I considered the war once again, and the dangers ahead, and wondered if the current events and intense bombings had helped his demise.

  Dr Barrymore rushed into a seat, rested, exhausted, trying to recover, but not properly, and I noticed he had some documents he held firmly in his fist.

  He observed us sitting around the table drinking and removed chewing tobacco and chewed off a lump, placing the remainder in his interior pocket.

  Marple rushed over and got a drink for him, and returned, and placed it in front of him.

  “What’s happened?” Marple asked. “What have you?”

  “It’s that eighteenth century document and treasure!” he announced, and we looked up, from staring in the fire.

  He rested, and continued, “The information on the artifact I’ve been looking for comes from accumulated sources, only known by me, and the individual sources, which have been proven to have occurred in 1568 …”

  I was still surprised in what he said, and as I had forgotten of what he had told me at our last meeting, and Marple seemed to come to and recall what transpired.

  “According what I’ve found,” Dr Barrymore continued, “Valuable jewels were left near where it was concealed!”

  “Near the artifact?” Marple instantly asked, confused. “Was that some form of clue?”

  “Perhaps! For centuries the lost jewels have been thought to exist by a few explorers, who have carried out searches.”

  “So you still want us to help you find it?”

  “I’ve recently located a form of map!” he gasped, trying to rest.

  “What do you want us to do?” I asked, curiously.

  “I discovered something of significant importance that could be of great interest to mankind! Yes! I will need your help!”

  “Mankind!” Marple gasped, and sat back examining him, and silently gulped, and lit his pipe.

  “According to legends some people have been found dead after searching for it …”

  “They’re just legends?” I joked, smiling.

  He nodded, and examined me a little more closely.

  For a moment I considered there being a danger and wondered why it would still exist, and doubted the value of the objects, as all the archaeology and museum discoveries were currently usually worthless, except to historians like him.

  I knew that he had been given a major clue to its location, and I watched him open the document and remove something from its interior, and hand it over to Marple, and I sat next to Marple, examining the ancient tattered piece of parchment, where there were lines and words scribbled over it, as though the person had been doing something and was in a great rush to finish it!

  “What date do you make it?” I asked, amazed at its age.

  Before Dr Barrymore replied Marple replied, “Around 1568!”

  “So it’s a 1568 map?” I asked Dr Barrymore, and he agreed.

  I thought about it but still did not know what it meant, and I wondered what he wanted us to do!

  Marple finally finished examining it and placed it on the table, and looked over and asked, “So you want us to find the place on the map? With our experienced investigators …”

  “Yes! Marple! I’d really like that! I also want you to search for it when you do, and phone me for any information, which I may be able to provide! I’m sure the treasure is still there, and I’d really just like it to be found!”

  What I could not understand was why he was so confident with so little clues, and I wondered if he had been checking such things and proving their authentication, and it occurred to me that if everything he said was true then the accounts of its deadliness could also be true!


  The Ancient Discovery

  Chapter 1

  Reality Investigations

  The headquarters of Reality Investigations detective agency, beside the river Clyde, was where I disembarked, from directions John Marple, the founder, owner, and chief investigator, had given me on the phone, as he needed me as his assistant investigator.

  At the time I never even suspected even in my wildest fantasies that we would find what we did, and also lost historical treasure, after major clues to its location were uncovered by Dr Barrymore.

  Marple had investigators in all major worldwide cities and he was one of the most advanced and knowledgeable investigators I have met, who was known to me for many years before I joined him there, as assistant chief investigator, and his experience was vast, and entered new dimensions, in all sorts of ways, in science and technology, in extraordinary occurrences, and he handled cases and activities beyond any other agencies I have encountered, and even in current times, and especially at that time, as the Second World War began.

  On my entrance of the building he arrived to welcome me, and rushed me up to his office, and meeting room, where all the action occurred, and I was introduced, as Mike Malone, the news reporter, to other investigators, and given a seat.

  I felt painful bruises all about body where earlier that week I had slipped and fallen down a staircase, after trying to get an interview with a leading politician on the war, who had swiftly escaped, and I knew that there was trouble ahead, and I also realized I wanted a new career.

  Marple held a meeting with his investigators discussing the onslaught of the war, to my surprise, and of its deadliness dawning, becoming apparent across the nation, and it was then that he introduced what must be one of the most distinctive and strangest investigations in scienti
fic history, and what must surely be the greatest scientific discovery mankind has ever encountered, since the dawn of time.

  He bestowed the case at the end of the meeting with little knowledge of what it was about, and asked me to handle it, as my first case, and to see what I would come up with, and left me in unadulterated confusion, as he gave me little, and I was sure we should not have taken the case at all, and I was surprised by Marple’s last silent mention of it, to another investigator, and that a desperate frightened woman on the phone had practically forced him into accepting the case.

  Furthermore, before I undertook it, another bizarre occurrence took place, which later incredibly became part of the case, and a new eccentric client phoned Marple and arranged a meeting with him, with another strange case, and I stayed to see what the man was so desperate to do, and why Marple had suddenly become excitedly interested, and I knew money was involved.

  I sat with Marple drinking whisky at the fireplace, and we discussed our past adventures together, and he promised me more, just as we heard the man enter the bottom floor, and Marple’s secretary announced his arrival through an intercom, and Marple ignited his pipe and smoked it briskly considering the case from diverse perspectives, and I saw he was confused over aspects of it.


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