The Lost Treasure Map Deluxe Book Collection (2017 Edition)

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The Lost Treasure Map Deluxe Book Collection (2017 Edition) Page 25

by V Bertolaccini

  What could it be? I was still at the start of the investigation! I considered everything, and only had the metal detector that had activated it, and that never added up to much.

  After I was asleep later on the bed I awakened and realized I had missed something, while I had been asleep, and I watched the paranormal scientists and technicians rushing excitedly back and forward checking their equipment all over the woman’s outer corridor, and where the source had mainly been detected, and where I had activated the metal detector, and collapsed, and wondered what was going on, and I realized that they were about to activate their equipment, and braced myself.

  When nothing happened I looked up and saw Oswald look into the room, and I wondered if anything had happened.

  “Are you scanning below the building?” I asked.

  “Yes!” he replied.

  I gasped, and tried to detect any differences in the surrounding environment, and I jumped off the bed, and stood at the room entrance, and watched all the scientists standing around waiting for something, and I wondered what, and as I approached them I realized they had all been standing waiting for me, to continue and activate the equipment and experiment, and I wondered why.

  When they activated it nobody reacted and barely noticed anything. My mind wandered through all the occurrences that had led up to its discovery.

  Suddenly a vast unstable energy blast, which seemed to come from somewhere else, and not below, or from anywhere in the normal universe, and like it came from another outer dimension, and emerged all about the place, with so much force it threatened to warp space, and I went back to wondering what it really was and what damage it could do, and I watched parts of the equipment burst into flames, and the scientists quickly turning it all off and going crazy trying to put out flames.

  I was happy it was over and nobody had been killed, and that they could not use the equipment.

  Yet I noticed Orwell and Higgins and some other scientists were not concerned, and I saw them at the equipment, and a scientist holding a sheet of paper, and I moved over.

  The scientist explained that the energy blast had damaged the equipment, as they had predicted, and their swift instantaneous scan of below the building had worked, and that they had used the instantaneous rough scan below, with a fast enough speed capable of checking there, before the equipment was damaged, and he showed us the sheet of paper with the rough scan, and at first I thought it had not worked as it looked like a blur of lines, but as I examined it further in more detail I grasped a strange image in it of an unusual formation.

  Chapter 29

  The Exploration

  I stood blinded by the black abyss below me, as I searched into the depths of the tunnel, as though it led into some strange region of space, outside normal space, and I saw the stone steps below, which were the same as they had been in the tunnel going under the hospital, which had been accurately made.

  They were in a hole, below the woman’s hall, at the exact point the occurrences had originated, and it had been uncovered by the archeologists, with help from the scientists, who were all standing along the hall in a line, with the woman standing at the end, with them all standing with their mouths partially open, with a slight look of horror, waiting for me to descend down into its depths, and I knew I was the chosen one.

  I gripped my light, and shifted down the stone steps, looking for any obstacles ahead, and moved a little faster, and watched their faces vanish behind me as I went down, and saw the two paranormal scientists enter behind me, and the others watch as the three of us descended, and left them behind, and I wondered what the hell I had done and if I would someday regret what I had done.

  At a point deep below I heard scientists, which seemed magnified by the tunnel, as they conferred on what was below, after so much they had found so little so far, and they had been arranging the exploration of it for a long time, and I had been unchallenged in going down, and the scientists and archeologists had insisted, and had done everything to help.

  It was strange as I thought of what was there, if I was not insane, and I realized it could be dormant, and being partially awakened, and was far different than anything else on this world, and it seemed to want to do something!

  Our scan had activated something, and there were reports of ghost sightings in the region, and there were sightings of the soldiers from the battle that had taken place, and their ghostly figures marching along a region of the battle site.

  A deep thud echoed came down from the top as someone at the top dropped something inside, while trying to look inside, and I and I speeded up.

  It was their ultimate discovery and expedition and I wished it to be done right, and to give the full discovery everything that it deserved. Though I was mainly confused as to what had been discovered and would be found, especially after being surprised at so much in the past week, with such strange occurrences, and being given such little facts, and I believed the war had generated all the action, or perhaps something else had done it and had caused the war.

  Hazy echoes off our deep breathing broke the extraordinary silence that accumulated, and we examined the walls around us with surprise as we shifted downwards, and it still mystified me, and I wondered what I was missing.

  For some reason I realized that the other tunnel that we had been going through from the hospital led to what was at the bottom of this tunnel, and in its original state it had not wanted to be discovered and had later put the occurrences at the hospital to make us go there, and it had checked me out in the other tunnel, and before that in another state in the woman’s house.

  I realized how ancient it was and it had been trapped on this world, waiting to leave this universe, which it had tried to do before on many occasions, and it had been buried higher above at one point.

  In its current partially awakened/dormant state it was like some form of ultimate advanced living computer, in the ways it thought and existed, and in its partially altering state, still waiting to accomplish its plan, and had other forms and powers that could never exist in this universe.

  Humans had once worshipped it when they had encountered it, and they had hidden its location, and Mary Queen of Scots had once been hidden away near it, before she was captured, when it had last met humans.

  For some reason I knew things that I had not known, and I knew I was approaching something, and I tried straining my eyes to see further down, but there were no features of anything, and the steps vanished away into deep blackness.

  When I looked backwards I saw the top of the tunnel had vanished into darkness, and I looked around and saw the paranormal scientists had vanished, and I knew it would make contact with me alone!

  Chapter 30

  The Lost Chamber

  A loud screech from something strange startled me and nearly made me fall down the stone steps, and I waked on, and I stood dazzled and blinded as bright light exploded out, and I held my hands over my eyes, and my eyes slowly adjusted from the dark tunnel behind me, and I staggered down the last steps, into a twenty foot circular cavity.

  I staggered straight into the blinding light, beaming from a large sphere formation, and felt its powerful energy pulsating through the floor, with some form of life, floating over the central region of the cavity, and I tried to grasp what was in front me!

  Silent sounds manifested around my surroundings, as though invisible things were surrounding me, and I saw strange glowing and swirling ghostly formations, forces, and some were like spirits with shrouds, and flew about with silent wails, and I realized why people in the past reacted as they had.

  The central thing resembled a magical living sphere, altering its forms of energy, and I felt its energy and powers, and knew it had no physical form, and it normally had a colossal size and powers somewhere else, and I tried to grasp what was there, and why it was there, and what Marple would explain it as!

  In its blinding light I grasped little, and physically felt its powers everywhere, and saw mental images of star
s exploding around me, as though I was shooting through the cosmos, some strange form of space, and I knew it was giving it to me.

  Its formation seemed to have constant dramatic changes, and powerful energy surges, as though unstable, and it bordering on vanishing, and rejuvenating itself, and I watched it shift in its central region, as though trapped in some force field, and for a moment something formed in it, with some unknown form of life, and it altered as though its energy was constantly controlling itself.

  In the blinding light I saw another tunnel entrance at the opposite side of the chamber and knew it led down to the tunnel that we had been going through from the hospital, and it had made it in an attempt to make contact with us, and it had made the black sphere in the cavity, under the hospital, after it had realized it would not work.

  The black sphere had the capacity to communicate with us for it, but it had realized it needed to make contact differently and by itself, and it had chosen me to do it as a representative of our species, as it had checked me out, especially after my use of the metal detector.

  It was from some other form of existence, and it used vast amounts of energy making contact with me, and remaining out of its normal hibernation state, and I thought of what paranormal really meant, and thought of ancient devil and black magic worshippers, and I knew it was far more and from somewhere beyond our comprehension, and had been hidden away there from mankind from the dawn of time!

  At one point something had been caught in its energy field, and it fought for its life to escape, and it altered itself, and it vanished from it to survive, and I was staggered at the sheer power of it and at what had been caught in it!

  It was something artificial and something alive and I had to decide what to do, and I decided to do my best to help it!

  I could not allow such a life form/existence to die, and such an advanced and rare species, after being alive for so long, and with it being trapped and trying to escape from there for so long, and I decided then and there to do my best to find a way to help it, and I would get Marple to help me do it as he was known to find solutions to such problems and had solved some of the hardest most advanced cases I had heard of.

  I decided to leave and was about to climb back up the steps, to the building away above, and felt sorry for it being trapped there, and perhaps for eternity, and I wondered what the scientists would make of it and I knew that they would help it, and I decided what to do, and I realized I could be famous and remembered in history for the discovery, and the first discovery of an extraterrestrial.

  I was sure it agreed, with my way to proceed, and as I was going to enter the tunnel, to go to the surface, I spotted something shine over at a hidden dark region of the cavity, and after careful examinations I realized it was a large black chest, and I rushed over and crouched in front of it, and held it.

  At the side of my eyes I saw something emerge in the darkness of the tunnel, where I had been, and spotted two figures appear, and saw it was the two paranormal scientists, emerging there, with their mouths open, coming to a halt, and standing staggered, looking everywhere, more astonished than I had ever seen them, as they tried to control themselves.

  I pulled the treasure chest open and discovered the colossal royal jewelry, which once belonged to Mary Queen of Scots, and I played with incredible jewels, as I watched the golden and colored radiance explode out, over the walls, with bright sparkles from gigantic diamonds and rubies.


  The Ancient Visitation

  McMurdo’s pale complexion and shaken appearance showed he had encountered something beyond his comprehension, of an immensely deadly diabolical nature, and he shook in terror, barely able to speak, and looked gravely ill.

  I strained my eyes to see him in the dimness of the underground train tunnel, near London Bridge, beside the underground Roman cavity they had just uncovered in the side of the tunnel, which he had just climbed out!

  “What did you see down there?” I gasped, in horror, at what he had suggested existed.

  “I saw its face!” he muttered. “It’s hideous! Its existence goes back far further than humans, and far beyond! It’s trapped down there somewhere!”

  I stood frigid and staggered at the danger, and started to comprehend what we were up against, and had been missing!

  I wondered what could be powerful enough to trap it, and if there was even anything in existence to free it!

  “Its origins go beyond humans, and the Romans who settled here, and has been dormant, waiting to be revived, and uncovered, and has remained undetected by our technology!”

  He continued, biting his lower lip hard, “Our detection methods are far inferior and are mainly created and function to discover normal objects, and even normal unidentified objects, and our investigations of it are futile!”

  I sat frigid, realizing the mistake we had made and what the outcome of what was occurring could be, and by trying to handle something of its nature, which could categorically kill us all!

  “Some scientists found traces of it though, which were kept confidential – while they tried to locate and investigate it!”

  “It must be incredible!” I answered firmly. “It must have been tremendous! What made it come to this place, in the first place?”

  “Nobody knows! Perhaps there’s something here, which it came to investigate! If it was far less dormant it might have been located by some means! It is powerful!”

  I was amazed that he thought it could have some form of powerful presence, and I believed it was supposed to be entirely supernatural, and was sure I was destined to discover its existence, and full potential, and believed it could be buried away below us, below the cavity, unearthed by them, working there, and I detected he had been up to something when he discovered its existence.

  Deep down I thought McMurdo had barely survived, and seemed to believe he could be killed in some hideous way!

  It was lucky Marple had not been able to get hold of the archaeologists to investigate his accounts of the lost treasure, and Roman map he had found, as they were working on another project, but I knew they soon would, and that we could not do anything about it, and I thanked him for warning me.

  In the ground below my feet I was surprised to see an object, which I saw was a Roman coin, and I grabbed it and cleaned dirt away from it, in the dim light, and I entered further into the massive cavity in the side of the tunnel wall, and looked down into the large hole there, going deep below, and into the hideous cavity, and wondered why in the hell it was there, and why the railway company had not filled it in, but I knew they would once they had completed the rest of the railway line, and it could be buried away for future explorers to uncover.

  I recalled the other incident we had investigated, at Battlefield Road, and after all the observations, research, and by leading scientists, scientists admitted that the thing found in the woman’s house we investigated had unknown origins, mainly by its appearance and tremendous unrecognized powers! Although they still had a lot of work and investigations to carry out, and had found little, and they were trying to keep it confidential!

  “We have to investigate it!” McMurdo warned. “The future of the world could be at stake? If the wrong people get hold of it …”

  “We should investigate it!” I agreed, recalling a newspaper article. “There may soon be many more constructions being built around here! They’re building far more constructions now … We have to get anything we can on it – and as much information on it and its origins …”

  “There’s little! That’s been found! It’s mainly in ancient lost legends, which show its hideous features – and that of the devil!”

  I was left confused at what information he had discovered, and stated, “If it has a physical presence we could discover something new about it – and it would be worthwhile to investigate!”

  McMurdo gasped, in horror, still badly shaken from his confrontation with it, and replied, “I never thought I would live to see it and survi


  From Beyond Reality

  Chapter 1

  The Investigators

  Just before Christmas, at the end of the Second World War, I was moved to the new headquarters of Reality Investigations detective agency, at a new site on the river Thames, in London, where I was surprised to find it was virtually identical to the other.

  John Marple, the founder, owner, and chief investigator, was there, and I was still his assistant investigator.

  The whole account of what occurred was now astounding and I could barely believe what had happened, and what happened later.

  I was staggered at the Battlefield Road discovery, and walking in and discovering the sphere formation, and its powerful energy pulsations blasting through sold rock, and witnessing some form of life existing there, which we have not seen since, which nobody grasped the true identity of!

  The formation altered back to its original dormant formation later, after the paranormal scientists arrived, and I had to describe things that happened and that I seen invisible things surrounding it, which had become visible, and their strange glowing and swirling ghostly formations, forces, and some like spirits with shrouds over them.

  The central formation resembled a magical living sphere, altering its formation, and its energy and powers, and I knew it had no real physical form, and it normally had a colossal size and powers somewhere else.

  In the end, after intense investigations, nobody, other than the two paranormal scientists, Oswald and Higgins, who witnessed some of it, believed what I told them existed.


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