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THE DAUGHTER OF BLACK ICE (A Child of A Crack Head) Page 1

by Shameek Speight

  The Daughter of Black Ice

  -A Novel Written By-

  Shameek A. Speight

  Copyright © 2015 by True Glory Publications

  Published by True Glory Publications, LLC


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  This novel is a work of fiction. Any resemblances to actual events, real people, living or dead, organization, establishments, locales are products of the author’s imagination. Other names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously.

  Cover design/Graphics: Marion Designs

  Editor: La’shan Michele

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  Thank you to all my supporters that have been and continue riding with me all these years! It’s been five years since I have published my first book, A Child of A Crackhead. A story I wrote to release the pain of my childhood, but I had no idea it would take a life of its own and become so big and so much more. I thank you all for that! It’s my goal to be one of the best authors that touches the Earth, to be the King of Urban Horror, write books that most fear to touch, to entertain you, and give you nightmares! I promise to use my gift to paint a perfect picture with my words, to have you feel the pain of each character, to have you laugh and cry; my words will be a movie in your head. I hope you enjoy and Thank You so much for all the love. I Am the King of Urban Horror, and I’m only getting started.

  Thank you to my team! My editor; La’shan Michele, thank you so much! Dextanie Henry, thank you for typing up my work. I know I’m a pain in the ass and the only person that still writes with pen and paper. Thank you Tiffany Stephens, my tiff for always being on your job, my marketer and assistant. You take a lot of pressure off me. Thank you to my True Glory Team, my authors, and readers that stand by me no matter what and love my crazy mind.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Excerpt of Daughter of Black Ice 2

  True Glory Links

  The Daughter of Black Ice

  Written By:

  National Best Selling Author

  Shameek A. Speight

  Chapter 1

  “You are going to do what the fuck I tell you to do and I don’t want to hear no more fucking lip!” Regina shouted, while swinging the broomstick. “Do you hear me, bitch? Can you fucking hear me?” Regina shouted, getting frustrated that Faith hasn’t hollered out in pain yet.

  Regina knew Faith wouldn’t because she had been that way since she was a child. It was as if she was immune to pain and things of this world.

  “Scream bitch! Scream!” Regina shouted, while Faith lay on the floor, curled up into a ball with her hands in a tight fist. She used her forearm to block her mother’s powerful blows with the broomstick.

  Faith knew there was no telling how far her mother would go on with beating her. For most of her life, her mother would beat her every day, until she broke a bone or Faith lost consciousness.

  “Stop! I said stop!” Faith hollered in a deep dark tone that sent chills through Regina’s body.

  She froze in mid-swing and then, remembered who she was. “I’m your mother. Who the fuck you think you talking to? You think I’m scared of your ass?” Regina taunted.

  Faith looked at her mother with an evil stare as if she wanted to chop her head off. Regina could feel her daughter’s eyes piercing through her soul; a look and feeling she felt before and swore that she would never feel again.

  Regina’s fat, chubby arms shook as she reached her hand in between her double D breasts and removed a small chrome 380 handgun from under her shirt. She cocked it and aimed it at Faith’s head.

  “The day you try me will be the day I kill you. Your life is as worthless as a roach I step on and hear it crunch in my very own kitchen. Your life is as worthless as the trash I throw out into the garbage. You’re just garbage! I regret the day you were born and I am waiting for the day for you to jump at me or try to leave me, so I can kill you! You’re going to do what I tell you to do even if it means sleeping with a 100 men in a day, so fucking what. I’m going to get what you owe me and you owe me your life for bringing you into this fucking world!” Regina shouted, waiting for Faith to move funny, cough, or sneeze. Regina waited for any sudden movement or reason, so she could finally end her life. Regina stared at her daughter. Everything about her made her sick until her stomach twisted up in knots of disgust. All she could see was her father; there was no sign of herself in her.

  Regina had the complexion of a peanut, standing at 5’6” tall. The many years of drinking and drugs had taken a toll on her body and face, which is now full of blemishes and dark spots with indentations, as if her skin was just deteriorating away. She once weighed 180 pounds with a voluptuous, thick, coke bottle shaped body, but that was years ago. Now, she’s heavy set and weighs close to 300 pounds.

  Regina continued to stare at her daughter and wanted to pull the trigger. Faith’s chocolate skin complexion and almond shaped eyes made Regina’s stomach bubble.

  “Get your ass off the floor and sit on that bed!” Regina shouted, while still pointing the gun at Faith.

  Faith looked at the dirty mattress that she called her bed. It had yellow and brown stains on it, but her mother refused to give her any bed sheets to cover the mattress.

  “Bitch, don’t you hear me calling you?” Regina shouted.

  Faith slowly eased off the floor while trying not to show her mother that she was still in pain. After twenty years on this Earth, she knew of nothing her mother enjoyed more than getting high, except to see her in pain. It was as if the more she cried out, the more pain she inflicted upon her.

  “Lift up your damn head,” Regina ordered.

  Faith looked at her mother as if she had lost her mind or the little bit that she had left in her. Her face tightened as she looked at the gun. ‘If I fight, I know this bitch will kill me; but if I don’t, there’s no telling what she’ll do to me or continue to do to me,’ Faith thought to herself. She took a deep breath, laid back and hitched up her long black dress, and fought the tears that were watering up in her eyes.

  Regina looked over to the black dress that was lying next to the bed and smiled. She walked over to it, plugged in the curling iron and pulled out a glass pipe, no bigger than a cigarette. She stuffed one end with a large crack rock, the size of a small peanut, with her gun still aimed at her daughter’s head. She pulled out a lighter from under her shirt that stayed resting in between her cleavage. That’s where she kept most things hidden. She held the lighter to the en
d of the pipe and flicked the tip of it. The fire quickly cooked the crack. Regina inhaled deeply and held it, closing her eyes as if it was ecstasy, then slowly exhaled the thick, white crack smoke from her nostrils. She pulled hard on the glass pipe one more time, sucking in the rest of the thick white smoke. Regina could feel the glass pipe heat up. But from the many years of smoking crack and having her fingers burned, she could hardly feel anything. Most of her fingers had calluses from being burned. She placed the glass crack pipe on top of the dresser and picked up the now hot, curling iron.

  “Open your mouth up, bitch!” Regina shouted.

  “No mommy, no!” Faith pleaded, while crawling backwards, further up on the bed.

  “Bitch, you think I’m playing with you! You must think this shit is a game,” Regina said and swung, hitting Faith on the side of the head with the chrome 380 handgun.

  “Ughh!” Faith groaned in pain as she felt like her head was almost knocked off her shoulders. She lay there, twisted up in pain as thoughts of attacking her mother went through her head. ‘Fuck it, if she kills me. I don’t have much to live for anyways. This can’t be life.’

  “Bitch, you sit on your motherfucking ass and spread your legs!” Faith could hear her mother’s voice shout.

  The sound of it snapped her back into reality. She slowly opened her legs and her body began to tremble in fear as she tried to hide it from her mother, but it was too late. She could tell by the wicked smile on Regina’s face that she was excited. Regina placed the hot curling iron on the inside of her thick legs.

  “AHAHAH!” Faith hollered in pain and pulled her legs away, but not before the hot curling iron burnt through her flesh deeply. You could see the white meat and the smell of her cooked flesh lingered through the air, making the room smell like burnt popcorn. “Ahhhhh!” Faith continued to scream and holler, barely touching the burnt spot with her hand, in fear it would cause it to hurt more. A blow to her face gave her a newfound pain as Regina hit her with the handle of the gun. Faith could only see stars as her world went black and she lost consciousness.

  Chapter 2

  “Usshh!” Faith moaned in pain. Her hand was throbbing as if she had hit her hand with a sledgehammer repeatedly. She slowly opened her eyes while trying to gather her thoughts and remember what happened to her. She realized that she was in her room on her bed, laid out on her back, and was unable to move. She tried moving again, but she was stuck. She looked at her hands. “Oh God no! Oh God no!” she cried out loud, once she realized what her mother had done.

  Her legs were spread wide open and tied down by ripped sheets to the bed frame and so were her hands. Faith could no longer fight back the tears as she had flashbacks of her mother tying her to the bed from the age of ten. She had different men come in to her room and do as they pleased to her; all so her mother could make some money to support her drug habit.

  “I’m completely alone in this world. I have nobody. No family to count on to love and help me. God has turned his back on me from the moment I took my first breath. I really have nobody. Why lord? Why? What have I done for my mother to hate me so much? What have I done for me not to have a loving family? Why am I all alone with my pain, my struggles?” Faith asked out loud as she cried hysterically.

  Regina burst through the door with a cigarette that was filled with crack. She took a deep pull, inhaling it in and then exhaling the smoke out of her nostrils.

  “I see you up,” she said with a wicked grin on her face. The sight of seeing her daughter in pain and feeling hopeless, brought joy to Regina. “Bitch, stop crying! You know the routine. I have three customers in line to pay you good money for your ass if they cum inside you. That’s okay. Make them feel as if they’re working with something, as if they got a big dick,” Regina said and started laughing, staring back at her daughter. “Now, if you’re fucking right, I will untie you. All you need to do is please these men and stop fighting them. You’re too old for the shit you do. This keeps a roof over our heads and food in the house.”

  “Regina, fuck you! Fuck you! I can’t believe I ever came out of you. I will always fight back. You have no idea what these men do to me or you don’t care, saying this keeps the roof over our heads and food in the house. What food? There’s never nothing for me to eat. You eat everything! If I dare try to cook something, you beat me with a baseball bat. This has nothing to do with providing for me or us. You’re just sick and think that you can use my body forever to support your drug habit, but mother, I won’t always be here. I’m twenty years old and one day, I’m going to leave you in this shitty small apartment by your damn self! What you going to do then? Huh? No one is going to pay for that fat, stinky, sweaty pussy then, huh? So, how will you take care of yourself then, bitch?” Faith asked while crying.

  Regina’s eyes opened up wide as a look of pure rage covered her face. Nothing hurt and cut deeper more than the truth. Her mind raced as she imagined her life without her daughter, her cash doll of a child. She knew she wouldn’t survive at all without her.

  “Oh, so you think you’re going to run away with some prince charming and live happily ever after? Well baby girl, life doesn’t work that way,” Regina stated.

  “I don’t need any man to take care of me or anyone, for that matter. I’ll finish school and work. The only reason I’m not in college is because you won’t let me enroll, but every day the fear I have for you is beginning to die. The respect and love I have for you as my mother is gone, and the respect I have for you as a woman drowned in my tears as a little girl. You aren’t shit and besides, why do you think a man wouldn’t want to take me away, love me and take care of me? Don’t they look right pass your washed up, fat self and pay you top dollar just for an hour inside me? Hahaha!” Faith said and started laughing. “You know how many guys want to marry me and take me out of here? Guess, mother, guess,” Faith said with a scattered smile across her face.

  “Oh bitch, you think I’m going to just let you leave me, huh? You think you’ll make it in the real world without me, huh? You’re a worthless piece of shit. I wish I fell down a flight of stairs while you were still in my stomach! I never wanted you, nor did your father!” Regina shouted back.

  “Lies, lies, lies, all fucking lies. Why won’t you tell me who my father is, mother? Who is the man you fear and hate so much, that every time you look at my dark skin complexion, you beat me? I know you fear him because you said I have his eyes and when I look at you, I see fear, mother. I can feel you’re scared of me, deep down. It’s like I can smell it in the air, like some kind of dog. I can sense all people’s weaknesses for some reason, so mother, tell me why I can? Tell me who my father is and what he has done to make you hate me so much, mother,” Faith said while fighting back her tears.

  Her sarcastic ways seemed to all but vanish from the time she was able to speak. She had always asked about her father, but she had never gotten a straight answer from her mother. And no matter how bad her mother abused her, deep down, she loved Regina. She prayed that one day she would love her back, like a mother is supposed to love their child.

  “You have a lot of mouth today, huh bitch? I got something for your ass,” Regina smiled and looked at the bright red light on the curling iron that she plugged in and left on the nightstand. “Nice and hot,” she mumbled to herself as she grabbed it off the black nightstand. “So, you went through a lot today? I got something for you, bitch,” Regina said as she grabbed Faith’s face with her left hand and squeezed it tightly, forcing her mouth wide open.

  “Ughhh!” Faith groaned and struggled, but couldn’t put up a fight against her mother.

  Regina shoved the hot curling iron into her mouth, “Ughhh! Ughh!” Faith let out a muffle of screams and squirmed in excruciating pain.

  The burning hot curling iron began to cook Faith’s tongue and the meat on the inside of her cheeks. She could feel the skin bubble up and pop, as tears poured out from the corner of her eyes uncontrollably. She squirmed, twisting her head from side to side,
but Regina had a tight, firm lock on her face, like a snake that tightens up its hold on its prey. The more the prey moved, the tighter the snake would squeeze until the prey completely stopped moving all together. The pain was excruciating and too much to bare.

  “Mmmm! Mother stop! Please! Mmmm! Mother!” Faith tried to scream, but it sounded more like a muffled cry.

  Her mother forced the hot curling iron deeper down her throat until she began to gag and choke. The heat and fumes made it impossible for her to breathe. Faith’s eyes rolled to the back of her head as her body went into convulsions, shaking uncontrollably, and she lost consciousness.

  “What the fuck!” Regina shouted, while watching her daughter’s body shake as if she was having a seizure. “Oh, hell no bitch, you’re not about to die on me! You’re my fucking cash cow!” Regina yelled and tried pulling the curling iron out of Faith’s mouth, but couldn’t. The curling iron had burned the top of Faith’s mouth, fusing the skin under it. It was now stuck, like burnt meat on aluminum foil that was left in the oven too long and almost impossible to peel away from the foil. Regina grabbed the curling iron with both hands and pulled with all her strength. “Ughhh!” she grunted and yanked it out. As soon as she did, Faith began to cough violently. Smoke came out of her mouth and a white foam mixed with blood gushed out of her mouth, dripping down her chin onto her chest. “Wake up bitch! You better not die on me!” Regina hollered and slapped Faith hard three times in the face, but got no response. She stopped and studied her daughter, and saw that she was still breathing, but very slowly. “No man will ever want to keep you now,” Regina said and pressed the curling iron against Faith’s face on her right cheek, leaving a long deep burn mark across her face. She looked at her daughter in shock to see that she hadn’t moved, flinched, or woke up yet. “Hmm, I hope this bitch isn’t dead. The first of the month is next week and I need to make my rent money. I bet this will wake your ass up,” Regina said as she spit on the curling iron. She bent over and moved Faith’s panties to the side. She gently parted her daughter’s pussy lips with her index finger and thumb, and with a wicked smile, she shoved the curling iron inside Faith’s vagina. The shocking new pain that flowed through Faith had awakened her.


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