Hearts on Fire 4: Kisses Sweeter Than Pie (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Hearts on Fire 4: Kisses Sweeter Than Pie (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Maybe Nina’s pies can be an exclusive here at Sullivan’s?” Cindy suggested.

  “Maybe?” Florence said.

  “We’ll talk about that after we see the response by her customers tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be here by eight. Don’t you worry,” Nina exclaimed then shook their hands and headed out of the restaurant with money in her pocket and an empty box to fill with her supplies. If she hurried, she could still get some good product from the farmers market for the pies she had to make.

  She was ecstatic as she headed down the boardwalk. She felt so positive about her life and about baking the best pies she could that she hurried back toward her apartment and the farmers market as fast as she could.

  * * * *

  Johnny was driving in the ambulance along with fellow paramedic Mercury St. James. They had finished up a call to the boardwalk where an older woman had heat stroke and seemed to be having chest pains. They took care of her, hooked her up to a heart monitor, took her vitals, and decided that she needed to go to the hospital as a precaution. Now they were back at it again. It was going to be a long night.

  “Saw you guys all at the Station the other night. That crazy bitch Tara was hitting on Jenks. She had her hand down his pants at the table.”

  Johnny felt that instant anger at just hearing Tara’s name. He had been stupid, had let his dick make a bad choice in character judgment. She had created the entire façade at the bar, pretending she slipped and fell and hurt her ankle. He still didn’t know how she knew he was working and in the area. There were four other paramedics working the night shift. Or maybe she just got lucky that he showed up. She did seem thrilled with him immediately.

  He was used to women flirting, especially when he responded to some incident they were involved in. Many claimed injuries that weren’t real just to have him check them over.

  If he was at all honest with himself, he’d admit that the power, the ability to do that, went to his head. Well, both heads.

  “I don’t even give a shit. I don’t want to hear anything about her. Just tell me that Jenks didn’t fall for her shit.”

  “He didn’t. He fucked around with her and gave her a piece of her own medicine. She wasn’t too happy about it or how she looked so easy. It was a crazy situation and her friends pulled her away when she started yelling at Jenks and the guys, then claiming she would get revenge.”

  “Oh shit, they better watch their asses. I wouldn’t be surprised if they all have yellow sheets on their lockers this week.”

  “She wouldn’t dare claim sexual harassment again. Not after she tried that with you and failed.”

  “She didn’t fail, Mercury. I was out of work for two weeks, it’s on my permanent record, and people who I thought knew me gave me shit. It was so fucked up. I still think some people believe I touched her sexually without her permission.”

  “Bullshit. If there is anyone who believes that, then they weren’t your friend to begin with and they definitely don’t know you and your brothers. No sweat, man. I just thought I would tell you what went down. If she’s not careful, someone is going to really hurt her.”

  “That’s not our problem. I just wish I could get over the whole situation. Seems to me that every time a woman flirts with me on a call, I step back and take extra precautions to make sure I don’t touch her in any way that can be misconstrued at harassment.”

  “Damn, that’s a shame. Because we get some pretty hot chicks sometimes and they’re wearing hardly any clothing, and it’s our job to be compassionate.” Mercury raised his eyebrows up and down in a silly way.

  “You’re such an ass.”

  Mercury chuckled. “Just saying that there are perks to this job, and hot chicks flirting with us paramedics is pretty fucking great. I’ve been working out even more to keep in tip-top shape and try to get my arms looking like yours.”

  Johnny looked at his arms and then chuckled. “You need to work harder, dude. There’s room on those sleeves.”

  Mercury scrunched his eyebrows together and appeared insulted. “Fuck. And I was thinking the shirt was getting tighter. Are you sure I don’t look bigger?”

  Johnny chuckled as he looked out the window while they drove down Luana Highway. “Maybe you should wear a shirt one size smaller. Then you’ll look bigger.”

  Mercury shook his head. “Fuck you.”

  Johnny chuckled aloud.

  But as they continued to drive around, waiting for their next call, he couldn’t help but to think about where he was at and his true fear of trusting a woman. When something like this, a sexual harassment charge, was placed on a man with no grounds whatsoever, it changed him. Johnny changed a lot. He trusted less people. He overanalyzed women and their response to him. He wondered if he would ever get over his fear and actually even feel attracted to another woman again, and he didn’t feel confident that his brothers would get over their fears, either.

  Hell, their hope of finding a woman to share just like their cousins Ace, Ice, and Bull did was seeming more like a fantasy dream than something that could ever be a reality.

  Life sucked, but this hollow feeling inside needed go. Johnny just didn’t feel good about his life or himself with the weight on his heart and feelings of loneliness deep in his soul.

  God, something’s gotta give. Get rid of this feeling I have. Help me and my brothers, please.

  * * * *

  Nina was exhausted as she finished the last pie and placed them all into boxes, ready to be delivered to Sullivan’s tomorrow morning. She sat on the window sill and let the light, not-so-cool breeze filter through the window. The apartment was extra hot with the oven on for so many hours but she was just grateful it didn’t break. That was all she needed. Night had set in. With a quick glance at the clock, she could tell it was after midnight. She looked down at the street corner and noticed something, or someone, standing there.

  She walked back over toward the living room and turned off the light. Then she walked back toward the window and thought she saw that kid again, the blond with the red jersey. He had a box or something and pushed it behind the Dumpster. Maybe it was garbage? Maybe he lived nearby and decided to place his garbage in the Dumpster? She wasn’t sure, and honestly, she was too tired to care. She dragged herself to the bathroom and turned on the shower.

  When she was finished, she threw on her lightest outfit, a tank and short shorts. With only four outfits to her name, making some money would help her wardrobe and her appearance. She really needed this job. It was bedtime and then the most important delivery of her life was at 8:00 a.m.

  Please don’t let this get all fucked up. Please let them love the pies, and like me.

  * * * *

  The sirens blared and the engines blew loudly as the fire trucks from Engine 19 approached the intersection along Luana Highway and four blocks away on Wilton Avenue. It was 1:00 a.m.

  “We got a fire in the old liquor store. Looks like it started in the Dumpster on the right side,” Ace Sullivan called out to his team of firefighters as they approached along with Engine 20.

  The trucks pulled onto the scene and Eddie called out to Ace.

  “There’s an apartment on the top floor.” He pointed out just as the paramedics arrived along with a deputy vehicle.

  Ace, Eddie, Lance, and Bull climbed out of the truck and joined Engine 20, Chief Sanchez’s team, as they approached.

  “We got a call that someone smelled gas coming from the adjacent building. My team, Engine 20 will handle that if you guys from Engine 19 want to handle the fire,” Sanchez said. Chief Martelli nodded.

  He walked over to the men. “We got a possible gas leak next door. Not sure if it’s related to this fire. I want to be sure that you’re safe before you go in there.”

  “There’s a young woman in that apartment on the top floor. She didn’t come down. I think she’s trapped,” the owner of the liquor store called to them. Ace gave the orders and they prepared to head inside. On the hose were Bull a
nd Eddie. John and Marcus Towers and Lance were working on getting the fire hydrants up and running. With all the flammable liquor beginning to pop and blast, it was becoming dangerous.

  “We should head up the side staircase. There’s a fire escape on the side. See it there?” Ace called out and just then they saw the woman, shorts, tank top, hair blowing around. She was carrying a big box out the window.

  “What the hell is she doing?” Ace yelled out. They rushed to get to her as fire shot from the windows.

  * * * *

  Nina couldn’t believe this was happening to her. She worked so hard to get these pie orders. She had been exhausted, had just gone to bed after taking her shower when the sound of sirens woke her. Then she smelled smoke. A sick feeling hit her gut as she realized she was about to lose everything, including the pies she baked for Sullivan’s. She wasn’t about to let some stupid fire ruin it all.

  The heat of the flames was so intense she dropped the box. It was difficult to move quickly and not shake the pies and destroy them. She had to keep them in one piece. Just as she thought that, she heard the firefighters yelling. She felt the fire escape shaking and then a blast shot up from the bottom floor. Nina grabbed onto the metal as the entire fire escape tilted and sway, causing her box of pies to tumble to the ground below. She cried out in anger but then in pain as one of the pieces of metal scratched her side, cutting her. In a flash there were more firefighters yelling to her to hold on. She had no other choice. It was that or die.

  Below she could see the numerous emergency vehicles arriving. The firefighter shoved a ladder against the wall right beside where she was. She swung her legs to the right, trying to reach it as a firefighter began climbing up.

  “Hold on and I’ll help you.”

  She wasn’t about to trust some guy in a mask she didn’t know. Nina grabbed onto the ladder, clung to it like some trained circus performer and began to make her way down. When the gloved hand went over her hips she remembered she wasn’t exactly wearing a lot of clothing. Her side where the metal cut her skin was stinging, she was coughing from inhaling the smoke, and dried tears clung against her cheeks.

  “I’ve got you, honey. Easy now,” the firefighter said. As they got to the bottom, there were multiple firemen standing there and some paramedics.

  “Bring her over here, Bull. Lay her on the gurney and we’ll check her over,” she heard someone say.

  “I’m fine. I don’t need to lie down,” she said, fearful that they would maybe try to bring her to the hospital. That was a bill she couldn’t pay and especially now that she lost all the pies and the money she had stashed under the mattress of the bed. But more importantly, she feared Rico finding her, and she wasn’t about to make it easy for him by ending up in a computer system of a local hospital. She pulled from the paramedic and sat on the edge of the fire truck. She looked up toward the building lost in thought, her heart aching again at the sudden loss just when things were looking up.

  “Sweetie, we need to check you out.” The soothing voice and gentle touch drew back her attention to the present. As she turned to look at who was talking to her, her heart racing, her chest tight and about to release a deep cry, she locked gazes with a god. The man was absolutely gorgeous with big blue eyes, large muscles, and a sweet smile. He was a paramedic, dressed in navy blue, which made his tan complexion stand out even more. His blue eyes were so bold. She swallowed hard.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  She nodded her head as she crossed her legs and then remembered her attire. No bra and skimpy shorts. Not good.

  She crossed her arms, the pain to her side instant as she cringed and gasped. He scrunched his eyebrows together and reached for her tank top.

  “You’re hurt, I can see the blood seeping through your tank top. Let me check it out.”

  She shook her head.

  “You need to let the paramedic look you over,” a deep voice stated firmly. She looked up at a very big firefighter with black soot on his cheek. He was attractive, too. In fact, a quick glance around her and she could say with certainty that these were some of the most attractive firefighters she had ever laid eyes on. They reminded her of the men she saw at Sullivan’s. Maybe all firefighters and paramedics hung out there.

  “I think she’s in shock,” one said.

  “No, she’s just shaken up a bit,” another added.

  “I’m fine.” She looked down at her shirt as the paramedic began to pull it up. She prayed that he didn’t ask her about the red marks on her forearms from Rico.

  “Son of a bitch. You need to go to the hospital,” he told her.

  She read his nametag. Landers. That was his last name. “No. I don’t need a hospital. I’m fine.”

  He placed his hand on her thigh, and despite the rubber gloves he wore, she still felt a surge of attraction filter into her skin. He held her gaze firmly as if he felt it, too, and then he pulled away quickly. Maybe she imagined it? Maybe it was her weak, insecure mind trying to find safety and security in another male figure? That was stupid, and she couldn’t go backward in life and repeat her mistakes. No. She was on her own and no other person, especially a man, was the key to being free and making it in life.

  “You are not fine. You may need stitches.”

  “Stitches? Oh God, how much will that cost?” she asked.

  His eyes darkened. “You don’t need to worry about that. Let me check it out and see how bad it is.”

  She nodded an okay and prayed she didn’t need stitches. She had nothing. She was homeless and the opportunity to bake and sell her homemade pies was lost.

  She covered her face with her hands and leaned back, crossed her legs, and tilted to the side so he could provide first aid. It seemed to her that life sucked and then you die. Maybe it was time to just give in and die already?

  * * * *

  Johnny Landers was in awe of the gorgeous woman before him. He had never seen her before, and she appeared young, yet mature. She had the most amazing mocha-colored eyes with a hint of glowing color around the edges that made them stand out. Throw in her olive complexion and sexy figure, and yeah, she was a goddess. He swallowed hard as he glanced around, noticing the other firefighters from Engine 20 gathering around. Their chief got them to move away and then raised his eyebrows at Johnny as he glanced at the woman.

  “What’s your name, honey?” the chief asked her. She opened her eyes and even Chief Sanchez seemed affected.

  “Nina,” she whispered and then coughed.

  “Grab Nina a bottle of water, Caldwell,” he ordered to one of his men.

  Johnny didn’t know why, but he felt sort of strange. It was like he found the woman attractive, he wanted to ask who she was, how long she lived here, if she was single or not, but there was an edge of something. Perhaps just his professional side telling him to heed caution, and of course his past experience with Tara. That bitch really screwed him up and he didn’t even sleep with her.

  The last thing he needed was some sexual harassment charge against him. The woman was a knockout, though, and he needed to grab a hold of himself and concentrate on providing first aid. It was so odd, but he felt the need to protect as he took in the sight of some older red marks on her forearms. When he raised her tank top up to look at her wound, he noticed traces of similar lines heading toward her lower back.

  “Nina, it’s not too deep. I can clean it out and bandage it up but you may need a tetanus shot. That fire escape is old.”

  She shook her head. “No. I’ll be fine. Thank you,” she said softly, holding his gaze. He brushed his thumb lightly against her skin below the cut and he didn’t even realize he was doing it until her eyes widened and her cheeks blushed.

  Someone cleared their throat, and when Johnny looked to the right, Chief Sanchez and Chief Martelli were there smiling with their arms crossed in front of their chests.

  Mercury handed him a bandage and offered to apply the ointment as he winked at Johnny. It made him feel jealous, which was so
bizarre. As he tried to process his thoughts, they heard an explosion and everyone ducked for cover. Johnny pressed his body over Nina’s, covering her like a makeshift body of armor. He braced his hands over the back of the fire truck and wedged between her legs, pressing firmly against her body.

  “Stay down,” he whispered. He could smell her shampoo mixed with smoke. His chin hit her skin on her shoulder and he was so aroused by it. This never happened to him before. Johnny helped to save plenty of beautiful women as a paramedic with Engine 19, but none affected him like Nina.

  The chaos of orders being yelled out and firefighters running around grabbing more hose surrounded them.

  He confirmed that there were no other injuries and that it was the Dumpster that exploded. Thank goodness no one was nearby, not even the firemen.

  He pulled back and Nina’s face was covered by abundant chocolate locks of hair. He pressed them away from her face and held her gaze.

  “Are you okay, miss?” he asked.

  “What was that?”

  “Are you two okay?” He heard the voice and recognized it immediately. His brother Trent, the arson investigator for the county, approached.

  He saw his brother’s eyes lock onto Nina’s, and Johnny was immediately thrilled to see the interest.

  “We’re good,” Johnny said and eased away from Nina.

  “What did you say that was?” she asked again.

  “The Dumpster blew up. No one was hurt though,” he told her.

  “Hey, I saw you today on the boardwalk, right?” Trent asked, and Johnny looked at Trent then back at Nina. His heart picked up its beat. What were the chances of them both meeting the same woman at different times but the same day?

  “I think so,” she said and then turned away. Her response either was a sure indication she was blowing them off or she was shy.

  “This whole thing stinks. I got Buddy and Jake on their way here now. Once the fire is out, and we know it’s safe, hopefully we’ll find out who’s responsible for this,” Trent informed Johnny, his gaze lingering back to Nina.


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