Orla shook her head in disbelief and her attention shifted wearily back to the screen. She could now see, by using her newly acquired ability to scan the energy levels of all things, that not only were the humans more dense, but also the air around them was dense. The vibration of the atoms had slowed down which meant that the regenerative process was too slow. In nature, there is always a breaking down and building up, that is the cycle of life, but the breaking down process was overtaking the building. The Shadow was taking creative energy and giving only hatred back. Where there is hatred there can be no creativity only destruction. The new philosophy of man was to overpower, take, and destroy. Orla could see the detrimental effects of the collective fear-energy all over the planet. She was witnessing how the most destructive force to the planet was coming, not from the physical atrocities, but from the thoughts and words of mankind.
Over time, the manufacture of ‘things and stuff’ and the accrual and storage of gold had become super-sophisticated. The new science called technology took on a life of its own and created a completely new industry. Orla watched how it had rapidly seduced the masses. However, she could see its value. Mankind was only using a minute amount of his brain capacity so he needed lots of aids to help him remember data. Society had become so complex that detailed records had to be kept of every facet of a person’s life. But, what thrilled her most about this industry was that it began to give people access to their own creative process. On Crystal Island, they were able to access within their own memory any configuration of creativity, and produce wonderful examples of that expression. Poor mankind had lost those skills but was rediscovering the possibilities. But, instead of assisting man, technology was taking over – or so it would appear.
Scarily, the business world – the world of the manufacturers of paraphernalia and the provision of services – had made huge mistakes repeatedly and Orla looked on incredulously at how they had refused to learn from those mistakes. She amusingly thought that the repetition of the same action that did not work must be a sign of stupidity or insanity. Whale explained to her that trading had mushroomed from the small cooperatives to massive international organisations and the only tools these poor people had who were responsible for these large organisations, were the tools of the fear myths of the primal warrior leaders. Nothing had changed in this formula. Technology had developed in quantum leaps but man was still running his life according to the formula of primitive man. There were rumblings of the need to do things differently and finding creative solutions to business problems became the Holy Grail. This resulted in a plethora of personal development training courses, coaches and mentors trying to help the business leaders change. Systems were formulated which purported to be able to define, measure and categorise the potential of an individual to identify the best candidates for creative leadership. But, once again, this model was flawed. The dogma of these systems was that an individual had to fall into limited groups or categories, upon which their potential was identified and labelled, leading to them being limited and defined within the very narrow parameters of what was in effect the primal fear programming. The tragedy was that those people who were conducting the measuring and labelling exercises were not coming from a place of Crystal Wisdom but from the warrior memory and, although advice was given, it was invariably the same answer to the same problem but packaged differently to make it look new and innovative. True creativity only comes from an unfettered mind, unfettered from the conditioning of warrior/power-led industrialisation. The blind were leading the blind so that the results would invariably be the same. Where there was fear programming there could be no Wisdom, intuition or creativity. Decade after decade the same mistakes were made, and each time there was a failure, failure became more deeply programmed into man’s memory. Failure was etching itself deeper and deeper into the collective memory, which in turn gave rise to more fear.
After the Crystalanders left Earth and the Warrior Leaders took over completely, it took man many hundreds of years to try to understand the workings of the body. During those days of Crystaland perfection, good health was taken for granted and a detailed understanding of physiology was not required. When the super-beings left the planet and, just at the point where the new science and the old ways could have made a perfect union, the introduction of chemical medicines became the gold standard. Once again, man had not fully understood the complete picture; he had half a story and was running with it. Disease was regarded as something that needed to be stopped and suppressed. Over the years, because of the imbalance in nature, the bacterial makeup of the Earth became dysfunctional which created an environment whereby disease erupted more and more in the bodies of mankind. Disease was Earth’s way of waving a red flag to humans as a sign that they were abusing themselves and their planet and that abuse was reflected and manifested in their health. The men of science, however, decided that it was more cost effective to manufacture chemicals rather than use plants to fight disease – man was at war again. What they were not aware of was that disease – like man – had strong survival programming. The viruses were a product of nature and were cleverer than science so they mutated, played dead, changed shape and became a different disease. Therefore, whilst one disease was suppressed, it popped up as another disease later. And so it continued, with the final result that nothing could be manufactured by the chemical industries that could fight the strong, resistant diseases – disease became humanity’s new predator. The constitution and immune system of mankind had been downgraded; man began to lose his vitality, was reduced to a shadow of his Crystal self and was vulnerable in the face of the ever-increasing diseases.
This was something that money could not put right. Power leaders were affected just as much as the poor. The difference was that the poor died faster. The power leaders just kept finding a new chemical to kill one disease and then when another disease appeared, they threw money into more research, found a new ‘miracle cure’, made more money, and so the cycle continued chasing the same dragon’s tail. Small groups of people who had tried to resurrect the old ways of healing tried to reintroduce a pale version of Crystaland ways but there were flaws here. Their memories were sketchy. The fear programming embossed into their memories, stronger with each generation, had stopped them from accessing the Crystal Wisdom from which new answers could be found. They knew that plant remedies were used in the old days but those ancient healing plant remedies did not work so well in the modern world. When the Crystalanders introduced those plants to the Earth, the soil and the waters were teeming with minerals that nurtured the growth of super nutritious plant life. The whole structure of the planet nurtured these plants and, when the essence of the plants were extracted, powerful remedies were created that were highly effective on the human organism. The problem occurred when they tried to use plants that were grown on depleted soil and therefore lacked the active ingredients. Equally, the human body had become so toxic that the energy of the plant remedies was too feeble to enter the cells of the body. The water used to extract the essence was dead water. In the early days, it was the mineral rich water that had been energised by the crystals of Crystaland that increased the strength of the plant extracts. The crystal formations, which had once dotted the energy points on the planet, were as dead as the soil. The crystals had turned to solid rock. The soil was now dust; no fragment of crystal remained.
But here too the power leaders tried to take control of the healing power of nature. They endeavoured to replicate the plant remedies by replacing the active ingredients of plants with artificial chemicals. They recognised that mankind was waking up to the understanding that different solutions had to be found for health and saw an opportunity to control another industry and therefore the spending power of mankind. At that point in history, the pharmaceutical industry was the biggest and only growth industry on the planet. It even outranked the sophisticated weapons industry. But, whilst they were able to identi
fy the active ingredients of plants and chemically replicate them, what they couldn’t do was to replicate the creative value of the plant. The creative value was the part of the plant that held together all the active ingredients and acted as a catalyst to their synergistic action. Without that, the remedy was ineffective. The degenerative process had a good foothold on mankind. All those ancient remedies which had been created to aid regeneration were destroyed by the programming of greed and the concept of preventative medicine was totally overwritten by fear. The invaluable knowledge of the benefits of how plants and minerals help to repair and build the immune system was lost and, because the fear programme had damaged their crystal memory so much, humans were unable to access that powerful and liberating knowledge.
By the 21st century, the number one disease of mankind was a sadness so profound that it was given the name depression. Whilst the physical body was degenerating, it was also having a deep effect on the mechanism of the emotions. With the constant overlaying programming of fear, the mind became exhausted. Many chemicals were manufactured to try to mimic the brain chemistry to produce joy but scientists were just looking at the physiology of the brain and not the energetic factors of the whole body. So with depression came the drugged state – not the obvious drugged state but a more insidious condition. Worryingly, more and more people were given cocktails of chemicals to help their depression. But if the chemicals were effective – often they were not – then the individuals who took them looked as if they were functioning normally but their minds were not. They lived on a plateau of bland. No deep lows and no deep highs, just bland. And where there is bland, there is no spontaneity. Where there is no spontaneity there is no creativity, questioning, and no challenge. The power leader still did not understand; his arrogance was again preventing him from seeing deeply. The human condition was more than just a physical body that could be measured, weighed and tested. There was an aspect of humans that had its own intelligence – each individual had the ability to know inextricably what was right for him or her – deep in memory was the crystal intelligence which they could link to once their fear programming was cleared. This intelligence could never be measured by man-science, which is why man-science would never fully understand the working of his memory. In the meantime the experiments continued with chemicals and ‘therapies’ but this was a dangerous game. There was no understanding of the depth of vulnerability or the sanctity of the inner workings of mankind’s memory. Those subtleties were only to be found through Crystal Wisdom.
Orla had virtually stopped breathing and had a look of disbelief and shock on her face. She had gone past the stage of tears. A deep shock and a rising feeling that she had never felt before replaced the tears. This was a feeling of outrage. This was the very feeling she needed to help her understand what was required for her future role. Her maternal side was outraged, her paternal side was outraged, every part of her was outraged at how mankind had distorted itself and how wicked and cruel it had become. She felt a deep thrust of energy urging her to wipe out this outrage, this insult to Creation from the face of the Earth. Whale and Unicorn observed her reaction and were pleased, her initiation was activated. Here was the first new crystal warrior, the first of many who would bring the Earth back to the obedience of Creation. Orla was impatient to move on and come to the end of this horror story and the screen filled with the dark history one more time.
During this session Orla would learn about the travesty of food production. The agricultural industry survived in a natural way for many hundreds of years but eventually there became a need – which was an artificial need – for the quick fix of feeding, as the farming of animals became a high production industry. To fulfil the need for animal protein’ cattle were used for milk production and were housed in metal barns closely packed together, never seeing the sunlight or fresh grass, where they stood all day being milked by machines. Chemicals were given to the cows to increase milk production but the quality of the milk was poor. In addition to the poor nutritional value, the same chemicals that were given to the cows to increase production were passed through their milk to humans who drank it which caused serious health problems. New developments in science brought the cloning of animals in an attempt to find a solution to the ever increasing demand for food. But the scientists didn’t understand the creative intelligence that is the matrix of all life and just as they had failed to replicate effective plant remedies, they created animals with severe genetic problems which resulted in them becoming even weaker than their natural predecessors.
The animals left for food production were fed rubbish and pumped with chemicals to counteract the effects of over-production, disease and cheap feeding plans. The meat from animals was so low in vitality it could not be used for man or beast. Milk production stopped completely and was replaced with a milk substitute, which was just chemicals. People were eating and drinking empty calories; food with no nutritional value that made them eat even more – they were never satisfied. Throw in the sugar and alcohol consumption and the results were people who were unhealthy, physically and emotionally. And eventually the animals and plant life diminished to just a few genetically modified products. Nature wasn’t being hospitable to its abusive tenants. It was shutting down shop. No more would it be forced to provide sustenance for barbarians.
Orla asked Unicorn how this all could have happened. How the human race could be caught in a spiral of destruction and no one was doing anything to reverse it. He explained to his little apprentice that there had been a few people over the years who had tried to change, but they were branded cranks and charlatans. If they formed groups, they were quickly suppressed by hasty legislation. By this stage, mankind had generally stopped thinking for himself and looked to world governments to tell him what was good for him and what was dangerous. Countries had lost their sovereignty and had become part of just a few large Federations, so cultural identities and values had been lost within the large soup of so-called civilisation. The ordinary man had no idea that he was being completely manipulated. The power leaders, through the media, controlled every waking moment of their lives. It was done in a subliminal way so that the general public thought that they were making reasoned, logical decisions over their lives, but they weren’t – they were all being played. Original thought had been removed from the repertoire of the masses.
Whale and Unicorn pointed out that, although the majority of people were suffering, the planet was gradually suffocating in the excess of materialism and the production and consumption of paraphernalia, the power leaders were still having a relatively luxurious life. On the backs of the suffering of the planet, they were still filling their ever-increasing coffers. ‘How much gold could one person need in their life?’ Orla reflected. Whale explained that the power leaders had also fallen foul to the addiction programming. The fear that fired their particular addiction was poverty. They looked around at the misery of the poor and their biggest fear was to be amongst those wretches of mankind, the disenfranchised, and so the addiction to gold seared deeply into their survival memory. Nothing was going to get in the way of filling their coffers with gold. Their lust for gold had clouded any creative thought that they might have had. That part of the brain had atrophied, the crystal memory calcified, all that was left was the instinctual primitive memory that had been inherited from their original slave-creators.
Orla observed this tableau of civilisation as it had become, and had a comedic thought which brought a smile to her otherwise disappointed demeanour: primates dressed in designer clothes were actually running the world. Orla asked Unicorn why people had not seen that their leaders were barbaric; the whole world was supposedly democratic. “Why didn’t they vote for someone else?”Whale explained that there was no real choice. The programming had been so thorough that all governments had the same policies, maybe in a different format, but ultimately the message was the same. So there was no opposi
tion, no questioning, no challenge and no real choice. Yes, people did question but not in a thorough way, fear unconsciously stopped them from doing that. This was a fear that ran so deeply in the pathways of their minds that there was no awareness that Crystal Wisdom had been compromised because that fear, no matter how scary, was very familiar and comfortable.
Whale made a decision at this point of the viewing. He knew that Orla had seen quite a lot of unpleasantness but he had to give her a better idea of how the communities had truly polarised on the planet and how they would develop in the future. On the screen Orla saw images that she did not comprehend. She looked from Whale to Unicorn for some sort of explanation but they indicated that she would understand if she kept watching. Eventually she was able to discern the confusion before her eyes and saw whole communities living under domes made of a clear glass-like substance. These were the communities of the power leaders and their many layers of helpers and aides. These communities were sheltered from the harshness of pollution and poverty and appeared to be oases of calm amongst the chaos of degeneration. Once she had absorbed this strange anomaly, she then saw the horror of where the ordinary people lived. People were living in cramped toxic societies scrabbling for the basics of water, food and shelter and were totally exposed on all levels to the evils of the physical and mental pollution, which had taken a foothold on this once beautiful planet. This polarisation was to become even more extreme when, true to form, the food supply become increasingly scarce and man needed to devise a solution to the ever decreasing ability of the Earth to support its inhabitants. But instead of looking at how the planet had become so toxic and trying to learn from his mistakes, man looked outside again, looking at his external world rather than his internal Crystal world which would have given him creative answers. The object of his gaze was another planet. Such was his simplicity, having destroyed one planet, he decided that it would be a solution to find another perfect virgin planet that demonstrated signs of life and just move on. The power leaders spent a great deal of their precious gold trying to travel to different planets using their limited man-science, desperately looking for the basic signs of life that would support them. The Crystalanders looked on from afar, watching their repeated futile attempts, desperately going from one planet to the other looking for any vital signs of life. The Crystalanders knew that, in this solar system, Earth was the only planet able to sustain these humans. All the other planets in the solar system had individual qualities, which influenced the functioning of Earth, and Earth was a collective reflection of all those qualities. The only way this solar system was going to survive was for mankind to begin to act like grown-ups and take responsibility for absolutely all of their actions.
The Awakening Page 13