Regency Romance: A Duchess in Disguise (Historical 19th Century Victorian Romance) (Duke Fantasy Billionaire Romance)

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Regency Romance: A Duchess in Disguise (Historical 19th Century Victorian Romance) (Duke Fantasy Billionaire Romance) Page 68

by Sarah Thorn

  Chapter Two

  Cynthia needn’t have worried about her impact on Alexander’s social reputation. They were barely seated when he was surrounded by several women, flirting and hinting they would like to be seen with him during the Grand March. He gave her a smile and stood up to move off with the women following close behind him. He knew it didn’t bother Cynthia to have the women all around him as much as it made her feel crowded. He tried to show as much respect for his friend as he could.

  There were three other people at the table, chatting and drinking. One man and a woman were drinking white wine. The other gentleman’s glass looked to be filled with something clear, but Cynthia couldn’t pinpoint what it was.

  She scanned their faces while they were chatting with each other, trying to remember who they were. Slowly, she found their names in her memory banks. The couple that was obviously talking to each other were Lady Catherine MacGregor and Sir Anthony Duke. She remembered his name suddenly because she remembered thinking it was a good thing he was an Earl and in the military rather than being a Duke.

  She lowered her head and hid her grin behind a fabric hand fan, which she flipped open. She couldn’t help giggling behind it, thinking he would be called “Duke Duke.” She feared she was going to fall into a fit of giggling if she didn’t get her mind off of that phrase and quickly, so she lifted her eyes and looked directly into the gaze of the third person across from her, the hardy Duke Daniel Willingham. His direct gaze instantly halted her giggling, and she lost her smile. He had a strange look about his face, and she didn’t mind staring right back at him. He didn’t look away. Their attention was suddenly broken when the couple stood up, and Sir Anthony said to Duke Willingham, “I’m going to dance this one with Lady Catherine, old chap. You should find someone to take out on the dance floor.” He glanced over the table at Cynthia. “Perhaps Lady Vogel would care to dance?” Without waiting for a response from Cynthia, he put his hand on Lady Catherine’s waist and ushered her out onto the dance floor.

  She decided not to say anything in response. She reached out slowly, picked up a glass of wine that had been set in front of her and took a long drink from it. Her nerves were on edge, and she couldn’t pinpoint the reason. It could have been the way Duke Willingham was looking at her. Or it could be that she was staring back at him with just as much determination.

  What is he looking at? She thought, feeling a bit of anger at his audacity to just sit there and stare at her. His face did not register the feelings of a love-smitten suitor. He was looking at her as if to analyze her without asking questions. There’s certainly a lot more to me than just my outer appearance! She thought and was suddenly wondering if her dress was in style this Season or if she had accidentally worn an old one. She forced herself not to look down at her gown. Perhaps she had spilled something on it somehow?

  She was nervous all of a sudden, and that unnerved her even more.

  Daniel leaned forward abruptly. “Well?”

  She raised her eyebrows.

  “Well, what?” she replied.

  “Do you want to dance?”

  “If you wish it.”

  “If I wish it? Do you want to dance or not?”

  “I don’t want to step on your toes, sir, as I am not a very graceful dancer.” She found herself speaking more openly with him than she typically did with men. The whole situation made her feel strange and confused.

  “I don’t mind that.” Daniel stood up and held his hand out toward her. “I might be the one stepping on your delicate toes, and that would not be a good thing, would it? We’ll be clumsy together.”

  Cynthia smiled at that though she was still feeling awkward. She took his hand, and he led her out into the throng. He put his arm around her waist, pulled her close to him, and they began to spin along with the rest of the dancers.

  “This can’t be your first Season.” Daniel said, his warm breath whispering through her hair to her ear. It gave her chills. “Why have I not seen you before?”

  “I have been to two previous Seasons, my lord. Before that, I was betrothed and wedded to a fine young man who died suddenly.”

  “How tragic! You have my condolences. What happened, if I may be so bold?”

  Cynthia was able to speak of it casually now. It had been four long years. “He was thrown from his horse, struck his head on a rock and died instantly.”

  “Good Lord! I am sorry, my lady.”

  His voice sounded genuinely sorry when he said it. Though she had heard genuine sympathy before, she had previously thought that would not be possible for this brash Duke. She knew who he was, and she knew his reputation among the ladies of the town. He was known as a scoundrel by some, a rake by others and a charmer by still others. She was going to have to decide for herself who he really was. She looked up into his dark brown eyes. “Thank you, my lord.”

  “Do you have an opinion of the ladies and gentlemen of the Season?”

  “The pickings are light, my lord.”

  “What makes you say that?” He was curious.

  “I have been to two of these, as I said. The same young men and women are recycled through when they do not find a match. New arrivals are quickly absorbed. It can sometimes be a bit chaotic if you ask me.”

  He nodded. “I truly agree with you. This has been my thought for some time, as well.”

  She looked at him. “Forgive me for speaking honestly, my lord, but you have a reputation that precedes you. There are many women here that you have courted, even for a short period of time. In fact, would I dare say most of them?”

  He was a little taken aback by her frankness. He gazed into her blue eyes the way he had across the table. She interested him. She was quite a character, and he felt instinctively that he could trust her. So he decided to be perfectly honest with her, as well.

  “I have, in fact, courted most of these women, yes. I can probably mention on one hand those that I haven’t courted. At least those between the ages of 18 and 30. It was what made me curious that I do not remember seeing you here before.”

  “It is my instinct to stay on the sidelines, my lord,” she responded. Her head was becoming a bit dizzy, and the dance floor was hot. She longed for her fan. She wondered if he noticed how faint she was becoming.

  “But you are not a quiet woman.” As soon as he said it, Daniel wished he could take it back. His surprise had gotten the better of him, and he blurted the words out without thinking. She was not a wallflower. She was a bright and interesting woman. He supposed being a widow could have made the difference in her approach to the Season.

  She gave him an amused look. “I am not sure whether to thank you or to take offense, my lord,” she said with a small smile.

  “I just meant…I apologize, I usually do not pay attention to the ladies who do not come out to dance. I am surprised I did not notice you before.”

  “I know who you are.” She wanted to stick her tongue out at him playfully but did not dare push her luck.

  “So you mentioned,” he responded. The song was finally over, and he was leading her back to the table. She was slightly out of breath and gestured for a new drink as soon as she reached the table. When it was brought to her, she drank half of it at once.

  “All you all right, my lady?” Daniel asked, sitting in a chair that was closer to hers this time. He leaned in closely and looked at her face; concern openly displayed on his. She nodded and held open her fan, waving it so that a nice breeze blew over her.

  “My, I was just so out of breath. Dancing is fun, but sometimes it can wear a girl out.”

  “Would you like another drink?” He watched her down the second half of her wine and was on his feet to retrieve another.

  “Thank you, my lord.”

  Without a word, he disappeared.

  Cynthia’s head was spinning. It felt like she hadn’t left the dance floor. She couldn’t decide if she had had too much wine or if the motion of the dance was just lingering in her mind. She didn’t
remember having this much trouble in the past. But then, it was quite a few years ago since she was looking for a man.

  And she wasn’t really looking for a man. She thought about Duke Willingham, who certainly didn’t seem like the bad boy all of her friends made him out to be. But then, how would he have gotten time with them all if he wasn’t a charmer?

  Her mind became even more confused. Was he using that charm on her now? Was she mistaking his behavior as genuine because he was so good at playing the role?

  She felt a bit angry now. She wasn’t one to be taken advantage of.

  When he came back with her drink, she had worked herself into believing he was not genuine with his actions. She looked at him through narrow eyes when he sat opposite her. He looked a little surprised at her odd behavior.

  “Here you go. Is everything all right?”

  “I’m not sure,” Cynthia said. “I…You…” She made herself angrier by not being able to express herself the way she wanted to. He surprised her by leaning close to her and placing one hand very close to hers on the table. She didn’t pull her hand back. When the tips of their fingers touched, she noticed. It made her heart pound.

  “Let me put your fears to rest as best as I can.” Duke Willingham’s voice was low and smooth. “You don’t know if you can trust me because of my reputation. You hope that I’m genuine, but you think I’m probably not because I’m used to charming all the ladies I can. Am I close?”

  She sniffed quietly and nodded.

  “I do have that reputation, Lady Cynthia. And the rumors that I am going to be disinherited soon are also true. This knowledge makes it even more difficult for women to trust me. But with you…I haven’t seen you before, my lady. I would like to ask you to take a ride with me tomorrow around the park, or go for a walk if the weather is nice. Please give me the opportunity to get to know you more and to show you that my behavior with you is genuine.”

  Cynthia lowered her head, thinking hard. It wasn’t just her doubt that Daniel could be trusted. It was also the fact that, deep in her heart, she knew she never wanted to marry another man. She was happy alone and functioned best that way. She had always known it. She would never marry again.

  Chapter Three

  The sun breaking through her windows and shining its bright rays directly in her eyes was what woke Cynthia up the next morning. She instantly recalled the night before, pulled one of the pillows out from under head and placed it directly over her face.

  “Lord, take me now!” she called out, half-jokingly. She smiled into the pillow and squeezed it against her face momentarily before throwing it off. She looked up at the wispy dark red drapes that hung over her canopy bed. “I don’t want to get married again,” She said out loud. “I don’t want to be dependent on a man or be responsible for a man. I don’t. But I don’t want to hurt the Duke’s feelings. He seems somewhat genuine. What do I do? Oh, what do I do?”

  Was she now trying to convince even herself of these facts? She thought of when she and the Duke had parted ways the night before. They had spoken briefly once more when she had told him that she would agree to go on a ride with him the next day. He said he would pick her up at noon or half after. She did her grooming and got dressed on her own. She had let most of the servants go years before, choosing to save the money to live off of while she paid off her late husband’s debt.

  As she went downstairs for some tea and biscuits, she thought about the Duke. He needed to marry within three months, or he would be disinherited. She needed to have the debts paid off so that she could keep her home and the money she had to live on. Perhaps they could come to some kind of arrangement.

  The thought made her feel a little nauseous. She was taking something as sacred as marriage and making it into a business proposition. What did that say about her character?

  She would find out more about him on the ride today. She would have to broach the subject at some point in time, but she wanted to make sure that his behavior the night before didn’t stem from having too much wine, brandy, scotch or whatever it was he had chosen to drink. Alcohol did seem to have an effect on how people behaved. She knew that with first-hand knowledge.

  She ate a nice breakfast of eggs and biscuits and delighted that the tea was brewing just right. It was a nice way to start her day. She decided to eat on the veranda to watch as the sun finished rising up behind the mountain in the distance. She had kept a hand maiden, Jenny and the cook, Betty, so Jenny doubled as a kitchen maid, too, cleaning and serving Cynthia her meals. She’d known both ladies for years, and they had no problem juggling their work around so that everything was done and no one was overworked. Alice was the only other servant, and she typically cleaned the parts of the house that were rarely used, answered the door and ran errands.

  There was no need for anyone else in the big mansion because now it was just her. Just the way she liked it. She had accepted her unique desire to be alone long ago and had gotten quite used to it. Loneliness only rarely came up in her mind and typically, she could ring Alexander, and he would be right there to keep her company.

  Sooner or later, that’s going to end, she thought. In fact, probably sooner. He’s got to be getting married soon; I’m sure of it.

  A trace of fear and hurt slid through her heart. She didn’t want to lose her friend though she knew that’s what happened in life. Changes were made whether they were wanted or not.

  She watched the sun rising in the distance, casting different colors across the early clouds. She breathed in the crisp air and thought how beautiful it was.

  It would be nice; I guess, she thought, to share this with someone.

  That afternoon she was ready to go, standing at the end of her circular driveway near the gate. The long garden in between the front of the drive and the back near the house held two benches, but she didn’t feel like sitting down. One of the things she never mentioned when invited on a carriage ride was that her legs sometimes went numb from sitting for so long. If the Duke wanted to get out and walk through the park, she would much prefer that and planned to bring it up.

  She saw the dust rising in the distance and knew he was on his way up the road to her house. She stepped through the door in the stone pillar next to the gate and stood on the other side, waiting for him to arrive.

  She was a little nervous about her proposal and wondered quietly if she would even be able to broach the subject with him. Surely he wouldn’t want to marry someone he didn’t know just to pay her debts off for her. Then again, he didn’t want to be disinherited either. He probably wouldn’t know what to do with himself if they stripped him of his title, took away his duties and removed the money from his accounts.

  He pulled up in front of her and stopped, smiling out at her. “Good afternoon, Lady Cynthia. How are you feeling today?”

  “I feel fine, my lord. How are you?”

  She stepped up into the carriage, taking his outstretched hand for assistance and settled into the seat next to him.

  “I’m doing well. It is a beautiful day for a ride.”

  “Yes, I agree.” She looked up at the clear blue sky, enjoying the breeze that moved past her face gracefully.

  “I was thinking on the way here that we can go to Wasena Park and take a walk, if you prefer.”

  She couldn’t help looking up at him in amusement. “I would like that. I sometimes get uncomfortable from taking carriage rides that last too long.”

  He chuckled. “I do, too. I prefer shorter rides and walking. I like to stretch my legs so if I have the time, I walk.”

  “It’s all a matter of leaving with enough time to get where you’re going. I know carriages and horses are so much faster, but I do prefer being out in the sun. Walking makes me feel good.”

  He smiled. He was beginning to think this might be an opportunity he wouldn’t be able to resist. He wondered if she would consider marrying him, even if only on paper, to help him keep his fortune and his title. He wouldn’t hold her back, she could do a
nything she wanted to, and he wouldn’t say a thing. But would a woman consider marriage for nothing? Perhaps she was in need of something, and they could strike a deal.

  “I suppose since you have been attending the Season dances, you are considering marrying again?”

  Her heart thumped hard. It seemed his mind was on the same track as hers. “In reality, I decided last Season before it was over that I did not want to marry again. I usually attend the dances with my young friend, Lord Alexander, as he attempts to find a bride. I sometimes like the action of a ball because I spend a lot of my time alone in my house.”

  “So…you aren’t looking to get married?”

  “I had thought not before. I am reconsidering. I must say, if the right man were to propose, I suppose I would. But I have not…”

  “No one good coming around?” He supplied.

  She didn’t want to answer. “There wasn’t, no. I…came to a point where I wasn’t interested in trying anymore. I don’t think I ever really wanted to in the first place.”

  “Are you still opposed to marriage?”

  She looked up at him without answering.

  “I informed you of my predicament. That’s why I ask.”

  “I am not as opposed as I was,” She responded.

  “That’s good to hear.” He looked out over the road and fell quiet.

  “To be honest with you, my lord, I have been thinking about your situation. I was thinking about it last evening and this morning.”

  “Were you?” He asked curiously.

  “Yes. I am also in somewhat of a predicament myself.”

  “Please inform me.”

  Cynthia took in a quiet breath in an attempt to calm her pounding heart. “I…When my late husband died, he left me a fortune. It is enough to live on for many more years, and the house, and lands belong to me. However, he was in debt to several businesses to an amount that would reduce my accounts to nothing and leave me with nothing to live on.”


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