Binding Becky

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Binding Becky Page 6

by Khloe Wren


  Brother, wake up. You have to see this.

  Savren snuggled into Becky's back before responding to his brother.

  Go. Away. I'm sleeping.

  Oh trust me, this is worth waking up for.

  Savren opened an eye and glared at his brother for waking him up. As he shifted, Becky rolled onto her back and nuzzled her face into his chest before settling back to sleep. Damn she was beautiful, all sex rumpled and natural.

  Not her face, brother. Though it is a beautiful one. Look lower.

  With a quiet sigh he trailed his gaze down her body. Her dark nipples were beaded in the cool morning air and looked so tempting that he licked his lips and began to lean in.

  Oh, for fuck’s sake! Here! Look!

  Drake grabbed his head and held it over her tummy. He instantly froze, and his eyes widened. He looked up to Drake with his mouth gapping open.

  Is that—can it be—she's pregnant?

  Yes, that's what it is. We can't tell her. It's not meant to happen unless we're bonded. The Goddess is giving us a hurry up. We have to bond with her before she sees it and asks what it is.

  Agreed. Let's wake her up and ask her to bond with us. We can have the ceremony this afternoon.

  Why ask? We'll just tell her.

  Are you kidding? Dimitri told us what Eilagh did when they told her, and you know what Becky did when we stripped her without permission. She'll kick your ass and walk out—especially while she's got pregnancy hormones running around her system. I swear, some days you just forget to think.

  Drake looked rather sheepish, and Savren felt a little guilty for ripping into him. But seriously, they'd only just won their Desired, and he wasn't going to lose her because his brother was going all dominant caveman on Becky.

  Savren ran his thumb over Becky's cheek while Drake trailed his fingers up and down her arm.

  "Sweetheart, time to wake up."

  As she stirred and stretched, Savren bent down to suck one of her nipples into his mouth. They were so mouthwateringly beautiful he couldn't resist when she'd arched her back. He glanced to his side as he heard her gasp and saw Drake giving her other nipple similar treatment. She ran a hand through each of the men’s hair and held them to her. He felt her wriggling so he ran a hand down between her thighs to her already soaked pussy. He plunged two fingers into her wet heat and began to finger-fuck her.

  Get your hand on her clit, Drake. She's close already.

  He didn't need to ask Drake twice. He moved his hand down her body, and he felt her whole body shudder as he began playing. Moments later her body rippled around his fingers before clenching down on them—hard enough he struggled to move them. Her back arched, and she screamed as she came.

  Savren removed his fingers, and Drake took over, making sure he caught as much of her cream in his hand as he could. Savren licked his own fingers clean as he watched Drake coat his cock in her natural lubrication.

  Move over, brother.

  Savren moved over her body and entered her pussy on one strong hard thrust. His breath caught as she clenched down on his cock. He kissed his way up her neck to her mouth.

  "Morning, sweetheart," he mumbled against her lips between kisses. He thrust into her a few more times before he rolled them over so she was straddling him. She slid down further on his cock, taking him all the way in until he felt the head of his cock touch her cervix.

  He groaned.

  She whimpered.

  Savren gripped her hips as Drake gently but firmly pressed her down over him. She came to him willingly, sweetly. She laid the sweetest kiss he'd ever received over his heart before she looked up at him, and he bent his neck to take possession of her mouth. She groaned into his mouth and dug her nails into his shoulders moments before he felt her pussy tighten as Drake entered her ass.

  "Damn, that feels so good. She's so tight with you in her ass, Drake."

  "I know. Her ass is just as tight. She feels so good. I’m never going to get enough of loving our Desired."

  "Hell no. For the rest of eternity we'll be making love to our Desired, and it still doesn't feel like it's going to be long enough."

  Savren watched as Becky's eyes glossed over with unshed tears. He frowned. Why was she crying? Did they say something wrong, or was it just her heightened hormones? Either way, he knew how to fix it. He moved one hand between them to her clit and strummed it in time with his thrusts. Her body began to shake, and she bowed up, pressing her head into Drake's neck. Drake reached around and tweaked both her nipples before pulling them away from her body. Damn, that looked hot, watching his brother manipulate her body. Savren felt tingles shoot down his spine, and he upped his attention on her clit. He would not go over before her. Drake pulled on her nipples again, and she screamed loud enough to create an echo as she came, clenching him hard enough that he followed her over, shooting his seed deep inside her fertile womb. He watched as Drake palmed both of Becky's breasts and pulled her back into him as he roared his own release.

  Once they'd all caught their breath, Savren carried Becky into the bathroom where they showered her then themselves. After drying her off, they led her back to the walk-in closet of her new clothes and left her there to dress as they each grabbed a pair of pants and headed to the kitchen to grab a coffee. He smiled as he remembered Becky's excitement when she'd seen they had coffee. Their worlds were different in many ways, but it would seem food and drink were very similar.


  Becky wandered around the closet fingering all the fine silks of her new dresses. They were all so beautiful, and all so not her. She'd never worn dresses back on Earth. All the gowns were shades of purple and golden brown. She smiled. It would appear that each dragon family based the color scheme of their lives on their dragons’ colors. Good thing she liked purple.

  Her grumbling tummy roused her from her thoughts. She grabbed the closest dress and began to put it on. This one laced up the front. As she stepped into the dress and pulled it up her body she noticed a mark on her tummy, just below her navel. A small honey golden paw print. Hmm, strange. It kind of looked like a tattoo. She pressed her fingers to the spot. Her skin felt the same, and it didn't hurt. Shrugging her shoulders, she finished dressing and decided she'd ask her men about it. They'd know what it was. She headed out of the bedroom toward the smell of coffee coming from the kitchen. Of all the differences between their worlds, she was so glad coffee wasn't one of them.

  She came out to the kitchen, and her men both began looking at her with very serious expressions. She cocked an eyebrow at them as she took a mug of coffee from Drake.

  "What are you two looking so serious about?"

  They both put down their mugs, took hers and put that down, too. Then they each took hold of one of her hands and pulled her towards them. She watched as they looked at each other.

  "You're doing that silent let’s-talk-so-no-one-knows-what-we're-saying thing again, aren't you?"

  They both turned toward her with cheeky grins. "Maybe."

  Savren turned her face toward him and kissed her mouth with a sweet kiss filled with reverence.

  "Becky, sweetheart, will you please bond with us?"

  Becky jerked back in surprise. They wanted to marry her? Oh no, this was not good. She'd never wanted to get married, not before on Earth and certainly not now!

  Or did she?

  "But—but we only just met! We can't just run off and get married."

  Becky pulled her hands free from the men and started for the doorway. "I need to think. So much has happened so fast. Where's Eilagh going to be this morning? Do you know? I need to see her, talk to her."

  Drake and Savren gave her a little nod before following her out the door. "Follow us, little one. Everyone should be in the Dining Hall having breakfast."

  Becky stayed one step ahead of her men on the way to the Dining Hall. She knew she loved them. She'd come to that realization during their activities last night, but they hadn't spoken of being in
love with her, just making love to her. Could she marry without a declaration of love first? Being their Desired wasn't enough. She wanted them to choose her, not put up with her because she was chosen for them. She strode through the doorway into the Dining Hall and bee-lined for Eilagh—who was looking very happy as she sat on Max's lap and ate food from Dimitri's hand. Becky stopped a moment and soaked in the love radiating from the trio. Could she have that with her men?

  Eilagh looked up and caught her gaze. Obviously realizing quickly that something was up, she gave both her men a quick kiss and hopped off Max's lap and headed her way.

  "What's wrong, Becky? You don't look happy."

  "I'm confused. The men. My men, they asked me—can we go somewhere private and talk?"

  Eilagh turned toward her men, and they both looked up at her. A minute later, they nodded and she turned back.

  "Sure, let's go."

  "Did you just do the silent talk thing?"

  Eilagh beamed a huge grin. "It happened when we bonded. I can't talk with all the dragons though, only mine."

  "Oh. Okay. Bet that’ll come in handy."

  They walked silently back to Eilagh's chambers. They sat on the sofa and faced each other.

  "We had sex last night. Lots and lots of incredible, mind-blowing, sex." Becky could feel her face heat as she spoke. "Then this morning, they ask me to bond with them. I don't know. I know I love them, but they haven't spoken a word to me about love. I just feel all emotional and all over the place. I don't know what to do! Why did you say yes?"

  Eilagh laughed before she started speaking. "Well to start with they didn't ask. Remember I told you how Dimitri just told me it's time and expected me to just go along with it all? Trust me, I lost the plot at them. I needed to know they loved me before I'd agree, too. As soon as they realized my issue, they both were very quick to announce their feelings. Men don't think like us women do. They think we just know how they feel. Oh, I also demanded they remove the Truth Band, because no way in hell was I getting married without trust. As you can see, they removed it."

  Becky played with her own band. "I'd forgotten I even wore it. My mind is all over the place at the moment. I just feel so overwhelmed. I'm not normally this emotional."

  Her stomach growled its protest at skipping breakfast, and she rubbed her hand over it. Damn, she'd forgotten to ask her men about the mark. She wondered if Eilagh would know…

  "Eilagh, this morning I found something. A mark. Don't suppose you know what it means?"

  Eilagh cocked a brow at her, and her eyes went serious. "What kind of mark? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

  "Oh, no. They'd never hurt me. Well, maybe in the playroom, but that's a good kind of hurt—"

  Eilagh's laugh cut her off. "Your men have a playroom? Like, as in BDSM stuff? And I thought Dimitri was a Dom!"

  Becky felt her face heat with embarrassment. "Oh shit. That was TMI right?"

  "Hell no. As long as it’s consensual and you all enjoyed it, it's all good."

  Becky sighed in relief that her friend wasn't going to judge her for the playroom stuff.

  "Anyway, the mark is on my tummy. It’s golden yellow. It kinda looks like a paw print. Do you want to see it?"

  Becky looked up at Eilagh to see her mouth gaping open. "No. Way."

  "What? You know what it is? Please, you have to tell me."

  She watched Eilagh open a couple buttons low down on her dress and reveal her own paw print.

  "You have one, too. Do you know what it is?"

  Becky watched her slowly nod. "Your men should have told you, but since they haven't," she paused to sigh, "it means we're both pregnant."

  Becky jerked back in shock. "But we only had sex last night. How can— I don't understand!" She buried her face in her hands and sobbed. She guessed at least she now knew why she was being overly emotional.


  Drake paused eating when he saw a shadow fall over him. He looked up into the amused stare of Dimitri, their clan leader.

  "What's up, Dimitri?"

  "My Desired just sent me a little message to pass on to you."

  Drake put his fork down. "What kind of message?"

  Dimitri clipped him over the back of the head. "I won't kick your ass like I was instructed. Did you two know your Desired is pregnant?"

  Rubbing the back of his head Drake nodded. "Yeah, we saw the mark this morning. We wanted to bond with her before we told her what it meant. We assumed she hadn't noticed it yet."

  "Please tell me you didn't demand she bond with you?"

  "No, we listened when you told us what Eilagh did. We asked very nicely, but then she got emotional and ran out here to find Eilagh and they've been gone since."

  "Hang on, how does she know what the mark means, Dimitri? How does Eilagh know what it means?"

  Drake watched as Dimitri smiled broadly before turning to Savren to answer his question. "Because we got our little Desired pregnant last night, too. We found the mark when we woke this morning. And unlike you two morons, we told her what it meant." Dimitri sighed. "She just told me that Becky is now in tears. She's mad, confused, and overwhelmed—and to top it off she's now got pregnancy hormones messing her up. You two need to go collect her from our chambers and take her back to yours. Sit her down and explain to her why you want to bond. I know Eilagh made a big song and dance about needing us to love and trust her before she'd bond. Oh, and take her Truth Band off."

  Drake watched Dimitri as he walked away shaking his head and muttering something about stubborn females and idiot dragons. He was still processing everything his leader had said when Savren grabbed his arm.

  Come on, what are you waiting for? We've upset our Desired. We have to fix this, or we'll lose her.

  Shaking his head to get himself back in the present, Drake rose from his chair and followed Savren out into the hall.

  We should have thought of removing her Truth Band earlier.

  We should have told her we love her earlier. I bet the silly female has it in her head that we only want her because she's our Desired.

  That doesn't make sense, Savren.

  Yeah, it does. She thinks that some higher power chose her for us, that we're just doing what we're told by being with her. She probably thinks we don't even love her.

  Females are mad. Of course we love her. It's because she is our Desired that we love her as much as we do! She's our perfect fit, our missing piece.

  You don't need to convince me, brother. It's her that needs convincing.

  They arrived at the door of Dimitri, Max, and Eilagh's chambers, and Drake knocked softly. After a minute or two, the door opened to reveal a pissed off Eilagh.

  "How could you not tell her?"

  "Please, Eilagh, can we see her? We need to explain to her first."

  Drake was so thankful Savren spoke up first. He was so much better at being soothing. With a huff, Eilagh stood back and allowed them access. They both quickly strode down to the family room, where they found Becky with her head buried in her hands and her shoulders shaking with her sobs. Drake's heart hurt to watch her in so much pain. Savren sat beside her and began speaking softly to her. When he saw that she wasn't responding to Savren at all, Drake realized she was not with them. She'd gotten lost in her own mind. Seemed their tough little Desired might project the image to others that she was infallible, but on the inside she was preciously fragile. As much as he hurt to see her like this, he couldn’t help but feel honored that she would allow him and Savren to see her so vulnerable. He moved forward and scooped her up in his arms. He shut his eyes tight when she gripped his neck, buried her face into his chest and continued to sob like her heart was being ripped from her chest. He felt her pain and anguish as if it was his own.

  "Let's go back to our chambers, Savren. Eilagh, thank you."

  He couldn't get more words past the lump in his throat as he strode from the room and headed back toward his own.

  By the time they got back to their cham
bers, Becky had worn herself out and had fallen asleep. He took her to their bedroom and laid her down on the bed. Savren helped him undo her laces and get her naked, and then he and Savren stripped off and lay down on either side of her, bracketing her in their heat. He ran his fingers over the little yellow paw print and felt his heart miss a beat. They were going to have a child. He saw goosebumps begin to rise on her skin, so he quickly pulled the covers over all three of them. He then lay down and watched her sleep, waiting for her to wake up so they could explain and, he hoped, fix this mess. Again.

  After a long time of him and Savren stroking and talking softly to her, Becky woke.

  "Hey there, little one."

  He bent down to kiss her, but she turned her face away. Shit. Savren was right. She honestly thought they didn't love her. When she turned away from him, she inadvertently turned toward Savren.

  "Hi, sweetheart."

  She was unable to turn away from Savren without turning back to Drake, so she shut her eyes. It hurt Drake to see her reject them after they'd created a life together, but he understood her pain.

  Let's get this Truth Band off her, and maybe then she'll let us talk to her.

  Savren leaned over and wrapped his hand around her band, and Drake did the same on the other side. Their fingers and thumbs touched, and the band came apart and fell away from her arm. As it did, she opened her eyes and stared at her naked skin where the band had been.

  "Becky, please look at me."

  Her eyes flicked up to him in shock and surprise. Yeah, he didn't use manners a lot or beg for anything. Normally, he just took what he wanted. But he couldn't just take her heart; she had to give that to them.

  "Becky, I love you. You're the missing piece of my soul and heart. Now that I've found you, I can't live without you. I'm so sorry we didn't tell you about the baby. We wanted to bond with you first, then tell you. We wanted it to be kind of like a present. Our gift to you. We never wanted to hurt you. Please, say you'll bond with us."

  He dove in for a quick kiss before she could pull away. He pulled back, and Savren turned her toward him. He watched the emotions flicker across her face as Savren spoke basically the same words he had. As Savren leaned in and kissed her, she closed her eyes and a tear leaked down the side of her face. Drake brushed it away with his thumb as Savren lifted away from her lips.


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