Pleasuring a Pirate

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Pleasuring a Pirate Page 8

by Leila Brown

  “Let us love you,” Ryas whispered to her, his lips just barely touching her ears.

  A shudder raced through her, stroking every cell in her body. It racked her from the top of her scalp and down to her toes before rebounding back through her. Ryas slid his tongue out and traced up along the edge of her ear.

  And just that simple her will to fight broke. She moaned as she let the fire coursing through her take over her senses. It flowed up from where Ace was playing with her breasts and seeped down from where Ryas tongued her ear. And it all pooled in her core, generating a sopping wetness in her cunt.

  Ryas slid his hand to her sex. His fingers slipped through her nether lips and over her clit. Where his tongue on her ear created a fire, his fingers on her clit was like being struck by lightning. It raced through her and stole her breath away.

  After several seconds she remembered to breathe. Air whooshed out of her lungs. Ryas moved his hand back and forth against the stiff peak of her sex. Her breath caught each time his skin came in contact with the erect little bud.

  “Do you like that, Sera?” Ryas whispered in her ear.

  Did she like that? She loved it. Her body burned with how much she freaking liked it. She licked her lips to tell him yes, when Ace moved up and captured her mouth in a sweet kiss. His lips weren't demanding. The kiss was the tamest and the hottest one she'd shared with either of them.

  He didn't use the kiss to try to punish her into submission. His lips were teasing, cajoling, almost seducing. Instead of being playful, it just fueled her fire. She kissed him hard. Pulling his tongue into her mouth and sucking on it. She trailed her teeth along it as he pulled away from her.

  “This is about you. About everything we want you to enjoy. About the passion we want to share with you,” Ace said as he kissed down her chin and onto her chest.

  But when that sharing was done what was she going to do? She would crumble into a million pieces. And how did she put herself together again? How did she pick up and move on?

  “Do you want me to fuck you, Sera?” Ryas asked. It took her several moments to nod her head.

  Ace stood up and bent over her and continued to kiss up and down her chest. Each kiss had turned from a slight brush of her lips to a tiny bite along her breasts. Ryas moved until he was positioned between her spread legs. She was open to him. The head of his cock butted against her opening.

  Sera moaned low as he slipped inside her, then pulled out. His fingers tiptoed up and down the inside of her legs. She fought against her bonds, trying to close her legs around him. It didn't do any good.

  “Don't fight it,” Ace mumbled as he moved away from her.

  Cool, unwanted air took his place. She opened her mouth to ask him to come back but clamped it down as Ryas rocked into her again. Where was Ace going? She watched as he stood against the wall across from her. He took his straining cock in his hand and massaged it from the base to the tip. The blood caused it to turn an angry red. She watched his hand move up and down with precision. Her fingers tingled as Ryas pumped into her. This wasn't right. Ryas and she would trip over into orgasm. Ace deserved the same.

  “Let me,” she whispered to him. Her words were so low, she thought for a second he hadn't heard her. But soon he was taking jerky steps in her direction. She smiled as he stood too far away for her to take him in her mouth. But her hands were tied. “I can't reach. You need to be closer.”

  “I don't want your mouth,” Ace said in a dark voice laced with desire.

  Sera licked her lips. “What do you want?” Even though they'd already taken her ass, there was a hint of fear in her voice. It hadn't hurt that much, but the thought still sent that tiny bead of fear through her. Breathe. There was no way to take her anally while she was strapped to the bed.

  “I want to fuck your beautiful titties before I come all over you.” Ace knelt on the bed. He shared a look with Ryas, who stopped moving. Then Ace threw a leg over her chest and slowly stroked himself in front of her. He was just out of her reach. He squeezed drops of his precum onto her skin, then rubbed it in the valley between her breasts.

  The strong musk of him wafted up and tickled her nose. Sera shut her eyes and inhaled deeply. She would always remember his scent. Ace pinched her nipples and pulled them up, stretching them. Sera bowed her body up following the peaks. Just when the craving threatened to turn to pain, he let them go.

  Sera opened her eyes as Ace squeezed her breasts together. He held them easily as he pressed his cock between them. At the same time Ryas surged into her. Need thundered through her. She had never been titty fucked before, but the head of his cock poking out just beneath her chin was the sexiest thing she'd ever seen.

  Sera bent her chin down to her chest and opened her mouth. She stuck her tongue out, and the next time Ace thrust through her breasts, she licked the head of his penis. A low moan rocked them.

  Ace felt the warm smoothness of her tongue and lost the little hold he had on his control. He jammed his cock back and forth through the warm cavern of her breasts like his fucking life depended on it.

  Sera sucked in a quick breath, then released it on the head of his cock. He wanted to let go of her and jam his cock inside her. All the way to the base. Ace closed his eyes and continued to pound into her. He could feel Ryas speeding up. Her body was rocking with the movements.

  Ace wanted to spurt his cream all over her. He wanted her to smell like his cream. He wanted to mark her as his. She belonged with them, and that was where she was staying. When he looked down at her face, he saw the raw passion flowing through her and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this woman was his. Had been his since the second she'd agreed to leave that slavers' ship. Now they just had to convince her of it.

  Sera opened her eyes and looked up at him. The joy he saw locked behind her brown eyes pushed him over the edge. He came in long, ropy spurts on her chin, on her neck, even a drop at the corner of her mouth.

  He moved his shaky legs off her chest as Ryas pushed her into an orgasm that lit her face and had her closing her eyes. This woman was theirs. Body and soul. He was going to have to talk to Ryas about keeping her. Even if Ryas didn't agree, Ace was keeping her.

  As cocaptains of the ship, they shared women because there wasn't room for both of them to have a personal pleasure-giver. And over the years it had proved a turn-on. There were levels of passion that could only be reached with both of them attending to a woman at the same time.

  But Sera was different. Although he liked sharing her with Ryas, he wasn't about to let the man make him lose the best thing that had happened to him in…in…ever. She was more than a pleasure-giver. She was a woman who kept him on his toes. Who would smack him the first chance she got. Hell, most women were afraid of him because of his size. Not Sera.

  He focused back on Ryas and saw that he was pulling out of her. Ryas undid her bonds and scooted her to the center of the bed as she curled into a ball, already asleep. Ace pulled the blanket up from the foot of the bed and tucked it in around her shoulders. She snuggled into it and smiled. His breath stuttered as if he'd been kicked in the chest. Part of him wanted to bend over and kiss her lips, and the other part wanted to run. Ace closed his eyes and opened them as he came to a decision. He stalked to his room. Ryas followed behind him.

  “I want a permanent contract with her.” Ace said the words and watched Ryas's eyebrows knit in confusion.

  “We have a problem, then, because I want one with her too.” Ryas's words were calm, as if he'd expected this stalemate.

  “So what do we do? I'm not going to fight you for her. But I'm not going to give her to you either.” It had been a long time since he and Ryas had fought in earnest. And Ace had won that time. That fact that he hadn't won every time was the only thing keeping him from jumping Ryas now.

  “There might be another solution.” Ryas rubbed his chin.

  “Like what?” Ace questioned him uneasily. Ryas was a sneaky bastard.

  “A joint contract,” Ryas
said slowly.

  “Those things are illegal in most star systems. Hell, just finding an officiate to administer it will take months…maybe even years.” Ace hated to admit it. It was a good idea. Besides how many times did they let someone board them to check paperwork? The only problem he could see was when they needed to present paperwork for a birth certificate. That could be tricky.

  “What about kids? We will need a good contract for her to receive proper treatment.” Ace looked over to where Ryas was now smiling to himself.

  “Whenever she's pregnant we'll just take a vacation to a star system that accepts the contract No problem. This could work.” Ryas smiled again.

  “There's just one problem. Getting her to say yes.” Ace stared at the door they'd just come through. Convincing her might take some work. Work he was more than willing to put in.

  Chapter Ten

  Sera stumbled out of the bed. It seemed like an eternity, but she was sure it had only been a couple of hours since the guys had left her alone in the oversize bed. She'd almost given herself away when she realized the guys had their own small bedrooms. They had thought her asleep, but she wasn't. She wanted to see her sister, and she had every intention of doing just that. She almost tripped as she tried to run across the room in her confining gown.

  She couldn't go through the main door; she didn't know the code. But she might be able to sneak through one of their rooms. The question was, which room? Ryas's door was closer. Sera held her breath as she pushed the button that opened his door. It swooshed open, and she tiptoed inside. Ryas lay tangled in a bed just a little bit smaller than the one she'd just climbed out of. Each step she took had her turning to look at him. One small press of a button, and the door opened. As soon as she stepped through, the door closed, and she let out the breath she'd been holding. She leaned against the wall and willed her heart to slow. She'd done it. Now she just needed to find Sophie.

  Her eyes darted from side to side; then she took off down the hallway. She was sure that Sophie had used the same room as before. For a second she could have sworn that someone was following her, but when she turned, no one was there. She just needed to calm down. She wasn't doing anything wrong. Going to see Sophie wasn't wrong. So why did it feel so bad?

  When she saw her sister's sleeping form, she let out a relieved breath. Thank goodness. She bent down and lightly touched Sophie on her shoulder. The woman woke with a start. Her arms flailed in the air, and she threw a couple of punches.

  “Sophie, it's okay,” Sera murmured, trying to calm her.

  “Don't scare me like that.” Sophie moved back, putting some space between them.

  “What happened to you? Did that man hurt you?” Sera asked, concern echoing in her voice.

  “No,” Sophie said.

  Sera raised an eyebrow. Sophie was lying. There was always a warble in Sophie's voice when she tried to lie. It was such a telling thing that Sophie had given up trying to lie to Sera when they were small kids.

  “I'm fine,” Sophie said, turning away from her sister. Her back was stiff and her entire posture was like a bright neon sign flashing DO NOT TOUCH ME. “He didn't hurt me. He told me the truth. The truth, Sera.”

  “Sophie…” What the hell had he done to her sister?

  “Sera, Captains Ace and Ryas aren't the heroes they are playing at. Shit, they're worse than Captain Black. At least he was honest. Do you know who put him up to kidnapping me?” Sophie turned to her, and Sera watched anger cloud the younger woman's eyes.

  Her heart jumped in her chest. She didn't want to hear this. Sophie looked pissed. They only knew a handful of people. And only two of them really well. It couldn't be true. It couldn't.

  “I just want to make sure you weren't hurt.” Sera heard the pain in her own voice. Sophie had to be wrong. Sera backed up and put a hand up to her throat. Her chest tightened. She shook her head back and forth. Please don't let Sophie say it.

  “Me getting hurt?” Sophie said with an incredulous stare. “You smell like sex, Sera. You had sex, and they betrayed you. Captain Black told me the whole freaking story. They tricked you. They are the ones who told him to kidnap me.” Sophie's voice was filled with accusation and disappointment.

  Sera stared at her sister. She had to be wrong. Had to. They wouldn't do that. They cared about her. Truly cared for her. They wouldn't trick her into having sex with them. No.

  “Sera?” Sophie called her name.

  Sera turned and walked out of the room. She couldn't do this. Sophie had to have misunderstood. Ace and Ryas wouldn't have done that to her. No.

  “Sera, they did it. The only reason I came back with them was because Captain Black was sure you would be here. I couldn't leave you here knowing that they tricked you into this. Tell me you didn't sign a contract. Captain Black said the first thing they would do was make you sign a permanent contract.”

  Sophie's words rang in her head. Numbness filled her. No way did Ace and Ryas do this. No. She was not that bad a judge of character. Sweat caked her body as she bit her bottom lip. She wasn't some freaking weakling for them to use like this. She was going to show them that if it killed her.

  All too soon she was at the door to the room that held her shame. She'd given in to them time and time again. They'd used her for sex. Just sex. Only sex. They didn't want her. Didn't know her. They just wanted a nearby hole to jam their cocks in. And that was one thing she wasn't.

  “Sera, don't do something stupid. We can leave. There are other ways to make a living on that planet. Or we can hitch a ride to another planet. We don't have to stay with them. If they had you sign the contract under duress, it isn't legal or binding. We can leave,” Sophie said, trailing behind her.

  Sera couldn't open the door to the captains' main room. But it was the only room that was hers. It probably still smelled like sex. Hell, she probably smelled like sex. She wanted a shower. Needed a shower. She had to wash their smell off her. How could she have been so stupid?

  A large explosion rocked the ship, sending both Sera and Sophie down to floor. Both women looked at each other. This couldn't be good. Sera turned her head to the doors down the hall. As if on cue, the doors zipped open. Both Ace and Ryas ran down the small hallway toward her. They didn't spare her a glance as they dashed past her and raced for the elevator. She watched the doors slide open before her feet started moving. With a hard grip on Sophie's arm, she followed them. The doors dinged and slid shut just as she cleared the threshold. A sick feeling pooled in the pit of her stomach. She watched the men's muscles spasm again and again. Shit. They were nervous. This was bad, really bad. The elevator doors opened, and the men ran past both her and Sophie to get to the controls.

  “Is it Black?” Ace yelled, not turning an eye away from the screen in front of him.

  “No. It's not Black. It's a slavers' ship,” Ryas replied.

  “A slavers' ship?” Sera asked in a tiny voice. A forgotten fear traced up her stomach and closed her throat. Please no. Please no. She didn't want to be a slave.

  “What the hell is a slave ship doing this far out?” Ace asked. The ship lurched forward, then left and right.

  “They're hailing us.” He turned to both Sera and Sophie. “Stay down and keep quiet.”

  Ryas pushed a couple of buttons and then turned toward the screen in front of him.

  “This is Captain Ryas. What can I do for you?” Ryas asked in a confused tone.

  “During your recent run-in with one of our ships, you stole some of our cargo. We want it back.” The mechanical computer voice poured over their loud speaker.

  Cargo? Sophie mouthed. We're cargo?

  “Shut up,” Ace said with a growl.

  “We are aware that our cargo is on the ship with you. Either you transport them over to us, or we will kill you all,” the voice said. “You have five minutes.”

  You'd think a death threat would hold some type of emotion. But there was no emotion. Nothing to take advantage of.

  “Would they d
o it? They want us, right? They wouldn't kill us outright.” Sera rambled as she stood. “If they kill us, then it's a waste, right?”

  “If they kill us, then they don't have to worry about us hijacking their ships anymore. Plus other pirates will take notice and may leave that cargo line alone for a while. Their company will save money.” Ace hit a series of buttons, and the ship lurched again. An explosion rocked them.

  “They just took out the hyperdrive. We're sitting ducks,” Ryas said, staring at a blinking red dot on the screen in front of him.

  “Are you going to hand us over to them?” Sophie stared at the men with suspicion dripping from her face.

  “No,” Ace spat out as he got up from his seat. “We need to get that engine back online.”

  “And how the hell do you think we'll be doing that with Gio off the ship? If we don't get back there in three days, then he is free to sign on with another ship,” Ryas said as he ran past the women.

  “If you don't hand us over, they will kill us all, won't they?” Sera asked. She was still pissed at them. More than pissed. She wanted to knock the shit out of them. But she couldn't let them die. Not for her. They'd rescued her and Sophie from a trap once. Now it was her turn. “Transport me over there.”

  Ace swiveled to look her. “We are not sending you over there. They will kill us anyway. The only difference is that you would have to watch us die.”

  “There has to be another way!” Sophie screamed. “Think of something. This can't be the first time you've run into slavers. You ransom their ships, for shit's sake.”

  “Yeah, we ransom their ships. But we always make sure that we are not in the vicinity when they come to collect the cargo. This time we were too late in leaving. Most likely they caught our ion trail.” The look Ace leveled on them spoke volumes.

  They were the reason the slavers caught up. Sera and Sophie hadn't known the danger and hadn't moved fast enough.

  “So we just sit here and wait for them to kill us?” Sera asked, her panic racing through her voice.


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