Held Down

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Held Down Page 6

by Pamela Prim

The table had been set with plenty of space between it and the benches and Nancy had a sudden urge to run for the door. Instead she leaned forward and picked up her cup again holding it with both hands protectively and sipping delicately.

  Jacob had the most dashing smile and his suit was of such an elegant – such and expensive cut. What were such high born men doing with merchants’ daughters? The thought seemed to excite her as much as anything. She wondered a little if this was how the rabbit felt when the fox was on the prowl. But she was an engaged woman and that gave her some protection from these foxes.

  Wanting to raise her totem as soon as possible she said, “I’m in town looking for a bonnet to go with a dress my fiancée recently bought for me.”

  “Ah,” said Jacob slapping his knee cheerfully. “A marriage in my demesne. By the droit de seignior I demand a kiss.”

  He lifted turned to her, and with great authority and confidence put his hand beneath her chin, tilting her head back. He leaned forward and she dared not say no, wasn’t even sure she wanted to. For the benefit of her friends she made a sound of protest as his lips pressed gently against hers.

  The kiss was gentle, lips barely parted, but his lips were soft and warm and the brief contact seemed to last an age. It was as if his mouth were pouring some hot liquid into her not down her throat but into her blood. It was filling her whole body with a feeling she had never felt before and she fell away from the kiss with a gasp, feeling a little faint.

  Nancy fell back a little on the bench. Her face must have been bright red and her heart was fluttering. At the front of her mind were the vague dreams she’d had of seeing Ritchie naked on their eventual wedding night. Some low throb of desire burning somewhere in her body that she couldn’t quite place.

  “A gentleman must never leave a woman without a dance partner,” Jacob was saying from what seemed like very far away and he turned to Alice. With almost the exact motion he had used to tilt Nancy’s chin up he did the same to Alice.

  She heard the smack of a kiss from what seemed like miles away. Then Alice was gazing at Jacob with the same expression Nancy she imagined she had on her own face.

  The moment seemed to hang over the room. The behaviour was unacceptable of course. But no one had objected yet. As the oldest she should say something. She turned her head to look at her sister Kelly, but she was already bright read and Alfie was kissing Moira. As he pulled away Nancy watch Moira look to her for guidance.

  Alfie said, “We can have our fun on this side of the table too.”

  Moira, seeing no sign of disapproval in Nancy’s face took it as acceptable and pulled Alfie back to give him another kiss. Nancy looked back at Jacob, who with infinite kindness said, “Let me teach you a trick for your wedding night.”

  His hands slipped around Alice and Nancy’s waist and Nancy found herself pulled up tight next to his body.

  Chapter Three

  Kelly was frozen inside. Her heart was thumping like a bass drum and her face was burning bright red. The gin had given her courage for a moment to accept the kiss from Alfie but she had pushed him away quick-smart remembering her sister and friends sat around the table in a position to judge her.

  But when she looked around Moira was locked in an embrace with Alfie and Jacob was pulling Alice and even Nancy up against him and kissing each other their necks in the way heroes did in the lascivious novels Kelly read in secret. She had little idea what all those novels meant until now when she was facing an opportunity for her own corset to be “rent asunder” and to encounter a “bulging member” of which she had only the vaguest idea. So to the “climax” and “fleshly pleasures”, but somehow in this innocuous and private room in this innocuous and public house her strangest fantasies looked like they might be about to be unfolded. But to do so in the presence of her friends!

  Alfie turned to her and with one hand on Moira’s knees he said to Moira while looking right into Kelly’s eyes, “I think she might feel better about it all if she were to have a little practice. She can do so without the sin of lust if you help her.”

  “What do you mean?” whispered Moira hoarsley her mouth parted wetly and seeming to lean forward ready to eat Alfie’s ear.

  “Give young Kelly here a kiss, like you did me.”

  Moira got up and swapped places on the bench kneeling next to Kelly. “What do you say, Kels? It’s just a little fun.”

  Moira was so tall she had to bend right down, knelt as she was to kiss Kelly sat beside her. To Kelly, Moira’s face seemed to grow and grow till it filled her vision then, with the sweetest taste and gentlest touch their lips met.

  “Imagine I’m a dashing regiment Captain,” said Moira, in a false-deep man’s voice.

  Kelly tried, and soon found that she was getting the hang of the exchange. Mouth to mouth their breath and tongues mixed. Suddenly Moira pulled away and her eyes went wide.

  Looking round Kelly could see Alfie behind Moira had undone her dress at the back and pulled it down off her shoulder. His hands now cupped Moira’s breasts through the lace undergarments and were making soft massaging motions.

  One of his hands slid down and began to pull Moira’s dress up away from her knees. “Do as I do to you to your friend, Moira,” she heard him say. And almost in a trance she turned her back to Moira to let her hands unpick the ribbons that tied her dress at the back.

  When it fell forward to reveal that she was only wearing a corset and pinafore, she gasped.

  Moira kissed her again and her slender fingers began to play with Kelly’s bared breasts. Kelly found to her surprise that she was moaning adn breathing in shallow little gasps.

  Moira’s seemed suddenly to shudder and her other hand began to feel between Kelly’s legs.

  “Stop it,” whispered Kelly.

  Moira, who Kelly could now see was receiving similar attentions from Alfie’s hands in her loins moaned out, “Are you sure? It feels incredible.”

  “Okay,” whispered Kelly, letting Moira’s long pale fingers lift her skirts.

  The finger pressed tight against her cunny through the lace of her bloomers and a rush of pleasure ran through her like electricity.

  So that’s what they are talking about in those novels, she thought.

  Moira’s hand was making soft circling motions, and Kelly was aware of a growing dampness in her crotch. She began to kiss Moira harder, pushing her tongue deep into Moira’s gasping mouth. She wish it was Alfie she was kissing now, and that she hadn’t rejected his first kiss.

  Her own hands had joined Alfie’s on Moira’s small, pert breasts. His dextrous hands had stripped away Moira’s corset and she was now on all fours. With a sudden movement of his hips Alfie did something to Moira which broke off all chance of kissing her.

  Kelly watched as Moira gasped in pleasure. With one smooth motion, Alfie, his hands now free pulled Moira’s hair so she reared back up on her knees and with the other he worked her peticoats over her head. She was now naked but for the drawers which were around her knees and her boots and stockings on her leg.

  With some fascination Kelly could now see the red fuzz of Moira’s pubic hair, her genital slit, and from behind the pink fleshy member of her novels which was plunging in and out of Moira and trailing a thin clear line of some sticky liquid.

  Moira’s back was arched with her buttock and head pressed against Alfie. Her breasts were thrust out, as Alfie held her like that and whispered something in her ear. With a startled look, like a frighted horse she reached out and grabbed a glass of gin. Looking down at Kelly she gasped, “Drink this,” and poured the clear liquid in two quick spills over her tits.

  Quick to try and catch the falling liquid Kelly stuck her mouth to Moira’s smooth stomach, catching the lowest runnels just before they soaked into her red fuzz. Working her way up slowly, enjoying the sensation of smooth skin under her lips and tongue Kelly continued up past Moira’s navel and onwards towards the small, pert mounds and their pink peaks.

  When she sucked
one of Moira’s nipples dry of gin the noise Moira made was astonishing, a kind of angry cat’s screech. She looked up but the look of bliss on Moira’s face suggested that the screech was not one of pain but of pleasure. She tried again this time experimenting with teeth and tongue. The bitter taste of the gin contrasted with the sweetness of Moira’s reactions.

  Alfie let go of Moira suddenly and she fell forward pushing Kelly over onto her back. She was now lying under Moira with her bare shoulders sticking to the leather bench and the taste of gin on her mouth. Moira was face to face with her but being jolted back and forth by Alfie’s powerful thrusting.

  A long tendril of saliva hung down from Moira’s face which was contorted into what looked like agony.

  From her new vantage point Kelly could now see what was going on under the table with Nancy and Alice who appeared to be fighting mouth to mouth over who would get to put Jacob’s filthy member in their mouth. His member was enormous and the thought of being penetrated with it the way Moira was with Alfie made her want to touch herself the way Moira had touched her.

  Moira’s teats were bouncing right in Kelly’s face and she propped herself up on one arm to take them in her mouth once more. This seemed too much for Moira whose entire body was engulfed in contortions and shakes that seemed like a fevered palsy.

  Alfie too seemed possessed by some sort of demon, thrusting like a maniac and slurring out the filthiest words Kelly had ever heard: “Fuck… fuck… I’m going to come… fuck… you have… the tightest… little cunt… I’ve ever filled.”

  He seemed to collapse onto Moira’s back pushing her forwards in a jellied pile of pleasure onto Kelly. All three lay on the bench in an awkward embrace. From behind Moira’s back Kelly heard Alfie say to Jacob: “That’s one, old chum, how are you getting on?”

  Chapter Four

  “How are you getting on, old boy?” Nancy heard Alfie ask Jacob. She was busy engaged in working out exactly what Jacob had meant when he said to “kiss it.”

  At first, she had been utterly shocked when without the shame of a sailor’s prostitute he had simply pulled his cock out of his trousers at nearly and told her to do so.

  “Kiss it?” she had asked, aware that already Alfie seemed to have taken a different tack with Moira but seemed to be allowing Kelly to go unscathed. Just as well, she thought. Kelly’s virginity needs more protection than any of the rest of us.

  “Yes, kiss it,” was his reply. “You husband will be transported with delight if you learn the trick of fellatio. To take a lover in one’s mouth is the sweetest gift. I will show you yourself shortly, but you are best served I think by tasting of my fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.”

  It seemed obscene but one looks to one’s betters for how to behave and a Lord was certainly her better. So she leaned forward and took the piece of flesh in her hand.

  She could feel Jacob’s pulse in the throbbing of it and it twitched when she touched it in the strangest way. Under her fingers the skin of it seemed to glide over the ribbed and veiny flesh beneath, it didn’t seem quite human, but also seemed somehow more human than the man himself.

  She leaned forward and gave it a kiss. Firmly and chastely. Then looked up at Jacob for approval. He looked unimpressed.

  “Don’t kiss it like it’s your maiden aunt. You’ll never arouse your husband with a mouth like a nun. Kiss it as if it were a lover. Allow your tongue to roam freely, try to swallow it whole. Rub and spit and use both hands.”

  She tried again. Kissing it more firmly, licking her lips and the sliding skin as she did so. He groaned in disappointment. She took the shaft side on in her mouth and again he let out the disappointed groan. She added her other hand and seemed to get some better feed back, but it was not until she experimented with swirling her tongue around the angry looking purple head that she got a groan of a very different nature.

  She altered her focus, her hands tugged up and town in long strokes on the shaft, while her mouth tried all manner of things on that round and purple head.

  The first thing she noticed was the cock had nearly doubled in size since she had first kissed it, it was so wide she had to stretch her jaw to get the head fully in her mouth. The second was that when the groans seemed more pleasurable he would try and thrust the member right up into her throat choking her.

  Her saliva grew thick and she found herself spitting thick strands of it onto the naked penis.

  “She’s getting the hang of it,” Jacob said to Alice. “Give her a hand. Or a mouth. And maybe a little kiss.”

  Next thing Nancy knew Alice was in there with her, hands working in tandem with hers, and even playing with the strange and wrinkled sack beneath them which were shining wet with Nancy’s saliva now.

  Alice’s mouth joined hers on the head of the mighty cock, their lips brushed sensuously across the head and Nancy felt again that strange attraction in her gut towards Alice.

  Their tongues were flicking over each other as much as over the head of the penis and Jacob’s thrusts now seemed to be more part of an elaborate kiss between here and Alice than their pleasuring him.

  This was when she heard Moira howling in pleasure, the grunting and groaning of Alfie and his smug question: “How are you getting on, old boy?”

  Jacob, with a hoarse voice said. “Slow and steady wins the race, young hare.”

  His thrusts were getting more and more insistent and his breath sharper and shallower. Alice and Nancy were lost in their rhythm when suddenly the cock in their hands spasmed violently a few times and from its tip, shot a jet of white, hot liquid, it spattered over their faces and lips, getting its salty stickiness in Nancy’s mouth and over Alice’s lips. A long strand hung from Alice’s eye brows and Nancy could feel gouts of it spatter her cheek.

  It dripped down the shaft of the cock too onto their hands, coating them in the same stringy strands as their faces.

  “Don’t wipe it away,” said Jacob breathlessly. “Kiss.”

  They did. The white on Alice’s lips was salty on Nancy’s tongue and a strand burned a little in her eye.

  She closed her eyes and in the darkness of that kiss she felt Jacob seem to move around. He lay down on the bench and with gentle hands he moved the two of them so they were kneeling down, Alice over his face, Nancy over his member which although it had wilted was now regaining some of its erect fullness.

  His fingers slipped between her legs and she was surprised to find that her crotch was soaked, her pubic hair matted down by some strange excretion of her cunny that had never happened before.

  With underwear torn away he guided her onto his cock.

  It was too big to fit as he wanted it too. But the smooth purple head felt so good pressed up like that, so Nancy allowed it to press against her slit, rubbing it back and forth against her clit. It was slick with his cum too and felt delightful sliding over cunny and clit.

  Alice appeared to be doing something similar she had lifted her dress over her head and with bare legs now was grinding her cunny against Jacob’s face where his tongue appeared to be doing many of the same motions which Nancy had just tried out on his cock.

  They seemed to be working to, because Alice’s face was flushed beneath the painted streaks of his ejaculated. The sight of her, being pleasured like that made Nancy aroused and jealous.

  She began to press harder against the head of his cock and found she could fit more than just the head in. Her cunny lips parted to swallow the head just as her mouth had, but when he thrust into her the slick lining of her cunt did not resist him the way she found her throat had, instead it seemed to open to him like a budding flower, stretching to accommodate the full length of him inside her.

  The deeper he pressed the louder she moaned, the less control she felt as he plunged his member into her. She could feel the almost bruising force of it hammering at her cervix, plunging deeper as she stretched more and more.

  Finally his full length penetrated her and his hips pressed hard against her clit. Sh
e felt a whole new level of pleasure and desire.

  Her hands reached to grip his hips. She was driving herself down on him like a rider in the saddle and his hips were thrusting back into her harder and harder, faster and faster.

  Alice was grinding hard on Jacob’s face, a look of agonised pleasure contorting her features. Nancy leaned forward sliding her hand over Alice’s nipples, enjoying the smooth texture of her skin and the slippery feeling where Jacob’s seed had slid in long tendrils from Alice’s face to her breasts.

  Alice’s frotting became furious, Jacob seemed in danger of having his nose broken, or worse. Her face screwed up tight in pleasure and a long scream issued from her lips. The sight of this was too much for Nancy whose own enjoyment was reaching fever pitch.

  She slammed herself down on Jacob’s cock and ground her clit hard against him, sliding back and forth, feeling his huge cock filling her up. She came sudden and hard in a few long strokes. She felt the gush of her juices, dampening his pubic hair and the tight contractions of her cunt put him over the edge.

  He seemed to pulse inside her over and over with a vigorous jerking motion and she felt the hot stinging seed of him squirt into her womb.

  How he had so much in him still after blowing all that over Alice’s face she couldn’t fathom but it seemed to come in jets. The three of them sat like that. Jacob on his back and Alice and Nancy facing each other across the smooth muscular chest and abs, all three trying to catch their breath and wondering what the rest of the pub must be making of the noises coming from the snug.

  Finally from beneath their weight, Jacob called out. “That’s two at once, Alfie. How are you getting on with your second lass there?”

  Chapter Five

  While all this was going on Kelly was looking at Moira whose oral attentions had wavered considerably while she came again and again on Alfie’s cock.

  Now, thoroughly full of cock and sperm Moira seemed still unable to give up the new pleasure she’d found and since Alfie’s attentions had now turned to Kelly, she was lying there with her thighs slick with their combined juices fingering herself.


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