Held Down

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Held Down Page 19

by Pamela Prim

  “Your secret’s safe with us, don’t worry, Dr,” giggled Carla, linking her arm into Jenny’s.

  “Uh yes…definitely,” added Jenny, still a bit mesmerized and shaken by everything that had occurred.

  “Bye girls, see you soon,” called Nurse Lisa as they walked out, giving them both a wave, the phone still in her hand with all the pictures on.

  Carla tugged Jenny out of the doctor’s surgery and back outside into the early evening sunshine, the temperature still warm and pleasant even as the sun began to settle low in the sky.

  “Oh my God,” squealed Carla, squeezing Jenny to her side.

  “Oh my God,” Jenny repeated, putting one hand over her mouth in shock and giggling, her cheeks all flushed. “I can’t believe that.”

  “That was crazy!”

  “Did that just happen?”

  “She was such a hot doctor!”

  “I know!”

  “She can examine me anytime!”

  All the way home, the two of them couldn’t stop giggling and gushing about their experience, talking about how gorgeous Dr Henley was, and just how amazed they were that it actually happened.

  “They must do that kind of stuff all the time,” said Carla, still talking about it once they were back at home and eating their dinner.

  “Her and the nurse?” Jenny looked up from her meal.

  Carla nodded. “They’ve got like, a little arrangement going on, haven’t they?”

  “Mmhm, looks that way,” agreed Jenny. “Lisa watches the door and makes sure no one goes in while Dr Henley is…doing her stuff.”

  “And then in return, Lisa sometimes gets to join in, and they must have threesomes and stuff like that.”

  “Yeah, or Dr Henley pleasures Lisa after the patient’s had their turn.”

  “That’s hot, isn’t it?” giggled Carla, clearly very excited about all of this. “Are we gonna go again?”

  Jenny rolled her eyes and carried on eating.

  “I mean, I should probably go have a check up, right?”

  “Yeah, I guess you probably should,” chuckled Jenny. “We should arrange that sometime.”

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  Story 9

  “Chris?” the line crackled. “Chris!”

  I was almost straining to hear. “Damon!” I barked down the line.

  My best friend Damon Brown was trying to tell me something and I could not hear him properly.

  “Chris?” Damon tried again.

  I rolled off my bed and walked towards the windows to visually scanthe surroundings for any sign of Damon returning as I repeated slowly, “Dude? Can you hear me?”

  “My mum’s arthritis’ been acting up. Gotta take her to the doctor’s.”

  “Oh, sorry about that man,” I said automatically, wondering why he was telling me. I was hardly a doctor; was in fact just a freshman in Economics major and all of eighteen which made me a year younger than Damon’s nineteen.

  “Chris? I got a landscaping gig over in Alto and it’s real urgent. Plus the lady is dropping some big bucks. You think you can cover for me?” Damon asked.

  I didn’t hesitate. One of the things I was in constant need of was ready cash. It kinda came with the territory; college students were forever broke, weren’t they?

  “What’s in it for me?” I asked already stalking towards my closet.

  “40% is yours,” Damon said. The line crackled once more and then I heard, “…so just do whatever you have to do to keep the old girl happy alright? I’ve worked with her before and once you make her purr just so, you’ll know you’re hitting all the right spots.”

  The line went dead. I frowned at my phone. Purr? Spots? What on earth did Damon mean?

  With a shrug, I tugged on my trusty brown sweats and black stone-wash jeans. I pulled on my socks and then a pair of sneakers and got in my rickety old truck and pulled into traffic.

  The one thing I liked about Alto was its sleepy nature. The town was so quiet. I pulled into traffic and stepped on the accelerator as much as the rickety truck would allow.

  The drive to the house Damon had described took less then fifteen minutes and as I whipped past the gates of the fenced compound, I couldn’t help looking around and sighing in appreciation. The compound was a testament to natural beauty; roiling fields of greenery stretched this way and that on either side of the brownstone mansion at the end of the drive. A few ornamental trees littered the yard and rows and rows of different flowers also spread out on both sides. As I stepped from the car, the strong scent of natural flowers assailed my nostrils and I automatically shut my eyes and inhaled deeply. The twittering of birds in the different trees reached my ears and a fresh, cool, summer breeze washed over my lean body.

  I yanked the few tools in the back of the truck out and strode towards the door whistling under my breath. Damon had said I needed to let the client know I was here.

  As I raised a hand to knock, I scrunched up my face trying to remember her name. What was it? Andrews? Antwon?

  Andersen! Yes, that was it!

  The door flew open just before my knuckles connected with the wood and I slowly brought down my hand as I stared at the elderly woman on the other side of the door. She was dressed in a long ugly gown that brushed her very ankles and her black hair was covered with a wispy, feminine scarf with the ends tied beneath her chin. She had a stern pair of faded blue eyes and thin lips with frown lines etched into both sides.

  “Mrs Andersen?” I began. “I’m Chris Delaware. I’m from Brown Landscapers,” I added pointing at the logo on the ugly brown shirt Damon had insisted I wore.

  The woman’s eyes scanned me from head to toe before her lips pressed into an even thinner line of disapproval. “I see. Well what the hell are you ringing the bell for? Get to work!”

  I looked at her in disbelief as she slammed the door in my face. Was that dried up old prune the mistress of this mansion? Leave it to Damon to find the grumps as clients, I thought with an inward roll of my eyes as I turned around to the back of the house to begin my work.

  The work was hard and sweaty and I was ready to quit in just five minutes. With a muttered oath, I stopped the lawn mower right in the middle of the lawn and stalked off towards the pool side. I had on my rubber gloves and I gingerly began to arrange the flowers scattered in little pots around the pool.

  A splash made me start and I jerked to an upwards position and spun around. A busty blonde was treading water, a come-hither expression etched onto her pretty features. She had to be about 45 with large brown eyes, a mouth in a perpetual pout and skin that was so silky I had to ball my hand into a fist to keep from reaching out and touching her.

  Her tongue flicked out as her gaze held mine and she boldly rubbed it against the upper lip before letting her gaze dip to scan my length.

  I stared at her, my mouth almost dry as my eyes clapped onto her impressive cleavage; she was stacked! Heck, she was smoking hot!

  “Hello,” she breathed.

  I swallowed, “Hi.”

  She smiled and twin dimples appeared in both cheeks. I felt answering heat swell in my groin and I fought down a blush. I would remember this image hours later when I had to finish myself off in the bathroom, I thought. She was so incredibly hot! A MILF in the flesh!

  “Watcha doing?” I asked.

  She grinned, “I must be doing it all wrong if you have to ask for a definition.”

  I swallowed again. That sentence could be interpreted in so many different ways.“I’m Chris.”

  She dimpled at me, “I know.”

  I blinked. “You do?”

  “Yes. Damon called. Plus, I heard you talking to Martha.”

  The surly woman at the door. “And Martha is…?”

  “The housekeeper,” she told me.

  “Boy, am I glad to hear that.”

  She looked a question at me. I shrugged, feeling uncomfortably hot underneath her sultry
gaze, “She didn’t seem like much of a tipper. Much too angry,” I said.

  She laughed, the sound warm and filling as she tipped her head to the side and regarded me. “You’re funny.”

  Then before I could respond, she ducked underneath the surface of the pool and began to swim.

  Hesitantly, I turned back to my work. I could hardly stand gawking at the pool, now could I? Besides I thought I had seen an upstairs curtain shift. No prizes for guessing whose surly face was planted behind the curtain.

  I grabbed a pot of hydrangeas from a particularly unfavorable position and tucked it somewhere else. Then I grabbed my wheel barrow and headed for the front of the house. A car was just pulling up as I reached the front of the house. It was a smart-looking convertible; ash-grey and snazzy. Just looking at it gave me a hard-on; and that was before I took a gander at its driver.

  If the woman in the pool was hot, this one was smoking with a capital S. Her blonde hair was short, ending just beneath her chin in flyaway strands held in place by her sunglasses atop her head. Her lips were painted a bold red color, her eyes were heavily lashed and mascaraed and her skin glowed with good health.

  She was dressed all in white as I soon discovered the moment she stepped out of her low-slung car. Her blonde hair hung to her waist, her breasts threatened to spill out of her low-cut top and her skirt was so short and tight it left little to the imagination. I felt the familiar tightening in my groin and I stifled a groan. These ladies were not making it easy for me to stay focused on the damn job.

  Damn it I could lose a toe fantasizing about pussies and breasts out here!

  “Hi handsome,” she purred in a voice that made my heart skip two beats.

  I forced an awkward smile. Handsome? Me? There was a reason I was still a virgin at eighteen; no one thought I was handsome. They all thought I was ‘cute’ and ‘sweet’ and everything else in between a friend and a brother.

  I had been called many things but handsome wasn’t one of them.

  I didn’t realize I was blushing until the newcomer strode right up to me, her gaze hot and assessing as she scanned me from head to toe and observed in her throaty voice, “I haven’t seen a man blush in forever. This is a refreshing change of pace.”

  She sounded like a cougar! “I— I— I’m Chris,” I stuttered.

  She laughed and raked one long, red-coated fingernail across my chest. “You sure do sound like a Chris, honey.”

  I was feeling very hot all over and suddenly diving into that pool out back was starting to sound like a swell idea. I was half-afraid I was going to burst the front of my pants if she kept touching me.

  I took a quick step back for self-preservation.

  She tilted her head to the side, studying me. Then she looked around, “Is Mia in?”

  “I didn’t catch her name but there was a woman in the pool,” I told her.

  “Blonde, hot and pouty?”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “That’s Mia alright. I’m Cori by the way. Cori Teal,” she told me, extending her hand for a shake.

  “Chris Delaware.” Her hand was warm and soft in mine. I pulled my hand hastily away.

  “Come by the pool before you leave Chris. You deserve a tip,” she called over her shoulder as she sauntered away.

  Fifteen minutes later, the front door opened and the surly housekeeper stalked out. She was grumbling as usual as she headed towards a small sedan in a corner of the compound. She drove off in a blur of dust and with a shrug I returned to my work.

  My phone rang. Caller ID said it was Damon.

  “All done?” he demanded.

  “Just about,” I told him. “But we need to put in a tree close to the gate.”

  “Yeah, she told me. Don’t worry about that, I’ll get it done tomorrow. Nice work Chris. You can get out of there now.”

  “Okay man. Say hey to your mum,” I added.

  I packed in everything into the truck and then I grabbed the wheelbarrow and wheeled it towards the shed at the back of the house.

  “MrsAndersen?” I called craning my head this way and that as I tried to see some sign of her to collect my tip.

  I stumbled across a scene in the pool that made me draw up short— Cori and Mia were entangled together in a tight grip kissing, stroking and caressing each other.

  As I watched, slack-mouthed, Cori bent her head to Mia’s size 36D breast and closed her lips around the engorged nipple. She flicked her bold gaze up to mine as her tongue thrust out and laved the dusky nipple.

  “It’s cool in the water. Come on in,” she invited sultrily.

  “Um, I had better not,” I whispered nervously. Get in the pool? I would probably lose all control if I got within two feet of all that…

  “Oh what’s the matter? Got a girlfriend who would be jealous that you took a little swim with friends?” Mia asked pouting prettily.

  Girlfriend? What a laugh. What girl would agree to date me? I was all legs and arms; a gangly teen.

  Cori lifted her head from Mia’s breast and looked up at me, invitation clear in her eyes. “Trust me Chris, you don’t want to miss this,” she purred.

  The sound was so erotic it went straight to my brain. The handle of the wheelbarrow skid out of my grip. I didn’t even give it a second thought as I raced towards the pool full-on.

  I jerked my sweat shirt over my head and tossed it. I unbuckled my jeans, tucked my thumbs into the waistband of my jeans and yanked them off in one fluid motion.

  Mia gave a whistle. I paused in my tracks and looked a question at her.“Boxers off.”

  Take it off? Right in front of these two experienced women? I was shy of showing myself to girls my age never mind two incredibly hot cougars, at the same time!

  I swallowed, looking from Mia’s incredibly pretty face to Cori’s. “Have you ever been with a woman before, Chris?” Cori whispered.

  I colored, ducked my head and bit my lip. “Not really.”

  “What does that mean?” Cori laughed throatily.

  I shrugged.

  Mia gasped, “Oh my goodness. Are you a virgin Chris?”

  Moment of truth. They would probably laugh and toss me out on my ear right now. My Adam’s apple bobbed.

  I opened my mouth to respond and every word I had been about to say dried up as Cori rose up right out of the water to her full height.

  If I had thought she was hot before, now I thought I had died and gone to heaven. She was insanely hot. Her curves were in all the right places. Her boobs were enough to give a guy wet dreams, her waist was so thin it could have been cinched with an invisible belt; her skin glistened with water and her legs were so long they seemed to go on forever.

  She treaded water to the edge of the pool and swung out, her gaze locked onto mine. “I think that is so hot!”

  Gaze locked on mine, Cori boldly grabbed my dick through the soft cotton of my boxers. She stroked the hard length, “The moment I clapped eyes on you, I knew you were packing some serious heat beneath those clothes. May I?”

  She didn’t wait for a response just dropped to her knees before me, dragging my shorts down in the same fluid motion. I gasped. She gasped too.

  And then she leaned forward and took me in her mouth. My eyes widened in shocked disbelief as I looked down at the top of Cori’s head.

  Chris Delaware who couldn’t even convince a girl to have coffee with him was getting head from a hottie MILF who was stacked so tight it was a wonder her boobs didn’t form their own republic and march off on their own.

  Her sweet lips encircled the tip of my dick and she began to move her head up and down my shaft, licking and kissing as I groaned and prayed inwardly that my shaky legs would hold me up.

  The sensation was unbelievable.

  A splashing sound from the pool drew my attention and I looked over. Mia was coming out of the pool, water sluicing off her body, her eyes locked on the action by the poolside.

  She reached us, grabbed my head in both hands and kissed me long and
deep. I kissed her back, feeling my way into her mouth with my tongue. With growing boldness, I reached up and cupped one huge breast in my hand.

  “That’s itTiger,” she crooned into my mouth. “Go for it.”

  The twin sensations from being kissed and sucked were almost driving me crazy and I wrenched my lips from Mia’s gasping for breath and fighting desperately for control.

  “I um, I’m all sweaty. I think I should probably rinse off a little first before… anything. I wannaclean up for you ladies,” I said.

  Cori rose from her kneeling position looking like the vixen she was.

  “Shower, upstairs sugar.”

  She led the way, her hips swinging this way and that as Mia and I followed.

  I felt as though my entire body was on fire. We couldn’t take the stairs fast enough. The house was decorated like something straight out of some fancy magazine but I barely spared a glance at the interior. I was so buzzed and fixated on getting some more of Cori’s lips around my cock.

  I brushed past Cori, taking the rest of the stairs two at a time as I raced straight for the door which had to lead to the guest room.

  “Whoa, someone’s eager,” Mia laughed from behind me.

  “You have no idea,” I threw back. I bounded into the shower as soon as I stepped in the bathroom.

  The warm blast of the water enveloped me almost the same time as soft feminine hands. Mia purred in my ears, her hands wrapping around me from behind while Cori went right back to sucking and fondling and stroking.

  The combination of warm water and tender touches were causing a familiar pressure to build between my loins. The tension mounted, gathering and gathering into a storm. Just then Mia bent and began to suckle one of my hard, flat nipples evoking surprising sensations while Cori continued to pump my dick with her mouth.


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