Held Down

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Held Down Page 48

by Pamela Prim

  “Yeah, I’m glad that I got to have fun with both of you. You’re both amazing, and the fact that it wasn’t too awkward was great,” Thomas said.

  “Well, if you guys want, we can continue this. However, we have to keep this very secret, and to be honest, I would rather not do this during working hours for either of us. I know that if my boss found out about this, I would be fucked, and Lisa would be too. And it wouldn’t be in a good way. But I’m sure that we could learn more about one another, and I’m sure that we can discover a lot of great things that I’m sure the both of you will really enjoy,” her stepmother said.

  Lisa wanted to think that this would work out. She wanted more of this. She nodded in agreement.

  “Yeah, let’s do that. But yeah we should keep this as quiet as possible, especially since it could affect all of us. But yes, I think we should do this,” Lisa admitted.

  Her stepmother gave her a kiss on the lips, doing so to Thomas as well

  “Then let’s meet up here once again after work on Friday. I’m sure there is a lot more that I could teach you. I was a dominatrix back in the day while I was in school, so I can show you both some fun things to do together,” she said with a smile.

  They both nodded, getting dressed and heading out. Thomas looked at Lisa, smiling.

  “Well that meeting went a lot better than I expected. I mean, I definitely am shocked that it was something like that, but I definitely like your stepmom,” he told Lisa.

  “Thanks. I like her a lot too. She was actually my first crush. I didn’t know what to think when I realized I liked both women and men, but I’m glad that I’m not judged by either of you,” she told him.

  He kissed her softly, looking at her with a smile. “Well, we will continue to have more fun, and I’m sure that it will end up being great,” he said with a smile.

  They headed back to the car, both of them smiling at one another. It was definitely a very different experience than she thought, but she was certainly okay with this. What would the future bring for them? Only time would tell, and only more experience would show what the future of their relationship would go. Hopefully, it would continue to get better and even sexier from here.

  Story 22

  Chapter One

  I got to the clinic, looking around the place. Holy shit, this was terrifying. I knew going to the doctor was going to suck, but I hated the thought of going to this type of doctor.

  I sat in the waiting room after meeting with the receptionist. Pictures of babies everywhere made me feel anxious as all fuck. I was just here for some birth control. Not because I was having sex left and right with all the dudes in college. I rarely even swung towards the side of men, but mostly because of my periods. I got really nasty ones, and when I looked it up online, they said birth control could help. Yeah, I know trusting some website forum is probably not the best thing, but I am 18, an adult now, and I should go see the lady doctor anyways.

  As I waited tough, seeing these women with bloated bellies was kind of gross. I hated children. I really didn’t like them, especially since they scream and cry all the time, but I also was a virgin who was kind of interested in sex. I mean, I know that’s a risk to take, but it’s still scary. It’s part of the reason why I am bisexual, however with a preference of women.

  Of course, it’s not like I had all of the practice in the world with a woman. Most of the time I got maybe a kiss, and some petting, but that’s about it. I’ve never actually done it with a woman. I’ve watched a lot of porn, which kind of sold me on the idea that I liked girls and guys, but I’ve never really had a chance to experiment.

  “Mia Lambert?” the receptionist said.

  I awkwardly came up there, and when I looked at the assistant, she grinned at me.

  “Hey there, I’m Nancy. I heard you’re seeing Dr. Jenna Stone today. She’s really good,” she said.

  “Thanks,” I awkwardly said, shuffling over. She ushered me over to the scale, which I stood on.

  “125. Not bad,” she said.

  “Yeah. It’s muscle. I play soccer,” I said.

  “Well good. Let’s take your blood pressure,” the lady said.

  Nancy was like talking to my mother in a sense. I wondered if Jenna was anything like that. I mean, if that was the case, maybe this will be all right. I mean, I’m kind of scared still, but hopefully the anxiety goes away.

  When I got to another room, they took my blood pressure. I hated these things, but I guess it was good. The assistant then led me to a room.

  “Take off your clothes, wear this gown, and put this little cape over your legs. The doctor will then come over and do your checkup,” she told me.

  I nodded, feeling the anxiety of the moment overwhelm my body. I mean maybe this will be all right. Maybe. I took off my clothes, including my panties and bra, and soon, I began to feel the worry and fear in my body. Would this be okay? Was this going to be at least tolerable? Or was it going to be painful. I began to feel the worry in my bones, but as I sat there, the hum of the clock seemed to relax me.

  I looked around her room. No baby pictures. A feeling of relief seemed to wash over my body. I’m kind of glad I didn’t need to have that sitting in my face. I mean shit, this was bad enough that I had to come here period. I know all ladies have to do it, but that doesn’t mean that it’s any easier. As I waited, I began to picture what the hell this woman looked like. Was she an older lady like Nancy? Or a younger one? I didn’t really know much, other than the fact that she was a woman. I’m so glad I went with a lady doctor. I almost went to a man one on my mom’s recommendation, but I felt a bit nervous about that, especially since it was my first time.

  Suddenly, I heard a slight knock, and soon, I looked around. She was coming in. I tensed up, and then I heard her voice.

  “Are you ready?” the woman said. She had a sweet-sounding voice. Maybe this would be okay.

  “Yes,” I finally spat out, fear looming over my body.

  She then stepped inside, closing the door and locking it. She turned some sign on there, indicating that the room was occupied with her. I looked her over, and for the first time in a moment, I felt like I was about to lose my mind.

  Holy shit. She was hot. I had a hot lady doctor, and already, I could feel my mind threatening to try to do other things than what should be happening at a normal gyno appointment.

  “Hello there Mia. How are you?” she asked me. Her voice was so saccharine I felt like I could get lost inside of it. I looked her, over, my eyes practically bulging out of my head. Damn, Jenna was even hotter the second time I looked at her. She had long, black hair and cute bangs, ones that were cropped, and she had piercing blue eyes that I legit felt like I could get lost in. I looked at her body, and while she was wearing a typical doctor’s coat, she had on some very tight pants, and I wondered what her ass looked like. Not only that, she had on a bit of makeup, and it honestly looked cute. She had smaller breasts than I did, but that was totally fine, considering how everything seemed to pan out.

  “Hello,” I said.

  “You don’t have to be shy you know. This is just a normal checkup. I swear, I don’t’ bite,” she said.

  I sat there, kind of wishing that she would bite, and soon, I took a deep breath, trying to come to terms with the thoughts inside of me. I wanted her. I felt the lust for her that I hadn’t felt before, and in truth, for the first time in a long time, I actually felt a desire bubbling in my body, threatening to get out.

  Chapter Two

  I awkwardly sat there, trying my best to hold back these feelings. God, what kind of woman was I? I’m supposed to be here to see the doctor for birth control, not fall head-over-heels for her? But damn, she was pretty, and I take it that she didn’t have kids. An extra fucking bonus.

  “I’m good. Just extremely nervous,” I said.

  “Oh I understand. Trust me; going to the doctor is not anyone’s favorite thing. I mean, I know for a lot of girls your age, it creates anxiety for you. But
trust me, I’ll be gentle,” she said.

  Hearing her say that kind of made me wish she wasn’t very gentle, but I simply blushed, trying to hide my face.

  “Okay,” I said.

  “Trust me; we’re not going to do anything you don’t like. I mean, I can certainly do more if that’s what you want. You’re a very pretty girl, and you definitely are at the prime age to get some birth control,” she said to me.

  I blushed, but then I nodded. “Yeah. I mean, it’s not like I’m sexually active or anything. I just… I get really bad periods. Like it’s so bad that I have to take a day off from soccer practice many times because of it,” I admitted to her.

  “You play soccer? No wonder you’re in such good shape,” she said, her eyes roaming over my body. I don’t know where she even would begin to see my curves in this gown, but it wasn’t like I was complaining.

  “Yeah. I stay in shape because of it. Can’t really do much else because my boobs are big,” I said. I had really big boobs naturally for my small frame. Some say I look like one of those anime characters, except a bit thinner.

  “I imagine. Well, I can get you started on some birth control that is a bit easier than the norm. How is that?” she asked.

  I nodded. “I like that,” I said.

  “Good. We can also follow-up if you feel like you need some extra help,” she told me.

  I blushed. I mean, a follow-up appointment regardless with this arousing woman was enough for me.

  “Yeah. I’d enjoy it,” I said. God, how in the world did I get so lucky? She’s so hot, and she’s definitely one of the best women out there that I’ve met.

  “Well, why don’t we begin? I’m just going to check your breasts for any lumps,” she said.

  I nodded, feeling the blush that seemed to course over my face. Her hands touched me there, warm compared to my cool skin, and it was all I could do not to moan. God, she was so perfect, so gorgeous, and I began to have feelings. I wanted more. I craved more from this chick, and in truth, I was starting to get ideas that probably weren’t the best to have when your doctor is over here checking your body for lumps.

  “No lumps. It seems all good,” she told me.

  “Good,” I said, feeling slight relief.

  “I also want to check your breathing. This might be a bit cold, but I can assure you, it warms up fast,” she said.

  She placed it on my chest, causing me to let out a small, involuntary moan. She gave me a smirk, probably thinking it was the cutest shit ever, and I blushed. I kind of liked her thinking that I was cute, and soon, I began to shiver, watching as she checked the other areas. It was all very standard procedure, and when she pulled back, she looked at me with a reassuring smile.

  “You’re all good to go. I marvel at how healthy you are. I’m glad that you don’t have problems, especially at your age,” she said.


  She then checked the area near where my ovaries were, making sure that I sat up. She then looked at me, almost apologetic in a sense.

  “Now the next part is everyone’s least favorite. It’s the speculum. It gets inserted inside of you, and a sample is taken. Cervical cancer is a major problem in women your age, so I want to make sure that you’re safe and healthy as well,” she said.

  I began to feel scared. I looked at the instrument. It was so huge. I felt like I was going to have a slight anxiety attack when I stared at it.

  “No…please,” I said.

  She looked at me, concern on her face.

  “Are you a virgin?” she asked me.

  I blushed. I then nodded. “Yeah. I mean, I’m getting birth control for my periods, but I’m not totally into guys,” I said.

  “I see. Well there is one thing that I could do to help you relax. If you’re okay with it that is,” she offered.

  I listened to her. I mean, it’s better than nothing, right? I think it might be something that could help me. I blushed, thinking about whatever I should do next, and that’s when I decided.

  I’m going to take a chance. I began to shiver as I looked at her. She then looked deep into my eyes, almost begging for me to say what I wanted to say.

  “Are you sure about this? Because once I begin, there is no turning back,” she admonished.

  I had a feeling it would be something I’d like anyways. I took a deep breath, wanting to trust her, knowing that at this point, it couldn’t get any worse. Plus, maybe it’ll help with the fear that I have.

  “Yes. I want to do this,” I said.

  She looked around, making sure that the door was locked. When it was, I saw her come closer to me, her body nearly hovering over mine. I could smell her scent. It was this strange perfume, one that was almost intoxicating to smell. She then did something that a part of me was surprised about, but at the same time, a bit excited for, and anticipation.

  She pressed her lips to mine, giving me a chaste kiss, and suddenly. I felt like everything changed, making me feel completely different than I’ve ever felt before.

  Chapter Three

  When she pulled away, she looked at me with slight concern.

  “You’re okay with that…right?” she asked me, almost as if she was worried about what she did.

  In truth, I was more than okay with this. This was almost like a dream come true for me, and the fact that she was so interested in doing this excited me more and more.

  “I am. But aren’t you going to get in trouble?” I asked her.

  “I mean, unless you say something, this could totally be our little secret together,” she offered, almost giving me a small smile that screamed excitement. I could see the desire in her eyes, the need within them, and in truth, I kind of liked it.

  “I didn’t know that you were into girls,” I finally said as she pulled away.

  She gave me a small wink, and when she did that, I felt my heart stop for but a moment.

  “Yeah. You see no baby pictures, right? I do have a child, but after I had her, I realized I kind of like chicks more. I don’t tend to show her off unless someone asks. She’s a good kid, and while it’s nice to have her, I definitely don’t see myself getting with a man again anytime soon. I prefer women way more these days, and honestly I haven’t really had a desire for a man in a long time,” she said.

  I felt like I was hearing angels in heaven the moment I heard that.

  “For real?” I said.

  “Yes. What about you though?” she asked.

  I began to blush. “Bisexual. But I prefer women over men, and I’ve fantasized about being with a woman more than a man,” I told her with a smile.

  She then leaned closer, tilting my head up to meet her own. “How about I show you what it’s like then. Let me give you what you want. I can see that you’re not stopping me, especially with the look in your eyes,” she said.

  I thought about it. In a sense, this was so wrong, but at the same time, I honestly loved it. I began to stiffen, wondering what the hell I should do. I finally sighed, turning to her and grinning.

  “I’ll do it. Please,” I said.

  She then gave me another kiss, grinning excitedly. “Good. I’ll make you enjoy being with a woman. However, you have to be a bit quiet. I don’t want the receptionist to hear about this. I don’t’ have any other patients for an hour, so I’ll give you an hour’s worth of fun, then we can be all business afterwards,” she told me.

  I nodded, completely lost in the woman’s eyes. I simply relished in the thought of this, of her doing all of these things to me, when suddenly, she pressed her lips to my own once more. I felt nervous, but as she kissed me, in indulged in this further. I began to kiss her back, moaning out loud as she began to press her lips harder and harder against my own. I began to blush, feeling the tensions of the moment overwhelm my body. She let her lips caress and tease over my own, causing me to let out a small moan of excitement. I wanted more I truly did. And soon, she began to press her tongue to my mouth.

  It surprised me, feeling her do this.
I began to relish in it though, letting her in, and soon, she began to kiss me with pleasure. I loved the feeling of this, completely submitting myself to her body, and as I looked at her, she seemed super into it as well. I wonder when the last time she got some was. I would imagine not too long considering how hot she was.

  She pulled away, smiling at me.

  “It’s been a bit. Sorry if I’m rusty,” she said.


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