Book Read Free

Held Down

Page 70

by Pamela Prim

  He wanted to jump for joy at that moment. He felt so happy, so relieved. It was definitely heavenly to do.

  “Thank you,” he replied.

  “No problem. But, I do have one little thing, if that’s okay with you,” she said.

  He looked at her with concern. He hoped it wasn’t anything too bad. “What is it?”

  “When we do this, I’m going to need you to come in once a week for some extra tutoring. If you know what I mean of course. We need to keep this image alive, so I want you to do what you feel is best, and I want you to continue with this little affair with me. That is, if you want it,” she said.

  So, she wanted to continue this. Wow. Even Sam didn’t know what to say about that. He simply sat there, listening to her and nodding

  “I would love that actually,” he said to her.

  She beamed, excited about all of this. “Perfect. I knew you’d listen. Now, what I do want from you, is to definitely come in with an open mind, and ready for more later on. I can’t wait for next week,” she said to him with a smirk.

  He nodded. “Same here, teacher,” he said.

  She then came over, giving him a kiss on the lips that was chaste, but spoke of so much more. He pulled back, realizing what he did. He had sex with his teacher, and his teacher liked it. This was one of those rare moments that felt almost surreal, but he knew that this wasn’t a game, but rather, this was reality. This was the reality that he would get to face, the one that he wanted more than anything.

  After all of that, he left, and soon, he was graced with a whole slew of good grades. The next time they had a test, he worked hard, but he knew that he totally bombed it. He expected Kristy to go back on her word, mostly because he didn’t really trust many people, but instead, when the grades were distributed, he managed to get a passing score.

  “Nice job,” she said, giving him a wink.

  It was the first A that he got in a long time. He told his mother about that, who was happy, and she said that whatever he was doing, he must keep at it, because she wanted him to pass. He would gladly keep seeing his teacher and having great sex with her. That was like asking for paradise.

  For Kristy, it actually made her feel a whole hell of a lot better. In truth, not having sex was something that bothered her. Sure, she did have her daughter that she loved, but she missed sex. She missed the feeling of intimacy, and although she wouldn’t be able to keep this going forever with him, it was worth it in the end. She felt like she was finally doing what she wanted to do, and while their relationship was a secret one, and definitely not one to be talked about, she was more than ready to eventually, once everything was said and done, go over and maybe make this into something more. She knew that she couldn’t do anything about that until after graduation, when he was off to college. That’s why, for now, she just kept this affair with him, this little rendezvous that they would have every single week after school. For her, this was more than enough, and way more than she ever bargained for.

  For both of them, there were still many things to work out. There were many different factors that they would have to figure out eventually, but for now, both of them were happy, utterly happy, and they wanted to keep this going. Although the future was still mysterious, and both of them had no clue where this would all go, at the end of the day, they knew that they had one another, and they could get their feelings out in the open for now. When the time came, and when they had to part ways, they’d work through that. Maybe they could have a long-distance sort of thing, but for now, every single week, on the dot, Sam would go in for his study session, a very innocent thing at that to keep his grades up, but at every single study session that he would have, no matter what was going on, he would always have amazing sex with her, and would leave satisfied in many different ways.

  Story 32

  Chapter 1

  Cory Fletcher’s crystal blue eyes dimmed under the bright fluorescent lights in the lecture hall of his Nutritional Science class. It didn’t matter what he tried to stay awake, the sound of Veganism’s effect on the human heart just didn’t stir anything deep inside of him. It wasn’t even his major, but there he sat because he only needed a science course to complete his credits for the semester. Somehow he pictured talking about food and diet’s effect on the body would be far more appealing than what it really was.

  The only thing that got his attention from time to time was when Professor Grey would bend over to type something in her laptop, and he’d get an eyeful of her very supple, mouthwatering cleavage. The more he thought about it the tighter his pants bulged as a budding erection seemed to replace his drowsiness.

  Cory shifted uncomfortably in his seat, willing his thoughts to think about something else. Perhaps his studies and the assignments for the week, or even worse how close he was to failing the class. It only frustrated him as he thought it was going to be an Easy A. But nothing came easy for Cory. That was no more evident than the fact he was 19 years old, and still a virgin.

  There wasn’t anything wrong with Cory physically. He was athletic. He was handsome. Mentally, however, there was something missing from every girl he’d ever dated. He never wanted his first time to be a bumbling mess of emotions. He wanted it to be the most memorable moment of his sexual life. It was a lot to hope for.

  “Okay everyone,” Professor Grey’s sultry voice trickled into his thoughts, “The midterm is due next week and the final is only three weeks after that. Then you’re off for winter. Don’t fall too far behind. I have some extra assignments for anyone interested in changing their D’s into C’s. Every little bit helps. See you Thursday.”

  Tuesdays and Thursdays at ten in the morning belonged to Professor Misty Grey for Cory. He looked forward to seeing her every week, but the content of her class was boring. He wasn’t interested in Nutritional Science. It was the only course that would satisfy the science requirement in his Sports Health major. All in all, he was just happy the 90 minute class was done … or so he thought.

  “Um, Mr. Fletcher,” Professor Grey had walked dangerously close to his desk. He’d just gotten his erection to subside.

  “Yes, Professor,” he eyed her cautiously as he packed up his books.

  “You are barely scraping by in this class,” she told him quietly. “I want you to meet me during my office hours so we can discuss what to do about your grades.”

  “Can’t I just look at the extra credit assignment board? I think I can find something to help bring it up, right?” he questioned. The idea of being alone with the sexiest professor he’d ever seen was mind-blowingly distracting. He needed to get his grades up and that wasn’t going to happen if he continued fantasizing about her while ignoring everything she said.

  “You could do everything I put up and IF you got a perfect score, you’d barely make a C-. Come talk to me during office hours. I’m sure your GPA is more important to you than any other plans you may have outside of class. Correct?”

  “Yes,” he agreed reluctantly.

  The day pressed on with Cory anxiously waiting for his meeting with Professor Grey. He didn’t know why he was so nervous until he showed up to her office.

  Misty Grey had shed her blazer and blouse for a spaghetti strapped tank top that left her bosom in full view. If she moved wrong they’d spill out. A part of him wished they’d spill into his mouth but he had to keep himself focused.

  “Thank you for meeting with me, Mr. Fletcher,” she said motioning for him to take a seat. “Sorry about this, I spilled coffee all over myself a little while ago and have to wait for my shirt to dry. If this makes you uncomfortable we can reschedule.”

  “No,” Cory practically shouted for reasons even he didn’t know, “It’s fine.”

  He was sure his cheeks were blushing red, but the smile on her face put him at ease.

  “Okay, so you’ve been falling asleep in my class, you’ve done terribly on your assignments, and I have very little faith for what your midterm paper is going to look like,” she cut s
traight to the chase.

  “Ouch,” he slinked down into the chair.

  “Oh, it doesn’t hurt yet,” she winked.

  Cory wasn’t sure if he heard her right, but it sounded flirtatious. He dismissed the notion immediately. She was his professor and she was married. Surely he misheard her.

  “Like I was saying before, there aren’t enough extra credit assignments for you to bring your grade up to pass. You have a few options available to you. You can withdraw from the class. The grade won’t affect your GPA, but you still paid for it and it won’t get refunded. You’ll also have to take it again or find a suitable replacement for your course requirements.”

  “You said I have options? Like with an S? I don’t think my scholarship committee will be too fond of me withdrawing from classes,” he huffed.

  “Understandable, I do have a more personal option for you. It will show me that you understand the material.”

  “So what makes me so special?” Cory asked more sarcastically than he anticipated. But what happened next surprised him even more.

  Professor Grey came from around her desk. Standing a few inches away from him, she took his chin into her hand, forcing Cory to look into her beautiful brown eyes as she told him, “Well, the difference is, I like you. I want to see you triumph, like the rest of my students. I don’t want you falling behind either as it makes me look bad as a teacher.”

  Chapter 2

  Cory stood outside of a large, brown, brick house with white trim. There were two tall columns spaced evenly apart, with a navy blue door in the center. A black Lexus was parked in front of the circular driveway with a silver SUV behind it. His heart thumped against the wall of his chest while his eyes kept staring up at the stately home before him.

  The assignment was easy enough and he’d done as much research as he possibly could. All he had to do was cook a few meals according to the specific dietary parameters Professor Grey outlined and he was pretty much guaranteed a B+. Up until that moment, the most food Cory ever cooked was pancakes and Ramen noodles. This B+ was certainly going to be earned.

  Cory mustered up every ounce of courage he had. He’d never been to the house of a professor, let alone one of the most attractive. Knocking on the door sent a shudder down his arm. When it opened, a man stood there with thin glasses on. His brown hair was full and flowing with the sides fading into a bright grey. His face was long, handsome, with thin set lips. The shining gold band around his ring finger led Cory to believe he was Mr. Professor Grey.

  “Good morning, Sir, I’m Cory Fletcher.”

  “And you’re here to fuck my wife,” he said nonchalantly.

  Cory nearly choked on his inhale, “Absolutely not! Sir, I would never. I mean, I can’t even. I’m a virgin!”

  The man standing there dropped his no nonsense demeanor bursting into laughter. He laughed so hard a tear streamed down his cheek, “Misty! Your student is here! A virgin! Ha ha Haaaaaa!”

  “Please keep that to yourself, Sir,” he blushed.

  “Oh, I’m sorry, kid, you’re the first one to throw that line out there,” he kept laughing.

  His laughter was practically contagious as Cory imagined what he must have looked like when he said it. Running his fingers through his loosely curled blonde hair, he let a chuckle slip between his lips just in time for Professor Grey to trot down her stairs and toward the door.

  “Oh, what’s so funny down here, babe?” she asked kissing the man on the cheek.

  He smirked to Cory before shaking his head, “Nothing, sweetie. Well, I’m going to take off. You two have fun.”

  “Oh wait, no!” Professor Grey protested, grabbing her husband’s hand as he made his way toward the cars. “You promised you’d stay and watch.”

  “Unless there’s a group of 22 guys running up and down the yard with a football and a few refs, I’m not interested. But if you listen to what’s his name here, he’ll be glad to tell you what else I’d like to watch,” he winked to Cory and walked away leaving Professor Grey with a very confused look on her face.

  Cory’s laughter retreated, being replaced with another shade of red as Professor Grey stepped out of the way for him to enter her home.

  “Okay, follow me,” she waved her finger behind her.

  Like a lovesick puppy, he followed the subtle sway of her denim clad hips through the large open space of her living room. She opened a set of beige and white double doors under the stairs, telling him, “Here’s the pantry. You can find just about everything you need in here. There is a garden outside but if you pick something, I’d greatly appreciate if you weed a little bit too. Here, the kitchen is this way.”

  Around the corner from the pantry under the stairs was a large kitchen island. The grey and white veined marble top was pristine against the white cabinets and hardwood floors. It was the largest kitchen Cory had ever seen.

  “This is where you’ll be preparing all of the meals. There’s a powder room right over there. If for the odd instance you need a shower that would be in the guest room upstairs. You have your instructions for your first meal. Do you have any questions?”

  Cory looked around for a moment before asking, “When I’m finished, do I just leave it here on the counter? Or should I bring it over to the dining table?”

  “Actually if you can, my office is that first door to the left where you came in; bring it to me in there. I have a few papers I need to finish grading. Is that all?”

  “For now,” Cory nodded, “I guess I’ll get started.”

  Professor Grey smiled with a slight graze of her finger under his chin, “If you need me, I’m here for you. Okay?”

  “Okay,” he swallowed. Cory wasn’t sure how to read Professor Grey’s mood. She was sexy and seductive, but he knew there were policies against teacher and student relationships. Not to mention, she was married.

  “Very much married,” he whispered to himself walking toward the kitchen.

  There were a stack of cookbooks on the counter as he pulled his notes and assignments from his book bag. The first assignment on his list was to prepare a protein rich meal without any meat. Poultry and fish were okay.

  Cory already had an idea of what he could make but it wasn’t until he went through the pantry and the refrigerator that he finalized the menu for his first assignment. Cooking wasn’t his strong suit but with the list of ingredients he researched along with help from the invaluable words of Martha Stewart, he was absolutely certain that he’d get an A on his first extra credit task.

  Chapter 3

  Professor Grey stood by the pantry simply watching Cory move around her kitchen. It was brazen. Dating students was never a thing for her, but fucking one or two of them had been a fantasy of hers for quite a while. She’d heard stories about some of her male colleagues getting away with downright devious behavior, and she never had the courage until she looked into Cory Fletcher’s bright blue eyes. Something came over her every time he sat in the third seat of the third row in her class. He wasn’t interested in the course, but he showed up like clockwork. He never missed a day but he sure missed a ton of deadlines and now here he was in her kitchen.

  He was flustered and sweating. There was chicken on a plate and something burning on the stove. Sweeping her thick black hair out of her face, she pulled it up into a ponytail. Her smile was bright as his eyes rose to meet hers. She could see the surprise on his face when he finally noticed her standing there.

  “Um,” he looked around nervously, “I know you said the best way to assess a student’s understanding of the material is through application, but I’m kind of feeling like you just wanted a free chef for the night.”

  “A chef guarantees that this will be a delicious meal and by the smoke coming from that pot behind you, I highly doubt I’m getting my money’s worth,” she chuckled.

  Cory turned around, “My sauce!”

  He grabbed the lid of the pot. It was certainly hotter than he anticipated as he dropped it in the sink immediately;
yelping in pain. Rushing over to his aide, Professor Grey turned on the faucet to let the cold water run. She placed his hand under before heading over to her freezer to get an ice pack.

  “Here, put this on it. Is it bad?” she asked him with a deeply concerned look in her eyes.

  Cory moved the ice pack revealing a red line on the tip of his finger. It was small, half an inch, probably less than that, but the look in Cory’s eyes was enough to make Professor Grey feel bad for him.

  “I’m sorry about this,” she told him.

  “It’s fine,” he said shaking it before wrapping his lips around the wound.

  She watched his mouth move over his finger and it stirred something inside of her. Cory’s blue eyes, curly blonde hair, and collegiately fit physique already made him attractive, but watching his mouth work made him sexy.


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