Held Down

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Held Down Page 73

by Pamela Prim

  A few minutes later, the door bell rang. It was already 1:50pm and Henry was there to pick up his son.

  “What a great piece of ass… too bad that moron, Jake, left her.” Henry remarked, ten minutes into their drive home.

  “Dad…” Sean sounded as if he was reprimanding his father.

  “What? Your mom’s not around, son. And she is really hot, isn’t she?”

  “Yeah, she is.” Sean giggled.

  Henry looked at his son and they both laughed. Apparently, Sean’s visit to Ava was just what he needed to lift his spirits. The bulge on his crotch was an unexpected bonus, though. There was nothing he could do about it. Her big breasts, her complexion, her long legs and that big, round ass were more than he could handle.

  “I would fuck that pussy like there’s no tomorrow…” He kept thinking.

  Moments later, he received a text message on his cell phone.

  “Thanks a lot for this, I had a great time. Just wanted to let you know I’m here for you… Ava.”

  A broad smile was painted on Sean’s face, as soon as he finished reading her message.

  “I had a great time, too. The pleasure was all mine. See you soon.” He replied.

  Sean would often fantasize about girls he knew. It did not matter to him whether he was in a relationship or not, fantasizing was part of his male nature and he loved picturing women, doing all sorts of crazy things in bed. However, there was something that kept him from doing so with Ava. He did love her looks, but, deep down, he had a feeling that he would do something wrong. She had been really good to him. In fact, Sean had had such a good time that he would not even reprimand his mom about gossiping.

  “I’m gonna let her off the hook. I just wish all her friends were as hot as Ava and less nosy…” He thought.

  Lost in his thoughts, Sean did not realize that it had already been more than an hour since they left Ava’s. The two men were home.

  Henry opened his car door and his own phone rang. A few seconds later, he turned to his son and said:

  “Ava’s coming over tomorrow morning.”

  Sean felt his heart pounding inside his chest. He did want to see her again. Less than twenty four hours later felt too good to be true.

  “She is?”

  “Yeah, she said that she and your mom have a lot of catching up to do.”

  “Hmmm… best day I’ve had in a long time…” Sean mumbled as he walked inside the house.

  It was only lunchtime but Sean started thinking about what he and Karlie used to do on Saturdays. Saturday nights were a big deal while he was dating Karlie, but he had not been out in weeks. That Saturday night would be no different. However, there was a happy thought in his mind: The image of a gorgeous woman.

  The rest of the day was quite uneventful. Sean played a few video games, but decided to return to his old habits, as far as food was concerned. That night, he only had a small sandwich and went to bed, eagerly anticipating the time he would see Ava again.

  “Rise and shine!” Sean thought he was in a dream when he heard Ava’s voice, in much more familiar surroundings than her house. He was still in bed and looked at the clock on the right hand side of the wall. It was 9:50am and there she was, all dressed up in a fancy, red, polka dot dress, wearing matching three-inch high heels.

  “Your mom let me in, I asked her about you and she thought you wouldn’t mind.”

  Sean rubbed his blurry eyes, trying to take in everything.

  “Oh my, Sean, have I caught you at a bad time?” She asked, playfully and put her right index finger on her lips.

  “Um, no, it’s fine…” He hummed and tried to get out of bed, but stopped, abruptly. He realized he was completely naked.

  “What’s wrong, Sean?” She asked, putting both her hands on her waist. Sean kept looking down. He did not want to face her.

  “Oh, no!” She exclaimed.

  “My dear Sean is butt naked!” She went on.

  “I can’t help it, darling. I need to see how happy you are to see me…” She said and walked up to the foot of Sean’s bed. Then, she slowly turned around and bent over. She put her hands on each hip and raised it enough to fully expose her ass. She had no panties on. Ava looked back at him. His eyes had opened widely.

  “Look at that ass…” Sean thought and seconds later, he felt sweat dripping from his brow. He tried to wipe it with his right hand, but, as soon as he did, Ava’s image disappeared. He opened his eyes and looked down, at his chest. It was soaking wet. His dream was so vivid that he felt his dick very hard underneath the sheets.

  “Oh, my God, this can’t be happening!” He thought and put both his hands on his face in despair. He lay back in bed, trying to snap out of the whole thing and relax.

  Sean took a look at the clock. It was 4:20am.

  “Damn it, she’s gonna be here in a few hours. What the hell am I supposed to do?” He wondered, but his eyes were much too heavy to start thinking about how to handle it. Two minutes later, Sean was asleep.

  Sean woke up to Ava’s sweet, feminine voice the following morning. With his eyes still closed, he smiled. The smile was quickly wiped off of his face very fast, though.

  “Shit, what about that dream last night?” He said to himself.

  “I’m not going downstairs. Hell, no. I’m too embarrassed…” He finished his thought. After putting on the same shorts he had on the previous day, he heard a knock on the door.

  “Hey, Sean, it’s Ava, can I come in?”

  “I’m so fucked!” He said, but had no choice. He could not say “no”.

  “Sure, come on in.”

  Ava walked inside his room. He stood by the left side of the bed, barefoot and wore nothing but his shorts.

  To his astonishment, Ava wore the exact same dress she wore in his dream. There was something different about her. She was not dead serious; instead, she had a big smile on her face.

  “What a treat…” She said, staring at Sean’s perfectly sculpted midsection. He never had much hair on his broad chest, but his abs were cut and his shoulder muscles were extremely toned.

  “Good morning!” She said, cheerfully.

  “Um, good morning, I guess…” Sean murmured. Too embarrassed to even look at her, he sat back on his bed.

  “What’s the matter, Sean?”

  “Uh… I don’t wanna talk about it, really.”

  Ava walked up to his bed and sat by him.

  “Come on, Sean. Aren’t we supposed to be friends?” She said, in a sweet tone.

  “Yeah, we are, it’s just…”

  “It’s just what?”

  “I had a very strange dream last night.” He whispered.

  “And you were in it.” He added and turned to his right to face her.

  “Really? What was I doing?”

  “Well, here’s the thing. You were teasing me. Sexually.”

  Upon Sean’s last statement, Ava burst into laughter, adding to Sean’s embarrassment. He quickly averted his gaze from her.

  “See? That’s exactly why I didn’t wanna say anything about it.”

  A minute later, Ava stopped laughing and took his right hand in her left palm.

  “What can I say, Sean. I guess I still got it. Oh, and I’m flattered, by the way.”

  “You are?” Sean said and his voice got high pitched. That time, he chose to look at her right into her eyes.

  “I am…” She said, in a low tone and reached out to touch his abs with her right hand.

  “These feel very good to touch…” She continued, rubbing his rock hard abs.

  Sean kept staring at her in disbelief.

  “This’d better not be another dream…” He mumbled.

  “It’s not…” She whispered and leaned towards him.

  Just as they were about to kiss, Sean heard footsteps on the stairs. He heard his father’s hoarse voice.

  “Hey, Sean, I need a hand with the lawn. Get your ass down here.” He yelled.

  Ava shut her eyes, clearly

  “I’ll tell you what… friend. You come over to my place tonight and tell me all about it. Say, 8 o’clock?”

  “Yeah, 8 o’clock sounds just fine.”

  “Now, not a word of this goes to your folks. I don’t want them to think I’m just a cheap tramp.”

  “Hey, I’m not a baby, I can keep secrets!” Sean said and Ava put her right hand on his lips.

  “Keep it down, cowboy. 8 o’clock, tonight. Don’t be late…” She smiled at him.

  Needless to say, Sean was very excited to see Ava was coming on strong. A chance to have sex with such a fantastic looking woman was very welcome. He had not had sex in more than a month and he was already having trouble controlling his urges.

  Ava was long gone before he decided to walk down the stairs and go to the kitchen, to the left. His mother, Linda was preparing lunch. The 5’6”, 42-year old blonde had an apron around her waist. Time had been kind with her. Some of his friends had not been as subtle as they should have, staring at her full C cups.

  Sean took a seat at the large kitchen table, smiling at his mom. She had not seen that smile in a while.

  “Nice to see someone’s in a good mood. Care to elaborate on what’s on your mind?”

  Sean’s smile grew even wider.

  “Mom, thanks a lot for telling Ava about me and Karlie.”

  Linda looked confused.

  “Sean, what are you talking about?”

  “It’s ok, just don’t it again, will you?”

  Linda’s confusion started turning into frustration.

  “Son, trust me, I don’t discuss your personal life. I think I talked to her a few days after you and Karlie broke up and I just mentioned it. No specifics, just the fact that you guys are no longer dating.”

  It was Sean’s turn to be confused. Ava had not been completely honest with him and was up to something he had no idea about. Desperate to change the subject though, he asked:

  “Mom, how old is she?”

  “Well, she was 29 when she married Jake and left LA. That was like six years ago.”

  “Why the hell would she lie to me?” Sean wondered. However, he would not call her. He needed an explanation, yes, but he was also dying to see her again. They would be all alone and her behavior that morning was a clear sign that she wanted the same thing he did.

  Sean decided to look his best that night, so, at about six o’clock, he took a shower and dressed up for his big date that night. He put on a light brown suit, a white shirt and no tie. He thought it would be too much. Henry was delighted when his son asked him to borrow his Lexus. He gladly gave him the keys.

  “Careful with the car, son.” He said to Sean, as he made his way out of the house. At 6:45pm, he was already on his way to Malibu.

  “Women… she lies about why she wanted to see me to my father, then, she lies to me about talking to my mother. What the hell is wrong with her?”

  Sean’s curiosity was growing with every passing minute. Then, he remembered what had transpired that morning: Their moment. Ok, his father had ruined it, but he was flattered.

  “It’s not every day you discover that a woman like her is into you. But, I’m dying to know why the hell she lied so many times.” He kept thinking. In spite of the questions he had, Sean had to pick up some flowers. He was unwilling to go to her place empty handed, so, he stopped at a florist’s. He did not know what her favorite flowers were; he had to trust his instinct.

  “Red roses…” He thought and got her a dozen.

  At 7:58pm, Sean was parking Henry’s Lexus outside Ava’s house. He took a last look in the rear view mirror. The first thing on his mind was to look good for her.

  “Looking good, Mr. Reigns. Looking good….” He said to himself and got out of the car.

  He rang the bell at 8 o’clock. Ava was quick to open the door. She looked stunning in her turquoise, side slit and maxi dress. She also wore matching four-inch high heels, standing nearly as tall as Sean.

  “Good evening, Sean. Look at you, all dressed up. You look great! You got these for me? Thanks, you shouldn’t have.” She said, cheerfully.

  “Hey, Ava. You look amazing…” He returned the compliment.

  “Yeah, I like roses a lot. Here.” He continued and gave her the flowers.

  “Well, don’t just stand there, come on in!”

  Sean followed Ava inside the house. He had the chance to stare at her back. Her skin looked so smooth…

  “Oh, snap out of it, man, not yet. Not before she answers my questions.” He quickly figured.

  “Need a drink?”

  “No, thanks, I’m good.”

  “Go take a seat in the couch. I’ll be right with you.”

  Sean obliged her. Three minutes later, Ava showed up and sat next to him.

  “Alright, I got to ask.” He said.“Why did you lie to my dad about needing help yesterday? And why did you lie to me about talking to my mom?”

  “Smart man. I knew you would figure it out in the end.” She sighed.


  “Ok, this is awkward. Four months after my divorce was final, I talked to your dad on the phone. He couldn’t stop talking about you. He went on about what a great looking young man you’ve become, all handsome and popular with girls. I said I needed a few pictures to see for myself. He was happy to provide them. You were just 15 when I left, a skinny teenager. I discovered that you’ve turned into a great looking man.”

  “So?” Sean interrupted her.

  Ava sucked in a deep breath.

  “So… I loved the way you look, Sean. I could not get you of my mind. I called your dad three weeks ago and he told me everything about that bitch you were dating. I was really happy to know that you guys are no longer together.”

  “Wait. Are you saying you’ve had a crush on me?” Sean asked. His curiosity was showing. He felt his pulse rising.

  Ava closed her eyes. This was definitely the most awkward moment for her.

  “Isn’t that obvious?” She replied, leaning towards him.

  Sean lay back in the couch and started giggling.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing. I just never thought that a woman like you could have a crush on me, that’s all. Oh, God…”

  “A woman like me?”

  “Of course…” He stopped laughing and turned his head to the left to face her.

  “Ava, look at you. You’re a beautiful woman, you can have any guy you want.”

  “Huh…” She smirked.

  “Thanks, but I do have a request…” She said, in a low tone, her sweet voice returning. “Care to elaborate on that dream of yours?”.

  “Ok, now it’s my turn to be embarrassed.” Sean said and started telling her all about his vivid dream. Ava listened carefully, as he described every single detail. When Sean finished his story, she had a smug look on her face.

  “Something tells me this night is gonna be a lot of fun…” She said, in a husky voice.

  “I’m going to my room, it’s upstairs, first door on the left. Meet me there in five minutes.” She went on, picked herself up and left Sean alone.

  “Great to finally see a woman who really knows what she wants…” Sean said to himself. He could not wait to be with her. Those five minutes seemed to last forever, but she was worth the wait.

  Five minutes after she left, Sean got up and walked up the stairs. The upper floor was almost completely dark, apart from a beam of red light. He looked to his left, only to discover the source of the light. Ava’s bedroom door was partially opened. He knocked.

  “Come in…” He heard her sexy voice in the air.

  Sean pushed the door open. A King size bed was in the middle of the room. Ava was on all fours, wearing nothing more than a pair of black, sexy stockings.

  “Tell me… Sean.” She whispered, while swaying her hips.

  “Was your dream better than the real thing?”

  Stunned Sean remained standing there for several seconds,
speechless. Ava was the sexiest woman he had ever seen. His silence triggered her next move.

  She looked over her right shoulder and put her left index finger between her lips.


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