Held Down

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Held Down Page 86

by Pamela Prim

  Seriously? What was going on in this place? He thought for about the millionth time, wondering yet again if this was actually really happening or whether he was dreaming it all. For a boy like himself, who had never even kissed a girl, this was all just a bit too insane. Now he had kissed, touched, been given a blow job and had sex with two different women. It was all a bit too much to take in. But as he lay there he couldn’t help but smile. Talk about being in the right place in the right time. Were all the nurses like this? He wondered. Just then, as if reading his mind, a new nurse came in. She brought Tim some food and the two of them exchanged some small talk, and then she walked out. Nope, so it was just Nurse Edna and Lorna.

  He couldn’t stop thinking about them and what had just happened. Had the two known each other? Neither had said anything but if not then it was a very strange coincidence. Tim lay in bed for the rest of the afternoon, simply flipping through TV channels without really watching a thing, his mind elsewhere. The Doctor walked in at the end of the evening, grinning broadly. “Well Tim, I’ve heard some glowing reports about you from all the nurses. Seems you’ve charmed them all. I’m happy to tell you that all your results are clear and that you are ready to go back to the big bad world out there. Now do me a favor and try read some less distracting books from now on. It’s late now so you can spend the night here and then I’ll send someone in to check you out in the morning.”

  And just like that he was gone and Tim was left alone. He couldn’t really complain. He didn’t want to leave and he definitely wanted to experience more things with the nurses but he was happy that he had finally become a man. He had finally become one of the characters like he had read in the book and he felt more confident to go out and face the world. Perhaps he would even start talking to people for a change. He wondered if they would notice the difference. Then he thought about Willow and about their upcoming date. The more he thought about it the more he realized that Willow might like him just as much as he liked her. She wouldn’t have asked him out if she hadn’t. She was exactly his type of girl and he suddenly knew without a doubt that he now had the confidence to talk to her. To kiss her.

  He switched off the light and closed his eyes, ready to enjoy his last evening in the hospital. A hospital he will never forget with people that he will definitely never forget. If they treat all the customers this way then they must be a well-loved hospital indeed. He wished he had had the chance to say goodbye to the two nurses that saved his life. He wanted to say thank you for what they did for him and how much they helped to grow as a man. What they did for him these past few days was more than anyone had ever bothered to do before. But he fell asleep, with the quietness of the ward wrapping him snugly.

  Then, just a few hours later, he heard the door open and he jumped up in surprise. He had always been an incredibly light sleeper and his immediate thoughts were that someone was trying to break in, even though he knew he was safe in the hospital. He heard footsteps and he reached over for the lamp, determined to find out who the intruder was. He could swear it sounded like more than one person. When the light came on he gasped in surprise. There, in front of him, was Nurse Edna and Lorna, holding hands and completely naked. They walked towards him and then as they reached the bed they faced each other and started kissing one another. This went on for a long time, their hands moving around each other’s bodies, touching each other’s breasts. Tim could not believe what he was seeing. He never thought that they could top what had happened the nights before, but it seemed that they could. Oh yes, they could. Then they let go of each other. Each one coming to sit on either side of the bed with him. Soon their hands and mouths were all over him.

  “Shhh!” Lorna said in case he screamed out and then she giggled.

  Nurse Edna came up to him and whispered in his ear, “One more time before you go Tim. Let’s make this one special. What do you say?”

  “Yes,” he whispered back and she arched her eyebrows in response. “I mean Yes, Nurse Edna.”

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  Story 39

  The first shot from the sheriff’s Colt took his ten gallon hat clean off his head. Edward ducked down quick, dropping under the kneeling banker. Big Hoss, his partner in crime, was down too, kneecaps busted by the deputy’s firearm. The sheriff aimed at Edward again, but he wouldn’t shoot at him with the banker in the way now, would he?

  “Get out of the way, Morgan.” Sheriff Clancy Rollins spat out a wad of tobacco. “The reign of the Gator Boys ends today.”

  “Fuck you, Rollins.” Big Hoss yelled, even as he grasped at his busted knee. “The Gator Boys will never go down.”

  “Hell! You are today, boy.” Rollins turned to look at the big outlaw and drew his second Colt and aimed at Horace ‘Big Hoss’ Gator, the leader of the infamous Gator Boys Gang.

  It was now or never. Edward drew his pistol and fired in one motion. Sheriff Rollins staggered back, his shoulder exploding in a spray of blood. The old man dropped his guns and went down. Edward didn’t wait to see if the gnarled lawman was going to live or die, he hurled the fat banker at the deputy and took a running leap at the open window. He heard Big Hoss yelling after him as he landed hard on the gravel outside. As far as Edward was concerned, the Gator Boys were done. Billy Dukes, Frogface, Johnny B and Travis Jayne were already dead, and with Cody Coldfingers and Big Hoss injured, he was the last man standing of the seven man outlaw gang. They expected the sleepy little town of Gardner City to be easy pickings, but Big Hoss had got it wrong. Old Clancy Rollins was a retired Ranger and the meanest Sheriff the gang ever came across.

  Grabbing the reins of a nearby unattended horse, Edward leapt in to the saddle. The animal reared up, nearly throwing him off, but Edward was a good horseman, even if he was a month shy of twenty. He had been working with horses ever since he could remember. Edward controlled the frightened stallion well, and soon he was flying through the town and out of its gates. He glanced back, but no one was after him. The fate of Sheriff Clancy Rollins was probably their main concern now, and even if they had taken out most of the Gator Boys, Edward Horton Junior was going to be the most wanted man in the town of Gardner City for a while now.

  “It’s best I lay down low for a few damn years.” He mumbled to himself. The horse could run, he was sure he had put at least twenty miles between him and the town before he decided to let the animal rest. There was nothing but open prairie before him and all of it prime grazing land. He was sure there’d be plenty of private owned ranches around for him to find a place to hide. But not so close to Gardner City, he had to get at least another twenty miles farther west.

  The sun was setting when he felt that the horse could do another twenty and jumped into the saddle. The ride was a joy. No one was chasing him and neither was he after a stage coach or money train. The freedom of just riding in the vast open country was refreshing to Edward. He rode on until the stars were beginning to dot the darkening skies. He guessed he must have covered at least thirty miles now and no one back at Gardner City would even know the way he went. He looked around for a ranch or farmhouse; his belly reminded him he hadn’t had a bite since breakfast.

  The plan was a good one, when the Gator Boys rode into town that morning. They had breakfast in the local bakery and then robbed the bank next to it. Big Hoss and the boys hadn’t counted on getting taken on by the legendary Clancy Rollins and his posse of deputies. The gunfight cost the gang four members and the town three of its deputies, before Big Hoss went down. Edward didn’t think he would get out of there alive, but he saw his chance and took it. He knew both Rollins and Hoss, if they survived, would eventually come after him, but that could take them years. If he could find a ranch or a homestead, he could lie there low for a month, get to know the place, and then rob it of everything and head a few hundred miles west.

  “And there’s the place I’m looking for.” He laughed out loud as the silhouette of a little wood fence appea
red in the darkness. He rode along its border till he reached the gate. It wasn’t even closed. He dismounted and led the horse behind him. Up ahead was a little cottage, with a dim light in the window. No point alarming who was there, since he needed their help, he decided to make his presence known. He hid his gun in the saddle bag and called out.

  “Is anyone home?” Edward called in a clear voice. “Can a lost hungry soul find refuge for the night?”

  The light inside the cottage seemed to move, casting roaming shadows, then it grew brighter and the front door creaked open. Someone peered out, holding a lit candle high.

  “Who’s out there?” A rich feminine voice called out. “Come on in, out of the cold.”

  “Much obliged, ma’am.” Edward nodded with a smile and tethered the horse to a post outside. “The name’s Edward.”

  “Edward! Mighty fine name for a young feller.” The woman smiled at him. She was older than him, probably mid to late thirties and he noticed the large shotgun she held in her other hand. “Welcome to the Dove Farm, Edward. Are you from Fredericktown?”

  “No, but I’m headed there… looking for work.” Edward told her as he stepped inside the house. “Just need a place to rest for the night and some food, I can pay.”

  “Aw, gosh.” The woman laughed. “We never get no visitors out here in the wilds… your company’ll be payment enough.”

  “Oh, mighty generous of you, Miss.” He gave her his most charming smile.

  “My goodness.” She giggled loudly. “I haven’t been called that in a while. Arlene Dove hasn’t been a Miss since 1866.”

  In the brighter light inside, Edward noted that the woman was quite pleasing to look at. She had a lovely face, older but still pretty, and her body was filled out in the right places. She looked strong, probably from all the work she did around the farmland. It looked like a dairy farm from all the cows and calves he could hear somewhere out back.

  “You live here all by yourself, Miss Dove?” He asked her casually.

  “Oh, no.” She said with a laugh as she set the table for him. “I live here with all my lovely cows and calves, and some chickens. And of course my most precious possession, the only Miss Dove here. My daughter Lisandra Mae Dove. But you can call her Lia and me Leona.”

  “You have a daughter…” He sat down to a generous meal of cornbread, cheese and eggs and some ham next to a pot of fresh brewed tea.

  “Yes, she’s upstairs, asleep.” Leona nodded. “The poor dear gets up very early every morning to do her chores.”

  “You don’t have any men here…” He looked at the woman. “…like hired hands?”

  “Oh, no. We can’t afford any.” She exhaled and stood beside the table with a hand on her generously curvy hip. “And being so far from any town… they all want extra wages.”

  “If you’re in need of a worker, I could use a job now… I don’t need any pay, just a place to sleep and some food for me and my horse.” He said as he wolfed down the food.

  “My, that could work out nicely, Edward.” She smiled at him warmly. “Lord knows we need a good man around here, eve since my darling husband Godfrey died.”

  “Sorry about your loss, ma’am.” He looked away feeling awkward.

  “Aw, gosh…” She smiled at him. “It’s been a while since, but if you’re willing, I’d like to have a strong young man around here to get things done.”

  “Yeah, and since I don’t know anyone in Fredericktown, I’m not sure how long before I can get a job, or even find one.” He looked into her bright blue eyes, feeling suddenly very welcome.

  “Oh, I love it when providence makes things happen.” Leona smiled wide and clasped her hands below her enticing bosom. “You can have the little room beside the milking station. My late husband used it to smoke meats, but we don’t do that anymore... as much.”

  Edward nodded his appreciation as he helped the woman cleared the table. She then showed him to the small room and wished him a good night. He noted that she carried the shotgun with her as she went up the stairs to her bedroom. It didn’t matter to him. What he stumbled upon was more than he could have expected. Laying low here for a couple of months would be just what he needed. Then one fine day, when he got to know the place well enough and gained just about enough of the woman’s trust, he would clean out the place and be on his way, far and away beyond Fredericktown.

  The next morning, after he had a decent night’s sleep and was up at dawn, the sounds of the cows being milked next to his room had him wondering for a moment where the heck he was. He sighed with satisfaction to recall all that had happened the night before. Here he was, in the home of a lovely woman, safe and away from the law. All he had to do was work for his food and free stay and enjoy the company of his attractive hostess.

  He heard voices around the corner and stepped out of the little room. The milking shed was just there and he stepped in. His mouth dropped open. Sitting on a stool, with almost nothing on was a young woman, no older than him. Her short shorts had slid down her wide hip to reveal half of her rounded posterior and her deep sensuous crack, and as she was leaning forward and milking the cow, her own rounded breasts were almost popping out of the very low cut blouse she wore. He stepped on a twig and she turned sharply to look at him. She was rather pretty, a younger version of the woman he met the night before. Of dark blonde hair and blue eyed, her full red lips curled upward in wide smile made his heart double its pace.

  “Good morning.” She said brightly. “You must be Eddie. Mama told me all about you.”

  “Uh… y-yes, ma’am.” He could mumble, staring at her wide eyed.

  “Aw, shucks, Eddie.” She laughed. “I ain’t no ma’am. Just plain ol’ Lia.”

  “I… yeah, I’m Edward.” He said with some effort. The sight of her hot young body in such skimpy attire made him swell up quickly downstairs. “Your mother… mentioned you last night.”

  “That’s good, cos I do all the hard work around here, and I could sure use some help.” She stood up and bounced on her heels, making her sweet breasts jiggle wildly under the strip of a blouse she wore. “Are you a good worker, Eddie?”

  “Yeah, I’ll say I am.” He struggled to keep his eyes off her hot enticing body, and it felt to him she knew that, and enjoyed it too.

  “I like you, Eddie.” She winked at him and her twinkling eyes trailed down to his bulging crotch. “And I can see you like me.”

  “Uh… yeah, for sure.” He scratched his head and looked away.

  “I’m sure we’re going to get along mighty fine then, Ed.” She laughed and lifted a full pail of fresh milk. “Well then, here’s your chore for the morning. Carry these full buckets of milk to the cart and pour the milk into the barrels. Then rake some hay and feed the cows. After that you can come on in for some breakfast.”

  He nodded and took the pail full of milk from her, then picked up another full pail and walked over to the cart outside. The barrels were empty, all six of them. and he began filling them one by one. After breakfast, Lia told him she would be rolling off with the cart to the farmers’ market, about three miles away to sell the milk. He hoped he wouldn’t be asked to go with her. Anyone there might know who he was, and he was pretty sure there’d be wanted posters with his handsome mug on them posted all over, from Gardner City to Fredericktown and everywhere in between.

  Breakfast was hearty. Fresh eggs, corn bread, coffee and fried bacon. He ate more than the two women did combined, much to their amusement and quickly offered to chop firewood. Leona seemed pleased by his initiative and he rushed out into the woodlands behind the cottage before Lia could suggest a trip to the market for him.

  Days went by and he began to feel more comfortable. He found the more difficult and dirty the chores he offered to do, the less likely he would be asked to ride out to the market. Leona and Lia seemed very pleased about that too. Especially Lia, and she took it upon herself to reward him with little treats when he least expected them. He was sure that her intention was
to seduce him, and why not. She was a hot blooded young woman, living all alone with her mother in the middle of nowhere. And he was a hot blooded young man, ready and willing to be of service. Several times he saw her in the nude or almost. He was sure she made those instances intentional.

  On the tenth day of his stay there, he was yanking up some reeds by a small pool, where they usually took a dip every now and then, when Lia sauntered up. She had taken dips there a few times, mostly naked, with him watching from afar sometimes. This time she walked up to him and gave him a sultry smile.

  “Nice day, isn’t it?” He said with a smile.

  “Too nice to waste away.” She nodded and winked. “I feel like taking a dip.”

  “Uh… sure.” He said and began to haul up the bundles of reeds he had been pulling up.

  “You don’t have to go, Eddie.” She purred. “I know you’ve seen be skinny dipping before.”


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